* http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array("currentapp" => "calendar", "noheader" => True, "nonavbar" => True, "enable_calendar_class" => True, "enable_nextmatchs_class" => True);
// Input time format "2359"
function add_duration($time, $duration)
$hour = (int)($time / 10000);
$min = $time % 100;
$minutes = $hour * 60 + $min + $duration;
$h = $minutes / 60;
$m = $minutes % 60;
$ret = sprintf ("%d%02d",$h,$m);
//echo "add_duration ( $time, $duration ) = $ret
return $ret;
// check to see if two events overlap
function times_overlap($time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2)
//echo "times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 )
$hour1 = (int) ($time1 / 100);
$min1 = $time1 % 100;
$hour2 = (int) ($time2 / 100);
$min2 = $time2 % 100;
// convert to minutes since midnight
$tmins1start = $hour1 * 60 + $min1;
$tmins1end = $tmins1start + $duration1;
$tmins2start = $hour2 * 60 + $min2;
$tmins2end = $tmins2start + $duration2;
//echo "tmins1start=$tmins1start, tmins1end=$tmins1end, tmins2start="
// . "$tmins2start, tmins2end=$tmins2end
if ($tmins1start >= $tmins2start && $tmins1start <= $tmins2end)
return true;
if ($tmins1end >= $tmins2start && $tmins1end <= $tmins2end)
return true;
if ($tmins2start >= $tmins1start && $tmins2start <= $tmins1end)
return true;
if ($tmins2end >= $tmins1start && $tmins2end <= $tmins1end)
return true;
return false;
// first check for any schedule conflicts
if (strlen($hour) > 0) {
$date = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") {
$hour %= 12;
if ($ampm == "pm")
$hour += 12;
$sql = "SELECT webcal_entry_user.cal_login, webcal_entry.cal_time," .
"webcal_entry.cal_duration, webcal_entry.cal_name, " .
"webcal_entry.cal_id, webcal_entry.cal_access " .
"FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_user " .
"WHERE webcal_entry.cal_id = webcal_entry_user.cal_id " .
"AND webcal_entry.cal_date = " . date("Ymd", $date) . " AND ( ";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($participants); $i++) {
if ($i) $sql .= " OR ";
$sql .= " webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '" . $participants[$i] . "'";
$sql .= " )";
$time1 = sprintf("%d:%02d", $hour, $minute);
$duration1 = sprintf("%d", $duration);
while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) {
// see if either event overlaps one another
if ($phpgw->db->f(4) != $id) {
$time2 = $phpgw->db->f(1);
$duration2 = $phpgw->db->f(2);
if (times_overlap($time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2)) {
$overlap .= "
db->unlock(); $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>