diff --git a/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_ldap.inc.php b/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_ldap.inc.php
index 6cbdad3c3e..efef60cb81 100644
--- a/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_ldap.inc.php
+++ b/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_ldap.inc.php
@@ -23,23 +23,20 @@
/* $Id$ */
- /*
- phpgw_addressbook_extra (
- contact_id int,
- contact_owner int,
- contact_name varchar(255),
- contact_value varchar(255)
- );
+ /*!
+ @class acl
+ @abstract Contact List System
+ @discussion Author: jengo/Milosch
+ This class provides a contact database scheme.
+ It attempts to be based on the vcard 2.1 standard, with mods as needed to make for more reasonable sql storage.
+ Syntax: CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts');
+ Example1: $contacts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts');
- /* ldap is a copy of sql for now */
class contacts_
var $db;
var $std_table="phpgw_addressbook";
var $ext_table="phpgw_addressbook_extra";
- // temp table definition for listings is in read function
var $account_id;
var $stock_contact_fields; // This is an array of almost the fields in the phpgw_addressbook table, except id,owner,lid,tid
@@ -54,55 +51,92 @@
$this->account_id = $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"];
$this->stock_contact_fields = array(
- "fn" => "fn", //'firstname lastname'
- "sound" => "sound",
- "org_name" => "org_name", //company
- "org_unit" => "org_unit", //division
- "title" => "title",
- "n_given" => "n_given", //firstname
- "n_family" => "n_family", //lastname
- "n_middle" => "n_middle",
- "n_prefix" => "n_prefix",
- "n_suffix" => "n_suffix",
- "label" => "label",
- "adr_street" => "adr_street",
- "adr_locality" => "adr_locality", //city
- "adr_region" => "adr_region", //state
- "adr_postalcode" => "adr_postalcode", //zip
- "adr_countryname" => "adr_countryname",
- "adr_work" => "adr_work", //yn
- "adr_home" => "adr_home", //yn
- "adr_parcel" => "adr_parcel", //yn
- "adr_postal" => "adr_postal", //yn
- "tz" => "tz",
- "geo" => "geo",
- "a_tel" => "a_tel",
- "a_tel_work" => "a_tel_work", //yn
- "a_tel_home" => "a_tel_home", //yn
- "a_tel_voice" => "a_tel_voice", //yn
- "a_tel_msg" => "a_tel_msg", //yn
- "a_tel_fax" => "a_tel_fax", //yn
- "a_tel_prefer" => "a_tel_prefer", //yn
- "b_tel" => "b_tel",
- "b_tel_work" => "b_tel_work", //yn
- "b_tel_home" => "b_tel_home", //yn
- "b_tel_voice" => "b_tel_voice", //yn
- "b_tel_msg" => "b_tel_msg", //yn
- "b_tel_fax" => "b_tel_fax", //yn
- "b_tel_prefer" => "b_tel_prefer", //yn
- "c_tel" => "c_tel",
- "c_tel_work" => "c_tel_work", //yn
- "c_tel_home" => "c_tel_home", //yn
- "c_tel_voice" => "c_tel_voice", //yn
- "c_tel_msg" => "c_tel_msg", //yn
- "c_tel_fax" => "c_tel_fax", //yn
- "c_tel_prefer" => "c_tel_prefer", //yn
- "d_email" => "d_email",
- "d_emailtype" => "d_emailtype", //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc...
- "d_email_work" => "d_email_work", //yn
- "d_email_home" => "d_email_home", //yn
+ "id" => "uidnumber",
+ "lid" => "uid",
+ "tid" => "phpgwcontacttyoe",
+ "owner" => "phpgwowner",
+ "fn" => "cn", // 'prefix given middle family suffix'
+ "n_given" => "givenname", // firstname
+ "n_family" => "sn", // lastname
+ "n_middle" => "middlename",
+ "n_prefix" => "prefix",
+ "n_suffix" => "suffix",
+ "sound" => "sound",
+ "bday" => "birthday",
+ "note" => "description",
+ "tz" => "tz",
+ "geo" => "geo",
+ "url" => "url",
+ "pubkey" => "pubkey",
+ "org_name" => "o", // company
+ "org_unit" => "ou", // division
+ "title" => "title",
+ "adr_one_street" => "street",
+ "adr_one_locality" => "locality",
+ "adr_one_region" => "st",
+ "adr_one_postalcode" => "postalcode",
+ "adr_one_countryname" => "countryname",
+ "adr_one_type" => "adr_one_type", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home
+ "label" => "", // address label
+ "adr_two_street" => "adr_two_street",
+ "adr_two_locality" => "adr_two_locality",
+ "adr_two_region" => "adr_two_region",
+ "adr_two_postalcode" => "adr_two_postalcode",
+ "adr_two_countryname" => "adr_two_countryname",
+ "adr_two_type" => "adr_two_type", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home
+ "tel_work" => "telephonenumber",
+ "tel_home" => "homephone",
+ "tel_voice" => "voicephone",
+ "tel_fax" => "facsimiletelephonenumber",
+ "tel_msg" => "msgphone",
+ "tel_cell" => "cellphone",
+ "tel_pager" => "pagerphone",
+ "tel_bbs" => "bbsphone",
+ "tel_modem" => "modemphone",
+ "tel_car" => "carphone",
+ "tel_isdn" => "isdnphone",
+ "tel_video" => "videophone",
+ "tel_prefer" => "preferphone", // home, work, voice, etc
+ "email" => "mail",
+ "email_type" => "mail_type", //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc...
+ "email_home" => "mail_home",
+ "email_home_type" => "mail_home_type" //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc...
+ /* Used to flag an address as being:
+ domestic OR international(default)
+ parcel(default)
+ postal(default)
+ work(default) OR home
+ */
+ $this->adr_types = array(
+ "dom" => lang("Domestic"),
+ "intl" => lang("International"),
+ "parcel" => lang("Parcel"),
+ "postal" => lang("Postal")
+ );
+ // Used to set preferphone field
+ $this->tel_types = array(
+ "work" => "work",
+ "home" => "home",
+ "voice" => "voice",
+ "fax" => "fax",
+ "msg" => "msg",
+ "cell" => "cell",
+ "pager" => "pager",
+ "bbs" => "bbs",
+ "modem" => "modem",
+ "car" => "car",
+ "isdn" => "isdn",
+ "video" => "video"
+ );
+ // Used to set mail_type fields
$this->email_types = array(
"CompuServe" => "CompuServe",
@@ -134,26 +168,37 @@
- $this->db2 = $this->db;
- $this->db->query("select id,lid,tid,owner $t_fields from $this->std_table WHERE id='$id'");
- $this->db->next_record();
- $return_fields[0]["id"] = $this->db->f("id"); // unique id
- $return_fields[0]["lid"] = $this->db->f("lid"); // lid for group/account records
- $return_fields[0]["tid"] = $this->db->f("tid"); // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts
- $return_fields[0]["owner"] = $this->db->f("owner"); // id of owner/parent for the record
+ $sri = ldap_search($ds, $phpgw_info["server"]["ldap_contacts_context"], "uidnumber=".$id);
+ $ldap_fields = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sri);
if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
- while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
- $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
+ while(list($name,$value)=each($stock_fieldnames)) {
+ $return_fields[0][$name] => $ldap_fields[0][$value][0];
- $this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
+ // Setup address type fields
+ if ($return_fields[0]["adr_one_type"]) {
+ $one_type = $return_fields[0]["adr_one_type"];
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$one_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"one_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($return_fields[0]["adr_two_type"]) {
+ $two_type = $return_fields[0]"adr_two_type"];
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$two_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"two_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $id . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ while ($this->db->next_record()) {
// If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.
// This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries
- if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f("contact_name")]) {
- $return_fields[0][$this->db2->f("contact_name")] = $this->db2->f("contact_value");
+ if ($extra_fields[$this->db->f("contact_name")]) {
+ $return_fields[0][$this->db->f("contact_name")] = $this->db2->f("contact_value");
return $return_fields;
@@ -161,6 +206,8 @@
function read_last_entry($fields="")
+ global $phpgw_info;
if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; }
list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) =
@@ -172,45 +219,51 @@
- $this->db2 = $this->db;
- $this->db->query("select max(id) from $this->std_table");
- $this->db->next_record();
- $id = $this->db->f("max(id)");
- $this->db->query("select id,lid,tid,owner $t_fields from $this->std_table WHERE id='$id'");
- $this->db->next_record();
- $return_fields[0]["id"] = $this->db->f("id"); // unique id
- $return_fields[0]["lid"] = $this->db->f("lid"); // lid for group/account records
- $return_fields[0]["tid"] = $this->db->f("tid"); // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts
- $return_fields[0]["owner"] = $this->db->f("owner"); // id of owner/parent for the record
+ $id = $phpgw_info['server']['contact_nextid'] - 1;
+ if ($id == -1) { $id = 1; }
+ $sri = ldap_search($ds, $phpgw_info["server"]["ldap_contacts_context"], "uidnumber=".$id);
+ $ldap_fields = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sri);
if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
- while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
- $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
+ while(list($name,$value)=each($stock_fieldnames)) {
+ $return_fields[0][$name] => $ldap_fields[0][$value][0];
- $this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
+ // Setup address type fields
+ if ($return_fields[0]["adr_one_type"]) {
+ $one_type = $return_fields[0]["adr_one_type"];
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$one_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"one_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($return_fields[0]["adr_two_type"]) {
+ $two_type = $return_fields[0]"adr_two_type"];
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$two_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"two_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $id . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ while ($this->db->next_record()) {
// If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.
// This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries
- if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f("contact_name")]) {
- $return_fields[0][$this->db2->f("contact_name")] = $this->db2->f("contact_value");
+ if ($extra_fields[$this->db->f("contact_name")]) {
+ $return_fields[0][$this->db->f("contact_name")] = $this->db->f("contact_value");
return $return_fields;
// send this the range, query, sort, order and whatever fields you want to see
- // 'rights' and 'query' are unused at this time
- function read($start,$offset,$fields="",$query="",$filter="",$sort="",$order="",$rights="")
+ // 'rights' is unused at this time
+ function read($start=0,$offset=0,$fields="",$query="",$filter="",$sort="",$order="",$rights="")
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
- $tmp_table="phpgw_addressbook_user".$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]."_cache";
if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; }
$DEBUG = 0;
@@ -222,8 +275,6 @@
- //if ($query) { echo "DEBUG: Queries temporarily unavailable"; }
// turn filter's a=b,c=d OR a=b into an array
if ($filter) {
if ($DEBUG) { echo "DEBUG - Inbound filter is: #".$filter."#"; }
@@ -248,50 +299,41 @@
// now check each element of the array and convert into SQL for queries
// below
+ reset($filterfields);
while (list($name,$value) = each($filterfields)) {
if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - Filter intermediate strings 2: #".$name."# => #".$value."#"; }
if ($name && empty($value)) {
- reset($stock_fields);
- while (list($fname,$fvalue)=each($stock_fields)) {
+ if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - filter field '".$name."' is empty (NULL)"; }
+ $check_stock = $this->stock_contact_fields + array('id' => 'id', 'tid' => 'tid', 'lid' => 'lid', 'owner' => 'owner');
+ while (list($fname,$fvalue)=each($check_stock)) {
if ($fvalue==$name) {
$filterlist .= $name.' is NULL,';
- $isstd=1;
+ if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - filter field '".$name."' is a stock field"; }
- if (!$isstd) {
- $filterlist2 .= 'b.'.$name.' is NULL,';
- $fieldlist2 .= 'b.'.$name.',';
- }
} elseif($name && $value) {
while (list($fname,$fvalue)=each($stock_fields)) {
if ($fvalue==$name) {
$filterlist .= $name.'="'.$value.'",';
- $isstd=1;
- if (!$isstd) {
- $filterlist2 .= 'b.'.$name.'="'.$value.'",';
- $fieldlist2 .= 'b.'.$name.',';
- }
$filterlist = substr($filterlist,0,-1);
$filterlist = ereg_replace(","," AND ",$filterlist);
- $filterlist2 = substr($filterlist2,0,-1);
- $fieldlist2 = substr($fieldlist2,0,-1);
if ($DEBUG) {
- echo "
DEBUG - Filter output string1: #".$filterlist."#";
- echo "
DEBUG - Filter output string2: #".$filterlist2."#";
+ echo "
DEBUG - Filter output string: #".$filterlist."#";
if ($filterlist) {
- $filtermethod = ' WHERE ('.$filterlist.') ';
+ $filtermethod = '('.$filterlist.') ';
+ $fwhere = ' WHERE '; $fand = ' AND ';
if ($DEBUG && $filtermethod) {
@@ -301,131 +343,62 @@
if (!$sort) { $sort = "ASC"; }
if ($order) {
- while (list($name,$value)=each($stock_fields)) {
- if ($name == $order) {
- $ordermethod = "order by a.$order $sort ";
- break;
- } else {
- $ordermethod = "order by b.$order $sort ";
- }
- }
+ $ordermethod = "order by $order $sort ";
} else {
- $ordermethod = "order by a.n_family,a.n_given,a.d_email $sort";
+ $ordermethod = "order by n_family,n_given,email $sort";
if ($DEBUG && $ordermethod) {
echo "
DEBUG - $ordermethod";
+ // This logic allows you to limit rows, or not.
+ // The export feature, for example, does not limit rows.
+ // This way, it can retrieve all rows at once.
+ if ($start && $offset) {
+ $limit = $this->db->limit($start,$offset);
+ } elseif ($start && !$offset) {
+ $limit = "";
+ } elseif(!$start && !$offset) {
+ $limit = "";
+ } else { #(!$start && $offset) {
+ $start = 0;
+ $limit = $this->db->limit($start,$offset);
+ }
$this->db3 = $this->db2 = $this->db; // Create new result objects before our queries
- // start create sql for temp table
- $tempcreate = "CREATE TABLE ".$tmp_table." (id int(11),";
- // construct query and count rows based on filter sent to function
- $this->db->query("select id from $this->std_table ".$filtermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $this->total_records = $this->db->num_rows();
- $i=0;
- while ($this->db->next_record()) {
- $this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='"
- . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $tempinsert[$i] = "INSERT INTO " . $tmp_table . " (id,";
- while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
- // If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.
- // This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries
- if (!strstr($tempcreate,$this->db2->f("contact_name"))) {
- $tempcreate .= $this->db2->f("contact_name") ." TEXT,";
- }
- if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f("contact_name")]) {
- $tempinsert[$i] .= $this->db2->f("contact_name").",";
- $tempvalues[$i] .= '"'.$this->db2->f("contact_value").'",';
- }
- }
- $tempinsert[$i] = substr($tempinsert[$i],0,-1);
- $tempvalues[$i] = substr($tempvalues[$i],0,-1);
- if ($tempvalues[$i]) {
- $tempval = $this->db->f("id").','.$tempvalues[$i].',';
- } else {
- $tempval = $this->db->f("id").',';
- }
- $tempinsert[$i] .= ') VALUES ('.$tempval;
- $tempinsert[$i] = substr($tempinsert[$i],0,-1).")";
- $i++;
- }
- // fixup strings, create and populate temp table of extra fields
- // this section adds the extra_fields to the table
- // if no prior data existed (new application, etc.)
- if ($extra_fields) {
- while (list($name,$value) = each($extra_fields)) {
- if (!strstr($tempcreate,$name)) {
- $tempcreate .= $name ." TEXT,";
- }
- }
- }
- $tempcreate = substr($tempcreate,0,-1) . ")";
- //echo $tempcreate;
- if ($phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"]=="mysql") {
- $ifexists = "IF EXISTS";
- }
- $this->db->query("DROP TABLE $ifexists $tmp_table");
- $this->db->query($tempcreate);
- for ($i=0;$idb->query($tempinsert[$i]);
- }
- reset($stock_fields);
- if ($extra_fields) { reset($extra_fields); }
- // create strings for insertion into crosstable query below
- while(list($name,$value)=each($stock_fields)) {
- $std .= "a.".$name.",";
- }
- //$std = substr($std,0,-1);
- if ($extra_fields) {
- while(list($name,$value)=each($extra_fields)) {
- $ext .= "b.".$name.",";
- }
- }
- //$ext = substr($ext,0,-1);
- if (!empty($fieldlist2)) {
- $filtertemp = " AND " . $filterlist2 . " ";
- }
- if ($DEBUG && $filtertemp) {
- echo "
DEBUG - Filtering with: #" . $filtertemp . "#";
- }
- $qfields = $std . $ext;
- $qfields = substr($qfields,0,-1);
if ($query) {
- $squery = " AND (n_family like '%$query%' OR n_middle like '"
- . "%$query%' OR n_given like '%$query%' OR d_email like '%$query%' OR "
- . "adr_street like '%$query%' OR adr_locality like '%$query%' OR adr_region "
- . "like '%$query%' OR adr_postalcode like '%$query%' OR org_unit like "
- . "'%$query%' OR adr_countryname like '%$query%' OR "
- . "org_name like '%$query%')";
+ $this->db3->query("SELECT * FROM $this->std_table WHERE (n_family LIKE '"
+ . "%$query%' OR n_given LIKE '%$query%' OR email LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_one_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_region LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_one_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_two_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_region LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_two_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "org_name LIKE '%$query%' OR org_unit LIKE '%$query%') " . $fand . $filtermethod . $ordermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ $this->total_records = $this->db3->num_rows();
+ $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM $this->std_table WHERE (n_family LIKE '"
+ . "%$query%' OR n_given LIKE '%$query%' OR email LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_one_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_region LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_one_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_two_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_region LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "adr_two_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR "
+ . "org_name LIKE '%$query%' OR org_unit LIKE '%$query%') " . $fand . $filtermethod . $ordermethod . " "
+ . $limit,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ } else {
+ $this->db3->query("SELECT id,lid,tid,owner $t_fields FROM $this->std_table " . $fwhere
+ . $filtermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ $this->total_records = $this->db3->num_rows();
+ $this->db->query("SELECT id,lid,tid,owner $t_fields FROM $this->std_table " . $fwhere
+ . $filtermethod . " " . $ordermethod . " " . $limit,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $sql = 'SELECT a.id,a.tid,a.lid,a.owner,b.id,'
- . $qfields . ' FROM '.$this->std_table.' AS a, '
- . $tmp_table .' AS b WHERE a.id=b.id ' . $filtertemp
- . $squery . $ordermethod;
- $this->db3->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $this->total_records = $this->db3->num_rows();
- $this->db->query($sql. " " . $this->db->limit($start,$offset),__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
// unique id, lid for group/account records,
- // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts/inv records, and
+ // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts, and
// id of owner/parent for the record
$return_fields[$i]["id"] = $this->db->f("id");
$return_fields[$i]["lid"] = $this->db->f("lid");
@@ -433,14 +406,22 @@
$return_fields[$i]["owner"] = $this->db->f("owner");
if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
- while (list($f_name) = each($fields)) {
+ while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
$return_fields[$i][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
- reset($fields);
+ reset($stock_fieldnames);
+ }
+ $this->db2->query("SELECT contact_name,contact_value FROM $this->ext_table WHERE contact_id='"
+ . $this->db->f("id") . "'" .$filterextra,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
+ // If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.
+ // This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries
+ if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f("contact_name")]) {
+ $return_fields[$i][$this->db2->f("contact_name")] = $this->db2->f("contact_value");
+ }
- $this->db->query("DROP TABLE $tmp_table");
return $return_fields;
@@ -523,7 +504,7 @@
- // This is where the real work of delete() is done
+ // This is where the real work of delete() is done, shared class file contains calling function
function delete_($id)
$this->db->query("delete from $this->std_table where owner='" . $this->account_id . "' and "
diff --git a/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_sql.inc.php b/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_sql.inc.php
index 94c874889f..ef9cb5256a 100644
--- a/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_sql.inc.php
+++ b/addressbook/inc/class.contacts_sql.inc.php
@@ -174,6 +174,12 @@
$return_fields[0]["tid"] = $this->db->f("tid"); // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts
$return_fields[0]["owner"] = $this->db->f("owner"); // id of owner/parent for the record
+ if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
+ while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
+ $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
+ }
+ }
// Setup address type fields
if ($this->db->f("adr_one_type")) {
$one_type = $this->db->f("adr_one_type");
@@ -190,11 +196,6 @@
- if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
- while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
- $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
- }
- }
$this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
// If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.
@@ -225,19 +226,37 @@
$id = $this->db->f("max(id)");
$this->db->query("select id,lid,tid,owner $t_fields from $this->std_table WHERE id='$id'");
$return_fields[0]["id"] = $this->db->f("id");
$return_fields[0]["lid"] = $this->db->f("lid");
$return_fields[0]["tid"] = $this->db->f("tid");
$return_fields[0]["owner"] = $this->db->f("owner");
if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == "array") {
while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) {
$return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name);
+ // Setup address type fields
+ if ($this->db->f("adr_one_type")) {
+ $one_type = $this->db->f("adr_one_type");
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$one_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"one_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->db->f("adr_two_type")) {
+ $two_type = $this->db->f("adr_two_type");
+ reset($this->adr_types);
+ while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) {
+ eval("if (strstr(\$two_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"two_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }");
+ }
+ }
$this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
// If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it.