- "processing" the submit on serverside (no validation yet)
--> content returned by ajax call is not an hiearchical array: eg. "button[save]" => 1, instead of "button" => array("save" => 1)
- new call to etemplate_new::exec() is send back via new JSON generic et2_load response
--> how do we handle output of callback: a) debug output, eg. echos and b) echo "<html><head><script>window.close();</script></head></html>"; exit;
- Added system for readonlys: Readonly is passed in constructor as third parameter. If a widget class is registerd with "[type]_ro" (see et2_textbox for example) this one is created
- Added new 'valueWidget' base class which introduces the 'value' attribute and implements auto loading from the content array
- Implemented readonly attribute for buttons and textboxes