 * eGroupWare API: Caching data
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package api
 * @subpackage cache
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @copyright (c) 2009 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @version $Id$

 * Class to manage caching in eGroupware.
 * It allows to cache on 4 levels:
 * a) tree:     for all instances/domains runining on a certain source path
 * b) instance: for all sessions on a given instance
 * c) session:  for all requests of a session, same as egw_session::appsession()
 * d) request:  just for this request (same as using a static variable)
 * There's a get, a set and a unset method for each level: eg. getTree() or setInstance(),
 * as well as a variant allowing to specify the level as first parameter: eg. unsetCache()
 * getXXX($app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params,$expiration=0)
 * has three optional parameters allowing to specify:
 * 3. a callback if requested data is not yes stored. In that case the callback is called
 *    and it's value is stored in the cache AND retured
 * 4. parameters to pass to the callback as array, see call_user_func_array
 * 5. an expiration time in seconds to specify how long data should be cached,
 *    default 0 means infinit (this time is not garantied and not supported for all levels!)
 * Data is stored under an application name and a location, like egw_session::appsession().
 * In fact data stored at cache level egw_cache::SESSION, is stored in the same way as
 * egw_session::appsession() so both methods can be used with each other.
 * The $app parameter should be either the app or the class name, which both are unique.
 * The tree and instance wide cache uses a certain provider class, to store the data
 * eg. in memcached or if there's nothing else configured in the filesystem (eGW's temp_dir).
class egw_cache
	 * tree-wide storage
	const TREE = 'Tree';
	 * instance-wide storage
	const INSTANCE = 'Instance';
	 * session-wide storage
	const SESSION = 'Session';
	 * request-wide storage
	const REQUEST = 'Request';

	 * Default provider for tree and instance data
	 * Can be specified eg. in the header.inc.php by setting:
	 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cache_provider_instance'] and optional
	 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cache_provider_tree'] (defaults to instance)
	 * @var array
	static $default_provider = array('egw_cache_files');// array('egw_cache_memcache','localhost');

	 * Set some data in the cache
	 * @param string $level use egw_cache::(TREE|INSTANCE|SESSION|REQUEST)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return boolean true if data could be stored, false otherwise
	static public function setCache($level,$app,$location,$data,$expiration=0)
			case self::SESSION:
			case self::REQUEST:
				return call_user_func(array(__CLASS__,'set'.$level),$app,$location,$data,$expiration);

			case self::INSTANCE:
			case self::TREE:
				if (!($provider = self::get_provider($level)))
					return false;
				return $provider->set(self::keys($level,$app,$location),$data);
		throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter(__METHOD__."() unknown level '$level'!");

	 * Get some data from the cache
	 * @param string $level use egw_cache::(TREE|INSTANCE|SESSION|REQUEST)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param callback $callback=null callback to get/create the value, if it's not cache
	 * @param array $callback_params=array() array with parameters for the callback
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return mixed NULL if data not found in cache (and no callback specified)
	static public function getCache($level,$app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params=array(),$expiration=0)
			case self::SESSION:
			case self::REQUEST:
				return call_user_func(array(__CLASS__,'get'.$level),$app,$location,$callback,$callback_params,$expiration);

			case self::INSTANCE:
			case self::TREE:
				if (!($provider = self::get_provider($level)))
					return null;
				$data = $provider->get($keys=self::keys($level,$app,$location));
				if (is_null($data) && !is_null($callback))
					//error_log(__METHOD__."($level,$app,$location,".array2string($callback).','.array2string($callback_params).",$expiration) calling calback to create data.");
					$data = call_user_func_array($callback,$callback_params);
				return $data;
		throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter(__METHOD__."() unknown level '$level'!");

	 * Unset some data in the cache
	 * @param string $level use egw_cache::(TREE|INSTANCE|SESSION|REQUEST)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @return boolean true if data was set, false if not (like isset())
	static public function unsetCache($level,$app,$location)
			case self::SESSION:
			case self::REQUEST:
				return call_user_func(array(__CLASS__,'unset'.$level),$app,$location);

			case self::INSTANCE:
			case self::TREE:
				if (!($provider = self::get_provider($level)))
					return false;
				return $provider->delete(self::keys($level,$app,$location));
		throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter(__METHOD__."() unknown level '$level'!");

	 * Set some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return boolean true if data could be stored, false otherwise
	static public function setTree($app,$location,$data,$expiration=0)
		return self::setCache(self::TREE,$app,$location,$data,$expiration);

	 * Get some data from the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param callback $callback=null callback to get/create the value, if it's not cache
	 * @param array $callback_params=array() array with parameters for the callback
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return mixed NULL if data not found in cache (and no callback specified)
	static public function getTree($app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params=array(),$expiration=0)
		return self::getCache(self::TREE,$app,$location,$callback,$callback_params,$expiration);

	 * Unset some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @return boolean true if data was set, false if not (like isset())
	static public function unsetTree($app,$location)
		return self::unsetCache(self::TREE,$app,$location);

	 * Set some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return boolean true if data could be stored, false otherwise
	static public function setInstance($app,$location,$data,$expiration=0)
		return self::setCache(self::INSTANCE,$app,$location,$data,$expiration);

	 * Get some data from the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param callback $callback=null callback to get/create the value, if it's not cache
	 * @param array $callback_params=array() array with parameters for the callback
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return mixed NULL if data not found in cache (and no callback specified)
	static public function getInstance($app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params=array(),$expiration=0)
		return self::getCache(self::INSTANCE,$app,$location,$callback,$callback_params,$expiration);

	 * Unset some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @return boolean true if data was set, false if not (like isset())
	static public function unsetInstance($app,$location)
		return self::unsetCache(self::INSTANCE,$app,$location);

	 * Set some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return boolean true if data could be stored, false otherwise
	static public function setSession($app,$location,$data,$expiration=0)
		if (isset($_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]))
			if (egw_session::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.' called after session was encrypted --> ignored!');
			return false;	// can no longer store something in the session, eg. because commit_session() was called
		$_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$app][$location] = $data;

		return true;

	 * Get some data from the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * Returns a reference to the var in the session!
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param callback $callback=null callback to get/create the value, if it's not cache
	 * @param array $callback_params=array() array with parameters for the callback
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time in seconds, default 0 = never
	 * @return mixed NULL if data not found in cache (and no callback specified)
	static public function &getSession($app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params=array(),$expiration=0)
		if (isset($_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]))
			if (egw_session::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.' called after session was encrypted --> ignored!');
			return null;	// can no longer store something in the session, eg. because commit_session() was called
		if (!isset($_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$app][$location]) && !is_null($callback))
			$_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$app][$location] = call_user_func_array($callback,$callback_params);
		return $_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$app][$location];

	 * Unset some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @return boolean true if data was set, false if not (like isset())
	static public function unsetSession($app,$location)
		if (isset($_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]))
			if (egw_session::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.' called after session was encrypted --> ignored!');
			return false;	// can no longer store something in the session, eg. because commit_session() was called
		if (!isset($_SESSION[egw_session::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$app][$location]))
			return false;

		return true;

	 * Static varible to cache request wide
	 * @var array
	private static $request_cache = array();

	 * Set some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time is NOT used for REQUEST!
	 * @return boolean true if data could be stored, false otherwise
	static public function setRequest($app,$location,$data,$expiration=0)
		self::$request_cache[$app][$location] = $data;

		return true;

	 * Get some data from the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @param callback $callback=null callback to get/create the value, if it's not cache
	 * @param array $callback_params=array() array with parameters for the callback
	 * @param int $expiration=0 expiration time is NOT used for REQUEST!
	 * @return mixed NULL if data not found in cache (and no callback specified)
	static public function getRequest($app,$location,$callback=null,array $callback_params=array(),$expiration=0)
		if (!isset(self::$request_cache[$app][$location]) && !is_null($callback))
			self::$request_cache[$app][$location] = call_user_func_array($callback,$callback_params);
		return self::$request_cache[$app][$location];

	 * Unset some data in the cache for the whole source tree (all instances)
	 * @param string $app application storing data
	 * @param string $location location name for data
	 * @return boolean true if data was set, false if not (like isset())
	static public function unsetRequest($app,$location)
		if (!isset(self::$request_cache[$app][$location]))
			return false;

		return $ret;

	 * Get a caching provider for tree or instance level
	 * The returned provider already has an opened connection
	 * @param string $level egw_cache::(TREE|INSTANCE)
	 * @return egw_cache_provider
	static protected function get_provider($level)
		static $providers = array();

		if (!isset($providers[$level]))
			$params = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cache_provider_'.strtolower($level)];
			if (!isset($params) && $level == self::INSTANCE && isset(self::$default_provider))
				$params = self::$default_provider;
			if (!isset($params))
				if ($level == self::TREE)	// if no tree level provider use the instance level one
					$providers[$level] = self::get_provider(self::INSTANCE);
					$providers[$level] = false;	// no provider specified
					$reason = 'no provider specified';
			elseif (!$params)
					$providers[$level] = false;	// cache for $level disabled
					$reason = "cache for $level disabled";
				if (!is_array($params)) $params = (array)$params;

				$class = array_shift($params);
				if (!class_exists($class))
					$providers[$level] = false;	// provider class not found
					$reason = "provider $class not found";
						$providers[$level] = new $class($params);
					catch(Exception $e)
						$providers[$level] = false;	// eg. could not open connection to backend
						$reason = "error instanciating provider $class: ".$e->getMessage();
			if (!$providers[$level]) error_log(__METHOD__."($level) no provider found ($reason)!");
		//error_log(__METHOD__."($level) = ".array2string($providers[$level]).', cache_provider='.array2string($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cache_provider_'.strtolower($level)]));
		return $providers[$level];

	 * Get a system configuration, even if in setup and it's not read
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param boolean $throw=true throw an exception, if we can't retriev the value
	 * @return string|boolean string with config or false if not found and !$throw
	static protected function get_system_config($name,$throw=true)
			if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$name] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->select(config::TABLE,'config_value',array(
					'config_app'	=> 'phpgwapi',
					'config_name'	=> $name,
			if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$name] && $throw)
				throw new Exception (__METHOD__."($name) \$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['$name'] is NOT set!");
		return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$name];

	 * Get keys array from $level, $app and $location
	 * @param string $level egw_cache::(TREE|INSTANCE)
	 * @param string $app
	 * @param string $location
	 * @return array
	static protected function keys($level,$app,$location)
		static $bases = array();

		if (!isset($bases[$level]))
				case self::TREE:
					$bases[$level] = $level.'-'.str_replace(array(':','/','\\'),'-',EGW_SERVER_ROOT);
					// add charset to key, if not utf-8 (as everything we store depends on charset!)
					if (($charset = self::get_system_config('system_charset',false)) && $charset != 'utf-8')
						$bases[$level] .= '-'.$charset;
				case self::INSTANCE:
					$bases[$level] = $level.'-'.self::get_system_config('install_id');
		return array($bases[$level],$app,$location);

	 * Let everyone know the methods of this class should be used only statically
	function __construct()
		throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("All methods of class ".__CLASS__." should be called static!");

 * Interface for a caching provider for tree and instance level
 * The provider can eg. create subdirs under /tmp for each key
 * to store data as a file or concat them with a separator to
 * get a single string key to eg. store data in memcached
interface egw_cache_provider
	 * Constructor, eg. opens the connection to the backend
	 * @throws Exception if connection to backend could not be established
	 * @param array $params eg. array(host,port) or array(directory) depending on the provider
	function __construct(array $params);

	 * Stores some data in the cache
	 * @param array $keys eg. array($level,$app,$location)
	 * @param mixed $data
	 * @param int $expiration=0
	 * @return boolean true on success, false on error
	function set(array $keys,$data,$expiration=0);

	 * Get some data from the cache
	 * @param array $keys eg. array($level,$app,$location)
	 * @return mixed data stored or NULL if not found in cache
	function get(array $keys);

	 * Delete some data from the cache
	 * @param array $keys eg. array($level,$app,$location)
	 * @return boolean true on success, false on error (eg. $key not set)
	function delete(array $keys);