<!doctype linuxdoc system> <!-- LinuxDoc file was created by hand by <Dan Kuykendall> Sat July 15 --> <article> <title> phpGroupWare FAQ </title> <author> Dan Kuykendall <dan@kuykendall.org> </author> <date> v1.0, 15 July 2000 </date> <abstract> phpGroupWare Frequently Asked Questions. </abstract> <toc> <sect>Building and Installing <sect1>Questions and Answers <p> Q: When I try to send file attachments, I get errors about safe mode being effect.<newline> A: I ran into this problem after I installed Aeromail for the first time.<newline> Try chown root.root for all files in your /phpGroupWare directory. I don't know why this is needed. Any ideas ? <p> Q: Why don't you just use the session class from phplib? Why not use cookies to hold the sessionid?<newline> A: I personally don't like using cookies for something like this.<newline> However, the session management is currently being abstracted for the applications. This means that switching to cookies will be possible for those that are interested. <p> Q: When I do a search, it returns the results but they have the wrong date.<newline> A: Becuase of the way the tables are set up to handle repeating events, I need to rewrite the query. I have not had a chance to play around with it <p> Q: When I view the calendar, I get tons of SQL errors.<newline> A: Make sure all users on the system belong to a group. That should clear up any problems. This is something that needs to be fixed. <p> Q: Will phpGroupWare run on PHP4 ?<newline> A: Yes. It runs on both PHP3 and PHP4. <p> Q: Will phpGroupWare work with SSL ?<newline> A: Sure, why not ? I am running it with mod_ssl and have had no problems. Since there are no references to http:// or https:// there should not be any problems with it. <p> Q: Does phpGroupWare work on any other databases ?<newline> A: Right now, no. I have been playing around with support for mSQL, but, that will take some time. Other databases are completly unknown at this point, support for Oracle, MS-SQL, and others are planned for the future. <p> Q: I am having problems installing on PostgreSQL 6.x.<newline> A: phpGroupWare is being developed with version 7.x. I tried installing it on 6.x and ran into a bunch of probelms. Unless you plan on toying around with it, your better off with 7.x. <p> Q: Will phpGroupWare work with Windows?<newline> A: Yes, there several people who are using it.<newline> Thanks Vincent Larchet <<vinz@users.sourceforge.net>> for patching anything we do that breaks phpGroupWare on NT. </p> </article>