 * API - accounts
 * This class extends a backend class (at them moment SQL or LDAP) and implements some
 * caching on to top of the backend functions. The cache is share for all instances of
 * the accounts class and for LDAP it is persistent through the whole session, for SQL
 * it's only on a per request basis.
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de> complete rewrite in 6/2006 and earlier modifications
 * Implements the (now depricated) interfaces on the former accounts class written by
 * Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> and Bettina Gille <ceb@phpgroupware.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Joseph Engo, Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Engo, Bettina Gille
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package api
 * @subpackage accounts
 * @access public
 * @version $Id$

 * API - accounts
 * This class uses a backend class (at them moment SQL or LDAP) and implements some
 * caching on to top of the backend functions. The cache is static and therefore shared
 * between all instances of accounts class.
 * The backend only implements the read, save, delete, name2id and the {set_}members{hips} methods.
 * The account class implements all other (eg. name2id, id2name) functions on top of these.
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de> complete rewrite in 6/2006
 * Implements the (now depricated) interfaces on the former accounts class written by
 * Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> and Bettina Gille <ceb@phpgroupware.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Joseph Engo, Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Engo, Bettina Gille
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package api
 * @subpackage accounts
 * @access public
 * @version $Id$
class accounts
	var $xmlrpc_methods = array(
			'name'        => 'search',
			'description' => 'Returns a list of accounts and/or groups'
			'name'        => 'name2id',
			'description' => 'Cross reference account_lid with account_id'
			'name'        => 'id2name',
			'description' => 'Cross reference account_id with account_lid'
			'name'        => 'get_list',
			'description' => 'Depricated: use search. Returns a list of accounts and/or groups'
	 * Enables the session-cache, currently switched on independent of the backend
	 * @var boolean $use_session_cache
	static $use_session_cache = true;

	 * Cache, stored in sesssion
	 * @var array
	static $cache;

	 * Depricated: Account this class was instanciated for
	 * @deprecated dont use this in new code, always explcitly specify the account to use
	 * @var int account_id
	var $account_id;
	 * Depricated: Account data of $this->account_id
	 * @deprecated dont use this in new code, store the data in your own code
	 * @var array
	var $data;

	 * Keys for which both versions with 'account_' prefix and without (depricated!) can be used, if requested.
	 * Migrate your code to always use the 'account_' prefix!!!
	 * @var array
	var $depricated_names = array('firstname','lastname','fullname','email','type',

	 * Querytypes for the account-search
	 * @var array
	var $query_types = array(
		'all' => 'all fields',
		'firstname' => 'firstname',
		'lastname' => 'lastname',
		'lid' => 'LoginID',
		'email' => 'email',
		'start' => 'start with',
		'exact' => 'exact',

	 * Backend to use
	 * @var accounts_sql|accounts_ldap
	var $backend;

	 * total number of found entries
	 * @var int
	var $total;

	 * Current configuration
	 * @var array
	var $config;

	 * hold an instance of the accounts class
	 * @var accounts the instance of the accounts class
	private static $_instance = NULL;

	 * the singleton passtern
	 * @return accounts
    public static function getInstance()
        if (self::$_instance === NULL)
            self::$_instance = new accounts;
        return self::$_instance;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param string|array $backend=null string with backend 'sql'|'ldap', or whole config array, default read from global egw_info
	public function __construct($backend=null)
		if (is_numeric($backend))	// depricated use with account_id
			if ((int)$backend) $this->account_id = (int) $backend;
			$backend = null;
		if (is_array($backend))
			$this->config = $backend;
			$backend = null;
			$this->config =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'];
		if (is_null($backend))
			if (empty($this->config['account_repository']))
				if (!empty($this->config['auth_type']))
					$this->config['account_repository'] = $this->config['auth_type'];
					$this->config['account_repository'] = 'sql';
			$backend = $this->config['account_repository'];
		$backend_class = 'accounts_'.$backend;

		$this->backend = new $backend_class($this);

	 * Old constructor name
	 * @param int $account_id=0 depricated param to instanciate for the given account_id
	 * @deprecated use __construct
	function accounts($account_id=0)
		$this->account_id = (int) $account_id;


	 * set the accountId
	 * @param int $accountId
	 * @deprecated
    function setAccountId($accountId)
        if($accountId && is_numeric($accountId))
            $this->account_id = (int)$accountId;

	 * Searches / lists accounts: users and/or groups
	 * @param array with the following keys:
	 * @param $param['type'] string/int 'accounts', 'groups', 'owngroups' (groups the user is a member of), 'both',
	 * 	'groupmembers' (members of groups the user is a member of), 'groupmembers+memberships' (incl. memberships too)
	 *	or integer group-id for a list of members of that group
	 * @param $param['start'] int first account to return (returns offset or max_matches entries) or all if not set
	 * @param $param['order'] string column to sort after, default account_lid if unset
	 * @param $param['sort'] string 'ASC' or 'DESC', default 'DESC' if not set
	 * @param $param['query'] string to search for, no search if unset or empty
	 * @param $param['query_type'] string:
	 *	'all'   - query all fields for containing $param[query]
	 *	'start' - query all fields starting with $param[query]
	 *	'exact' - query all fields for exact $param[query]
	 *	'lid','firstname','lastname','email' - query only the given field for containing $param[query]
	 * @param $param['app'] string with an app-name, to limit result on accounts with run-right for that app
	 * @param $param['offset'] int - number of matches to return if start given, default use the value in the prefs
	 * @return array with account_id => data pairs, data is an array with account_id, account_lid, account_firstname,
	 *	account_lastname, person_id (id of the linked addressbook entry), account_status, account_expires, account_primary_group
	function search($param)
		$account_search = &self::$cache['account_search'];
		$serial = serialize($param);

		if (isset($account_search[$serial]))
			$this->total = $account_search[$serial]['total'];
		// no backend understands $param['app'] and sql does not understand group-parameters
		// --> do an full search first and then filter and limit that search
		elseif($param['app'] || $this->config['account_repository'] != 'ldap' &&
			(is_numeric($param['type']) || in_array($param['type'],array('owngroups','groupmembers','groupmembers+memberships'))))
			$app = $param['app'];
			$start = $param['start'];

			if ($this->config['account_repository'] != 'ldap' && is_numeric($param['type']))
				$members = $this->members($param['type'],true);
				$param['type'] = 'accounts';
			elseif ($param['type'] == 'owngroups')
				$members = $this->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],true);
				$param['type'] = 'groups';
				$members = array();
				foreach($this->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],true) as $grp)
					$members = array_unique(array_merge($members,$this->members($grp,true)));
					if ($param['type'] == 'groupmembers+memberships') $members[] = $grp;
				$param['type'] = $param['type'] == 'groupmembers+memberships' ? 'both' : 'accounts';
			// call ourself recursive to get (evtl. cached) full search
			$full_search = $this->search($param);

			// filter search now on accounts with run-rights for app or a group
			$valid = array();
			if ($app)
				// we want the result merged, whatever it takes, as we only care for the ids
				$valid = $this->split_accounts($app,!in_array($param['type'],array('accounts','groups')) ? 'merge' : $param['type']);
			if (isset($members))
				//error_log(__METHOD__.'() members='.array2string($members));
				if (!$members) $members = array();
				$valid = !$app ? $members : array_intersect($valid,$members);	// use the intersection
			//echo "<p>limiting result to app='$app' and/or group=$group valid-ids=".print_r($valid,true)."</p>\n";
			$offset = $param['offset'] ? $param['offset'] : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
			$stop = $start + $offset;
			$n = 0;
			$account_search[$serial]['data'] = array();
			foreach ($full_search as $id => $data)
				if (!in_array($id,$valid))
				// now we have a valid entry
				if (!is_int($start) || $start <= $n && $n < $stop)
					$account_search[$serial]['data'][$id] = $data;
			$account_search[$serial]['total'] = $this->total;
		// search via ldap backend
		elseif ($this->config['account_repository'] == 'ldap')
		//not correct for php<5.1 elseif ((method_exists($this,'search'))	// implements its on search function ==> use it
			$account_search[$serial]['data'] = $this->backend->search($param);
			$account_search[$serial]['total'] = $this->total = $this->backend->total;
		// search by old accounts_sql backend
			$account_search[$serial]['data'] = array();
			$accounts = $this->backend->get_list($param['type'],$param['start'],$param['sort'],$param['order'],$param['query'],$param['offset'],$param['query_type']);
			if (!$accounts) $accounts = array();
			foreach($accounts as $data)
				$account_search[$serial]['data'][$data['account_id']] = $data;
			$account_search[$serial]['total'] = $this->total = $this->backend->total;
		//echo "<p>accounts::search(".array2string(unserialize($serial)).")= returning ".count($account_search[$serial]['data'])." of $this->total entries<pre>".print_r($account_search[$serial]['data'],True)."</pre>\n";
		//echo "<p>accounts::search() end: ".microtime()."</p>\n";
		return $account_search[$serial]['data'];

	 * Query for accounts
	 * @param string|array $pattern
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return array with id - title pairs of the matching entries
	public static function link_query($pattern, array &$options = array())
		if (isset($options['filter']) && !is_array($options['filter']))
			$options['filter'] = (array)$options['filter'];
			case 'firstname':
			case 'firstall':
				$order = 'account_firstname,account_lastname';
			case 'lastname':
			case 'lastall':
				$order = 'account_lastname,account_firstname';
				$order = 'account_lid';
		$accounts = array();
			'type' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' &&
				!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) ? 'groupmembers+memberships' : 'both',
			'query' => $pattern,
			'query_type' => 'all',
			'order' => $order,
		)) as $account)
			$accounts[$account['account_id']] = common::display_fullname($account['account_lid'],
		return $accounts;

	 * Reads the data of one account
	 * It's depricated to use read with out parameter to read the internal data of this class!!!
	 * All key of the returned array use the 'account_' prefix.
	 * For backward compatibility some values are additionaly availible without the prefix, using them is depricated!
	 * @param int/string $id numeric account_id or string with account_lid (use of default value of 0 is depricated!!!)
	 * @param boolean $set_depricated_names=false set _additionaly_ the depricated keys without 'account_' prefix
	 * @return array/boolean array with account data (keys: account_id, account_lid, ...) or false if account not found
	function read($id=0,$set_depricated_names=false)
		if (!$id)	// deprecated use!!!
			return $this->data ? $this->data : $this->read_repository();
		if (!is_int($id) && !is_numeric($id))
			$id = $this->name2id($id);
		if (!$id) return false;

		$account_data = &self::$cache['account_data'];

		if (!isset($account_data[$id]))
			$account_data[$id] = $this->backend->read($id);
		if (!$account_data[$id] || !$set_depricated_names)
			return $account_data[$id];
		$data = $account_data[$id];
		foreach($this->depricated_names as $name)
			$data[$name] =& $data['account_'.$name];
		return $data;

	 * Get an account as json, returns only whitelisted fields:
	 * - 'account_id','account_lid','person_id','account_status',
	 * - 'account_firstname','account_lastname','account_email','account_fullname','account_phone'
	 * @param int|string $id
	 * @return string|boolean json or false if not found
	function json($id)
		static $keys = array(
		if (($account = $this->read($id)))
			$account = array_intersect_key($account, array_flip($keys));
		// for current user, add the apps available to him
		if ($id == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
			foreach($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'] as $app => $data)
				unset($data['table_defs']);	// no need for that on the client
				$account['apps'][$app] = $data;
		return json_encode($account);

	 * Saves / adds the data of one account
	 * If no account_id is set in data the account is added and the new id is set in $data.
	 * @param array $data array with account-data
	 * @param boolean $check_depricated_names=false check _additionaly_ the depricated keys without 'account_' prefix
	 * @return int/boolean the account_id or false on error
	function save(&$data,$check_depricated_names=false)
		if ($check_depricated_names)
			foreach($this->depricated_names as $name)
				if (isset($data[$name]) && !isset($data['account_'.$name]))
					$data['account_'.$name] =& $data[$name];
		if (($id = $this->backend->save($data)) && $data['account_type'] != 'g')
			// if we are not on a pure LDAP system, we have to write the account-date via the contacts class now
			if (($this->config['account_repository'] != 'ldap' ||
				$this->config['contact_repository'] == 'sql-ldap') &&
				(!($old = $this->read($data['account_id'])) ||	// only for new account or changed contact-data
				$old['account_firstname'] != $data['account_firstname'] ||
				$old['account_lastname'] != $data['account_lastname'] ||
				$old['account_email'] != $data['account_email']))
				if (!$data['person_id']) $data['person_id'] = $old['person_id'];

				$contact = array(
					'n_given'    => $data['account_firstname'],
					'n_family'   => $data['account_lastname'],
					'email'      => $data['account_email'],
					'account_id' => $data['account_id'],
					'id'         => $data['person_id'],
					'owner'      => 0,
				$GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->save($contact,true);		// true = ignore addressbook acl
			// save primary group if necessary
			if ($data['account_primary_group'] && (!($memberships = $this->memberships($id,true)) ||
				$memberships[] = $data['account_primary_group'];

		return $id;

	 * Delete one account, deletes also all acl-entries for that account
	 * @param int/string $id numeric account_id or string with account_lid
	 * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
	function delete($id)
		if (!is_int($id) && !is_numeric($id))
			$id = $this->name2id($id);
		if (!$id) return false;


		// delete all acl_entries belonging to that user or group

		return true;

	 * test if an account is expired
	 * @param array $data=null array with account data, not specifying the account is depricated!!!
	 * @return boolean true=expired (no more login possible), false otherwise
	function is_expired($data=null)
		if (is_null($data)) $data = $this->data;	// depricated use

		$expires = isset($data['account_expires']) ? $data['account_expires'] : $data['expires'];

		return $expires != -1 && $expires < time();

	 * convert an alphanumeric account-value (account_lid, account_email) to the account_id
	 * Please note:
	 * - if a group and an user have the same account_lid the group will be returned (LDAP only)
	 * - if multiple user have the same email address, the returned user is undefined
	 * @param string $name value to convert
	 * @param string $which='account_lid' type of $name: account_lid (default), account_email, person_id, account_fullname
	 * @param string $account_type=null u = user or g = group, or default null = try both
	 * @return int/false numeric account_id or false on error ($name not found)
	function name2id($name,$which='account_lid',$account_type=null)
		$name_list = &self::$cache['name_list'];

		if(@isset($name_list[$which][$name]) && $name_list[$which][$name])
			return $name_list[$which][$name];

		// Don't bother searching for empty account_lid
			return False;
		return $name_list[$which][$name] = $this->backend->name2id($name,$which,$account_type);

	 * Convert an numeric account_id to any other value of that account (account_lid, account_email, ...)
	 * Uses the read method to fetch all data.
	 * @param int $account_id numerica account_id
	 * @param string $which='account_lid' type to convert to: account_lid (default), account_email, ...
	 * @return string/false converted value or false on error ($account_id not found)
	function id2name($account_id,$which='account_lid')
		if (!($data = $this->read($account_id))) return false;

		//echo "<p>accounts::id2name($account_id,$which)='{$data[$which]}'";
		return $data[$which];

	 * get the type of an account: 'u' = user, 'g' = group
	 * @param int/string $accountid numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid,
	 *	if !$accountid account of the user of this session
	 * @return string/false 'u' = user, 'g' = group or false on error ($accountid not found)
	function get_type($account_id)
		if (!is_int($account_id) && !is_numeric($account_id))
			$account_id = $this->name2id($account_id);
		return $account_id > 0 ? 'u' : ($account_id < 0 ? 'g' : false);

	 * check if an account exists and if it is an user or group
	 * @param int/string $account_id numeric account_id or account_lid
	 * @return int 0 = acount does not exist, 1 = user, 2 = group
	function exists($account_id)
		if (!($data = $this->read($account_id)))
			return 0;
		return $data['account_type'] == 'u' ? 1 : 2;

	 * Get all memberships of an account $account_id / groups the account is a member off
	 * @param int/string $account_id numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid
	 * @param boolean $just_id=false return just account_id's or account_id => account_lid pairs
	 * @return array with account_id's ($just_id) or account_id => account_lid pairs (!$just_id)
	function memberships($account_id,$just_id=false)
		$memberships_list = &self::$cache['memberships_list'];

		if (!is_int($account_id) && !is_numeric($account_id))
			$account_id = $this->name2id($account_id,'account_lid','u');
		if (!isset($memberships_list[$account_id]))
			$memberships_list[$account_id] = $this->backend->memberships($account_id);
		//echo "accounts::memberships($account_id)"; _debug_array($memberships_list[$account_id]);
		return $just_id && $memberships_list[$account_id] ? array_keys($memberships_list[$account_id]) : $memberships_list[$account_id];

	 * Sets the memberships of a given account
	 * @param array $groups array with gidnumbers
	 * @param int $account_id uidnumber
	function set_memberships($groups,$account_id)
		//echo "<p>accounts::set_memberships(".print_r($groups,true).",$account_id)</p>\n";
		if (!is_int($account_id) && !is_numeric($account_id))
			$account_id = $this->name2id($account_id);


	 * Get all members of the group $account_id
	 * @param int/string $accountid='' numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid,
	 *	default account of the user of this session
	 * @param boolean $just_id=false return just an array of id's and not id => lid pairs, default false
	 * @return array with account_id ($just_id) or account_id => account_lid pairs (!$just_id)
	function members($account_id,$just_id=false)
		$members_list = &self::$cache['members_list'];

		if (!is_int($account_id) && !is_numeric($account_id))
			$account_id = $this->name2id($account_id);
		if (!isset($members_list[$account_id]))
			$members_list[$account_id] = $this->backend->members($account_id);
		//echo "accounts::members($account_id)"; _debug_array($members_list[$account_id]);
		return $just_id && $members_list[$account_id] ? array_keys($members_list[$account_id]) : $members_list[$account_id];

	 * Set the members of a group
	 * @param array $members array with uidnumber or uid's
	 * @param int $gid gidnumber of group to set
	function set_members($members,$gid)
		//echo "<p>accounts::set_members(".print_r($members,true).",$gid)</p>\n";


	 * splits users and groups from a array of id's or the accounts with run-rights for a given app-name
	 * @param array $app_users array of user-id's or app-name (if you use app-name the result gets cached!)
	 * @param string $use what should be returned only an array with id's of either 'accounts' or 'groups'.
	 *	Or an array with arrays for 'both' under the keys 'groups' and 'accounts' or 'merge' for accounts
	 *	and groups merged into one array
	 * @return array/boolean see $use, false on error (wront $use)
	function split_accounts($app_users,$use='both')
		if (!is_array($app_users))
			$cache = &self::$cache['account_split'][$app_user];

			if (is_array($cache))
				return $cache;
			$app_users = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_ids_for_location('run',1,$app_users);
		$accounts = array(
			'accounts' => array(),
			'groups' => array(),
		foreach($app_users as $id)
			$type = $this->get_type($id);
			if($type == 'g')
				$accounts['groups'][$id] = $id;
				if ($use != 'groups')
					foreach($this->members($id,true) as $id)
						$accounts['accounts'][$id] = $id;
				$accounts['accounts'][$id] = $id;

		// not sure why they need to be sorted, but we need to remove the keys anyway

		if (isset($cache))
			$cache = $accounts;
		//echo "<p>accounts::split_accounts(".print_r($app_users,True).",'$use') = <pre>".print_r($accounts,True)."</pre>\n";

			case 'both':
				return $accounts;
			case 'groups':
				return $accounts['groups'];
			case 'accounts':
				return $accounts['accounts'];
			case 'merge':
				return array_merge($accounts['accounts'],$accounts['groups']);
		return False;

	 * Add an account for an authenticated user
	 * Expiration date and primary group are read from the system configuration.
	 * @param string $account_lid
	 * @param string $passwd
	 * @param array $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct'] values for 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email' and 'primary_group'
	 * @return int/boolean account_id or false on error
	function auto_add($account_lid, $passwd)
		$expires = !isset($this->config['auto_create_expire']) ||
			$this->config['auto_create_expire'] == 'never' ? -1 :
			time() + $this->config['auto_create_expire'] + 2;

		if (!($default_group_id = $this->name2id($this->config['default_group_lid'],'account_lid','g')))
			// check if we have a comma or semicolon delimited list of groups --> add first as primary and rest as memberships
			foreach(preg_split('/[,;] */',$this->config['default_group_lid']) as $n => $group_lid)
				if (($group_id = $this->name2id($group_lid,'account_lid','g')))
					if (!$default_group_id) $default_group_id = $group_id;
					$memberships[] = $group_id;
			if (!$default_group_id) $default_group_id = $this->name2id('Default','account_lid','g');
		$primary_group = $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['primary_group'] &&
			$this->get_type((int)$GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['primary_group']) === 'g' ?
			(int)$GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['primary_group'] : $default_group_id;

		$data = array(
			'account_lid'           => $account_lid,
			'account_type'          => 'u',
			'account_passwd'        => $passwd,
			'account_firstname'     => $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['firstname'] ? $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['firstname'] : 'New',
			'account_lastname'      => $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['lastname'] ? $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['lastname'] : 'User',
			'account_email'         => $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['email'],
			'account_status'        => 'A',
			'account_expires'       => $expires,
			'account_primary_group' => $primary_group,
		// use given account_id, if it's not already used
		if (isset($GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['account_id']) &&
			is_numeric($GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['account_id']) &&
			$data['account_id'] = $GLOBALS['auto_create_acct']['account_id'];
		if (!($data['account_id'] = $this->save($data)))
			return false;
		// call hook to notify interested apps about the new account
		$GLOBALS['hook_values'] = $data;
			'location' => 'addaccount',
			// at login-time only the hooks from the following apps will be called
			'order' => array('felamimail','fudforum'),
		),False,True);  // called for every app now, not only enabled ones

		// set memberships if given
		if ($memberships)
		return $data['account_id'];

	 * Update the last login timestamps and the IP
	 * @param int $account_id
	 * @param string $ip
	 * @return int lastlogin time
	function update_lastlogin($account_id, $ip)
		return $this->backend->update_lastlogin($account_id, $ip);

	function list_methods($_type='xmlrpc')
		if (is_array($_type))
			$_type = $_type['type'] ? $_type['type'] : $_type[0];

			case 'xmlrpc':
				$xml_functions = array(
					'search' => array(
						'function'  => 'search',
						'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct)),
						'docstring' => lang('Returns a full list of accounts on the system.  Warning: This is return can be quite large')
					'list_methods' => array(
						'function'  => 'list_methods',
						'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcString)),
						'docstring' => lang('Read this list of methods.')
				return $xml_functions;
			case 'soap':
				return $this->soap_functions;
				return array();

	 * Invalidate the cache (or parts of it) after change in $account_id
	 * Atm simplest approach - delete it all ;-)
	 * @param int $account_id for which account_id should the cache be invalid, default 0 = all
	static function cache_invalidate($account_id=0)
		//echo "<p>accounts::cache_invalidate($account_id)</p>\n";
		if (self::$cache) self::$cache = array();

		if (method_exists($GLOBALS['egw'],'invalidate_session_cache'))	// egw object in setup is limited
			egw::invalidate_session_cache();	// invalidates whole egw-enviroment if stored in the session

	 * Internal functions not meant to use outside this class!!!

	 * Sets up the account-data cache
	 * The cache is shared between all instances of the account-class and it can be save in the session,
	 * if use_session_cache is set to True
	 * @internal
	static function setup_cache()
		//echo "<p>accounts::setup_cache() use_session_cache={self::$use_session_cache}, is_array(self::\$cache)=".(int)is_array(self::$cache)."</p>\n";
		if (is_array(self::$cache)) return;	// cache is already setup

		if (self::$use_session_cache && is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->session))
			self::$cache =& egw_cache::getSession('accounts_cache','phpgwapi');
			//echo "<p>restoring cache from session, ".count(call_user_func_array('array_merge',(array)self::$cache))." items</p>\n";
		if (!is_array(self::$cache))
			//echo "<p>initialising this->cache to array()</p>\n";
			self::$cache = array();

	 * @deprecated not used any more, as static cache is a reference to the session
	function save_session_cache()


	 * Depricated functions of the old accounts class.
	 * Do NOT use them in new code, they will be removed after the next major release!!!

	 * Reads the data of the account this class is instanciated for
	 * @deprecated use read of $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts and not own instances of the accounts class
	 * @return array with the internal data
	function read_repository()
		return $this->data = $this->account_id ? $this->read($this->account_id,true) : array();

	 * saves the account-data in the internal data-structure of this class to the repository
	 * @deprecated use save of $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts and not own instances of the accounts class
	function save_repository()

	 * Searches / lists accounts: users and/or groups
	 * @deprecated use search
	function get_list($_type='both',$start = null,$sort = '', $order = '', $query = '', $offset = null,$query_type='')
		if (is_array($_type))	// XML-RPC
			return array_values($this->search($_type));
		return array_values($this->search(array(
			'type'       => $_type,
			'start'      => $start,
			'order'      => $order,
			'sort'       => $sort,
			'query'      => $query,
			'offset'     => $offset,
			'query_type' => $query_type ,

	 * Create a new account with the given $account_info
	 * @deprecated use save
	 * @param array $data account data for the new account
	 * @param booelan $default_prefs has no meaning any more, as we use "real" default prefs since 1.0
	 * @return int new nummeric account-id
	function create($account_info,$default_prefs=True)
		return $this->save($account_info);

	 * copies the given $data into the internal array $this->data
	 * @deprecated store data in your own code and use save to save it
	 * @param array $data array with account data
	 * @return array $this->data = $data
	function update_data($data)
		return $this->data = $data;

	 * Get all memberships of an account $accountid / groups the account is a member off
	 * @deprecated use memberships() which account_id => account_lid pairs
	 * @param int/string $accountid='' numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid,
	 *	default account of the user of this session
	 * @return array or arrays with keys 'account_id' and 'account_name' for the groups $accountid is a member of
	function membership($accountid = '')
		$accountid = get_account_id($accountid);

		if (!($memberships = $this->memberships($accountid)))
			return $memberships;
		$old = array();
		foreach($memberships as $id => $lid)
			$old[] = array('account_id' => $id, 'account_name' => $lid);
		//echo "<p>accounts::membership($accountid)="; _debug_array($old);
		return $old;

	 * Get all members of the group $accountid
	 * @deprecated use members which returns acount_id => account_lid pairs
	 * @param int/string $accountid='' numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid,
	 *	default account of the user of this session
	 * @return array of arrays with keys 'account_id' and 'account_name'
	function member($accountid)
		if (!($members = $this->members($accountid)))
			return $members;
		$old = array();
		foreach($members as $uid => $lid)
			$old[] = array('account_id' => $uid, 'account_name' => $lid);
		return $old;

	 * phpGW compatibility function, better use split_accounts
	 * @deprecated  use split_accounts
	function return_members($accounts)
		$arr = $this->split_accounts($accounts);

		return array(
			'users'  => $arr['accounts'],
			'groups' => $arr['groups'],

	 * Gets account-name (lid), firstname and lastname of an account $accountid
	 * @deprecated use read to read account data
	 * @param int/string $accountid='' numeric account-id or alphanum. account-lid,
	 *	if !$accountid account of the user of this session
	 * @param string &$lid on return: alphanumeric account-name (lid)
	 * @param string &$fname on return: first name
	 * @param string &$lname on return: last name
	 * @return boolean true if $accountid was found, false otherwise
	function get_account_name($accountid,&$lid,&$fname,&$lname)
		if (!($data = $this->read($accountid))) return false;

		$lid   = $data['account_lid'];
		$fname = $data['account_firstname'];
		$lname = $data['account_lastname'];

		if (empty($fname)) $fname = $lid;
		if (empty($lname)) $lname = $this->get_type($accountid) == 'g' ? lang('Group') : lang('user');

		return true;

	 * Reads account-data for a given $account_id from the repository AND sets the class-vars with it
	 * Same effect as instanciating the class with that account, dont do it with $GLOBALS['egw']->account !!!
	 * @deprecated use read to read account data and store it in your own code
	 * @param int $accountid numeric account-id
	 * @return array with keys lid, firstname, lastname, fullname, type
	function get_account_data($account_id)
		$this->account_id = $account_id;

		$data[$this->data['account_id']]['lid']       = $this->data['account_lid'];
		$data[$this->data['account_id']]['firstname'] = $this->data['firstname'];
		$data[$this->data['account_id']]['lastname']  = $this->data['lastname'];
		$data[$this->data['account_id']]['fullname']  = $this->data['fullname'];
		$data[$this->data['account_id']]['type']      = $this->data['account_type'];

		return $data;