* * and Miles Lott * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class phpgw_setup_html extends phpgw_setup_lang { /*! @function generate_header @abstract generate header.inc.php file output - NOT a generic html header function */ function generate_header() { $setting = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['setting']; $GLOBALS['header_template']->set_file(array('header' => 'header.inc.php.template')); $var = Array(); while(list($k,$v) = @each($setting)) { $var[strtoupper($k)] = $v; } $GLOBALS['header_template']->set_var($var); return $GLOBALS['header_template']->parse('out','header'); } function setup_tpl_dir($app_name='setup') { /* hack to get tpl dir */ if (is_dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT)) { $srv_root = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . "$app_name" . SEP; } else { $srv_root = ''; } $tpl_typical = 'templates' . SEP . 'default'; $tpl_root = "$srv_root" ."$tpl_typical"; return $tpl_root; } function show_header($title = '',$nologoutbutton = False, $logoutfrom = 'config', $configdomain = '') { $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_charset',lang('charset')); if ($nologoutbutton) { $btn_logout = ' '; } else { $btn_logout = ''.lang('Logout').''; } $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_setup', lang('setup')); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('page_title',$title); if ($configdomain == '') { $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('configdomain',''); } else { $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('configdomain',' - ' . lang('Domain') . ': '.$configdomain); } $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('pgw_ver',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi']); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('logoutbutton',$btn_logout); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->pparse('out','T_head'); /* $setup_tpl->set_var('T_head',''); */ } function show_footer() { $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->pparse('out','T_footer'); unset($GLOBALS['setup_tpl']); } function show_alert_msg($alert_word='Setup alert',$alert_msg='setup alert (generic)') { $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_alert_word',$alert_word); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_alert_msg',$alert_msg); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->pparse('out','T_alert_msg'); } function make_frm_btn_simple($pre_frm_blurb='',$frm_method='POST',$frm_action='',$input_type='submit',$input_value='',$post_frm_blurb='') { /* a simple form has simple components */ $simple_form = $pre_frm_blurb ."\n" .'
' ."\n" .'' ."\n" .'
' ."\n" .$post_frm_blurb ."\n"; return $simple_form; } function make_href_link_simple($pre_link_blurb='',$href_link='',$href_text='default text',$post_link_blurb='') { /* a simple href link has simple components */ $simple_link = $pre_link_blurb .'' .$href_text .' ' .$post_link_blurb ."\n"; return $simple_link; } function login_form() { /* begin use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('ConfigLoginMSG',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG']); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('HeaderLoginMSG',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG']); if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] == '10') { /* Begin use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header, fills V_login_stage_header used inside of login_main.tpl */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('lang_select',lang_select()); if (count($GLOBALS['phpgw_domain']) > 1) { // use BLOCK B_multi_domain inside of login_stage_header $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->parse('V_multi_domain','B_multi_domain'); // in this case, the single domain block needs to be nothing $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_single_domain',''); } else { reset($GLOBALS['phpgw_domain']); $default_domain = each($GLOBALS['phpgw_domain']); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('default_domain_zero',$default_domain[0]); /* Use BLOCK B_single_domain inside of login_stage_header */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->parse('V_single_domain','B_single_domain'); /* in this case, the multi domain block needs to be nothing */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_multi_domain',''); } /* End use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header put all this into V_login_stage_header for use inside login_main */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->parse('V_login_stage_header','T_login_stage_header'); } else { /* begin SKIP SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_multi_domain',''); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_single_domain',''); $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->set_var('V_login_stage_header',''); } /* end use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl now out the login_main template */ $GLOBALS['setup_tpl']->pparse('out','T_login_main'); } function get_template_list() { $d = dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates'); while($entry=$d->read()) { if ($entry != 'CVS' && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $list[$entry]['name'] = $entry; $f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $entry . '/details.inc.php'; if (file_exists ($f)) { include($f); $list[$entry]['title'] = 'Use ' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['template'][$entry]['title'] . 'interface'; } else { $list[$entry]['title'] = $entry; } } } $d->close(); reset ($list); return $list; } function list_themes() { $dh = dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/themes'); while ($file = $dh->read()) { if (eregi("\.theme$", $file)) { $list[] = substr($file,0,strpos($file,'.')); } } $dh->close(); reset ($list); return $list; } } ?>