- Try to fetch attachments into attachmentArea after the message is being resolved
- Fix smime certificate button not working for encrypted certificate
This commit is contained in:
Hadi Nategh 2017-07-12 18:40:56 +02:00
parent c131be8c17
commit de91dc2a2a
2 changed files with 174 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
foreach ($data['attachmentsBlock'] as &$attch)
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($attch['mimetype']))
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($attch['type']))
$data['smimeSigUrl'] = $attch['mime_url'];
@ -2161,7 +2161,24 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
if ($htmlOptions !='always_display') $fetchEmbeddedImages = true;
$attachments = $this->mail_bo->getMessageAttachments($uid, $partID, null, $fetchEmbeddedImages,true,true,$mailbox);
$smimeData = $this->resolveSmimeAttachment ($attachments, $uid, $partID, $mailbox, '', $rowID);
foreach ($attachments as &$attachment)
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($attachment['mimeType']))
$smimeData = $this->resolveSmimeMessage (
$this->mail_bo->getMessageRawBody($uid, $partID, $mailbox),
'mimeType' => $attachment['mimeType'],
'uid' => $uid,
'partID' => $partID,
'rowID' => $rowID,
'mailbox' => $mailbox,
'certAttachedPartID' => $attachment['partID'],
if (is_array($smimeData))
$error_msg[] = $smimeData['msg'];
@ -2299,63 +2316,101 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
* Resolve certificate from smime attachment
* Resolve certificate and encrypted message from smime attachment
* @param string $_message
* @param array $_params
* params = array (
* mimeType => (string) // message mime type
* uid => (string) // message uid
* partID => (int) // message part id
* rowID => (string) // row id (mail nm)
* mailbox => (string) // the mailbox where message is stored
* passphrase => (string) // smime private key passphrase
* certAttachedPartID => (int) // partID of attached smime certificate
* )
* @param array &$attachments
* @param int $_uid
* @param int $_partID
* @param string $_mailbox
* @param string $_passphrase
* @return array
* @throws Exception
function resolveSmimeAttachment (&$attachments, $_uid, $_partID, $_mailbox, $_passphrase='', $_rowID)
function resolveSmimeMessage ($_message, $_params)
// default params
$params = array_merge(array(
'partID' => 0,
'passphrase' => '',
'certAttachedPartID' => 0
), $_params);
if (!$_message || empty($_params['uid']) || empty($_params['mailbox']))
throw new Exception(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' (): Seems crucial parameter(s) is missing!');
$this->smime = new Mail\Smime;
foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment)
if (!Mail\Smime::isSmimeSignatureOnly($params['mimeType']))
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($attachment['mimeType']))
try {
$_message = $this->decryptSmimeBody($_message, $params['passphrase'] !='' ?
$params['passphrase'] : $this->mail_bo->sessionData['smime_passphrase']);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array('msg', $ex->getMessage());
try {
$cert = $this->smime->verify($_message);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// passphrase is required to decrypt the message
if (isset($_message['password_required']))
$message = $this->mail_bo->getMessageRawBody($_uid, $_partID, $_mailbox);
if (!Mail\Smime::isSmimeSignatureOnly($attachment['mimeType']))
try {
$message = $this->decryptSmimeBody($message, $_passphrase);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array('msg', $ex->getMessage());
try {
$cert = $this->smime->verify($message);
$data = array (
'verify' => $cert->verify,
'cert' => $cert->cert,
'msg' => $cert->msg,
'certHtml' => $this->smime->certToHTML($cert->cert),
'partID' => $attachment['partID'],
'signed' => true,
'message' => $this->smime->extractSignedContents($message)
} catch (Exception $ex) {
if (isset($message['password_required']))
$data = $message;
$data = array (
'signed' => false,
'message' => $message
unset ($attachments[$key]);
$data = $_message;
return $data;
return $data;
if ($cert) // signed message, it might be encrypted too
$message_parts = $this->smime->extractSignedContents($_message);
$cert_data = array (
'verify' => $cert->verify,
'cert' => $cert->cert,
'msg' => $cert->msg,
'certHtml' => $this->smime->certToHTML($cert->cert),
'partID' => $params['certAttachedPartID'],
'signed' => true,
else // only encrypted message
$message_parts = Horde_Mime_Part::parseMessage($_message);
if (!Mail\Smime::isSmimeSignatureOnly($params['mimeType']))
$dec_attachments = $this->mail_bo->getMessageAttachments($params['uid'],$params['partID'],$message_parts,true,false,true,$params['mailbox']);
$result = array(
'signed' => false,
'attachments' => is_array($dec_attachments) ? $this->createAttachmentBlock($dec_attachments,$params['rowID'],$params['uid'],$params['mailbox']) : '',
'message' => $this->mail_bo->getMessageBody($params['uid'], '', null, $message_parts)
return is_array($cert_data) ? array_merge($result, $cert_data): $result;
* This is a helper function to trigger Push method
* faster than normal 60 sec cycle.
* @todo: Once we have socket push implemented we should
* remove this function plus its client side companion.
function ajax_smimeAttachmentsChecker ()
$response = Api\Json\Response::get();
@ -2812,8 +2867,15 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
// Display smime certificate
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($attachment['type']))
$smimeAttachments = array ( array('mimeType' => $attachment['type'] ));
$smime = $this->resolveSmimeAttachment($smimeAttachments, $uid, 0, $mailbox);
$smime = $this->resolveSmimeMessage(
$this->mail_bo->getMessageRawBody($uid, null, $mailbox),
'mimeType' => $attachment['type'],
'uid' => $uid,
'partID' => 0,
'mailbox' => $mailbox
Api\Header\Content::safe($smime['certHtml'], '', $attachment['type'], $size=0, false, true);
echo $smime['certHtml'];
@ -3185,14 +3247,35 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
$calendar_part = null;
$bodyParts = $this->mail_bo->getMessageBody($uid, ($htmlOptions?$htmlOptions:''), $partID, $structure, false, $mailbox, $calendar_part);
$mimeType = $structure->getType();
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime( $mimeType) && !Mail\Smime::isSmimeSignatureOnly($mimeType))
if ($mimeType == 'multipart/signed')
$smimeAttachments = array ( array('mimeType' => $mimeType));
$smime = $this->resolveSmimeAttachment($smimeAttachments, $uid, 0, $mailbox, $smimePassphrase);
$param = $structure->getAllContentTypeParameters();
$mimeType = $param['protocol'];
if (Mail\Smime::isSmime($mimeType))
$smime = $this->resolveSmimeMessage(
$this->mail_bo->getMessageRawBody($uid, $partID, $mailbox),
'mimeType' => $mimeType,
'uid' => $uid,
'partID' => $partID,
'rowID' => $_GET['_messageID'],
'mailbox' => $mailbox,
'passphrase'=> $smimePassphrase
if ($smime['message'])
if ($smime['message'] || $smime['attachments'])
$bodyParts[0]['body'] = $smime['message'];
if ($smimePassphrase)
$this->mail_bo->sessionData['smime_passphrase'] = $smimePassphrase;
$bodyParts = $smime['message'];
$push = new Api\Json\Push();
if (!empty($smime['attachments'])) $push->call('app.mail.set_smimeAttachments', $smime['attachments']);
else if ($smime['password_required'])
@ -3209,6 +3292,10 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
return $smimeHtml;
// for meeting requests (multipart alternative with text/calendar part) let calendar render it
if ($calendar_part && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar']))
@ -3866,7 +3953,6 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
$bodyResponse = $this->get_load_email_data($messageID,$_partID,$folder,$_htmloptions, $_POST['smime_passphrase']);
echo $bodyResponse;

View File

@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
case 'mail.compose':
// Set password field of file sharing to empty in
@ -1017,6 +1018,7 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
jQuery(IframeHandle.getDOMNode()).on('load', function(e){
self.resolveExternalImages (this.contentWindow.document);
if (dataElem.data['smimeSigUrl']) this.smimeAttachmentsCheckerInterval();
var messages = {};
@ -5731,5 +5733,35 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
template: egw.webserverUrl+'/api/templates/default/password.xet',
resizable: false
}, et2_dialog._create_parent('mail'));
* Set attachments of smime message
* @param {object} _attachments
set_smimeAttachments:function (_attachments)
var attachmentArea = this.et2.getWidgetById(egw(window).is_popup()?'mail_displayattachments':'previewAttachmentArea');
if (attachmentArea && _attachments && _attachments.length > 0)
* This function helps to trigger the Push notification immidiately.
* @todo: Must be removed after socket push notification is implemented
smimeAttachmentsCheckerInterval:function ()
var self = this;
var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
if (_stop)