	* phpGroupWare - InfoLog                                                   *
	* http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
	* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>                  *
	* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>  *
	* --------------------------------------------                             *
	*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
	*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
	*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
	*  option) any later version.                                              *

	/* $Id$ */

	class infolog
		var $db,$db2;
		var $grants;
		var $icons;
		var $enums;
		var $data = array( );

		function infolog( $info_id = 0) {
			global $phpgw;
			$this->db     = $phpgw->db;
			$this->db2    = $phpgw->db;			// for getAccounts and accountInfo
			$this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('infolog');
			$this->enums = array( 'priority' => array( 'urgent' => 'urgent','high' => 'high','normal' => 'normal','low' => 'low' ),
										 'status'	=> array( 'offer' => 'offer','ongoing' => 'ongoing','call' => 'call',
										 							 'will-call' => 'will-call','done' => 'done','billed' => 'billed' ),
										 'confirm'	=> array( 'not' => 'not','accept' => 'accept','finish' => 'finish','both' => 'both' ),
										 'type'		=> array( 'task' => 'task','phone' => 'phone','note' => 'note','confirm' => 'confirm',
										 							 'reject' => 'reject','email' => 'email','fax' => 'fax' ));
			$this->icons = array( 'type' => array(	'task' => 'task.gif', 		'task_alt' => 'Task',
																'phone' => 'phone.gif',		'phone_alt' => 'Phonecall',
																'note' => 'note.gif',		'note_alt' => 'Note',
																'confirm' => 'confirm.gif','confirm_alt' => 'Confirmation',
																'reject' => 'reject.gif',	'reject_alt' => 'Reject',
																'email' => 'email.gif',		'email_alt' => 'Email' ),
						 	    	  'action' => array( 'new' => 'new.gif',			'new_alt' => 'Add Sub',
																'view' => 'view.gif',		'view_alt' => 'View Subs',
																'parent' => 'parent.gif',	'parent_alt' => 'View other Subs',
																'edit' => 'edit.gif',		'edit_alt' => 'Edit',
																'delete' => 'delete.gif',	'delete_alt' => 'Delete' ),
									  'status' => array( 'billed' => 'billed.gif',	'billed_alt' => 'billed',
									  							'done' => 'done.gif',		'done_alt' => 'done',
																'will-call' => 'will-call.gif', 'will-call_alt' => 'will-call',
																'call' => 'call.gif',		'call_alt' => 'call',
																'ongoing' => 'ongoing.gif','ongoing_alt' => 'ongoing',
																'offer' => 'offer.gif',		'offer_alt' => 'offer' ));
			$this->longnames = 0;	// should go into preferences
			$this->listChilds = 1;
			$this->read( $info_id);
      function icon($cat,$id,$status='') {
			// echo "<br>icon('$cat','$id','$status')";
			global $phpgw,$DOCUMENT_ROOT;
			$icons = &$this->icons[$cat];

			if (!$status || !($icon = $icons[$id.'_'.$status]))
				$icon = $icons[$id];
			if ($icon) {
				$fname = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir() . '/' . $icon; 
				if (!is_readable($fname)) {
			   	$icon = False;		// echo "<br>Can't read '$fname' !!!";
				} else {				
					$icon = $phpgw->common->get_image_path() . '/' . $icon;
			if (!$status || !($alt = $icons[$id.'_'.$status.'_alt']))
			   if (!($alt = $icons[$id.'_alt']))
					$alt = $id;
			return ($icon ? "<img src='$icon' alt='" : '') . lang($alt) . ($icon ? '\' border=0>' : '');
		function setStyleSheet( ) {
			global $phpgw;
			return array ( 'info_css' => '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.
													str_replace( '/images','',$phpgw->common->get_image_path()).'/info.css">' );
		function loadStyleSheet( ) {
			list( $style ) = $this->setStyleSheet(); echo $style;
		function accountInfo($id,$account_data=0) {
			global $phpgw;
			if (!$id) return '&nbsp;';
			if (!$cache[$id]['lid']) {
				if (!is_array($account_data)) {
					$accounts = createobject('phpgwapi.accounts',$id);
					$accounts->db = $this->db2;
					$account_data = $accounts->data;
				$cache[$id]['lid'] 			= $account_data['account_lid'];
				$cache[$id]['firstname']   = $account_data['firstname'];
				$cache[$id]['lastname']    = $account_data['lastname'];
			if ($this->longnames)
			   return $cache[$id]['firstname'].' '.$cache[$id]['lastname'];
			return $cache[$id]['lid'];	

		function getEnum($name, $selected=0, $arr=0,$no_lang=0) {		// should be in class common.sbox
     		if (!is_array($arr))
				$arr = array('no','yes');
     		$out = "<select name=\"$name\">\n";
  			while ($apair = each($arr)) {              
  				$out .= '<option value="'.$apair[0].'"';
  				if($selected == $apair[0]) $out .= " SELECTED";
  				$out .= ">" . ($no_lang ? $apair[1] : lang($apair[1])) . "</option>\n";
        	$out .= "</select>\n";
        	return $out;
		function getAccount($name,$selected=0) {
			$accounts = createobject('phpgwapi.accounts');
			$accounts->db = $this->db2;
			$accs = $accounts->get_list('accounts'); 
			$aarr = Array(lang('not assigned'));
			while ($a = current($accs)) {
				$aarr[$a['account_id']] = $this->accountInfo($a['account_id'],$a);
			return $this->getEnum($name,$selected,$aarr,1);			

		function addr2name( $addr ) {
			global $phpgw;
			$name = $addr['n_family'];
			if ($addr['n_given'])
				$name .= ', '.$addr['n_given'];
				if ($addr['n_prefix'])
					$name .= ', '.$addr['n_prefix'];
			if ($addr['org_name'])
				$name = $addr['org_name'].': '.$name;
			return $phpgw->strip_html($name);
		function readProj($proj_id) {
			if ($proj_id) {
				if (!is_object($this->projects)) {
					$this->projects = createobject('projects.projects');
				if (list( $proj ) = $this->projects->read_single_project( $proj_id ))
					return $proj;
			return False;

		function readAddr($addr_id) {
			if ($addr_id) {
				if (!is_object($this->contacts)) {
					$this->contacts = createobject('phpgwapi.contacts');
				if (list( $addr ) = $this->contacts->read_single_entry( $addr_id ))
					return $addr;
			return False;			
		function formatInfo($info=0,$p_id=0,$a_id=0) {	// $info: info_id or array with one row form info-db
			global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;							// no Proj.Info if proj_id == p_id / no Addr.Info if addr_id == a_id
			if (!is_array($info) && (!$info || !is_array($info = $this->read($info))))
				$info = $this->data;
			$done = $info['info_status'] == 'done' || $info['info_status'] == 'billed';	
			$css_class = $info['info_pri'].($done ? '_done' : '');
			$subject = "<span class=$css_class>";
			if ($p_id != ($proj_id = $info['info_proj_id']) && $proj = $this->readProj($proj_id)) {
				$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=proj&proj_id=$proj_id").
			if ($a_id != ($addr_id = $info['info_addr_id']) && $addr = $this->readAddr($addr_id)) {
				if ($proj) $subject .= '<br>';
				$addr = $this->addr2name( $addr );
				$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=addr&addr_id=$addr_id").
			if (($from = $info['info_from']) && (!$addr || !strstr($addr,$from))) {
				if ($addr) $subject .= '<br>';
				$subject .= '<b>'.$from.'</b>';
			if ($info['info_addr']) {
				if ($addr || $from) $subject .= ': ';
				$subject .= $info['info_addr'];
			if ($proj || $addr || $from || $info['info_addr']) {
				$subject .= '<br>';
			$subject .= '<b>'.$info['info_subject'].'</b></span>'; 

			if (!$info['info_enddate']) {
				$enddate = '&nbsp;';
			} else {
				$enddate = $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_enddate'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']);
				if (!$done && $info['info_enddate'] < time()+(60*60)*$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'])
					$enddate = "<span class=overdue>$enddate</span>";
			if (!($responsible = $info['info_responsible']) && $info['info_status'] == 'offer') {
				$responsible = $phpgw->infolog->icon('status','offer');
			} else {
				$responsible = $phpgw->infolog->accountInfo($responsible);			
			$owner = $phpgw->infolog->accountInfo($info['info_owner']);
			if ($info['info_access'] == 'private')
				$owner = "<span class=private>$owner</span>";
			return array(
				'type'        => $phpgw->infolog->icon('type',$info['info_type']),
				'status'		  => $phpgw->infolog->icon('status',$info['info_status']),
				'pri'         => lang($info['info_pri']),
				'subject'     => $subject,
				'des'			  => $info['info_des'],
				'startdate'   => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_startdate'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']),
				'enddate'     => $enddate,
				'owner'       => $owner,
				'datecreated' => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_datecreated'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']),
				'responsible' => $responsible	);

		function infoHeaders( $do_sort_header=0,$sort=0,$order=0) {
			global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
			$headers['th_bg'] = $phpgw_info['theme']['th_bg'];
			$fields = array( 'type','status','urgency','subject','startdate','enddate','owner','datecreated','responsible' );
			for ( ;$f = $h = current($fields); $f = next($fields)) {
				$lang = lang(ucfirst( $f ));
				if ($do_sort_header) {
					$headers['sort_'.$f] = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort,'info_'.$f,$order,'/infolog/index.php',$lang);
				} else {
					$headers['lang_'.$f] = $lang;				
			return $headers;
		function debug( $str ) {
		/*	$stdout = fopen('/tmp/log','a');
			fwrite( $stdout,"\r\n".$str );
			fclose( $stdout ); */
		function check_access( $info_id,$required_rights ) {
			global $phpgw_info;
			if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) {		// already loaded?
				$private_info = $this; 							// dont change our own internal data, dont use new as it changes $phpgw->db
				$info = $private_info->read($info_id);
			} else {
				$info = $this->data;
			if (!$info || !$info_id)
				return False;
			$owner = $info['info_owner'];
			$user  = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
			$access_ok = $owner == $user || 					// user has all rights
							 !!($this->grants[$owner] & $required_rights) && 	// ACL only on public entrys || $owner granted _PRIVATE
							 ($info['info_access'] == 'public' || !!($this->grants[$owner] & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE));	
			// $this->debug("check_access(info_id=$info_id (owner=$owner, user=$user),required_rights=$required_rights): access".($access_ok?"Ok":"Denied"));
			return $access_ok;
		function aclFilter($filter = 'none') {				// sql to be AND into a query to ensure ACL is respected (incl. _PRIVATE)
			global $phpgw_info;									// filter: none    - list all entrys user have rights to see
																		// 		  private - list only his personal entrys (incl. those he is responsible for !!!)				
			if (isset($this->acl_filter[$filter]))
				return $this->acl_filter[$filter];			// used cached filter if found
			if (is_array($this->grants)) {
				while (list($user,$grant) = each($this->grants)) {
						// echo "<p>grants: user=$user, grant=$grant</p>";
					if ($grant & (PHPGW_ACL_READ|PHPGW_ACL_EDIT))
						$public_user_list[] = $user;
					if ($grant & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE)
						$private_user_list[] = $user;
				if (count($private_user_list)) {					
					$has_private_access = 'info_owner IN ('.implode(',',$private_user_list).')';
			$user = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
			$filtermethod = " (info_owner=$user";			// user has all rights

			if ($filter == 'private') {						// private means own entrys plus the one user is responsible for (and has rights to see)
			   $filtermethod .= " OR info_responsible=$user AND (info_access='public'".($has_private_access?" OR $has_private_access":'').')';
			} else {		// none --> all entrys user has rights to see
				if ($has_private_access) {
					$filtermethod .= " OR $has_private_access";
				if (count($public_user_list)) {			
					$filtermethod .= " OR (info_access='public' AND info_owner IN(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . '))';
			$filtermethod .= ') ';
			// echo "<p>aclFilter('$filter')(user='$user') = '$filtermethod'</p>";
			return $this->acl_filter[$filter] = $filtermethod;	// cache the filter
		function read($info_id) {								// did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
			if ($info_id <= 0 || $info_id != $this->data['info_id'] && 
										(!$this->db->query("select * FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id'") ||	!$this->db->next_record())) 
				$this->init( );
				return False;
			if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) {		// data yet read in
				$this->data = $this->db->Record;
				if ($this->data['info_subject'] == (substr($this->data['info_des'],0,60).' ...')) {
					$this->data['info_subject'] = '';
				if ($this->data['info_addr_id'] && $this->data['info_from'] == $this->addr2name( $this->readAddr( $this->data['info_addr_id'] ))) {
					$this->data['info_from'] = '';
			return $this->data;
		function init() {
			global $phpgw_info;
			$this->data = array( 'info_owner' => $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'],
										'info_pri'	 => 'normal' );
		function delete($info_id) {							// did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
			global $phpgw_info;
			$this->db->query("delete FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id' or info_id_parent='"
				. "$info_id' AND ((info_access='public' and info_owner != '"
				. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "') or (info_owner='"
				. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "'))" ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
			if ($this->data['info_id'] == $info_id)
				$this->init( );

		function write($values) {								// did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
			global $phpgw_info;
			if ($values['responsible'] && $values['status'] == 'offer') {
				$values['status'] = 'ongoing';	// have to match if not finished
			if (!$values['info_id'] && !$values['owner']) {
				// $this->debug( "write(value[info_id]==0,values[owner]==0) --> owner set to user" );
				$values['owner'] = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; // user gets owner
			if (!$values['info_id'] && !$values['datecreated'])
				$values['datecreated'] = time();					// set creation time
			if (!$values['subject']) $values['subject'] = substr($values['des'],0,60).' ...';
			if ($values['addr_id'] && !$values['from']) 
				$values['from'] = $this->addr2name( $this->readAddr( $values['addr_id'] ));

			while (list($key,$val) = each($values)) {
				$this->data['info_'.$key] = $val;	// update internal data
				switch ($key) {
					case 'info_id':
						break;			// later in where clause
					case 'des': case 'subject': case 'from': case 'addr':
						$val = addslashes($val);
						if ($query) $query .= ',';
						$query .= "info_$key='$val'";
			if ($values['info_id']) {
				$query = 'update info set '.$query.' where info_id=\'' . $values['info_id'] .'\'';
			} else {
				$query = 'insert INTO infolog set '.$query;
				 * need to set $this->data['info_id'] with assigned autoincrement id
			//echo '<br>edit(): query: '.$query;