- legacy actions column and multiple action row below table is switched off by default, but can be switched on again
- legacy action button is NOT yet working
- "whole query" checkbox need to go into context menu too
- SQL error when storing cfs
- csv export did not contain cfs (reported by Frank Becker)
- list did not contain cfs
- list caused check of attachments for every single entry, without
displaying the attachments
- empty cf values got stored in db
--> had to rework the whole cf stuff :-(
+ Both: allow to use ProjectManager and free project-names
+ None: use only free project-names
+ Full: use only ProjectManager
- new filter for none-selected for category and project
--> requires an updated trunk etemplate version!!!
- [Add] button is now also on the top rights of the list (custom dates are on the left now)
- instead of a start-date+time plus the duration, you can now specify the start+date (required) plus 2 out of the following 3: start-time, duration, end-time
- the end-time for new entries is set to the aktual time, so you only need to fill the duration for a task you just finished
- range-sums are only shown if the date-filter includes the full-range (otherwise you got an incorrect sum)
- day-sums only for less or equal 6 weeks
- more meaningful app-header / report title
- disabled owner column in print, if filtered by one owner
- state of details/no details is now saved in the user prefs, to be persistent over sessions
- minutes are allowed as additional input-unit for times