forked from extern/egroupware
fixed typo: infor(m)ation
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources cs Stručný popis zdroje
show calendar of resource resources cs Zobrazit kalendář zdroje
something went wrong by deleting resource resources cs Během mazání zdroje se něco nezdařilo
something went wrong by saving resource resources cs Během ukládání zdroje se něco nezdařilo
storage inforation resources cs Informace o uskladnění
storage information resources cs Informace o uskladnění
storage information: resources cs Informace o uskladnění
the calendar of this resource resources cs Kalendář tohoto zdroje
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources de Kurzbeschreibung der Ressource
show calendar of resource resources de Kalender der Ressource anzeigen
something went wrong by deleting resource resources de Beim Löschen der Ressource gab es ein Problem
something went wrong by saving resource resources de Beim Speichern der Ressource gab es ein Problem
storage inforation resources de Infos zur Lagerung
storage information resources de Informationen zur Lagerung
storage information: resources de Informationen zur Lagerung:
the calendar of this resource resources de Kalender der Ressource
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources en Short description of resource
show calendar of resource resources en Show calendar of resource
something went wrong by deleting resource resources en Something went wrong by deleting resource
something went wrong by saving resource resources en Something went wrong by saving resource
storage inforation resources en Storage Inforation
storage information resources en Storage information
storage information: resources en Storage information:
the calendar of this resource resources en The Calendar of this resource
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources es-es Descripción corta del recurso
show calendar of resource resources es-es Mostrar el calendario del recurso
something went wrong by deleting resource resources es-es Ocurrió algo extraño al borrar el recurso
something went wrong by saving resource resources es-es Ocurrió algo extraño al guardar el recurso
storage inforation resources es-es Información de almacenamiento
storage information resources es-es Información del almacenamiento
storage information: resources es-es Información del almacenamiento:
the calendar of this resource resources es-es El calendario de este recurso
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources eu Errekurtsoaren deskribapen motza
show calendar of resource resources eu Errekurtsoaren egutegia ikusi
something went wrong by deleting resource resources eu Zerbaitek hutsegin gu errekurtsoa ezabatzerakoan
something went wrong by saving resource resources eu Zerbaitek hutsegin gu errekurtsoa gordetzerakoan
storage inforation resources eu Gordetzeko informazioa
storage information resources eu Gordetzeko informazioa
storage information: resources eu Gordetzeko informazioa:
the calendar of this resource resources eu Errekurtso honen egutegia
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ show calendar of resource resources fa نمایش تقویم منبع
showing resources fa نمایش
something went wrong by deleting resource resources fa اشتباهی در حذف منبع پیش آمده
something went wrong by saving resource resources fa اشتباهی در ذخیره منبع پیش آمده
storage inforation resources fa اطلاعات مخزن
storage information resources fa اطلاعات مخزن
storage information: resources fa اطلاعات مخزن
the calendar of this resource resources fa تقویم این منبع
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ short description of resource resources fi Resurssin lyhyt kuvaus
show calendar of resource resources fi Näytä resurssin kalenteri
something went wrong by deleting resource resources fi Virhe poistettaessa resurssia
something went wrong by saving resource resources fi Virhe tallentaessa resurssia
storage inforation resources fi Varaston tiedot
storage information resources fi Varaston tiedot
storage information: resources fi Varaston tiedot:
the calendar of this resource resources fi Tämän resurssin kalenteri
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources fr Description courte de ressource
show calendar of resource resources fr Montrez le calendrier de la ressource
something went wrong by deleting resource resources fr Quelque chose a mal tourné en supprimant la ressource
something went wrong by saving resource resources fr Quelque chose a mal tourné en enregistrant la ressource
storage inforation resources fr Information de stockage
storage information resources fr Information de stockage
storage information: resources fr Information de stockage:
the calendar of this resource resources fr Le calendrier de cette ressource
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources hu Az erőforrás rövid leírása
show calendar of resource resources hu Az erőforrás naptárjának megjelenítése
something went wrong by deleting resource resources hu Hiba történt az erőforrás törlésekor
something went wrong by saving resource resources hu Hiba történt az erőforrás mentésekor
storage inforation resources hu Információ a raktározásról
storage information resources hu Információ a raktározásról
storage information: resources hu Információ a raktározásról:
the calendar of this resource resources hu Ennek az erőforrásnak a Naptárja
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources it Descrizione breve della risorsa
show calendar of resource resources it Mostra calendario della risorsa
something went wrong by deleting resource resources it Qualcosa non ha funzionato cancellando la risorsa
something went wrong by saving resource resources it Qualcosa non ha funzionato salvando la risorsa
storage inforation resources it Informazioni magazzino
storage information resources it Informazioni stoccaggio
storage information: resources it Informazioni stoccaggio:
the calendar of this resource resources it Il Calendario di questa risorsa
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ short description resources lv īss apraksts
short description of resource resources lv īss resursa apraksts
something went wrong by deleting resource resources lv Kaut kas nenotika pareizi dzēšot resursu
something went wrong by saving resource resources lv Kaut kas notika nepareizi saglabājot resursu
storage inforation resources lv Krātuves informācija
storage information resources lv Krātuves informācija
the calendar of this resource resources lv Šī resursa kalendārs
this module displays the resources app resources lv Šis modulis attēlo resursu programmatūru
use general resources icon resources lv Lietot vispārējo resursu ikonu
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources nl Korte beschrijving van hulpbron
show calendar of resource resources nl Toon de agenda van de hulpbron
something went wrong by deleting resource resources nl Er ging iets mis tijdens het verwijderen van de hulpbron
something went wrong by saving resource resources nl Er ging iets mis tijdens het bewaren van de hulpbron
storage inforation resources nl Opslaginformatie
storage information resources nl Opslaginformatie
storage information: resources nl Opslaginformatie:
the calendar of this resource resources nl De agenda van deze hulpbron
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources no Kort beskivelse av ressursen
show calendar of resource resources no Vis kalender for ressursen
something went wrong by deleting resource resources no Noe gikk galt ved sletting av ressyrsen
something went wrong by saving resource resources no Noe gikk galt ved lagring av ressursen
storage inforation resources no Lagringsinformasjon
storage information resources no Lagringsinformasjon
storage information: resources no Lagringsinformasjon:
the calendar of this resource resources no Kalender for denne ressursen
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources pl Krótki opis zasobu
show calendar of resource resources pl Pokaż kalendarz zasobu
something went wrong by deleting resource resources pl Coś poszło nie tak przy usuwaniu zasobu
something went wrong by saving resource resources pl Coś poszlo nie tak przy zapisywaniu zasobu
storage inforation resources pl Informacje o przechowywaniu
storage information resources pl Informacje o przechowywaniu
storage information: resources pl Informacje o przechowywaniu:
the calendar of this resource resources pl Kolendarz tego zasobu
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources pt-br Pequena descrição do recurso
show calendar of resource resources pt-br Exibir agenda do recurso
something went wrong by deleting resource resources pt-br Algo de errado ocorreu removendo o recurso
something went wrong by saving resource resources pt-br Algo de errado ocorreu salvando o recurso
storage inforation resources pt-br Informação de estoque
storage information resources pt-br Informação de estoque
storage information: resources pt-br Informação de estoque
the calendar of this resource resources pt-br A agenda deste recurso
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources pt Breve descrição do recurso
show calendar of resource resources pt Exibir recurso do calendário
something went wrong by deleting resource resources pt Ocorreu um erro ao eliminar recurso
something went wrong by saving resource resources pt Ocorreu um erro ao guardar recurso
storage inforation resources pt Informações sobre armazenamento
storage information resources pt Informações sobre armazenamento
storage information: resources pt Informações sobre armazenamento:
the calendar of this resource resources pt O calendário deste recurso
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources ru Краткое описание ру
show calendar of resource resources ru Показать календарь ресурса
something went wrong by deleting resource resources ru Что-то пошло не так при удалении ресурса
something went wrong by saving resource resources ru Что-то пошло не так при сохранении ресурса
storage inforation resources ru Информация о Хранилище
storage information resources ru Информация о хранилище:
storage information: resources ru Информация о хранилище:
the calendar of this resource resources ru Календарь этого Ресурса
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources sk Zobraziť popis zdroja
show calendar of resource resources sk Zobraziť kalendár zdroja
something went wrong by deleting resource resources sk Počas odstraňovania zdroja sa niečo nepodarilo
something went wrong by saving resource resources sk Počas ukladania zdroja sa niečo nepodarilo
storage inforation resources sk Informácie o sklade
storage information resources sk Informácie o sklade
storage information: resources sk Informácie o sklade:
the calendar of this resource resources sk Kalendár pre tento zdroj
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources sl Kratek opis sredstva
show calendar of resource resources sl Prikaži koledar sredstva
something went wrong by deleting resource resources sl Nekaj ni bilo v redu pri brisanju sredstva
something went wrong by saving resource resources sl Nekaj ni bilo v redu pri shranjevanju sredstva
storage inforation resources sl Informacija o prostoru
storage information resources sl Informacija o prostoru
storage information: resources sl Informacija o prostoru:
the calendar of this resource resources sl Koledar tega sredstva
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources sv Kort beskrivning av resursen
show calendar of resource resources sv Visa resursens kalender
something went wrong by deleting resource resources sv Något gick fel vid radering av resursen
something went wrong by saving resource resources sv Något gick fel vid sparandet av resursen
storage inforation resources sv Lager information
storage information resources sv Lager information
storage information: resources sv Lager information:
the calendar of this resource resources sv Resursens kalender
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ short description of resource resources zh-tw 資源的簡短說明
show calendar of resource resources zh-tw 顯示資源的行事曆
something went wrong by deleting resource resources zh-tw 刪除資源時發生錯誤
something went wrong by saving resource resources zh-tw 儲存資源時發生錯誤
storage inforation resources zh-tw 儲存資訊
storage information resources zh-tw 保管資訊
storage information: resources zh-tw 保管資訊:
the calendar of this resource resources zh-tw 這個資源的行事曆
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ show calendar of resource resources zh 显示资源日历
site configuration resources zh 站点配置
something went wrong by deleting resource resources zh 删除资源时发生错误
something went wrong by saving resource resources zh 保存资源时发生错误
storage inforation resources zh 存储信息
storage information resources zh 存储信息
storage information: resources zh 存储信息:
the calendar of this resource resources zh 这一资源的日历
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<nextmatch-sortheader label="Location" id="location"/>
<description value="Storage Inforation"/>
<description value="Storage information"/>
<hbox align="right">
<description value="Actions"/>
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