From f94e6bb501f6c1158833403284047c0608674528 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Klaus Leithoff Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:52:02 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] * API/htmLawed: update to version 1.1.17 --- phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed.php | 43 +++++++-------------- phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php | 22 ++++++----- phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.htm | 22 +++++++---- phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt | 20 ++++++---- phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt | 25 +++++++++++- 5 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed.php b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed.php index 781718bb75..49024d411b 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed.php +++ b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed.php @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'td'= // block/inline type; ins & del both type; #pcdata: text $eB = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'ul'=>1); $eI = array('#pcdata'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1); -if($GLOBALS['C']['allow_for_inline'] && is_array($GLOBALS['C']['allow_for_inline'])) foreach($GLOBALS['C']['allow_for_inline'] as $khai => $vhai) {$eI[$vhai]=1;}//allow table as if it was an inline element as some Text ...
more text
is quite common $eN = array('a'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1); // Exclude from specific ele; $cN values $eO = array('area'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Missing in $eB & $eI $eF = $eB + $eI; @@ -231,9 +227,6 @@ for($i=-1, $ci=count($t); ++$i<$ci;){ if((($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql)) && !isset($eB[$e]) && !isset($ok[$e])){ array_splice($t, $i, 0, 'div>'); unset($e, $x); ++$ci; --$i; continue; } - if($e == 'div' && !isset($ok['div']) && strpos($a, '-htmlawed-transform')){ - $t[$i] = "span{$a}>{$x}"; unset($e, $x); --$i; continue; - } // if no open ele, $in = parent; mostly immediate parent-child relation should hold if(!$ql or !isset($eN[$e]) or !array_intersect($q, $cN2)){ if(!isset($ok[$e])){ @@ -343,7 +336,7 @@ $c = isset($C['schemes'][$c]) ? $C['schemes'][$c] : $C['schemes']['*']; static $d = 'denied:'; if(isset($c['!']) && substr($p, 0, 7) != $d){$p = "$d$p";} if(isset($c['*']) or !strcspn($p, '#?;') or (substr($p, 0, 7) == $d)){return "{$b}{$p}{$a}";} // All ok, frag, query, param -if(preg_match('`^([a-z\d\-+.&#; ]+?)(:|&#(58|x3a);|%3a|\\\\0{0,4}3a).`i', $p, $m) && !isset($c[strtolower($m[1])])){ // Denied prot +if(preg_match('`^([^:?[@!$()*,=/\'\]]+?)(:|&#(58|x3a);|%3a|\\\\0{0,4}3a).`i', $p, $m) && !isset($c[strtolower($m[1])])){ // Denied prot return "{$b}{$d}{$p}{$a}"; } if($C['abs_url']){ @@ -386,7 +379,7 @@ return $r; function hl_spec($t){ // final $spec $s = array(); -$t = str_replace(array("\t", "\r", "\n", ' '), '', preg_replace('/"(?>(`.|[^"])*)"/sme', 'substr(str_replace(array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")", \'`"\'), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\""), "$0"), 1, -1)', trim($t))); +$t = str_replace(array("\t", "\r", "\n", ' '), '', preg_replace_callback('/"(?>(`.|[^"])*)"/sm', create_function('$m', 'return substr(str_replace(array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")", \'`"\'), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\""), $m[0]), 1, -1);'), trim($t))); for($i = count(($t = explode(';', $t))); --$i>=0;){ $w = $t[$i]; if(empty($w) or ($e = strpos($w, '=')) === false or !strlen(($a = substr($w, $e+1)))){continue;} @@ -422,8 +415,7 @@ $t = $t[0]; if($t == '< '){return '< ';} if($t == '>'){return '>';} if(!preg_match('`^<(/?)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z1-6]*)([^>]*?)\s?>$`m', $t, $m)){ - //return str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $t); - return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $t) : ''); + return str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $t); }elseif(!isset($C['elements'][($e = strtolower($m[2]))])){ return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $t) : ''); } @@ -443,7 +435,6 @@ if(!empty($m[1])){ // open tag & attr static $aN = array('abbr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'accept-charset'=>array('form'=>1), 'accept'=>array('form'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'accesskey'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'action'=>array('form'=>1), 'align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'alt'=>array('applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'archive'=>array('applet'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'axis'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('embed'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'border'=>array('table'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'cellpadding'=>array('table'=>1), 'cellspacing'=>array('table'=>1), 'char'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charoff'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charset'=>array('a'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'checked'=>array('input'=>1), 'cite'=>array('blockquote'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'classid'=>array('object'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'code'=>array('applet'=>1), 'codebase'=>array('object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'codetype'=>array('object'=>1), 'color'=>array('font'=>1), 'cols'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'colspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'coords'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'data'=>array('object'=>1), 'datetime'=>array('del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'declare'=>array('object'=>1), 'defer'=>array('script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('bdo'=>1), 'disabled'=>array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'enctype'=>array('form'=>1), 'face'=>array('font'=>1), 'flashvars'=>array('embed'=>1), 'for'=>array('label'=>1), 'frame'=>array('table'=>1), 'frameborder'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'headers'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'height'=>array('embed'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'href'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1), 'hreflang'=>array('a'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'ismap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'label'=>array('option'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'longdesc'=>array('img'=>1, 'iframe'=>1), 'marginheight'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'marginwidth'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'maxlength'=>array('input'=>1), 'method'=>array('form'=>1), 'model'=>array('embed'=>1), 'multiple'=>array('select'=>1), 'name'=>array('button'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'param'=>1), 'nohref'=>array('area'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'object'=>array('applet'=>1), 'onblur'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onchange'=>array('input'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onfocus'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onreset'=>array('form'=>1), 'onselect'=>array('input'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onsubmit'=>array('form'=>1), 'pluginspage'=>array('embed'=>1), 'pluginurl'=>array('embed'=>1), 'prompt'=>array('isindex'=>1), 'readonly'=>array('textarea'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'rel'=>array('a'=>1), 'rev'=>array('a'=>1), 'rows'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'rowspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'rules'=>array('table'=>1), 'scope'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'scrolling'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'selected'=>array('option'=>1), 'shape'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'select'=>1), 'span'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1), 'src'=>array('embed'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1), 'standby'=>array('object'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'summary'=>array('table'=>1), 'tabindex'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'target'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'form'=>1), 'type'=>array('a'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'button'=>1), 'usemap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'valign'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'value'=>array('input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'li'=>1), 'valuetype'=>array('param'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'pre'=>1), 'wmode'=>array('embed'=>1), 'xml:space'=>array('pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'style'=>1)); // Ele-specific -$aN['background']=(isset($aN['background'])?array_merge($aN['background'],array('td'=>1)):array('td'=>1));//allow attribute background for (additional) elements, its not allowed by HTML Standards exept for body, but used anyway; one should check for the url to be allowed by application means static $aNE = array('checked'=>1, 'compact'=>1, 'declare'=>1, 'defer'=>1, 'disabled'=>1, 'ismap'=>1, 'multiple'=>1, 'nohref'=>1, 'noresize'=>1, 'noshade'=>1, 'nowrap'=>1, 'readonly'=>1, 'selected'=>1); // Empty static $aNP = array('action'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'classid'=>1, 'codebase'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'href'=>1, 'longdesc'=>1, 'model'=>1, 'pluginspage'=>1, 'pluginurl'=>1, 'usemap'=>1); // Need scheme check; excludes style, on* & src static $aNU = array('class'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'id'=>array('script'=>1), 'lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'xml:lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'ondblclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeydown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeypress'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeyup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousedown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousemove'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseout'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseover'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'style'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'title'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1)); // Univ & exceptions @@ -632,7 +623,7 @@ if($e == 'dir' or $e == 'menu'){$e = 'ul'; return '';} if($e == 's' or $e == 'strike'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: line-through;';} if($e == 'u'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: underline;';} static $fs = array('0'=>'xx-small', '1'=>'xx-small', '2'=>'small', '3'=>'medium', '4'=>'large', '5'=>'x-large', '6'=>'xx-large', '7'=>'300%', '-1'=>'smaller', '-2'=>'60%', '+1'=>'larger', '+2'=>'150%', '+3'=>'200%', '+4'=>'300%'); -if($e == 'font' && $t !=3){//3 is a new make_tag_strict config value, to indicate that transformation is to be performed, but don't transform font, as size transformation of numeric sizes to keywords alters the intended result too much +if($e == 'font'){ $a2 = ''; if(preg_match('`face\s*=\s*(\'|")([^=]+?)\\1`i', $a, $m) or preg_match('`face\s*=(\s*)(\S+)`i', $a, $m)){ $a2 .= ' font-family: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';'; @@ -643,13 +634,7 @@ if($e == 'font' && $t !=3){//3 is a new make_tag_strict config value, to indicat if(preg_match('`size\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m) && isset($fs[($m = trim($m[2]))])){ $a2 .= ' font-size: '. $fs[$m]. ';'; } -// $e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2); -// replace the above with following - if($GLOBALS['C']['balance']){ - $e = 'div'; return 'display: inline; -htmlawed-transform: 1; '. ltrim($a2); - }else{ - $e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2); - } + $e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2); } if($t == 2){$e = 0; return 0;} return ''; @@ -659,7 +644,7 @@ return ''; function hl_tidy($t, $w, $p){ // Tidy/compact HTM if(strpos(' pre,script,textarea', "$p,")){return $t;} -$t = str_replace(' ]*(?)\s+`', '`\s+`', '`(<\w[^>]*(?) `'), array(' $1', ' ', '$1'), preg_replace_callback(array('`(<(!\[CDATA\[))(.+?)(\]\]>)`sm', '`(<(!--))(.+?)(-->)`sm', '`(<(pre|script|textarea)[^>]*?>)(.+?)()`sm'), create_function('$m', 'return $m[1]. str_replace(array("<", ">", "\n", "\r", "\t", " "), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), $m[3]). $m[4];'), $t))); +$t = preg_replace('`\s+`', ' ', preg_replace_callback(array('`(<(!\[CDATA\[))(.+?)(\]\]>)`sm', '`(<(!--))(.+?)(-->)`sm', '`(<(pre|script|textarea)[^>]*?>)(.+?)()`sm'), create_function('$m', 'return $m[1]. str_replace(array("<", ">", "\n", "\r", "\t", " "), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), $m[3]). $m[4];'), $t)); if(($w = strtolower($w)) == -1){ return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array('<', '>', "\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), $t); } @@ -667,7 +652,7 @@ $s = strpos(" $w", 't') ? "\t" : ' '; $s = preg_match('`\d`', $w, $m) ? str_repeat($s, $m[0]) : str_repeat($s, ($s == "\t" ? 1 : 2)); $N = preg_match('`[ts]([1-9])`', $w, $m) ? $m[1] : 0; $a = array('br'=>1); -$b = array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'option'=>1); +$b = array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1); $c = array('caption'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'th'=>1); $d = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1); $T = explode('<', $t); @@ -689,20 +674,20 @@ while($X){ else{++$N; ob_end_clean(); continue 2;} } else{echo "\n", str_repeat($s, $n), "$e\n", str_repeat($s, ($x != 1 ? ++$n : $n));} - echo ltrim($r); continue; + echo $r; continue; } $f = "\n". str_repeat($s, $n); if(isset($c[$y])){ - if(!$x){echo $e, $f, ltrim($r);} + if(!$x){echo $e, $f, $r;} else{echo $f, $e, $r;} }elseif(isset($b[$y])){echo $f, $e, $r; - }elseif(isset($a[$y])){echo $e, $f, ltrim($r); - }elseif(!$y){echo $f, $e, $f, ltrim($r); + }elseif(isset($a[$y])){echo $e, $f, $r; + }elseif(!$y){echo $f, $e, $f, $r; }else{echo $e, $r;} } $X = 0; } -$t = preg_replace('`[\n]\s*?[\n]+`', "\n", ob_get_contents()); +$t = str_replace(array("\n ", " \n"), "\n", preg_replace('`[\n]\s*?[\n]+`', "\n", ob_get_contents())); ob_end_clean(); if(($l = strpos(" $w", 'r') ? (strpos(" $w", 'n') ? "\r\n" : "\r") : 0)){ $t = str_replace("\n", $l, $t); @@ -713,7 +698,7 @@ return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array( function hl_version(){ // rel -return '1.1.14'; +return '1.1.17'; // eof } diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php index 63346b1f32..220c5c35ad 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php +++ b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawedTest.php @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /g, '>'); - i = i.replace(/'; if({ = 'none';} else{f.visibility = 'hidden';} - f.innerHTML = '

'; + f.innerHTML = '

'; f.action = 'htmLawedTest.php?pre=1'; = 'hlprehtm'; f.method = 'post'; + var t = document.createElement('textarea'); + = 'inputH'; + t.value = i; + f.appendChild(t); var b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; b.appendChild(f); f.submit(); @@ -285,9 +286,6 @@ function sndValidn(id, type){ var i = document.getElementById(id); if(!i){return;} i = i.value; - i = i.replace(/>/g, '>'); - i = i.replace(/'; if({ = 'none';} else{f.visibility = 'hidden';} - f.innerHTML = '

'; + f.innerHTML = '

'; f.action = ''; = 'validate'+id+type; + var t = document.createElement('textarea'); + = 'fragment'; + t.value = i; + f.appendChild(t); var b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; b.appendChild(f); f.submit(); diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.htm b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.htm index dbf4f308be..fd9c2c2888 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.htm +++ b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.htm @@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ span.totop a, span.totop a:visited {color: #6699cc;}

htmLawed_README.txt, 17 September 2012
-htmLawed 1.1.14, 8 August 2012
htmLawed_README.txt, 11 March 2014
+htmLawed 1.1.17, 11 March 2014
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility - 
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - 1  About htmLawed (to top)

-  htmLawed is a PHP script to process text with HTML markup to make it more comliant with HTML standards  and administrative policies. It works by making HTML well-formed with balanced and properly nested tags, neutralizing code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, allowing only specified HTML tags and attributes, and so on. Such lawing in of HTML in text used in (X)HTML or XML documents ensures that it is in accordance with the aesthetics, safety and usability requirements set by administrators.
+  htmLawed is a PHP script to process text with HTML markup to make it more compliant with HTML standards and administrative policies. It works by making HTML well-formed with balanced and properly nested tags, neutralizing code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, allowing only specified HTML tags and attributes, and so on. Such lawing in of HTML in text used in (X)HTML or XML documents ensures that it is in accordance with the aesthetics, safety and usability requirements set by administrators.

  htmLawed is highly customizable, and fast with low memory usage. Its free and open-source code is in one small file, does not require extensions or libraries, and works in older versions of PHP as well. It is a good alternative to the HTML Tidy application.
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - $config["clean_ms_char"] parameter should not be used if authors do not copy-paste Microsoft-created text, or if the input text is not believed to use the Windows 1252 (Cp-1252) or a similar encoding like Cp-1251. Further, the input form and the web-pages displaying it or its content should have the character encoding appropriately marked-up.
+  The $config["clean_ms_char"] parameter should not be used if authors do not copy-paste Microsoft-created text, or if the input text is not believed to use the Windows 1252 (Cp-1252) or a similar encoding like Cp-1251 (otherwise, for example when UTF-8 encoding is in use, Japanese or Korean characters can get mangled). Further, the input form and the web-pages displaying it or its content should have the character encoding appropriately marked-up.

@@ -1773,15 +1773,21 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - e modifier for compatibility with PHP 5.5
+  1.1.16 - 29 August 2013. Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from specially encoded space characters in URL schemes/protocols
+  1.1.15 - 11 August 2013. Improved tidying/prettifying functionality
  1.1.14 - 8 August 2012. Fix for possible segmental loss of incremental indentation during tidying when balance is disabled; fix for non-effectuation under some circumstances of a corrective behavior to preserve plain text within elements like blockquote.

  1.1.13 - 22 July 2012. Added feature allowing use of custom, non-standard attributes or custom rules for standard attributes

  1.1.12 - 5 July 2012. Fix for a bug in identifying an unquoted value of the face attribute

-  1.1.11 - 5 June 2012. Fix for possible problem with handling of multi-byte characters in attribute values in an mbstring.func_overload enviroment. $config["hook_tag"], if specified, now receives names of elements in closing tags.
+  1.1.11 - 5 June 2012. Fix for possible problem with handling of multi-byte characters in attribute values in an mbstring.func_overload environment. $config["hook_tag"], if specified, now receives names of elements in closing tags.

-  1.1.10 - 22 October 2011. Fix for a bug in the tidy functionality that caused the entire input to be replaced with a single space; new parameter, $config["direct_list_nest"] to allow direct descendance of a list in a list. (5 April 2012. Dual licensing from LGPLv3 to LGPLv3 and GPLv2+.)
+  1.1.10 - 22 October 2011. Fix for a bug in the tidy functionality that caused the entire input to be replaced with a single space; new parameter, $config["direct_list_nest"] to allow direct descendence of a list in a list. (5 April 2012. Dual licensing from LGPLv3 to LGPLv3 and GPLv2+.) - 6 July 2011. Minor correction of a rule for nesting of li within dir

@@ -1898,7 +1904,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility -
4.10  Acknowledgements

(to top)

-  Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.
+  Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users.

  Thank you!
@@ -2167,7 +2173,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - HTM version of htmLawed_README.txt generated on 18 Sep, 2012 using rTxt2htm from PHP Labware +

HTM version of htmLawed_README.txt generated on 11 Mar, 2014 using rTxt2htm from PHP Labware
diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt index ef0c5a3fde..2a48e4adcd 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt +++ b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_README.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* -htmLawed_README.txt, 17 September 2012 -htmLawed 1.1.14, 8 August 2012 +htmLawed_README.txt, 11 March 2014 +htmLawed 1.1.17, 11 March 2014 Copyright Santosh Patnaik Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+ A PHP Labware internal utility - @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - == 1 About htmLawed ================================================ - htmLawed is a PHP script to process text with HTML markup to make it more comliant with HTML standards and administrative policies. It works by making HTML well-formed with balanced and properly nested tags, neutralizing code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, allowing only specified HTML tags and attributes, and so on. Such `lawing in` of HTML in text used in (X)HTML or XML documents ensures that it is in accordance with the aesthetics, safety and usability requirements set by administrators. + htmLawed is a PHP script to process text with HTML markup to make it more compliant with HTML standards and administrative policies. It works by making HTML well-formed with balanced and properly nested tags, neutralizing code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, allowing only specified HTML tags and attributes, and so on. Such `lawing in` of HTML in text used in (X)HTML or XML documents ensures that it is in accordance with the aesthetics, safety and usability requirements set by administrators. htmLawed is highly customizable, and fast with low memory usage. Its free and open-source code is in one small file, does not require extensions or libraries, and works in older versions of PHP as well. It is a good alternative to the HTML Tidy:- application. @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - The character values are replaced with entities/characters and not character values referred to by the entities/characters to keep this task independent of the character-encoding of input text. - The '$config["clean_ms_char"]' parameter should not be used if authors do not copy-paste Microsoft-created text, or if the input text is not believed to use the 'Windows 1252' ('Cp-1252') or a similar encoding like 'Cp-1251'. Further, the input form and the web-pages displaying it or its content should have the character encoding appropriately marked-up. + The '$config["clean_ms_char"]' parameter should not be used if authors do not copy-paste Microsoft-created text, or if the input text is not believed to use the 'Windows 1252' ('Cp-1252') or a similar encoding like 'Cp-1251' (otherwise, for example when UTF-8 encoding is in use, Japanese or Korean characters can get mangled). Further, the input form and the web-pages displaying it or its content should have the character encoding appropriately marked-up. -- 3.2 Character references/entities ------------------------------o @@ -1344,15 +1344,21 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - `Version number - Release date. Notes` + 1.1.17 - 11 March 2014. Removed use of PHP function preg_replace with 'e' modifier for compatibility with PHP 5.5 + + 1.1.16 - 29 August 2013. Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from specially encoded space characters in URL schemes/protocols + + 1.1.15 - 11 August 2013. Improved tidying/prettifying functionality + 1.1.14 - 8 August 2012. Fix for possible segmental loss of incremental indentation during 'tidying' when 'balance' is disabled; fix for non-effectuation under some circumstances of a corrective behavior to preserve plain text within elements like 'blockquote'. 1.1.13 - 22 July 2012. Added feature allowing use of custom, non-standard attributes or custom rules for standard attributes 1.1.12 - 5 July 2012. Fix for a bug in identifying an unquoted value of the 'face' attribute - 1.1.11 - 5 June 2012. Fix for possible problem with handling of multi-byte characters in attribute values in an mbstring.func_overload enviroment. '$config["hook_tag"]', if specified, now receives names of elements in closing tags. + 1.1.11 - 5 June 2012. Fix for possible problem with handling of multi-byte characters in attribute values in an mbstring.func_overload environment. '$config["hook_tag"]', if specified, now receives names of elements in closing tags. - 1.1.10 - 22 October 2011. Fix for a bug in the 'tidy' functionality that caused the entire input to be replaced with a single space; new parameter, '$config["direct_list_nest"]' to allow direct descendance of a list in a list. (5 April 2012. Dual licensing from LGPLv3 to LGPLv3 and GPLv2+.) + 1.1.10 - 22 October 2011. Fix for a bug in the 'tidy' functionality that caused the entire input to be replaced with a single space; new parameter, '$config["direct_list_nest"]' to allow direct descendence of a list in a list. (5 April 2012. Dual licensing from LGPLv3 to LGPLv3 and GPLv2+.) - 6 July 2011. Minor correction of a rule for nesting of 'li' within 'dir' @@ -1462,7 +1468,7 @@ A PHP Labware internal utility - -- 4.10 Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------o - Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users. + Nicholas Alipaz, Bryan Blakey, Pádraic Brady, Dac Chartrand, Ulf Harnhammer, Gareth Heyes, Klaus Leithoff, Lukasz Pilorz, Shelley Powers, Harro Verton, Edward Yang, and many anonymous users. Thank you! diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt index ea99e9b54f..2e3c4a16ed 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt +++ b/phpgwapi/inc/htmLawed/htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* -htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt, 14 August 2012 -htmLawed 1.1.14, 8 August 2012 +htmLawed_TESTCASE.txt, 27 August 2013 +htmLawed 1.1.17, 11 March 2014 Copyright Santosh Patnaik Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+ A PHP Labware internal utility - @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ character encoding to Unicode/UTF-8 Deprecated: a,

Custom: image
+Data-*: a
Attribute values
@@ -205,6 +206,13 @@ text none t e x t Malformed: , < ![CDATA check ]]>, < ![CDATA check ] ]>
Invalid: >comment in tag content, +
+ +figure and figcaption:
Caption for the awesome picture








Heat 150.

+datalist: +
(depending on context, these elements can be of either block or inline type)
@@ -265,6 +273,10 @@ Invalid: >comment in tag content, +Menu:
  • + +
  • +
    @@ -279,6 +291,10 @@ Find me at XML declaration:
    XML-invalid character code-point (may not replicate):

    “Where is he?” asked both Mary – the one so lovely – and Jane.

    + +Block or inline a:



    Non-English text-1
    Inscrieţi-vă acum la a Zecea Conferinţă Internaţională
    @@ -326,6 +342,7 @@ na Alemanha. (aaa) +
    Omitted closing tags: @@ -357,6 +374,9 @@ na Alemanha. Font element intended as 'block' element:

    Font element intended as 'block' element:

    +White-space handling: abc def ghi abc def ghi +
    Relative and absolute:, , , , , ,
    @@ -382,6 +402,7 @@ src=javascript:al test
    Bad IE7:x
    +Opera:linkBad IE7:xxx
    Bad IE7:xxx
    Bad IE7:xxx