diff --git a/header.inc.php.template b/header.inc.php.template
index b713e9dcf0..62c0ec8fb4 100644
--- a/header.inc.php.template
+++ b/header.inc.php.template
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
$phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/phpgwapi/inc";
- $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["header"] = "1.10";
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["header"] = "1.9";
// This is a fix for NT
if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["noapi"]) ||
!$phpgw_info["flags"]["noapi"] == True){
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"] . "/functions.inc.php");
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"] . "/phpgw.inc.php");
// Leave off the final php closing tag, some editors will add
diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1308ba8d..0000000000
--- a/phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
- *
- * -------------------------------------------- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
- * option) any later version. *
- \**************************************************************************/
- /* $Id$ */
- $d1 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"],0,3));
- $d2 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"],0,3));
- $d3 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"],0,3));
- if($d1 == "htt" || $d1 == "ftp" || $d2 == "htt" || $d2 == "ftp" || $d3 == "htt" || $d3 == "ftp") {
- echo "Failed attempt to break in via an old Security Hole!
- exit;
- } unset($d1);unset($d2);unset($d3);
- /****************************************************************************\
- * Direct functions, which are not part of the API class *
- * for whatever reason. *
- \****************************************************************************/
- function CreateObject($classname, $val = "")
- {
- global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain;
- $classpart = explode (".", $classname);
- $classpart_count = count($classpart);
- if ($classpart_count >= 1){
- $includedChk = sprintf("%s_PHP3_INCLUDED", strtoupper($classpart[1]));
- }else{
- $includedChk = sprintf("%s_PHP3_INCLUDED", strtoupper($classpart[0]));
- }
- if (!isset($GLOBALS["$includedChk"])){
- switch($classpart_count){
- case 1:
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/".$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]."/inc/class.".$classpart[0].".inc.php");
- break;
- case 2:
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/".$classpart[0]."/inc/class.".$classpart[1].".inc.php");
- break;
- case 3:
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/".$classpart[0]."/inc/class.".$classpart[1]."_".$classpart[2].".inc.php");
- break;
- }
- if ($classpart_count >= 1){
- $obj = new $classpart[1]($val);
- }else{
- $obj = new $classpart[0]($val);
- }
- return $obj;
- }
- }
- function lang($key, $m1="", $m2="", $m3="", $m4="", $m5="", $m6="", $m7="", $m8="", $m9="", $m10="" )
- {
- global $phpgw;
- // # TODO: check if $m1 is of type array.
- // If so, use it instead of $m2-$mN (Stephan)
- $vars = array( $m1, $m2, $m3, $m4, $m5, $m6, $m7, $m8, $m9, $m10 );
- $value = $phpgw->translation->translate("$key", $vars );
- return $value;
- }
- // Just a temp wrapper.
- function check_code($code)
- {
- global $phpgw;
- return $phpgw->common->check_code($code);
- }
- /****************************************************************************\
- * Optional classes, which can be disabled for performance increases *
- * - they are loaded after pulling in the config from the DB *
- \****************************************************************************/
- function load_optional()
- {
- global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_categories_class"]) {
- $phpgw->categories = CreateObject("phpgwapi.categories");
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_network_class"]) {
- $phpgw->network = CreateObject("phpgwapi.network");
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_send_class"]) {
- $phpgw->send = CreateObject("phpgwapi.send");
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_nextmatchs_class"]) {
- $phpgw->nextmatchs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.nextmatchs");
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_utilities_class"]) {
- $phpgw->utilities = CreateObject("phpgwapi.utilities");
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_vfs_class"]) {
- $phpgw->vfs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.vfs");
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************\
- * Quick verification of updated header.inc.php *
- \****************************************************************************/
- error_reporting(7);
- if ($phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["header"] != $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["current_header"]){
- echo "You need to port your settings to the new header.inc.php version.";
- }
- /****************************************************************************\
- * Load up all the base values *
- \****************************************************************************/
- magic_quotes_runtime(false);
- /* Make sure the developer is following the rules. */
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"])) {
- echo "!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR \$phpgw_info[\"flags\"][\"currentapp\"] SET !!!";
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_domain)) { // make them fix their header
- echo "The administration is required to upgrade the header.inc.php file before you can continue.";
- exit;
- }
- reset($phpgw_domain);
- $default_domain = each($phpgw_domain);
- $phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"] = $default_domain[0];
- unset ($default_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
- // This code will handle virtdomains so that is a user logins with user@domain.com, it will switch into virtualization mode.
- if (isset($domain)){
- $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $domain;
- }elseif (isset($login) && isset($logindomain)){
- if (!ereg ("\@", $login)){
- $login = $login."@".$logindomain;
- }
- $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $logindomain;
- unset ($logindomain);
- }elseif (isset($login) && !isset($logindomain)){
- if (ereg ("\@", $login)){
- $login_array = explode("@", $login);
- $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $login_array[1];
- }else{
- $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"];
- $login = $login."@".$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"];
- }
- }
- if (isset($phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]])){
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_host"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_name"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_user"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_pass"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_type"];
- }else{
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_host"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_name"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_user"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_pass"];
- $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_type"];
- }
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" && ! $phpgw_info["server"]["show_domain_selectbox"]) {
- unset ($phpgw_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
- }
- unset ($domain); // we kill this to save memory
- // some constants which can be used in setting user acl rights.
- define("PHPGW_ACL_READ",1);
- define("PHPGW_ACL_ADD",2);
- define("PHPGW_ACL_EDIT",4);
- define("PHPGW_ACL_DELETE",8);
- // This function needs to be optimized, its reading duplicate information.
- function phpgw_fillarray()
- {
- global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $cd, $colspan;
- $phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir("phpgwapi");
- $phpgw_info["server"]["images_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_path("phpgwapi");
- $phpgw_info["server"]["images_filedir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir("phpgwapi");
- $phpgw_info["server"]["app_root"] = $phpgw->common->get_app_dir();
- $phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"] = $phpgw->common->get_inc_dir();
- $phpgw_info["server"]["app_tpl"] = $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir();
- $phpgw_info["server"]["app_images"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_path();
- $phpgw_info["server"]["app_images_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir();
- /* ********This sets the user variables******** */
- $phpgw_info["user"]["private_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/users/"
- . $phpgw_info["user"]["userid"];
- // This shouldn't happen, but if it does get ride of the warnings it will spit out
- if (gettype($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]) != "array") {
- $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"] = array();
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************\
- * These lines load up the API, fill up the $phpgw_info array, etc *
- \****************************************************************************/
- $phpgw = CreateObject("phpgwapi.phpgw");
- $phpgw->phpgw_();
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" &&
- $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "logout") {
- //if (! $phpgw->session->verify()) {
- // Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/login.php", "cd=10"));
- // exit;
- //}
- load_optional();
- phpgw_fillarray();
- $phpgw->common->common_();
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_utilities_class"]){
- $phpgw->utilities->utilities_();
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["nocommon_preferences"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["flags"]["nocommon_preferences"]) {
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]) {
- $phpgw->preferences->change("common","maxmatchs",15);
- $preferences_update = True;
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"]) {
- $phpgw->preferences->change("common","theme","default");
- $preferences_update = True;
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["dateformat"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["dateformat"]) {
- $phpgw->preferences->change("common","dateformat","m/d/Y");
- $preferences_update = True;
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"]) {
- $phpgw->preferences->change("common","timeformat",12);
- $preferences_update = True;
- }
- if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["lang"]) ||
- !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["lang"]) {
- $phpgw->preferences->change("common","lang",$phpgw->common->getPreferredLanguage());
- $preferences_update = True;
- }
- if ($preferences_update) {
- echo "Committing new preferences
- $phpgw->preferences->commit(__LINE__,__FILE__);
- }
- unset($preferences_update);
- }
- /*************************************************************************\
- * These lines load up the themes *
- \*************************************************************************/
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . "/phpgwapi/themes/" .
- $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"] . ".theme");
- if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
- /* Looks like there was a problem finding that theme. Try the default */
- echo "Warning: error locating selected theme";
- include ($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . "/phpgwapi/themes/default.theme");
- if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
- // Hope we don't get to this point. Better then the user seeing a
- // complety back screen and not know whats going on
- echo "
Fatal error: no themes found";
- exit;
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************\
- * If they are using frames, we need to set some variables *
- \*************************************************************************/
- if (($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["useframes"] && $phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "allowed")
- || ($phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "always")) {
- $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] = "phpgw_body";
- }
- /*************************************************************************\
- * Verify that the users session is still active otherwise kick them out *
- \*************************************************************************/
- if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "home" &&
- $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "logout" &&
- $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "preferences" &&
- $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "about") {
- if (! $phpgw_info["user"]["apps"][$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]]) {
- $phpgw->common->phpgw_header();
- echo "".lang("Access not permitted")."";
- exit;
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************\
- * Load the header unless the developer turns it off *
- \*************************************************************************/
- if (! $phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"]) {
- $phpgw->common->phpgw_header();
- }
- /*************************************************************************\
- * Load the app include files if the exists *
- \*************************************************************************/
- /* Then the include file */
- if (!preg_match ("/phpgwapi/i", $phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]) && file_exists ($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/functions.inc.php")){
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/functions.inc.php");
- }
- if (!$phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"] &&
- !$phpgw_info["flags"]["noappheader"] &&
- file_exists ($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/header.inc.php")) {
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/header.inc.php");
- }
- }
- error_reporting(7);
diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/phpgw.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/phpgw.inc.php
index ea5882feb0..6a1fae2120 100644
--- a/phpgwapi/inc/phpgw.inc.php
+++ b/phpgwapi/inc/phpgw.inc.php
@@ -20,7 +20,305 @@
} unset($d1);unset($d2);unset($d3);
+ $d1 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"],0,3));
+ $d2 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"],0,3));
+ $d3 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"],0,3));
+ if($d1 == "htt" || $d1 == "ftp" || $d2 == "htt" || $d2 == "ftp" || $d3 == "htt" || $d3 == "ftp") {
+ echo "Failed attempt to break in via an old Security Hole!
+ exit;
+ } unset($d1);unset($d2);unset($d3);
- * This file is retired, but I left ut here for backward compatibility. Seek3r*
+ * Direct functions, which are not part of the API class *
+ * for whatever reason. *
- include($phpgw_info["server"]["api_inc"] . "/functions.inc.php");
+ function CreateObject($classname, $val = "")
+ {
+ global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain;
+ $classpart = explode (".", $classname);
+ $classpart_count = count($classpart);
+ if ($classpart_count >= 1){
+ $includedChk = sprintf("%s_PHP3_INCLUDED", strtoupper($classpart[1]));
+ }else{
+ $includedChk = sprintf("%s_PHP3_INCLUDED", strtoupper($classpart[0]));
+ }
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS["$includedChk"])){
+ switch($classpart_count){
+ case 1:
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/".$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]."/inc/class.".$classpart[0].".inc.php");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/".$classpart[0]."/inc/class.".$classpart[1].".inc.php");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($classpart_count >= 1){
+ $obj = new $classpart[1]($val);
+ }else{
+ $obj = new $classpart[0]($val);
+ }
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ function lang($key, $m1="", $m2="", $m3="", $m4="", $m5="", $m6="", $m7="", $m8="", $m9="", $m10="" )
+ {
+ global $phpgw;
+ // # TODO: check if $m1 is of type array.
+ // If so, use it instead of $m2-$mN (Stephan)
+ $vars = array( $m1, $m2, $m3, $m4, $m5, $m6, $m7, $m8, $m9, $m10 );
+ $value = $phpgw->translation->translate("$key", $vars );
+ return $value;
+ }
+ // Just a temp wrapper.
+ function check_code($code)
+ {
+ global $phpgw;
+ return $phpgw->common->check_code($code);
+ }
+ /****************************************************************************\
+ * Optional classes, which can be disabled for performance increases *
+ * - they are loaded after pulling in the config from the DB *
+ \****************************************************************************/
+ function load_optional()
+ {
+ global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_categories_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->categories = CreateObject("phpgwapi.categories");
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_network_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->network = CreateObject("phpgwapi.network");
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_send_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->send = CreateObject("phpgwapi.send");
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_nextmatchs_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->nextmatchs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.nextmatchs");
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_utilities_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->utilities = CreateObject("phpgwapi.utilities");
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_vfs_class"]) {
+ $phpgw->vfs = CreateObject("phpgwapi.vfs");
+ }
+ }
+ /****************************************************************************\
+ * Quick verification of updated header.inc.php *
+ \****************************************************************************/
+ error_reporting(7);
+ if ($phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["header"] != $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["current_header"]){
+ echo "You need to port your settings to the new header.inc.php version.";
+ }
+ /****************************************************************************\
+ * Load up all the base values *
+ \****************************************************************************/
+ magic_quotes_runtime(false);
+ /* Make sure the developer is following the rules. */
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"])) {
+ echo "!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR \$phpgw_info[\"flags\"][\"currentapp\"] SET !!!";
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_domain)) { // make them fix their header
+ echo "The administration is required to upgrade the header.inc.php file before you can continue.";
+ exit;
+ }
+ reset($phpgw_domain);
+ $default_domain = each($phpgw_domain);
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"] = $default_domain[0];
+ unset ($default_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
+ // This code will handle virtdomains so that is a user logins with user@domain.com, it will switch into virtualization mode.
+ if (isset($domain)){
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $domain;
+ }elseif (isset($login) && isset($logindomain)){
+ if (!ereg ("\@", $login)){
+ $login = $login."@".$logindomain;
+ }
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $logindomain;
+ unset ($logindomain);
+ }elseif (isset($login) && !isset($logindomain)){
+ if (ereg ("\@", $login)){
+ $login_array = explode("@", $login);
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $login_array[1];
+ }else{
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"];
+ $login = $login."@".$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"];
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]])){
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_host"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_name"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_user"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_pass"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]]["db_type"];
+ }else{
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_host"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_name"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_user"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_pass"];
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = $phpgw_domain[$phpgw_info["server"]["default_domain"]]["db_type"];
+ }
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" && ! $phpgw_info["server"]["show_domain_selectbox"]) {
+ unset ($phpgw_domain); // we kill this for security reasons
+ }
+ unset ($domain); // we kill this to save memory
+ // some constants which can be used in setting user acl rights.
+ define("PHPGW_ACL_READ",1);
+ define("PHPGW_ACL_ADD",2);
+ define("PHPGW_ACL_EDIT",4);
+ define("PHPGW_ACL_DELETE",8);
+ // This function needs to be optimized, its reading duplicate information.
+ function phpgw_fillarray()
+ {
+ global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $cd, $colspan;
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir("phpgwapi");
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["images_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_path("phpgwapi");
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["images_filedir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir("phpgwapi");
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["app_root"] = $phpgw->common->get_app_dir();
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"] = $phpgw->common->get_inc_dir();
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["app_tpl"] = $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir();
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["app_images"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_path();
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["app_images_dir"] = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir();
+ /* ********This sets the user variables******** */
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["private_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/users/"
+ . $phpgw_info["user"]["userid"];
+ // This shouldn't happen, but if it does get ride of the warnings it will spit out
+ if (gettype($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]) != "array") {
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"] = array();
+ }
+ }
+ /****************************************************************************\
+ * These lines load up the API, fill up the $phpgw_info array, etc *
+ \****************************************************************************/
+ $phpgw = CreateObject("phpgwapi.phpgw");
+ $phpgw->phpgw_();
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" &&
+ $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "logout") {
+ //if (! $phpgw->session->verify()) {
+ // Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/login.php", "cd=10"));
+ // exit;
+ //}
+ load_optional();
+ phpgw_fillarray();
+ $phpgw->common->common_();
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_utilities_class"]){
+ $phpgw->utilities->utilities_();
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["nocommon_preferences"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["flags"]["nocommon_preferences"]) {
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]) {
+ $phpgw->preferences->change("common","maxmatchs",15);
+ $preferences_update = True;
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"]) {
+ $phpgw->preferences->change("common","theme","default");
+ $preferences_update = True;
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["dateformat"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["dateformat"]) {
+ $phpgw->preferences->change("common","dateformat","m/d/Y");
+ $preferences_update = True;
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"]) {
+ $phpgw->preferences->change("common","timeformat",12);
+ $preferences_update = True;
+ }
+ if (!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["lang"]) ||
+ !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["lang"]) {
+ $phpgw->preferences->change("common","lang",$phpgw->common->getPreferredLanguage());
+ $preferences_update = True;
+ }
+ if ($preferences_update) {
+ echo "Committing new preferences
+ $phpgw->preferences->commit(__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ }
+ unset($preferences_update);
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************\
+ * These lines load up the themes *
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . "/phpgwapi/themes/" .
+ $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["theme"] . ".theme");
+ if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
+ /* Looks like there was a problem finding that theme. Try the default */
+ echo "Warning: error locating selected theme";
+ include ($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . "/phpgwapi/themes/default.theme");
+ if ($phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"] == "") {
+ // Hope we don't get to this point. Better then the user seeing a
+ // complety back screen and not know whats going on
+ echo "Fatal error: no themes found";
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************\
+ * If they are using frames, we need to set some variables *
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ if (($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["useframes"] && $phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "allowed")
+ || ($phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "always")) {
+ $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] = "phpgw_body";
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************\
+ * Verify that the users session is still active otherwise kick them out *
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "home" &&
+ $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "logout" &&
+ $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "preferences" &&
+ $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "about") {
+ if (! $phpgw_info["user"]["apps"][$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]]) {
+ $phpgw->common->phpgw_header();
+ echo "".lang("Access not permitted")."";
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************\
+ * Load the header unless the developer turns it off *
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ if (! $phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"]) {
+ $phpgw->common->phpgw_header();
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************\
+ * Load the app include files if the exists *
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ /* Then the include file */
+ if (file_exists ($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/functions.inc.php")){
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/functions.inc.php");
+ }
+ if (!$phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"] &&
+ !$phpgw_info["flags"]["noappheader"] &&
+ file_exists ($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/header.inc.php")) {
+ include($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/header.inc.php");
+ }
+ }
+ error_reporting(7);
diff --git a/version.inc.php b/version.inc.php
index 4308ac76c5..8b80339c99 100644
--- a/version.inc.php
+++ b/version.inc.php
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"] = "0.9.9";
- $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["current_header"] = "1.10";
+ $phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["current_header"] = "1.9";