<?php php_track_vars?> <?php /**************************************************************************\ * phpGroupWare - Calendar * * http://www.phpgroupware.org * * Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@radix.net> * * http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ if ($friendly) { $phpgw_flags["noheader"] = True; } $phpgw_flags["currentapp"] = "calendar"; include("../header.inc.php"); if (strlen($date) > 0) { $thisyear = substr($date, 0, 4); $thismonth = substr($date, 4, 2); $thisday = substr($date, 6, 2); } else { if ($day == 0) $thisday = date("d"); else $thisday = $day; if ($month == 0) $thismonth = date("m"); else $thismonth = $month; if ($year == 0) $thisyear = date("Y"); else $thisyear = $year; } $next = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth + 1,1,$thisyear); $nextyear = date("Y", $next); $nextmonth = date("m", $next); $nextdate = date("Ymd"); $prev = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth - 1,1,$thisyear); $prevyear = date("Y",$prev); $prevmonth = date("m",$prev); $prevdate = date("Ymd"); if ($friendly) { echo "<body bgcolor=\"".$phpgw_info["theme"][bg_color]."\">"; $view = "month"; } ?> <HEAD> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <?php echo "$CCS_DEFS";?> .tablecell { width: 80px; height: 80px; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%> <TR> <?php if (! $friendly) { echo "<TD ALIGN=\"left\">"; display_small_month($prevmonth,$prevyear,True); } ?> <TD ALIGN="middle"><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="<?php echo $H2COLOR;?>"><B> <?php $m = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth,1,$thisyear); print lang_common(strftime("%B",$m)) . " " . $thisyear; ?> </B></FONT> <FONT COLOR="<?php echo $H2COLOR;?>" SIZE="+1"> <br> <?php if ($phpgw->session->firstname) echo $phpgw->session->firstname . " "; if ($phpgw->session->lastname) echo $phpgw->session->lastname; ?> </FONT></TD> <?php if (! $friendly) { echo '<TD ALIGN="right">'; display_small_month($nextmonth,$nextyear,True); } ?> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 bordercolor=FFFFFF cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2> <TR> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Sun"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Mon"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Tue"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Wed"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Thu"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Fri"); ?></FONT></TH> <TH WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<?php echo $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]; ?>"><?php echo lang_calendar("Sat"); ?></FONT></TH> </TR> <?php /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events(); // We add 2 hours on to the time so that the switch to DST doesn't // throw us off. So, all our dates are 2AM for that day. // $sun = get_sunday_before($thisyear,$thismonth,1) + 7200; $sun = get_sunday_before($thisyear,$thismonth,1) + 7200; // generate values for first day and last day of month $monthstart = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth,1,$thisyear); $monthend = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth + 1,0,$thisyear); // debugging //echo "<P>sun = " . date("D, m-d-Y", $sun) . "<BR>"; //echo "<P>monthstart = " . date("D, m-d-Y", $monthstart) . "<BR>"; //echo "<P>monthend = " . date("D, m-d-Y", $monthend) . "<BR>"; $today = mktime(2,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); for ($i = $sun; date("Ymd",$i) <= date("Ymd",$monthend); $i += (24 * 3600 * 7) ) { $CELLBG = $phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($CELLBG); echo "<TR>\n"; for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) { $date = $i + ($j * 24 * 3600); if (date("Ymd",$date) >= date("Ymd",$monthstart) && date("Ymd",$date) <= date("Ymd",$monthend) ) { echo "<TD VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=75 HEIGHT=75 ID=\"tablecell\""; if (date("Ymd",$date) == date("Ymd",$today)) { echo " BGCOLOR=\"".$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_today"]."\">"; } else { echo " BGCOLOR=\"$CELLBG\">"; } print_date_entries($date,$friendly,$phpgw->session->id); echo "</TD>\n"; } else { echo "<TD></TD>\n"; } } print "</TR>\n"; } ?> </TABLE> <P> <P> <?php if (! $friendly) { $param = ""; if ($thisyear) $param .= "year=$thisyear&month=$thismonth&"; $param .= "friendly=1\" TARGET=\"cal_printer_friendly\" onMouseOver=\"window." . "status = '" . lang_calendar("Generate printer-friendly version"). "'"; echo "<a href=\"".$phpgw->link($PHP_SELF,$param)."\">"; echo "[". lang_calendar("Printer Friendly") . "]</A>"; include($phpgw_info["server"]["api_dir"] . "/footer.inc.php"); }