%1 %2 in %3	calendar	sr	%1 %2 u %3
%1 records imported	calendar	sr	%1 importovan
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import)	calendar	sr	%1 slog pročitan (još nije importovan, možete otići nazad i odčekirati Test Import)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5.	calendar	sr	<b>Molimo pa&#382;nja</b>: Kalendar koristi praznike Va&#353;e zemlje, koja je setovana na %1. Mo&#382;ete ih promeniti u Va&#353;oj %2.<br />Praznici su %3 automatski instalirani sa %4. Mo&#382;ete ih promeniti u %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events	calendar	sr	Ne blokiraju&#263;i doga&#273;aj ne&#263;e do&#263;i u konflikt sa ostalim doga&#273;ajima
accept or reject an invitation	calendar	sr	Prihvati ili odbaci poziv
accepted	calendar	sr	Prihva&#263;en
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!!	calendar	sr	Prustup zabranjen kalendaru od %1 !!!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ...	calendar	sr	Akcija koja je prouzrokovala obave&#353;tenje: Dodat, Otkazan, Prihva&#263;en, Odba&#269;en, ....
actions	calendar	sr	Akcije
add alarm	calendar	sr	Dodaj alarm
added	calendar	sr	Dodato
after current date	calendar	sr	Posle datog datuma
alarm	calendar	sr	Alarm
alarm added	calendar	sr	Alarm dodat
alarm deleted	calendar	sr	Alarm obrisan
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3	calendar	sr	Alarm za %1 u %2 na %3
alarm management	calendar	sr	Alarm pode&#353;avanja
alarms	calendar	sr	Alarmi
all categories	calendar	sr	Sve kategorije
all day	calendar	sr	ceo dan
all events	calendar	sr	Svi doga&#273;aji
all participants	calendar	sr	Svi u&#269;esnici
allows to edit the event again	calendar	sr	Dozvoliti izmenu ovog doga&#273;aja ponovo
apply the changes	calendar	sr	Potvrdi promene
are you sure you want to delete this country ?	calendar	sr	Da li stvarno &#382;elite da obri&#353;ete ovu zemlju?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ?	calendar	sr	Da li stvarno &#382;elite da obri&#353;ete ovaj praznik?
back half a month	calendar	sr	nazad pola meseca
back one month	calendar	sr	nazad jedan mesec
before current date	calendar	sr	Pre datog datume
before the event	calendar	sr	pre doga&#273;aja
birthday	calendar	sr	Ro&#273;endan
busy	calendar	sr	zauzat
by	calendar	sr	od
calendar event	calendar	sr	Kalendar doga&#273;aja
calendar holiday management	admin	sr	Pode&#353;avanje kalendara praznika
calendar menu	calendar	sr	Meni kalendara
calendar preferences	calendar	sr	Pode&#353;avanja kalendara
calendar settings	admin	sr	Setovanja kalendara
calendar-fieldname	calendar	sr	kalendar - Ime polja
can't add alarms in the past !!!	calendar	sr	Ne mogu da dodam alarme u pro&#353;lost!!!!
canceled	calendar	sr	Otkazan
charset of file	calendar	sr	Karakterset fajla
close the window	calendar	sr	Zatvori prozor
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved	calendar	sr	napisati mail svim u&#269;esnicima po&#353;to je doga&#273;aj snimljen
copy of:	calendar	sr	Kopija od:
copy this event	calendar	sr	Kopiraj ovaj doga&#273;aj
countries	calendar	sr	Zemlje
country	calendar	sr	Zemlja
create an exception at this recurring event	calendar	sr	Kreiraj izuzetak u ovom doga&#273;aju
create new links	calendar	sr	Kreiraj nove linkove
csv	calendar	sr	CSV
csv-fieldname	calendar	sr	CSV-Ime polja
csv-filename	calendar	sr	CSV-Ime fajla
custom fields	common	sr	Prilago&#273;ena polja
daily	calendar	sr	Dnevno
days	calendar	sr	dani
days of the week for a weekly repeated event	calendar	sr	Dani u nedelji za nedeljno ponavljanje doga&#273;aja
days repeated	calendar	sr	dana ponovljeno
dayview	calendar	sr	Dnevni pogled
default appointment length (in minutes)	calendar	sr	podrazumevana du&#382;ina sastanka (u minutima)
default calendar filter	calendar	sr	Podrazumevani filter za kalendar
default calendar view	calendar	sr	podrazumevani izgled kalendara
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour.	calendar	sr	Podrazumevana du&#382;ina novo kreiranih doga&#273;aja.Du&#382;ina je u minutama, npr 60 za 1 sat
default week view	calendar	sr	podrazumevani nedeljni pregled
delete series	calendar	sr	Obri&#353;i seriju
delete this alarm	calendar	sr	Obri&#353;i dati alarm
delete this event	calendar	sr	Obri&#353;i dati doga&#273;aj
delete this exception	calendar	sr	Obri&#353;i dati izuzetak
delete this series of recurring events	calendar	sr	Delete this series of recurring events
uninvited	calendar	sr	Opozvan
display status of events	calendar	sr	Prika&#382;i status doga&#273;aja
displayed view	calendar	sr	prikazani pregled
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)?	calendar	sr	Prikazuje Va&#353; podrazumevani prikaz kalendara na startnoj stranici (strana koju dobijete kada u&#273;ete u EGroupware ili kliknete na ikonu po&#269;etne strane)
do you want a weekview with or without weekend?	calendar	sr	&#381;elite li nedeljni pogled sa ili bez vikenda?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too.	calendar	sr	&#381;elite li da budete obave&#353;teni o novim ili promenjenim sastancima?Bi&#263;ete obave&#353;teni o izmenama koje sami uradite.<br>Mo&#382;ete limitirati obave&#353;tenja na odre&#273;ene promene.Svaka stavka uklju&#269;uje sva obave&#353;tenja izlistana iznad.Sve izmene uklju&#269;uju izmene naziva, opisa, u&#269;esnika, ali bez odgovora u&#263;esnika.Ako je vlasnik doga&#273;aja zahtevao bilo kakva obave&#353;tenja, uvek &#263;e dobiti odgovore u&#269;esnika, kao &#353;to su prihvatanja i odbijanja, tako&#273;e.
do you want to receive a regularly summary of your appointments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week.	calendar	sr	Da li &#382;elite da dobijate si&#382;e Va&#353;ih sastanaka mail-om?<br>Si&#382;e se &#353;alje na Va&#353;u mail adresu ujutru za taj dan ili Ponedeljkom za nedeljni pregled.<br>Si&#382;e se &#353;alje samo kada imate sastanke tog dana ili nedelje.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically?	admin	sr	&#381;elite li da se automatski u&#269;itaju fajlovi praznika u kalendar dinami&#269;ki?
download	calendar	sr	Preuzmi
download this event as ical	calendar	sr	Preuzmi ovaj doga&#273;aj kao iCal
duration of the meeting	calendar	sr	Trajanje sastanka
edit exception	calendar	sr	Izmeni izuzetak
edit series	calendar	sr	Izmeni seriju
edit this event	calendar	sr	Izmeni dati doga&#273;aj
edit this series of recurring events	calendar	sr	Izmeni seriju recurring doga&#273;aja
empty for all	calendar	sr	prazno za sve
end	calendar	sr	Kraj
end date/time	calendar	sr	Krajnji Datum/Vreme
enddate	calendar	sr	Krajni datum
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day	calendar	sr	Krajni datum / -vreme sastanka, nprza vi&#353;e od jednog dana
enddate of the export	calendar	sr	Krajnji datum eksporta
ends	calendar	sr	zavr&#353;ava
error adding the alarm	calendar	sr	Gre&#353;ka u dodavanju alarma
error: importing the ical	calendar	sr	Gre&#353;lka u importovanju iCal-a
error: no participants selected !!!	calendar	sr	Gre&#353;ka: nijedan u&#269;esnik nije izabran
error: saving the event !!!	calendar	sr	Gre&#353;ka pri snimanju doga&#273;aja
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!!	calendar	sr	Gre&#353;ka: Po&#269;etak mora biti pre kraja!!!!!
event copied - the copy can now be edited	calendar	sr	Doga&#273;aj kopiran - kopija sada mo&#382;e biti izmenjena
event deleted	calendar	sr	Doga&#273;aj obrisan
event details follow	calendar	sr	Detalji doga&#273;aja slede
event saved	calendar	sr	Doga&#273;aj snimljen
event will occupy the whole day	calendar	sr	Doga&#273;aj &#263;e trajati ceo dan
exception	calendar	sr	izuzetak
exceptions	calendar	sr	Izuzetci
existing links	calendar	sr	Postoje&#263;i linkovi
export	calendar	sr	Eksport
extended	calendar	sr	Produ&#382;en
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications.	calendar	sr	Dodatna a&#382;uriranja uvek uklju&#269;uju kompletne detelje doga&#273;aja.iCalmo&#273;e biti importovan od strane nekih drugih kalendar aplikacija
fieldseparator	calendar	sr	Separator polja
filename	calendar	sr	Ime fajla
filename of the download	calendar	sr	Ime fajla za preuzimanje
find free timeslots where the selected participants are available for the given timespan	calendar	sr	Na&#273;i slobodno vreme kada su selektovani u&#269;esnici slobodni
firstname of person to notify	calendar	sr	Ime osobe koju treba obavestiti
for	calendar	sr	za
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval.	calendar	sr	Za koje poglede bi kalendar trebao da razdvoji fiksne vremenske intervale
format of event updates	calendar	sr	Format a&#382;uriranja doga&#273;aja
forward half a month	calendar	sr	napred za pola meseca
forward one month	calendar	sr	napred za mesec dana
four days view	calendar	sr	&#268;etiri dana prikaz
freebusy: unknown user '%1', wrong password or not available to not logged in users !!!	calendar	sr	Zauze&#263;e: Nepoznat korisnik '%1', pogre&#353;na lozinka ili dostupan nelogovanim korisnicima
freetime search	calendar	sr	Pretraga slobodnig vremena
fri	calendar	sr	Pet
full description	calendar	sr	Pun opis
fullname of person to notify	calendar	sr	Puno ime osobe koju treba obavestiti
general	calendar	sr	Op&#353;te
global public and group public	calendar	sr	globalno javno i grupno javno
global public only	calendar	sr	samo globalno javno
group invitation	calendar	sr	Grupna pozivnica
group planner	calendar	sr	Grupni planer
group public only	calendar	sr	samo grupno javno
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access.	calendar	sr	&#268;lan(ovi) grupe %1 nisu uklju&#269;eni, zato &#353;to nemate pristupa
h	calendar	sr	&#269;
here is your requested alarm.	calendar	sr	Ovde je Va&#353; zahtevani alarm
high priority	calendar	sr	visok prioritet
holiday	calendar	sr	Praznik
holiday management	calendar	sr	Pode&#353;avanja praznika
holidays	calendar	sr	Praznici
hours	calendar	sr	sati
how far to search (from startdate)	calendar	sr	koliko daleko za pretragu (od po&#269;etnog datuma)
how many minutes should each interval last?	calendar	sr	Koliko minuta bitrebao svaki interval da traje?
ical	calendar	sr	iCal
ical / rfc2445	calendar	sr	iCal / rfc2445
ical export	calendar	sr	iCal eksport
ical file	calendar	sr	iCal fajl
ical import	calendar	sr	iCal import
ical successful imported	calendar	sr	iCal je uspe&#353;no importovan
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after.	calendar	sr	Ako proveravani praznici padaju za vikend, prelaze na ponedeljak posle
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!!	calendar	sr	Ako ne postavite lozinku ovde, informacija &#263;e biti dostupna svima koji znaju putanju!!!!
ignore conflict	calendar	sr	Ignori&#353;i konflikt
import	calendar	sr	Import
import csv-file	common	sr	Importuj CSV-fajl
interval	calendar	sr	Interval
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2	calendar	sr	Pogre&#353;na email adresa "%1" za korisnika %2
last	calendar	sr	Poslednji
lastname of person to notify	calendar	sr	Prezime osobe koju treba obavestiti
length of the time interval	calendar	sr	Du&#382;ina vremenskog intervala
link to view the event	calendar	sr	Link za pregled doga&#273;aja
links	calendar	sr	Linkovi
links, attachments	calendar	sr	Linkovi,
listview	calendar	sr	Pogled kao lista
location	calendar	sr	Lokacija
location to autoload from	admin	sr	Lokacija odakle se vr&#353;i automatsko u&#269;itavanje
location, start- and endtimes, ...	calendar	sr	Lokacija, po&#269;etna i krajnja vremena,...
mail all participants	calendar	sr	po&#353;alji mail svim u&#269;esnicima
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons?	calendar	sr	Napraviti poruku o zauze&#263;u za osobe koje nisu ulogovane?
minutes	calendar	sr	Minuta
modified	calendar	sr	Izmenjen
mon	calendar	sr	Pon
monthly	calendar	sr	Mese&#269;no
monthly (by date)	calendar	sr	Mese&#269;no (po datumu)
monthly (by day)	calendar	sr	Mese&#269;no (po danu)
monthview	calendar	sr	Mese&#269;ni pregled
new search with the above parameters	calendar	sr	nova pretraga sa datim parametrima
no events found	calendar	sr	Nisu prona&#273;eni doga&#273;aji
no filter	calendar	sr	Nema filtera
no matches found	calendar	sr	nema na&#273;enih poklapanja
no response	calendar	sr	Nema odgovora
non blocking	calendar	sr	ne blokiraju&#263;i
notification messages for added events	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje kada se doda doga&#273;aj
notification messages for canceled events	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje kada se otka&#382;e doga&#273;aj
notification messages for uninvited participants	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje kada se otka&#382;e poziv za doga&#273;aj
notification messages for modified events	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje kada se izmenjeni doga&#273;aj
notification messages for your alarms	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje za Va&#353;e alarme
notification messages for your responses	calendar	sr	Obave&#353;tenje za Va&#353;e odgovore
number of records to read (%1)	calendar	sr	Broj slogova za &#269;itanje (%1)
observance rule	calendar	sr	Pravilo za posmatranje
occurence	calendar	sr	Pojavljivanje
old startdate	calendar	sr	Stari po&#269;etni datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4	calendar	sr	Datuma %1 %2 %3  Va&#353; zahtev za sastanak sa %4
on all modification, but responses	calendar	sr	na sve izmene, ali odgovore
on any time change too	calendar	sr	na bilo koju promenu vremena tako&#273;e
on invitation / cancellation only	calendar	sr	na poziv / otkazivanje samo
on participant responses too	calendar	sr	na odgovor u&#269;esnika tako&#273;e
on time change of more than 4 hours too	calendar	sr	na promenu vremena vi&#353;e od 4 &#269;asa tako&#273;e
one month	calendar	sr	jedan mesec
one week	calendar	sr	jedna nedelja
one year	calendar	sr	jedna godina
only the initial date of that recurring event is checked!	calendar	sr	Samo po&#269;etni datum od recurring doga&#273;aja je proveren
open todo's:	calendar	sr	otvoreni zadaci
overlap holiday	calendar	sr	preklapanja praznika
participants	calendar	sr	U&#269;esnici
participants uninvited from an event	calendar	sr	U&#269;esnici kojima je otkazan poziv za doga&#273;aj
participants, resources, ...	calendar	sr	U&#269;esnici, Sredstva,....
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information?	calendar	sr	Lozinka za neulogovane korisnike za va&#353;e  informacije o zauze&#263;u?
people holiday	calendar	sr	narodni praznik
permission denied	calendar	sr	Pristup zabranjen
planner by category	calendar	sr	Planer po kategoriji
planner by user	calendar	sr	Planer po korisnicima
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file.	calendar	sr	Obratite pa&#382;nju:Mo&#382;ete konfigurisati polja dodeljivanja PO&#352;TO ste poslali fajl
preselected group for entering the planner	calendar	sr	Preselektovana grupa za ulaz u planer
previous	calendar	sr	prethodni
private and global public	calendar	sr	privatno i globalno javno
private and group public	calendar	sr	privatno i grupno javno
private only	calendar	sr	Samo privatno
re-edit event	calendar	sr	Ponovo a&#382;uriraj doga&#273;aj
receive email updates	calendar	sr	Primaj a&#382;uriranja putem email-a
receive summary of appointments	calendar	sr	Primaj si&#382;e sastanaka
recurrence	calendar	sr	Ponavljanja
recurring event	calendar	sr	Ponovljeni doga&#273;aj
rejected	calendar	sr	Odbijen
repeat days	calendar	sr	Dani ponavljanja
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited)	calendar	sr	ponavljaj doga&#273;aj do kog datuma (prazno zna&#269;i neograni&#269;eno)
repeat type	calendar	sr	Tip ponavljanja
repeating event information	calendar	sr	Informacija o doga&#273;aju koji se ponavlja
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week	calendar	sr	interval ponavljanja, npr 2 za ponavljanje svake druge nedelje
repetition	calendar	sr	Ponavljanje
repetitiondetails (or empty)	calendar	sr	Detalji ponavljanja ( ili prazno)
reset	calendar	sr	Reset
resources	calendar	sr	Sredstva
rule	calendar	sr	Pravilo
sat	calendar	sr	Sub
saves the changes made	calendar	sr	snima na&#269;injene izmene
saves the event ignoring the conflict	calendar	sr	Sa&#269;uvaj doga&#273;aj ignori&#353;u&#269;i konflikt
scheduling conflict	calendar	sr	Konflikt zakazivanja
select a %1	calendar	sr	izaberi %1
select a time	calendar	sr	izaberi vreme
select resources	calendar	sr	Izaberi sredstva
select who should get the alarm	calendar	sr	Izaberi koga bi trebalo alarmirati
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays.	calendar	sr	Podesi godinu za samo jednom / neredovne praznike
set new events to private	calendar	sr	Podesi da je doga&#273;aj privatan
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar!	calendar	sr	Da li odbijeni pozivi treba da budu prikazani u kalendaru?<br>Mo&#382;ete ih prihvatiti kasnije (npr kada se konflikt zakazivanja ukloni), ako su i dalje prikazani u Va&#353;em kalendaru!
should new events created as private by default ?	calendar	sr	Da li bi novi doga&#273;aji trebali podrazumevano da budu privatni?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1.	calendar	sr	Da li bi nelogovani korisnici trebalo da vide Va&#353; status zauze&#263;a?Mo&#382;ete postaviti ekstra lozinku, razli&#269;itu od Va&#353;e normalne, za za&#353;titu ovih informacija.Informacija o zauze&#263;u je u iCal formatu i samo uklju&#269;uje vreme kada ste zauzeti.Ne uklju&#269;uje naziv doga&#273;aja, opis ili lokaciju.Putanja do informacije o Va&#353;em zauze&#263;u je %1.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ?	calendar	sr	Da li se status u&#269;esnika doga&#273;aja (prihvatio, odbio...) prikazuje u zagradama posle imena svakoga u&#269;esnika?
show invitations you rejected	calendar	sr	Prika&#382;i pozive koje ste odbili
show list of upcoming events	calendar	sr	prika&#382;e listu budu&#263;ih doga&#273;aja
show this month	calendar	sr	prika&#382;i ovaj mesec
show this week	calendar	sr	prika&#382;i ovu nedelju
single event	calendar	sr	jedan doga&#273;aj
start	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etak
start date/time	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etni datum/vreme
startdate / -time	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etni datum / -vreme
startdate and -time of the search	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etni datum -vreme pretrage
startdate of the export	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etni datum za eksport
startrecord	calendar	sr	Po&#269;etni slog
status changed	calendar	sr	Status izmenjen
submit to repository	calendar	sr	Po&#353;alji u repozitori
sun	calendar	sr	Ned
tentative	calendar	sr	Privremeni
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)	calendar	sr	Test Import (prikazuje <u>samo</u> slogove koje mo&#382;ete importovati u pretra&#382;iva&#269;u)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view.	calendar	sr	Ovaj dan je prikazan kao prvi dan u nedeljnom ili mese&#269;nom pregledu
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview.	calendar	sr	Ovo defini&#353;e kraj Va&#353;eg dnevnog prikaza.Doga&#273;aji posle ovog vremena, su prikazani ispod dnevnog prikaza
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events.	calendar	sr	Ovo defini&#353;e po&#269;etak Va&#353;eg dnevnog prikaza.Doga&#273;aji pre ovog vremena, su prikazani iznad dnevnog prikaza.<br>Ovo vreme je tako&#273;e i podrazumevano po&#269;etno vreme za nove doga&#273;aje
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want.	calendar	sr	Ova grupa je preselektovana kada u&#273;ete u planer.To mo&#382;ete promeniti u planeru kada god po&#382;elite.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka je poslata za otkazane ili obrisane doga&#273;aje.
this message is sent for modified or moved events.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka se &#353;alje prilikom izmene ili pomeranja doga&#273;aja
this message is sent to uninvited participants.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka se &#353;alje korisnicima kojima je otkazano pozivanje
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka je poslatasvakom u&#269;esniku zadatka koji posedujete, a koji je tra&#382;io obave&#353;tenje o novim doga&#273;ajima.<br>Mo&#382;ete koristiti odre&#273;ene promenjljive koje se menjaju sa podacima o doga&#273;ajima.Prva linija je subjekat poruke
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka se &#353;alje kadaprihvatite, privremeno prihvatite ili odbijete doga&#273;aj.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need.	calendar	sr	Ova poruka se &#353;alje kada postavite alarm na odre&#273;ene doga&#273;eje.Uklju&#269;uje sve informacije koje mo&#382;ete dobiti
three month	calendar	sr	Tri meseca
thu	calendar	sr	&#268;et
til	calendar	sr	do
timeframe	calendar	sr	Vremenski okvir
timeframe to search	calendar	sr	Vremenski okvir za pretragu
title of the event	calendar	sr	Naslov doga&#273;aja
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit	calendar	sr	previ&#353;e bi moglo prekora&#269;iti Va&#353;e vreme izvr&#353;avanja
translation	calendar	sr	Prevod
tue	calendar	sr	Istina
two weeks	calendar	sr	dve nedelje
updated	calendar	sr	A&#382;urirano
use end date	calendar	sr	koristi datum kraja
use the selected time and close the popup	calendar	sr	koristi izabrano vreme i zatvori iska&#269;u&#263;i prozor
view this event	calendar	sr	Pregledaj ovaj doga&#273;aj
views with fixed time intervals	calendar	sr	Pregled sa fiksnim vremenskim intervalima
wed	calendar	sr	Sre
week	calendar	sr	Nedelja
weekday starts on	calendar	sr	nedelja po&#269;inje od
weekdays	calendar	sr	Radni dani
weekdays to use in search	calendar	sr	Radni dani koji se pretra&#382;uju
weekly	calendar	sr	Nedeljno
weekview	calendar	sr	Nedeljni pregled
weekview with weekend	calendar	sr	Nedeljni pregled sa vikendom
weekview without weekend	calendar	sr	Nedeljni pregled bez vikenda
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar.	calendar	sr	Koje doga&#273;aje &#382;elite da vidite kada u&#273;ete u kalendar?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ?	calendar	sr	Kakav pregled kalendara &#382;elite da vidite kada startujete kalendar?
whole day	calendar	sr	ceo dan
wk	calendar	sr	Nd
work day ends on	calendar	sr	radni dan se zavr&#353;ava u
work day starts on	calendar	sr	radni dan po&#269;inje u
yearly	calendar	sr	Godi&#353;nje
yearview	calendar	sr	godi&#353;nji pregled
you can either set a year or a occurrence, not both !!!	calendar	sr	Mo&#382;ete podesiti samo Godinu ili Pojavljivanje, nikako oboje!!!!
you can only set a year or a occurrence !!!	calendar	sr	Mo&#382;ete podesiti samo godinu ili pojavljivanje!!!
you do not have permission to read this record!	calendar	sr	Nemate dozvolu da pro&#269;itate ovaj zapis!!!!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1	calendar	sr	Imate sastanak zakazan za %1
you have been uninvited from the meeting at %1	calendar	sr	Otkazan Vam je poziv sa sastanka u  %1
you need to select an ical file first	calendar	sr	Morate prvo izabrati iCal fajl
you need to set either a day or a occurrence !!!	calendar	sr	Morate podesiti ili dan ili pojavljivanje!!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled	calendar	sr	Va&#353; sastanak u %1 je otkazan
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2	calendar	sr	Va&#353; sastanak za % je pomeren na %2