WIP on Et2LinkList

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2022-05-10 16:02:33 -06:00
parent 07ced8046d
commit b88267160e
7 changed files with 592 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -34,13 +34,14 @@ export class Et2Link extends ExposeMixin<Et2Widget>(Et2Widget(LitElement)) imple
:host {
display: block;
cursor: pointer;
/** Style based on parent **/
:host-context(et2-link-string) {
display: inline;
:host-context(et2-link-list) {
background-color: green;
:host-context(et2-link-string):hover {
text-decoration: underline;
@ -122,8 +123,6 @@ export class Et2Link extends ExposeMixin<Et2Widget>(Et2Widget(LitElement)) imple
this.classList.add(...["et2_clickable", "et2_link"]);
@ -278,6 +277,7 @@ export interface LinkInfo
id : string,
title? : string,
link_id? : string;
comment? : string
icon? : string,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Link list object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
* @copyright 2022 Nathan Gray
import {css, html, repeat, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core";
import {Et2Link, LinkInfo} from "./Et2Link";
import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {Et2LinkString} from "./Et2LinkString";
import {egwMenu} from "../../egw_action/egw_menu";
import {Et2Dialog} from "../Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog";
import {et2_vfsSelect} from "../et2_widget_vfs";
import {et2_createWidget} from "../et2_core_widget";
* Display a list of entries in a comma separated list
* Given an application & entry ID, will query the list of links and display
* @see Et2Link
* To make things easy and consistent for ExposeMixin, we don't want children in the shadow dom, so they are slotted
* in. When rendering we generate a slot for each link, then let browser slot them in using the slot name.
* Templates:
* _listTemplate - generates the list
* _rowTemplate - creates the slots
* _linkTemplate - generates the content _inside_ each slot
* _thumbnailTemplate - generates the thumbnail image
// @ts-ignore TypeScript says there's something wrong with types
export class Et2LinkList extends Et2LinkString
static get styles()
return [
:host {
flex-direction: column;
column-gap: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
div {
display: flex;
gap: 10px;
div:hover {
background-color: var(--highlight-background-color);
/* CSS for child elements */
::slotted(*):after {
/* Reset from Et2LinkString */
content: initial;
::slotted(et2-vfs-mime), ::slotted(et2-image-expose) {
width: 16px;
::slotted(et2-link) {
flex: 1 1 auto;
::slotted(.delete_button) {
display: none;
width: 16px;
static get properties()
return {
// JS code which is executed when the links change
onchange: {type: Function},
// Does NOT allow user to enter data, just displays existing data
// Disables delete, etc.
readonly: {type: Boolean}
this.readonly = false;
this._handleRowHover = this._handleRowHover.bind(this);
this._handleRowContext = this._handleRowContext.bind(this);
this.addEventListener("mouseover", this._handleRowHover);
this.addEventListener("mouseout", this._handleRowHover);
protected _listTemplate()
return html`
(link) => link.app + ":" + link.id,
(link) => this._rowTemplate(link))
* Render a list of links inside the list
* These get put inside the shadow dom rather than slotted
* @param links
* @protected
protected _addLinks(links : LinkInfo[])
this._link_list = links;
* Render one link
* @param link
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _linkTemplate(link) : TemplateResult
return html`
<et2-link slot="${this._get_row_id(link)}" app="${link.app}" entry_id="${link.id}"
* Render one link
* @param link
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _rowTemplate(link) : TemplateResult
let hover = () =>
return html`
<div id="${this._get_row_id(link)}">
<slot name="${this._get_row_id(link)}"></slot>
* Handle show/hide delete button
* @param _ev
* @protected
protected _handleRowHover(_ev)
// Ignore delete button
if(_ev.relatedTarget.classList.contains("delete_button") || _ev.relatedTarget.parentElement.classList.contains("delete_button"))
if(_ev.type == "mouseout")
this.querySelectorAll(".delete_button").forEach(b => b.style.display = "");
if(_ev.type == "mouseover" && _ev.target.parentNode == this)
_ev.target.parentNode.querySelector(".delete_button[slot='" + _ev.target.slot + "']").style.display = "initial";
* Build a thumbnail for the link
* @param link
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _thumbnailTemplate(link) : TemplateResult
// If we have a mimetype, use a Et2VfsMime
// Files have path set in 'icon' property, and mime in 'type'
if(link.type && link.icon)
return html`
<et2-vfs-mime slot="${this._get_row_id(link)}" ._parent=${this} .value=${Object.assign({
name: link.title,
mime: link.type,
path: link.icon
}, link)}></et2-vfs-mime>`;
return html`
slot="${this._get_row_id(link)}" ._parent=${this}
* Build the delete button
* @param {LinkInfo} link
* @returns {TemplateResult}
* @protected
protected _deleteButtonTemplate(link : LinkInfo) : TemplateResult
return html``;
return html`
<et2-image class="delete_button" slot="${this._get_row_id(link)}" src="delete" ._parent=${this}
.onclick=${() =>
* Get an ID for a link
* @param {LinkInfo} link
* @protected
protected _get_row_id(link : any) : string
return "link_" + (link.dom_id ? link.dom_id : (typeof link.link_id == "string" ? link.link_id.replace(/[:\.]/g, '_') : link.link_id || link.id));
* Delete a link
* @protected
protected _delete_link(link : LinkInfo)
let link_element = <HTMLElement>this.querySelector("et2-link[slot='" + this._get_row_id(link) + "']");
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("before_delete", {detail: link}));
egw.json("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Link::ajax_delete", [link.link_id]).sendRequest()
.then((data) =>
this.querySelectorAll("[slot='" + this._get_row_id(link) + "']").forEach(e => e.remove());
* Handle values passed as an array
* @param _value
set value(_value : { to_app : string, to_id : string } | LinkInfo[])
this._link_list = [];
// Handle case where server passed a list of links that aren't ready yet
if(_value && typeof _value == "object")
let list = [];
if(!Array.isArray(_value) && _value.to_id && typeof _value.to_id == "object")
list = _value.to_id;
else if(Array.isArray(_value) && _value.length)
list = _value;
if(list.length > 0)
for(let id in list)
let link = list[id];
// Temp IDs can cause problems since the ID includes the file name or :
if(link.link_id && typeof link.link_id != 'number')
link.dom_id = 'temp_' + egw.uid();
// Icon should be in registry
link.icon = egw.link_get_registry(link.app, 'icon');
// No icon, try by mime type - different place for un-saved entries
if(link.icon == false && link.id.type)
// Triggers icon by mime type, not thumbnail or app
link.type = link.id.type;
link.icon = true;
// Special handling for file - if not existing, we can't ask for title
if(typeof link.id == 'object' && !link.title)
link.title = link.id.name || '';
protected _createContextMenu()
// Set up context menu
this.context = new egwMenu();
this.context.addItem("comment", this.egw().lang("Comment"), "", () =>
let link_id = typeof this.context.data.link_id == 'number' ? this.context.data.link_id : this.context.data.link_id.replace(/[:\.]/g, '_');
function(button, comment)
if(button != Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON)
this._set_comment(this.context.data, comment);
'', this.egw().lang("Comment"), this.context.data.remark || ''
this.context.addItem("file_info", this.egw().lang("File information"), this.egw().image("edit"), (menu_item) =>
var link_data = this.context.data;
if(link_data.app == 'file')
// File info is always the same
let url = '/apps/' + link_data.app2 + '/' + link_data.id2 + '/' + decodeURIComponent(link_data.id);
if(typeof url == 'string' && url.indexOf('webdav.php'))
// URL is url to file in webdav, so get rid of that part
url = url.replace('/webdav.php', '');
this.egw().open(url, "filemanager", "edit");
this.context.addItem("-", "-");
this.context.addItem("save", this.egw().lang("Save as"), this.egw().image('save'), (menu_item) =>
var link_data = this.context.data;
// Download file
let url = link_data.download_url;
if(url[0] == '/')
url = egw.link(url);
let a = document.createElement('a');
if(typeof a.download == "undefined")
window.location.href = url + "?download";
return false;
// Multiple file download for those that support it
a = jQuery(a)
.prop('href', url)
.prop('download', link_data.title || "")
var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
return false;
this.egw().open(link_data, "", "view", 'download', link_data.target ? link_data.target : link_data.app, link_data.app);
this.context.addItem("zip", this.egw().lang("Save as Zip"), this.egw().image('save_zip'), (menu_item) =>
// Highlight files for nice UI indicating what will be in the zip.
// Files have negative IDs.
jQuery('[id^="link_-"]', this.list).effect('highlight', {}, 2000);
// Download ZIP
window.location = this.egw().link('/index.php', {
menuaction: 'api.EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Link.download_zip',
app: this.to_app,
id: this.to_id
// Only allow this option if the entry has been saved, and has a real ID
if(this.to_id && typeof this.to_id != 'object')
this.context.addItem("copy_to", this.egw().lang("Copy to"), this.egw().image('copy'), (menu_item) =>
// Highlight files for nice UI indicating what will be copied
jQuery('[id="link_' + this.context.data.link_id + ']', this.list).effect('highlight', {}, 2000);
// Get target
var select_attrs : any = {
mode: "select-dir",
button_caption: '',
button_icon: 'copy',
button_label: egw.lang("copy"),
//extra_buttons: [{text: egw.lang("link"), id:"link", image: "link"}],
dialog_title: egw.lang('Copy to'),
method: "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Link::ajax_copy_to",
method_id: this.context.data
let vfs_select = <et2_vfsSelect>et2_createWidget("vfs-select", select_attrs, self);
// No button, just open it
this.context.addItem("-", "-");
this.context.addItem("delete", this.egw().lang("Delete link"), this.egw().image("delete"), (menu_item) =>
var link_id = isNaN(this.context.data.link_id) ? this.context.data : this.context.data.link_id;
var row = jQuery('#link_' + (this.context.data.dom_id ? this.context.data.dom_id : this.context.data.link_id), this);
if(button == Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON)
this._delete_link(link_id, row);
egw.lang('Delete link?')
protected _handleRowContext(_ev)
let _link_data = Object.assign({app: _ev.target.app, id: _ev.target.id}, _ev.target.dataset);
// Comment only available if link_id is there and not readonly
this.context.getItem("comment").set_enabled(typeof _link_data.link_id != 'undefined' && !this.readonly);
// File info only available for existing files
this.context.getItem("file_info").set_enabled(typeof _link_data.id != 'object' && _link_data.app == 'file');
this.context.getItem("save").set_enabled(typeof _link_data.id != 'object' && _link_data.app == 'file');
// Zip download only offered if there are at least 2 files
this.context.getItem("zip").set_enabled(this._link_list.length >= 2);
// Show delete item only if the widget is not readonly
this.context.data = _link_data;
this.context.showAt(_ev.pageX, _ev.pageY, true);
protected _set_comment(link, comment)
let remark = this.querySelector(".comment[slot='" + this._get_row_id(link) + "']");
/* // TODO
if(isNaN(link.link_id)) // new entry, not yet stored
// Look for a link-to with the same ID, refresh it
var _widget = link_id.widget || null;
if(widget.id == self.id)
_widget = widget;
self, et2_link_to
var value = _widget != null ? _widget.getValue() : false;
if(_widget && value && value.to_id)
value.to_id[self.context.data.link_id].remark = comment;
[link.link_id, comment]).sendRequest()
.then(() =>
// Append "" to make sure it's a string, not undefined
remark.removeClass("loading").text(comment + "");
// Update internal data
remark.textContent = comment + "";
// @ts-ignore TypeScript says there's something wrong with types
customElements.define("et2-link-list", Et2LinkList);

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ export class Et2LinkString extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetache
type: String
// Show links that are marked as deleted, being held for purge
show_deleted: {type: Boolean},
* Pass value as an object, will be parsed to set application & entry_id
@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ export class Et2LinkString extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetache
this._link_list = []
this.__show_deleted = false;
@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ export class Et2LinkString extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetache
this._link_list = _value;
@ -184,12 +188,18 @@ export class Et2LinkString extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetache
* Render a list of links inside the list
* These get slotted, rather than put inside the shadow dom
* @param links
* @protected
protected _add_links(links : LinkInfo[])
protected _addLinks(links : LinkInfo[])
render(html`${repeat(this._link_list, (link) => link.app + ":" + link.id, (link) => this._linkTemplate(link))}`, this);
(link) => link.app + ":" + link.id,
(link) => this._linkTemplate(link))}`,
@ -201,14 +211,20 @@ export class Et2LinkString extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetache
let _value = {
to_app: this.application,
to_id: this.entry_id,
only_app: this.only_app
only_app: this.only_app,
show_deleted: this.show_deleted
// Already waiting
this.egw().jsonq('EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Link::ajax_link_list', [_value]).then(_value =>
this._loadingPromise = this.egw().jsonq('EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Link::ajax_link_list', [_value]).then(_value =>
this._loadingPromise = null;
getDetachedAttributes(_attrs : string[])

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {html, LitElement, render} from "@lion/core";
import {et2_nextmatch} from "../et2_extension_nextmatch";
import {Et2Dialog} from "../Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog";
import {ET2_DATAVIEW_STEPSIZE} from "../et2_dataview_controller";
import {egw,egw_get_file_editor_prefered_mimes} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
import {egw, egw_get_file_editor_prefered_mimes} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";
// Minimum data to qualify as an image and not cause errors
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ export function ExposeMixin<B extends Constructor<LitElement>>(superclass : B)
while(nextmatch == null && current)
current = current.getParent();
if(typeof current != 'undefined' && current.instanceOf(et2_nextmatch))
if(current && typeof current != 'undefined' && current.instanceOf(et2_nextmatch))
nextmatch = current;
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ export function ExposeMixin<B extends Constructor<LitElement>>(superclass : B)
private _audio_player(_value)
let button = [
{"button_id": 1, "text": egw.lang('close'), id: '1', image: 'cancel', default: true}
{"button_id": 1, "label": egw.lang('close'), id: '1', image: 'cancel', default: true}
let mediaContent = this.getMedia(_value)[0];

View File

@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
* Mark the file as a link
symlink: {type: Boolean, reflect: true}
symlink: {type: Boolean, reflect: true},
/** Allow to pass all data */
value: {type: Object}
@ -46,12 +49,14 @@ export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
static readonly DIR_MIME_TYPE : string = 'httpd/unix-directory';
private __mime : string;
private __symlink : boolean;
private __download_url : string;
this.__mime = "";
this.__symlink = false;
this.__download_url = "";
@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
return Object.assign(super.exposeValue, {
mime: this.mime,
download_url: this.__download_url
@ -147,6 +153,15 @@ export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
set_value(_value : ExposeValue | any)
this.value = _value;
set value(_value : ExposeValue | any)
if(typeof _value !== 'object')
this.egw().debug("warn", "%s only has path, needs array with path & mime", this.id, _value);
@ -161,6 +176,10 @@ export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
this.href = _value.path;
this.__download_url = _value.download_url;
let src = this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime);

View File

@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ import './Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog';
import './Expose/Et2ImageExpose';
import './Expose/Et2DescriptionExpose';
import './Et2Image/Et2Image';
import './Et2Link/Et2Link';
import './Et2Link/Et2LinkList';
import './Et2Link/Et2LinkString';
import './Et2Select/Et2Select';
import './Et2Select/Et2SelectAccount';
import './Et2Select/Et2SelectReadonly';

View File

@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ div.et2_link_entry input.ui-autocomplete-input {
padding-right: 0;
.et2_link {
.et2_link, et2-link-string > et2-link {
cursor: pointer;
color: #003075;
text-decoration: none;