- using maximum from calendar modified and user_modified for getlastmodified, as for the etag
- invitations in inbox have to use METHOD: PUBLISH (not REQUEST)
+ do NOT use ORGANIZER for events without further participants or a different organizer
+ do not include event owner/ORGANIZER as participant in his own calendar, if he is only participant
--> all other cases include ORGANZIER and additional as ATTENDEE (tested with iCal on iOS and OS X)
- implemented schedule-tag and If-Schedule-Tag-Match header from CalDAV Scheduling
- allow to change participant status and add/remove alarms with schedule-tag instead of ETag
--> If-Schedule-Tag-Match header has precedence over If-Match (ETag) header, but limits changes to participant status and alarms
--> ToDo: test accepting, rejecting recurrences
--> participants are - thanks to CalDAV scheduling - now setable for new event, thought searching for them does NOT yet work, no idea why ;-)
- added somehow missing calendar-query report to supported-report-set
- had to implement a workaround for Lightning, as it wrongly interprets principal-property-search for calendar-home-set in the principal-collection-set
matching our *DAV root returning all principals, as all have a matching calendar-home-set, as NOT supporting CalDAV scheduling
--> search only current user's principal, when Lightning searches for calendar-home-set
- OPTIONS / return now calendar-auto-scheduling too, as Lightning only searches there, to check if server supports CalDAV scheduling
- fixed outbox freebusy request to cope with no X-CALENDARSERVER-MASK-UID and a single attendee
- principal reports scheduling-inbox-URL /<username>/inbox/ and scheduling-outbox-URL /<username>/outbox/
- outbox collection contains no events
- outbox correctly answers POST for freebusy information
- outbox respons to all other POST with "204 No Content", ignore client request to deliver invitations
- inbox collection contains events of unknown status (PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION)
- inbox responds to DELETE with "200 Ok"
--> iCal under OS X now shows freebusy times :-)
(had to add "write-content" privilege for calendar collections user has edit rights for, to allow adding events)
+ currently only standard WebDAV privileges: read, read-current-user-privilege-set, write-content, bind and unbind used
+ they get only queried for collections, thought we dont report any write* on collections, as we dont allow to create calendars or change properties
- new groupdav::add_resource() method used to add all resources (incl. collections) to propfind or report requests
- improved autoindex to show nicely indented hierarchical properties
we only recognice recuring events which start before or in the current timerange and end in or after it or have no end-date.
--> give an error message, as it is a debuging/support nightmare, if this gets silently fixed when reading events.
No idea how this situation (exceptions before startdate) can be created anyway.