Nathan Gray
- Use separate session storage for each app
- Disable filter for Admin -> Global categories, there can't be personal categories there
2011-06-22 19:23:31 +00:00
Nathan Gray
If admin edits a (private) category, it will now become public
2011-06-22 19:03:21 +00:00
Nathan Gray
- Fix re-setting filter - set private to readonly if not in admin section, and user is not category owner
2011-06-22 19:01:00 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Make sure default filter is always properly set
2011-06-21 21:30:26 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Use the same code for categories for preferences & admin, add context menu
2011-06-21 20:14:56 +00:00
Nathan Gray
- Only show user to user, admins pick from groups
- Don't allow empty owner, use 0 if empty
2011-06-16 15:51:42 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add filters for global / user to categories list
2011-06-15 22:27:40 +00:00
Nathan Gray
- Change category group filtering to allow multiple groups
- Give warning when removing access from a group
2011-06-14 18:50:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fixed silently not working statistic submit with Webkit browsers (Safari, Chrome, ...)
- changed submit url to to overcome unsecure submit warnings
2011-05-31 09:25:36 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
do not use password on asetLastPwdChange in admin actions, as the use of passwords indicates the usage of the functionality in usermode; Handle params for egw_cache::getSession in the correct order
2011-05-19 10:32:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow to require custom fields to be filled out by users
2011-05-18 10:25:39 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Use default conversions, don't pass account_lid to create new groups
2011-04-26 14:43:57 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Admin: session-list is generated now from egw_access_log table independent of readablity of sessions files in filesystem
- session_(dla|action) is stored in egw_access_log table
- notifications refresh via ajax set notification_heartbeat timestamp in egw_access_log
- if notification_heartbeat is set (happens only for browser sessions with popup notification) sessions get removed from session list one minute after browser is closed
- new static method egw_session::notifications_active($account_id) to check if given user has an open browser with notifications popup checking, to ensure popup notifications can fall back to email
2011-04-13 14:11:09 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* Admin: fix for reported error regarding wrong count of lines in Admin -> view error log (note, not all errors are logged there, only some. Its only used for some error logging, most of error logging is done/directed to the webservers error log)
2011-04-13 10:07:42 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fix import / export available and exported fields
2011-04-12 22:23:40 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add export plugins for users and groups
2011-04-12 15:38:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
moved notify users via mail into action groupbox
2011-04-05 15:02:41 +00:00
Ralf Becker
added "must change password" and "can change password" attribute to "Bulk password reset" command and added German translation
2011-04-01 18:49:42 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* method to reset passwords of multiple users to a random password and notify them about that, also allows to change from plaintext passwords to a different hash
2011-04-01 13:35:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
identical lettersearch for etemplate and admin via central css file
2011-03-30 08:18:06 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* give everyone implicit rights for home app, as taking them away makes to many support problems
2011-03-30 07:54:29 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle account_last_change is string and 0
2011-03-16 16:26:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
read and evaluate auth systems password-last-changed information
2011-03-16 13:26:32 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
read and evaluate auth systems password-last-changed information
2011-03-16 13:26:17 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
more to the issue: fix to regard the password-last-changed information from the auth system - if provided, and thus be able to react on forced password changes triggered by auth system
2011-03-16 12:44:42 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix to regard the password-last-changed information from the auth system - if provided, and thus be able to react on forced password changes triggered from auth system. set password-last-changed info in authsystem on password change. when trying to force the user to change his password upon next login as admin from within egrouware, try to set the 0 value within the authsystem as well (in ldap rights are required for admin (or user) to set/alter the shadowlastchange attribute)
2011-03-16 11:00:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* fixed not working deleted of application-global categories via "admin >> global categories" in applications
2011-02-15 12:51:21 +00:00
Ralf Becker
added EventMgr account_id columns to admin_cmd_change_account_id
2011-02-10 10:23:06 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Allow a key 'no_add' to turn off the ability to add a new [sub]type. If no add and no delete, the whole first line will be hidden.
2011-01-25 20:32:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* dont give sql error in gathering statistic data, if table does not exists (eg. Gallery is not installed)
2011-01-05 08:32:16 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix typo while checking old last-password-change
2010-10-25 15:30:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
checking for isset AND ==0 to determine if mustchangepassword is activated
2010-10-25 14:07:37 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
csv import of accounts: fix behavior for new accounts, after fix in rev.32587
2010-10-19 06:43:27 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
csv import of accounts: fix behavior for new accounts, after fix in rev.32585
2010-10-18 16:32:45 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix typo while initalizing cmd_account object
2010-10-18 14:01:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
allow the option mustchangepassword to be set via admin_cmd_edit_user
2010-10-18 13:09:38 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
categories: better handling of editing/moving categories within the cat-tree
2010-10-14 15:33:10 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Change field mapping for groups to make more sense
2010-10-12 16:45:31 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Don't need 2nd password field when importing
2010-10-07 15:34:01 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Basic support for importing groups from CSV
2010-09-29 17:31:36 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add basic support for importing users from CSV using admin_cmds
2010-09-28 22:45:57 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
allow for forced passwordchange on next login at account creation time
2010-09-27 07:51:32 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
Feature: to allow admins a) to set an allowed password age, to require all users to change their password regularily; b) force password change for a given user on the users next login; c) better control about the password strength required; Funded by Cricket
2010-09-22 09:48:27 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix for expected parameter for data must be an array in set_timer, when starting async testjob; handling array as adr in send when creating messages
2010-09-13 08:41:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- new admin-cli command --add-user like --edit-user, but runs addaccount hook for existing accounts too
- using --add-user instead of --edit-user in setup_cmd_admin
2010-08-20 20:28:59 +00:00
Ralf Becker
modernising uiconfig a little bit and fixed mulitiple levels for framework for framed templates
2010-07-29 17:02:20 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix bug regarding the CKEditor view of Main/Loginscreenmessages
2010-07-02 10:06:44 +00:00
Ralf Becker
propset svn:keywords Id
2010-06-25 13:51:22 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
allow the ordering of applications again
2010-06-25 12:55:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
replacing admins own openwindow with egw_openWindowCentered2
2010-06-02 18:28:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- removed Admin >> Manage applications, as setup is the place and tool
to do that (changing something here breaks something in almost all cases)
- removed disabled apps from application list in:
+ edit user
+ view user
+ edit group
2010-04-27 17:23:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed not working rename of account_lid with admin/admin-cli.php, corrupted sqlfs (overwrite /home)
2010-04-21 12:28:27 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
set the default for global_cats parameter to true\nreset start to 0, if we come back or view another apps categories\ntake care that the global_cats param survives the edit
2010-04-13 11:45:22 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
accept global_cats param
2010-04-13 10:29:05 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"Ignore not installed apps"
2010-04-12 06:45:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Fixed some more php53 Warnings after latest fix_depricated.php
2010-03-21 09:37:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new setup config denying (default) or allowing user names identical to system users (ldap only)
2010-03-16 16:33:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"only use posix_getpwnam to check for existing system user, if it's available (otherwise no more accounts can be created)"
2010-03-08 21:08:16 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
make sure the default type for addressbook is found if there is no entry in egw_config
2010-02-10 14:27:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
dont start testjob, if user has no email address set
2010-02-03 03:40:32 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Implementation of global categories limited to a certain group:
- from user perspectiv they are global cat like the existing ones
(also comming in two flavors: global or for a certain app)
- admins can select to limit a global cat when they create it
--> all members of a given group have the cat as a global one
==> This does a silent modification of the categories table:
global cats get changed from cat_owner=-1 to cat_owner=0 !!!
2010-01-31 03:36:01 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed a few typos / debug stuff
2010-01-31 03:29:32 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed a few typos / debug stuff
2010-01-31 03:28:32 +00:00
Ralf Becker
completly reworked admin >> global categories, in preparation for group specific global cats
2010-01-30 23:57:03 +00:00
Ralf Becker
do NOT allow to delete original contact content-type for addressbook, as it only creates support problems as users incidently delete it
2010-01-07 04:54:48 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
check for systemusers as well and deny creation, when such a user already exists
2009-12-16 14:10:15 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"Ajax to construct homedirectory from specified directory name in setup and account_lid"
2009-12-09 08:23:04 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
call hooks with a proper hook array
2009-12-07 13:12:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"added epl version and fixed detection of debian/ubuntu version"
2009-12-03 09:48:21 +00:00
Ralf Becker
bigger window for main- or login-screen messages, if using fck
2009-11-28 10:52:03 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed typos pointed out by Hans-Jürgen
2009-11-22 09:03:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed not working change of comma-separated accounts, eg. info_responsible
2009-11-20 15:07:26 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"remembering admins previous selection for:
- country
- usage_type"
2009-11-17 20:31:48 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed not transmitted install-type"
2009-11-17 12:47:39 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Client to submit monthly statistical data
2009-11-17 09:24:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
display more info in admin-> accesslog, codealignment
2009-10-06 08:28:31 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
backup housekeeping feature from H.J.Tappe together with a feature to backup egroupware the files - tree from Christian Fueller; The File-backup feature is testet against relatively small eGroupware Instances; It requires ZipArchive (If you dont have that, the backup should run, but without backup of files); AND if you enable it backup takes a) more time to run and restore b) way more space, so you should enable housekeeping
2009-08-27 12:46:12 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"added simple callback for config templates, html eg. selectbox get created by using:
- {call_class::method} or
- {call_app.class.method}
The returned selectbox or input has to be for \"newsettings[$name]\"!"
2009-08-18 16:07:39 +00:00
Ralf Becker
patch fixing many depricated functions (eg. posix regular expressions) and features, which fill up the error_log under php5.3 (and will no longer be available under php6).
Patch is mostly created by script in egroupware/doc/fix_depricated.php in separate commit.
I do NOT advice to apply this patch to a production system (it's commited to trunk!), as the automatic modified regular expressions have a good change to break something ...
2009-06-08 16:21:14 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
making sure the apps for ACL Management are sorted in Group-view
2009-05-13 13:52:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
New access log (created during an eGroupware application development
workshop at Stylite GmbH for new developers)
2009-04-27 10:31:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed fatal error: creating custom fields delete application config:
caused by a missing config::read_repository() before calling config::save_repository(), which then only stores the custom fields, but not the rest of the config"
2009-04-23 11:18:51 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for \"bug\" #1954 : greatings should be greetings
and a new file-header"
2009-04-03 07:02:08 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Patch from to fix handling of account
2009-02-16 08:22:22 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
adapted new tracker table structure; adapted new knowledgebase table names
2008-11-14 13:24:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- fixed wrong call $ids2change instead of $this->change
- egw_vfs --> egw_sqlfs"
2008-11-03 11:03:39 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix typo"
2008-10-30 11:35:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed bug reported from David Ranking on the devel list: cat list looses status, while editing global cat"
2008-10-08 07:55:49 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- get session list for session.save_handler='files' working again
- sessions are sorted by default with session_dla DESC (newest updated
sessions first)
2008-08-19 11:54:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
session list:
- fixed not working "go to start or list" button
- added start/total display
2008-08-14 12:45:19 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
#improving edit-mode in admin composing welcome/start messages.
if you entered/saved text in WYSIWYG Mode, you will start editing the text in this mode, later on. If you choose to leave WYSIWYG mode HTML
tags will be stripped completely. Switching back and forth, will display the saved content with mode selected (WYSIWYG/PLAIN), changes made are
lost if not saved.
If you save in PLAIN Mode all former HTML formatting will be abondened.
2008-08-11 10:25:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
if you switch from text to html, and back, or if you save the message in html mode, there is no way back to WYSIWYG but using the source button
of fck editor and pasting the content of the window. To enable this, call htmlarea with the style parameter 'advanced', wich will be used as
editor-mode switch then.
2008-08-11 09:25:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"new session methods to list and count"
2008-08-08 08:20:53 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
-moved the emailadmin related strings to emailadmin
-removed the manual setting of the link to the emailadmin, and moved it to emailadmin's hooks
-support the (user/group id change for emailadmin table/fields
2008-08-07 10:31:54 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
-missing german translations
#Usability feature: Link to access/create a User assigned emailadmin Profile when in edit/view mode of an existing user
2008-08-01 09:54:12 +00:00
Ralf Becker
moved rest of the addressbook group-acl code to addressbook
2008-06-30 16:46:01 +00:00
Ralf Becker
hook to register an app for group acl
2008-06-27 10:03:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed link to set (extended) acl for user or group dirs
2008-04-18 12:38:17 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
added the account creation/modification information to the edit dialog of an account as well
2008-04-10 10:21:51 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fixed typo
2008-04-10 09:56:41 +00:00