* @copyright (c) 2014-16 by Ralf Becker * @package api * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License */ namespace EGroupware\Api; /** * VFS sharing * * Token generation uses openssl_random_pseudo_bytes, if available, otherwise * mt_rand based Api\Auth::randomstring is used. * * Existing user sessions are kept whenever possible by an additional mount into regular VFS: * - share owner is current user (no problems with rights, they simply match) * - share owner has owner-right for share: we create a temp. eACL for current user * --> in all other cases session will be replaced with one of the anonymous user, * as we dont support mounting with rights of share owner (VFS uses Vfs::$user!) * * @todo handle mounts of an entry directory /apps/$app/$id * @todo handle mounts inside shared directory (they get currently lost) * @todo handle absolute symlinks (wont work as we use share as root) */ class Sharing { /** * Length of base64 encoded token (real length is only 3/4 of it) * * Dropbox uses just 15 chars (letters/numbers 5-6 bit), php sessions use 32 chars (hex = 4bits), * so 32 chars of base64 = 6bits should be plenty. */ const TOKEN_LENGTH = 32; /** * Name of table used for storing tokens */ const TABLE = 'egw_sharing'; /** * Reference to global db object * * @var Api\Db */ protected static $db; /** * Share we are instanciated for * * @var array */ protected $share; const READONLY = 'share_ro'; const WRITABLE = 'share_rw'; /** * Modes for sharing files * * @var array */ static $modes = array( self::READONLY => array( 'label' => 'Readonly share', 'title' => 'Link is generated allowing recipients to view entries', ), self::WRITABLE => array( 'label' => 'Writable share', 'title' => 'Link is generated allowing recipients to view and modify entries' ), ); /** * Protected constructor called via self::create_session * * @param string $token * @param array $share */ protected function __construct(array $share) { static::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; $this->share = $share; } /** * Get token from url */ public static function get_token() { // WebDAV has no concept of a query string and clients (including cadaver) // seem to pass '?' unencoded, so we need to extract the path info out // of the request URI ourselves // if request URI contains a full url, remove schema and domain $matches = null; if (preg_match('|^https?://[^/]+(/.*)$|', $path_info=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches)) { $path_info = $matches[1]; } $path_info = substr($path_info, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); list(, $token/*, $path*/) = preg_split('|[/?]|', $path_info, 3); list($token) = explode(':', $token); return $token; } /** * Get root of share * * @return string */ public function get_root() { return $this->share['share_root']; } /** * Get share path */ public function get_path() { return $this->share['share_path']; } /** * Get share with email addresses */ public function get_share_with() { return $this->share['share_with']; } /** * Create sharing session * * Certain cases: * a) there is not session $keep_session === null * --> create new anon session with just filemanager rights and share as fstab * b) there is a session $keep_session === true * b1) current user is share owner (eg. checking the link) * --> mount share under token additionally * b2) current user not share owner * b2a) need/use filemanager UI (eg. directory) * --> destroy current session and continue with a) * b2b) single file or WebDAV * --> modify EGroupware enviroment for that request only, no change in session * * @param boolean $keep_session =null null: create a new session, true: try mounting it into existing (already verified) session * @return string with sessionid */ public static function create_session($keep_session=null) { $share = array(); static::check_token($keep_session, $share); if($share) { $classname = static::get_share_class($share); $classname::setup_share($keep_session, $share); return $classname::login($keep_session, $share); } return ''; } protected static function check_token($keep_session, &$share) { self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; $token = static::get_token(); // are we called from header include, because session did not verify // --> check if it verifys for our token if ($token && !$keep_session) { $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $token; if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = ''; unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['autocreate_session_callback']); if (isset($GLOBALS['egw']->session) && $GLOBALS['egw']->session->verify() && isset($GLOBALS['egw']->sharing) && $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing->share['share_token'] === $token) { return $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid; } } if (empty($token) || !($share = self::$db->select(self::TABLE, '*', array( 'share_token' => $token, '(share_expires IS NULL OR share_expires > '.self::$db->quote(time(), 'date').')', ), __LINE__, __FILE__)->fetch()) || !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->exists($share['share_owner'])) { sleep(1); return static::share_fail( '404 Not Found', "Requested resource '/".htmlspecialchars($token)."' does NOT exist!\n" ); } // check password, if required if(!static::check_password($share)) { $realm = 'EGroupware share '.$share['share_token']; header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$realm.'"'); return static::share_fail( '401 Unauthorized', "Authorization failed." ); } } /** * Check to see if the share needs a password, and if it does that the password * provided matches. * * @param Array $share * @return boolean Password OK (or not needed) */ protected static function check_password(Array $share) { if ($share['share_passwd'] && (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) || !(Auth::compare_password($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $share['share_passwd'], 'crypt') || Header\Authenticate::decode_password($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && Auth::compare_password($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $share['share_passwd'], 'crypt')))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Sub-class specific things needed to be done to the share before we try * to login * * @param boolean $keep_session * @param Array $share */ protected static function setup_share($keep_session, &$share) {} /** * Sub-class specific things needed to be done to the share (or session) * after we login but before we start actually doing anything */ protected function after_login() {} protected static function login($keep_session, &$share) { // update accessed timestamp self::$db->update(self::TABLE, array( 'share_last_accessed' => $share['share_last_accessed']=time(), ), array( 'share_id' => $share['share_id'], ), __LINE__, __FILE__); // store sharing object in egw object and therefore in session $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing = static::factory($share); // we have a session we want to keep, but share owner is different from current user and we need filemanager UI, or no session // --> create a new anon session if ($keep_session === false && $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing->need_session() || is_null($keep_session)) { $sessionid = static::create_new_session(); $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing->after_login(); } // we have a session we want to keep, but share owner is different from current user and we dont need filemanager UI // --> we dont need session and close it, to not modifiy it elseif ($keep_session === false) { $GLOBALS['egw']->session->commit_session(); } // need to store new fstab and vfs_user in session to allow GET requests / downloads via WebDAV $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['vfs_user'] = Vfs::$user; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_fstab'] = Vfs::mount(); // update modified egw and egw_info again in session, if neccessary if ($keep_session || $sessionid) { $_SESSION[Session::EGW_INFO_CACHE] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']; unset($_SESSION[Session::EGW_INFO_CACHE]['flags']); // dont save the flags, they change on each request $_SESSION[Session::EGW_OBJECT_CACHE] = serialize($GLOBALS['egw']); } return $sessionid; } public static function create_new_session() { // create session without checking auth: create(..., false, false) if (!($sessionid = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->create('anonymous@'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'], '', 'text', false, false))) { sleep(1); return static::share_fail( '500 Internal Server Error', "Failed to create session: ".$GLOBALS['egw']->session->reason."\n" ); } return $sessionid; } /** * Factory method to instanciate a share * * @param array $share * * @return Sharing */ public static function factory($share) { $class = static::get_share_class($share); return new $class($share); } /** * Get the namespaced class for the given share * * @param string $share */ protected static function get_share_class($share) { try { if(self::is_entry($share)) { list($app, $id) = explode('::', $share['share_path']); if($app && class_exists('\EGroupware\\'. ucfirst($app) . '\Sharing')) { return '\EGroupware\\'. ucfirst($app) . '\Sharing'; } else if(class_exists('\EGroupware\Stylite\Link\Sharing')) { return '\\EGroupware\\Stylite\\Link\\Sharing'; } } else if (class_exists ('\EGroupware\Collabora\Wopi') && $share['share_writable'] == \EGroupware\Collabora\Wopi::WOPI_SHARED) { return '\\EGroupware\\Collabora\\Wopi'; } } catch(Exception $e){throw $e;} return '\\'.__NAMESPACE__ . '\\'. (self::is_entry($share) ? 'Link' : 'Vfs'). '\\Sharing'; } /** * Something failed, stop everything * * @param String $status * @param String $message */ public static function share_fail($status, $message) { header("HTTP/1.1 $status"); header("X-WebDAV-Status: $status", true); echo $message; $class = strpos($status, '404') === 0 ? 'EGroupware\Api\Exception\NotFound' : strpos($status, '401') === 0 ? 'EGroupware\Api\Exception\NoPermission' : 'EGroupware\Api\Exception'; throw new $class($message); } /** * Check if we use filemanager UI * * Only for directories, if browser supports it and filemanager is installed * * @return boolean */ public function use_filemanager() { return !(!Vfs::is_dir($this->share['share_root']) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET' || // or unsupported browsers like ie < 10 Header\UserAgent::type() == 'msie' && Header\UserAgent::version() < 10.0 || // or if no filemanager installed (WebDAV has own autoindex) !file_exists(__DIR__.'/../../filemanager/inc/class.filemanager_ui.inc.php')); } /** * Check if we should use Collabora UI * * Only for files, if URL says so, and Collabora & Stylite apps are installed */ public function use_collabora() { return !Vfs::is_dir($this->share['share_root']) && array_key_exists('edit', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('collabora', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) && array_key_exists('stylite', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']); } public function is_entry($share = false) { list($app, $id) = explode('::', $share['share_path']); return $share && $share['share_path'] && $app && $id && !in_array($app, array('filemanager', 'vfs')) ;//&& array_key_exists($app, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']); } public function need_session() { return $this->use_filemanager() || static::is_entry($this->session); } /** * Get actions for sharing an entry from the given app * * @param string $appname * @param int $group Current menu group */ public static function get_actions($appname, $group = 6) { Translation::add_app('api'); $actions = array( 'share' => array( 'caption' => lang('Share'), 'icon' => 'api/share', 'group' => $group, 'allowOnMultiple' => false, 'children' => array( 'shareReadonlyLink' => array( 'caption' => lang('Share link'), 'group' => 1, 'icon' => 'link', 'order' => 11, 'enabled' => "javaScript:app.$appname.is_share_enabled", 'onExecute' => "javaScript:app.$appname.share_link" ), 'shareWritable' => array( 'caption' => lang('Writable'), 'group' => 2, 'icon' => 'edit', 'allowOnMultiple' => true, 'enabled' => "javaScript:app.$appname.is_share_enabled", 'checkbox' => true ), 'shareFiles' => array( 'caption' => lang('Share files'), 'group' => 2, 'allowOnMultiple' => true, 'enabled' => "javaScript:app.$appname.is_share_enabled", 'checkbox' => true ), 'shareFilemanager' => array( 'caption' => lang('Filemanager directory'), 'group' => 10, 'icon' => 'link', 'order' => 20, 'enabled' => "javaScript:app.$appname.is_share_enabled", 'onExecute' => "javaScript:app.$appname.share_link" ), ), )); if(!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager']) { unset($actions['share']['children']['shareFilemanager']); } if(!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['stylite']) { array_unshift($actions['share']['children'], array( 'caption' => lang('EPL Only'), 'group' => 0 )); foreach($actions['share']['children'] as &$child) { $child['enabled'] = false; } } return $actions; } /** * Server a request on a share specified in REQUEST_URI */ public function ServeRequest() { // sharing is for a different share, change to current share if ($this->share['share_token'] !== self::get_token()) { self::create_session($GLOBALS['egw']->session->session_flags === 'N'); return $GLOBALS['egw']->sharing->ServeRequest(); } // No extended ACL for readonly shares, disable eacl by setting session cache if(!($this->share['share_writable'] & 1)) { Cache::setSession(Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper::EACL_APPNAME, 'extended_acl', array( '/' => 1, $this->share['share_path'] => 1 )); } if($this->use_collabora()) { $ui = new \EGroupware\Collabora\Ui(); return $ui->editor($this->share['share_path']); } // use pure WebDAV for everything but GET requests to directories else if (!$this->use_filemanager() && !static::is_entry($this->share)) { // send a content-disposition header, so browser knows how to name downloaded file if (!Vfs::is_dir($this->share['share_root'])) { Header\Content::disposition(Vfs::basename($this->share['share_path']), false); } $GLOBALS['egw']->session->commit_session(); $webdav_server = new Vfs\WebDAV(); $webdav_server->ServeRequest(Vfs::concat($this->share['share_root'], $this->share['share_token'])); return; } return $this->get_ui(); } /** * Get the user interface for this share * */ public function get_ui() { echo 'Error: missing subclass'; } /** * Generate a new token * * @return string */ public static function token() { // generate random token (using oppenssl if available otherwise mt_rand based Api\Auth::randomstring) do { $token = function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') ? base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(3*self::TOKEN_LENGTH/4)) : Auth::randomstring(self::TOKEN_LENGTH); // base64 can contain chars not allowed in our vfs-urls eg. / or # } while ($token != urlencode($token)); return $token; } /** * Name of the async job for cleaning up shares */ const ASYNC_JOB_ID = 'egw_sharing-tmp_cleanup'; /** * Create a new share * * @param string $path either path in temp_dir or vfs with optional vfs scheme * @param string $mode self::LINK: copy file in users tmp-dir or self::READABLE share given vfs file, * if no vfs behave as self::LINK * @param string $name filename to use for $mode==self::LINK, default basename of $path * @param string|array $recipients one or more recipient email addresses * @param array $extra =array() extra data to store * @throw Api\Exception\NotFound if $path not found * @throw Api\Exception\AssertionFailed if user temp. directory does not exist and can not be created * @return array with share data, eg. value for key 'share_token' */ public static function create($path, $mode, $name, $recipients, $extra=array()) { if (!isset(static::$db)) static::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; if (empty($name)) $name = $path; $table_def = static::$db->get_table_definitions(false,static::TABLE); $extra = array_intersect_key($extra, $table_def['fd']); // Check if path is mounted somewhere that needs a password static::path_needs_password($path); // check if file has been shared before, with identical attributes if (($share = static::$db->select(static::TABLE, '*', $extra+array( 'share_path' => $path, 'share_owner' => Vfs::$user, 'share_expires' => null, 'share_passwd' => null, 'share_writable'=> false, ), __LINE__, __FILE__)->fetch())) { // if yes, just add additional recipients $share['share_with'] = $share['share_with'] ? explode(',', $share['share_with']) : array(); $need_save = false; foreach((array)$recipients as $recipient) { if (!in_array($recipient, $share['share_with'])) { $share['share_with'][] = $recipient; $need_save = true; } } $share['share_with'] = implode(',', $share['share_with']); if ($need_save) { static::$db->update(static::TABLE, array( 'share_with' => $share['share_with'], ), array( 'share_id' => $share['share_id'], ), __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { $i = 0; while(true) // self::token() can return an existing value { try { static::$db->insert(static::TABLE, $share = array( 'share_token' => self::token(), 'share_path' => $path, 'share_owner' => Vfs::$user, 'share_with' => implode(',', (array)$recipients), 'share_created' => time(), )+$extra, false, __LINE__, __FILE__); $share['share_id'] = static::$db->get_last_insert_id(static::TABLE, 'share_id'); break; } catch(Db\Exception $e) { if ($i++ > 3) throw $e; unset($e); } } } // if not already installed, install periodic cleanup of shares $async = new Asyncservice(); $method = 'EGroupware\\Api\\Sharing::tmp_cleanup'; if (!($job = $async->read(self::ASYNC_JOB_ID)) || $job[self::ASYNC_JOB_ID]['method'] !== $method) { if ($job) $async->delete(self::ASYNC_JOB_ID); // update not working old class-name $async->set_timer(array('day' => 28), self::ASYNC_JOB_ID, $method ,null); } return $share; } /** * Create a share via AJAX * * @param String $action * @param String $path * @param boolean $writable * @param boolean $files */ public static function ajax_create($action, $path, $writable = false, $files = false, $extra = array()) { if(!$path) { throw new Exception\WrongParameter('Missing share path. Unable to create share.'); } $class = self::get_share_class(array('share_path' => $path)); $extra = $extra + array( 'share_writable' => $writable, 'include_files' => $files ); $share = $class::create( $path, $writable ? Sharing::WRITABLE : Sharing::READONLY, basename($path), array(), $extra ); // Store share in session so Merge can find this one and not create a read-only one \EGroupware\Api\Cache::setSession(__CLASS__, $path, $share); $arr = array( 'action' => $action, 'writable' => $writable, 'share_link' => $class::share2link($share), 'template' => Etemplate\Widget\Template::rel2url('/filemanager/templates/default/share_dialog.xet') ); switch($action) { case 'shareFilemanager': $arr['title'] = lang('Filemanager directory'); } $response = Json\Response::get(); $response->data($arr); } /** * Api\Storage\Base instance for egw_sharing table * * @var Api\Storage\Base */ protected static $so; /** * Get a so_sql instance initialised for shares */ public static function so() { if (!isset(self::$so)) { self::$so = new Storage\Base('phpgwapi', self::TABLE, null, '', true); self::$so->set_times('string'); } return self::$so; } /** * Delete specified shares and unlink temp. files * * @param int|array $keys * @return int number of deleted shares */ public static function delete($keys) { self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; if (is_scalar($keys)) $keys = array('share_id' => $keys); // delete specified shares self::$db->delete(self::TABLE, $keys, __LINE__, __FILE__); $deleted = self::$db->affected_rows(); return $deleted; } /** * Home long to keep temp. files: 100 day */ const TMP_KEEP = 8640000; /** * How long to keep automatic created Wopi shares */ const WOPI_KEEP = '-3month'; /**. * Periodic (monthly) cleanup of temporary sharing files (download link) * * Exlicit expireds shares are delete, as ones created over 100 days ago and last accessed over 100 days ago. */ public static function tmp_cleanup() { if (!isset(self::$db)) self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; Vfs::$is_root = true; try { $cols = array( 'share_path', 'MAX(share_expires) AS share_expires', 'MAX(share_created) AS share_created', 'MAX(share_last_accessed) AS share_last_accessed', ); if (($group_concat = self::$db->group_concat('share_id'))) $cols[] = $group_concat.' AS share_id'; // remove expired tmp-files unconditionally $having = 'HAVING MAX(share_expires) < '.self::$db->quote(self::$db->to_timestamp(time())).' OR '. // remove without expiration date, when created over 100 days ago AND 'MAX(share_expires) IS NULL AND MAX(share_created) < '.self::$db->quote(self::$db->to_timestamp(time()-self::TMP_KEEP)). ' AND '. // (last accessed over 100 days ago OR never) '(MAX(share_last_accessed) IS NULL OR MAX(share_last_accessed) < '.self::$db->quote(self::$db->to_timestamp(time()-self::TMP_KEEP)).')'; foreach(self::$db->select(self::TABLE, $cols, array( "share_path LIKE '/home/%/.tmp/%'", ), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, 'GROUP BY share_path '.$having) as $row) { Vfs::remove($row['share_path']); if ($group_concat) { $share_ids = $row['share_id'] ? explode(',', $row['share_id']) : array(); } else { $share_ids = array(); foreach(self::$db->select(self::TABLE, 'share_id', array( 'share_path' => $row['share_path'], ), __LINE__, __FILE__) as $id) { $share_ids[] = $id['share_id']; } } if ($share_ids) { $class = self::get_share_class($row); $class::delete($share_ids); } } // delete automatic created and expired Collabora shares older then 3 month if (class_exists('EGroupware\\Collabora\\Wopi')) { self::$db->delete(self::TABLE, array( 'share_expires < '.self::$db->quote(DateTime::to(self::WOPI_KEEP, 'Y-m-d')), 'share_writable IN ('.\EGroupware\Collabora\Wopi::WOPI_WRITABLE.','.\EGroupware\Collabora\Wopi::WOPI_READONLY.')', ), __LINE__, __FILE__); } // Now check the remaining shares /* temporary disabled, as the check does not correctly check user permissions nor account for pathes without vfs prefix static::cleanup_missing_paths();*/ } catch (\Exception $e) { _egw_log_exception($e); } Vfs::$is_root = false; } /** * Check share paths and if the path is no longer there / valid, remove the share */ public static function cleanup_missing_paths() { if (!isset(self::$db)) self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; foreach(self::$db->select(self::TABLE, array( 'share_id','share_path' ), array(), __LINE__, __FILE__, false) as $share) { $class = self::get_share_class($share); if(!$class::check_path($share)) { $class::delete($share); } } } /** * Check that the share path is still valid, and if not, delete it. * This should be overridden. * * @param Array share * * @return boolean Is the share still valid */ protected static function check_path($share) { return true; } /** * Generate link from share or share-token * * @param string|array $share share or share-token * @return string full Url incl. schema and host */ public static function share2link($share) { if (is_array($share)) $share = $share['share_token']; return Framework::getUrl(Framework::link('/share.php')).'/'.$share; } /** * Check to see if the path has a password required for it's mounting (eg: Samba) * we need to deal with it specially. In general, we just throw an exception * if the mount has $pass in it. * * @param string $path * * @throws WrongParameter if you try to share a path that needs a password */ public static function path_needs_password($path) { $mounts = array_reverse(Vfs::mount()); $parts = Vfs::parse_url($path); foreach($mounts as $mounted => $url) { if(($mounted == $parts['path'] || $mounted.'/' == substr($parts['path'],0,strlen($mounted)+1)) && strpos($url, '$pass') !== FALSE) { throw new Exception\WrongParameter( 'Cannot share a file that needs a password. (' . $path . ' mounted from '. $url . ')' ); } } return false; } }