	* phpGroupWare API - Categories                                            *
	* This file written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>                *
	*                  and Bettina Gille [ceb@phpgroupware.org]                *
	* Category manager                                                         *
	* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Joseph Engo, Bettina Gille                      *
	* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Bettina Gille                                   *
	* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
	* This library is part of the phpGroupWare API                             *
	* http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
	* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
	* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it  *
	* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
	* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,         *
	* or any later version.                                                    *
	* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
	* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               *
	* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.              *
	* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
	* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,  *
	* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA            *
	// $Id$
	// $Source$

	@class categories
	@abstract class adds ability for applications to make use of categories
	@discussion examples can be found in notes app
	class categories
		var $account_id;
		var $app_name;
		var $cats;
		var $db;
		var $total_records;
		var $grants;

		@function categories
		@abstract constructor for categories class
		@param $accountid account id
		@param $app_name app name defaults to current app
		function categories($accountid = '',$app_name = '')
			$account_id = get_account_id($accountid);

			if (! $app_name)
				$app_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];

			$this->account_id	= $account_id;
			$this->app_name		= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->db_addslashes($app_name);
			$this->db			= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
			$this->db2			= $this->db;
			$this->grants		= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_grants($app_name);

		@function filter
		@abstract ?
		@param $type string
		@result string either subs or mains
		function filter($type)
			switch ($type)
				case 'subs':		$s = ' AND cat_parent != 0'; break;
				case 'mains':		$s = ' AND cat_parent = 0'; break;
				case 'appandmains':	$s = " AND cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_parent =0"; break;
				case 'appandsubs':	$s = " AND cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_parent !=0"; break;
				case 'noglobal':	$s = " AND cat_appname != '" . $this->app_name . "'"; break;
				case 'noglobalapp':	$s = " AND cat_appname = '" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_owner != " . $this->account_id; break;
				default:			return False;
			return $s;

		@function total
		@abstract returns the total number of categories for app, subs or mains
		@param $for one of either 'app' 'subs' or 'mains'
		@result integer count of categories
		function total($for = 'app')
				case 'app':			$w = " WHERE cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "'"; break;
				case 'appandmains':	$w = " WHERE cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_parent =0"; break;
				case 'appandsubs':	$w = " WHERE cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_parent !=0"; break;
				case 'subs':		$w = ' WHERE cat_parent != 0'; break;
				case 'mains':		$w = ' WHERE cat_parent = 0'; break;
				default:			return False;

			$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(cat_id) FROM phpgw_categories $w",__LINE__,__FILE__);

			return $this->db->f(0);

		@function return_array
		@abstract return an array populated with categories
		@param $type string defaults to 'all'
		@param $start ?
		@param $limit ?
		@param $query string defaults to ''
		@param $sort string sort order, either defaults to 'ASC'
		@param $order order by
		@param $globals True or False, includes the global phpgroupware categories or not
		@result $cats array
		function return_array($type,$start,$limit = True,$query = '',$sort = '',$order = '',$globals = False, $parent_id = '', $lastmod = -1, $column = '')
			//casting and addslashes for security
			$start		= (int)$start;
			$parent_id	= (int)$parent_id;
			$query		= $this->db->db_addslashes($query);
			$sort		= $this->db->db_addslashes($sort);
			$order		= $this->db->db_addslashes($order);

			if ($globals)
				$global_cats = " OR cat_appname='phpgw'";

			$filter = $this->filter($type);

			if (!$sort)
				$sort = 'ASC';

			if ($order)
				$ordermethod = " ORDER BY $order $sort";
				$ordermethod = ' ORDER BY cat_main, cat_level, cat_name ASC';

			if ($this->account_id == '-1')
				$grant_cats = ' cat_owner=-1 ';
				if (is_array($this->grants))
					$grants = $this->grants;
					while(list($user) = each($grants))
						$public_user_list[] = $user;
					$grant_cats = ' (cat_owner=' . $this->account_id . " OR cat_owner=-1 OR cat_access='public' AND cat_owner in(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . ')) ';
					$grant_cats = ' cat_owner=' . $this->account_id . ' OR cat_owner=-1 ';

			if ($parent_id > 0)
				$parent_filter = ' AND cat_parent=' . $parent_id;

			if ($query)
				$querymethod = " AND (cat_name LIKE '%$query%' OR cat_description LIKE '%$query%') ";

			if($lastmod && $lastmod >= 0)
				$querymethod .= ' AND last_mod > ' . $lastmod;

					case 'id': 			$table_column = ' cat_id '; break;
					case 'owner': 		$table_column = ' cat_owner '; break;
					case 'access': 		$table_column = ' cat_access '; break;
					case 'app_name': 	$table_column = ' cat_appname '; break;
					case 'main': 		$table_column = ' cat_main '; break;
					case 'parent': 		$table_column = ' cat_parent '; break;
					case 'name': 		$table_column = ' cat_name '; break;
					case 'description': $table_column = ' cat_description '; break;
					case 'data': 		$table_column = ' cat_data '; break;
					case 'last_mod':	$table_column = ' last_mod '; break;
					default:			$table_column = ' cat_id '; break;
				$table_column = ' * ';

			$sql = "SELECT $table_column FROM phpgw_categories WHERE (cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND" . $grant_cats . $global_cats . ')'
				. $parent_filter . $querymethod . $filter;

			$this->total_records = $this->db2->num_rows();

			if ($limit)
				$this->db->limit_query($sql . $ordermethod,$start,__LINE__,__FILE__);
				$this->db->query($sql . $ordermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);

			while ($this->db->next_record())
				if ($column)
					$cats[] = array
						"$column" => $this->db->f(0)
					$cats[] = array
						'id'			=> $this->db->f('cat_id'),
						'owner'			=> $this->db->f('cat_owner'),
						'access'		=> $this->db->f('cat_access'),
						'app_name'		=> $this->db->f('cat_appname'),
						'main'			=> $this->db->f('cat_main'),
						'level'			=> $this->db->f('cat_level'),
						'parent'		=> $this->db->f('cat_parent'),
						'name'			=> $this->db->f('cat_name'),
						'description'	=> $this->db->f('cat_description'),
						'data'			=> $this->db->f('cat_data'),
						'last_mod'		=> $this->db->f('last_mod')
			return $cats;

		function return_sorted_array($start,$limit = True,$query = '',$sort = '',$order = '',$globals = False, $parent_id = '')
			//casting and slashes for security
			$start = (int)$start;
			$query = $this->db->db_addslashes($query);
			$sort  = $this->db->db_addslashes($sort);
			$order = $this->db->db_addslashes($order);
			$parent_id = (int)$parent_id;

			if ($globals)
				$global_cats = " OR cat_appname='phpgw'";

			if (!$sort)
				$sort = 'ASC';

			if ($order)
				$ordermethod = " ORDER BY $order $sort";
				$ordermethod = ' ORDER BY cat_name ASC';

			if ($this->account_id == '-1')
				$grant_cats = " cat_owner='-1' ";
				if (is_array($this->grants))
					$grants = $this->grants;
					while(list($user) = each($grants))
						$public_user_list[] = $user;
					$grant_cats = " (cat_owner='" . $this->account_id . "' OR cat_owner='-1' OR cat_access='public' AND cat_owner in(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . ")) ";
					$grant_cats = " cat_owner='" . $this->account_id . "' or cat_owner='-1' ";

			$parent_select = ' AND cat_parent=' . $parent_id;

			if ($query)
				$querymethod = " AND (cat_name LIKE '%$query%' OR cat_description LIKE '%$query%') ";

			$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpgw_categories WHERE (cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND" . $grant_cats . $global_cats . ")"
					. $querymethod;

			$this->db2->query($sql . $parent_select,__LINE__,__FILE__);
			$total = $this->db2->num_rows();

			if ($limit)
				$this->db->limit_query($sql . $parent_select . $ordermethod,$start,__LINE__,__FILE__);
				$this->db->query($sql . $parent_select . $ordermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);

			$i = 0;
			while ($this->db->next_record())
				$cats[$i]['id']          = (int)$this->db->f('cat_id');
				$cats[$i]['owner']       = (int)$this->db->f('cat_owner');
				$cats[$i]['access']      = $this->db->f('cat_access');
				$cats[$i]['app_name']    = $this->db->f('cat_appname');
				$cats[$i]['main']        = (int)$this->db->f('cat_main');
				$cats[$i]['level']       = (int)$this->db->f('cat_level');
				$cats[$i]['parent']      = (int)$this->db->f('cat_parent');
				$cats[$i]['name']        = $this->db->f('cat_name');
				$cats[$i]['description'] = $this->db->f('cat_description');
				$cats[$i]['data']        = $this->db->f('cat_data');

			$num_cats = count($cats);
			for ($i=0;$i < $num_cats;$i++)
				$sub_select = ' AND cat_parent=' . $cats[$i]['id'] . ' AND cat_level=' . ($cats[$i]['level']+1);

				/*$this->db2->query($sql . $sub_select,__LINE__,__FILE__);
				$total_subs += $this->db2->num_rows();

				if ($limit)
					$this->db->limit_query($sql . $sub_select . $ordermethod,$start,__LINE__,__FILE__);
					$this->db->query($sql . $sub_select . $ordermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__);
					$total += $this->db->num_rows();

				$subcats = array();
				$j = 0;
				while ($this->db->next_record())
					$subcats[$j]['id']          = (int)$this->db->f('cat_id');
					$subcats[$j]['owner']       = (int)$this->db->f('cat_owner');
					$subcats[$j]['access']      = $this->db->f('cat_access');
					$subcats[$j]['app_name']    = $this->db->f('cat_appname');
					$subcats[$j]['main']        = (int)$this->db->f('cat_main');
					$subcats[$j]['level']       = (int)$this->db->f('cat_level');
					$subcats[$j]['parent']      = (int)$this->db->f('cat_parent');
					$subcats[$j]['name']        = $this->db->f('cat_name');
					$subcats[$j]['description'] = $this->db->f('cat_description');
					$subcats[$j]['data']        = $this->db->f('cat_data');

				$num_subcats = count($subcats);
				if ($num_subcats != 0)
					$newcats = array();
					for ($k = 0; $k <= $i; $k++)
						$newcats[$k] = $cats[$k];
					for ($k = 0; $k < $num_subcats; $k++)
						$newcats[$k+$i+1] = $subcats[$k];
					for ($k = $i+1; $k < $num_cats; $k++)
						$newcats[$k+$num_subcats] = $cats[$k];
					$cats = $newcats;
					$num_cats = count($cats);
			$this->total_records = $total;
			return $cats;

		@function return_single
		@abstract return single
		@param $id integer id of category
		@result $cats  array populated with
		function return_single($id = '')
			$this->db->query('SELECT * FROM phpgw_categories WHERE cat_id=' . (int)$id,__LINE__,__FILE__);

			if ($this->db->next_record())
				$cats[0]['id']          = $this->db->f('cat_id');
				$cats[0]['owner']       = $this->db->f('cat_owner');
				$cats[0]['access']      = $this->db->f('cat_access');
				$cats[0]['app_name']    = $this->db->f('cat_appname');
				$cats[0]['main']        = $this->db->f('cat_main');
				$cats[0]['level']       = $this->db->f('cat_level');
				$cats[0]['parent']      = $this->db->f('cat_parent');
				$cats[0]['name']        = $this->db->f('cat_name');
				$cats[0]['description'] = $this->db->f('cat_description');
				$cats[0]['data']        = $this->db->f('cat_data');
			return $cats;

		@function formated_list
		@abstract return into a select box, list or other formats
		@param $format currently supports select (select box) or list
		@param $type string - subs or mains
		@param $selected - cat_id or array with cat_id values
		@param $globals True or False, includes the global phpgroupware categories or not
		@result $s array - populated with categories
		function formatted_list($format,$type='',$selected = '',$globals = False,$site_link = 'site')
			return $this->formated_list($format,$type,$selected,$globals,$site_link);
		function formated_list($format,$type='',$selected = '',$globals = False,$site_link = 'site')
				$temp_format = $format['format'];
				$type = ($format['type']?$format['type']:'all');
				$selected = (isset($format['selected'])?$format['selected']:'');
				$self = (isset($format['self'])?$format['self']:'');
				$globals = (isset($format['globals'])?$format['globals']:True);
				$site_link = (isset($format['site_link'])?$format['site_link']:'site');
				$format = ($temp_format?$temp_format:'select');

			if (!is_array($selected))
				$selected = explode(',',$selected);

			if ($type != 'all')
				$cats = $this->return_array($type,$start,False,$query,$sort,$order,$globals);
				$cats = $this->return_sorted_array($start,False,$query,$sort,$order,$globals);

				for ($i=0;$i<count($cats);$i++)
					if ($cats[$i]['id'] == $self)

			if ($format == 'select')
				while (is_array($cats) && list(,$cat) = each($cats))
					$s .= '<option value="' . $cat['id'] . '"';
					if (in_array($cat['id'],$selected))
						$s .= ' selected';
					$s .= '>';
					for ($j=0;$j<$cat['level'];$j++)
						$s .= '&nbsp;';
					$s .= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($cat['name']);
					if ($cat['app_name'] == 'phpgw')
						$s .= '&nbsp;&lt;' . lang('Global') . '&gt;';
					if ($cat['owner'] == '-1')
						$s .= '&nbsp;&lt;' . lang('Global') . '&nbsp;' . lang($this->app_name) . '&gt;';
					$s .= '</option>' . "\n";
				return $s;

			if ($format == 'list')
				$space = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

				$s  = '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">' . "\n";

				if ($this->total_records > 0)
					for ($i=0;$i<count($cats);$i++)
						$image_set = '&nbsp;';

						if (in_array($cats[$i]['id'],$selected))
							$image_set = '<img src="' . PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR . '/roter_pfeil.gif">';

						if (($cats[$i]['level'] == 0) && !in_array($cats[$i]['id'],$selected))
							$image_set = '<img src="' . PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR . '/grauer_pfeil.gif">';

						$space_set = str_repeat($space,$cats[$i]['level']);

						$s .= '<tr>' . "\n";
						$s .= '<td width="8">' . $image_set . '</td>' . "\n";
						$s .= '<td>' . $space_set . '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link($site_link,'cat_id=' . $cats[$i]['id']) . '">'
							. $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($cats[$i]['name'])
							. '</a></td>' . "\n"
							. '</tr>' . "\n";
				$s .= '</table>' . "\n";
				return $s;

		@function add
		@abstract add categories
		@param $cat_name category name
		@param $cat_parent category parent
		@param $cat_description category description defaults to ''
		@param $cat_data category data defaults to ''
		function add($values)
			$values['id']		= (int)$values['id'];
			$values['parent']	= (int)$values['parent'];

			if ($values['parent'] > 0)
				$values['level'] = $this->id2name($values['parent'],'level')+1;

			$values['descr'] = $this->db->db_addslashes($values['descr']);
			$values['name'] = $this->db->db_addslashes($values['name']);

			if ($values['id'] > 0)
				$id_col = 'cat_id,';
				$id_val = $values['id'] . ',';

			$this->db->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_categories (' . $id_col . 'cat_parent,cat_owner,cat_access,cat_appname,cat_name,cat_description,cat_data,'
				. 'cat_main,cat_level, last_mod) VALUES (' . $id_val . (int)$values['parent'] . ',' . $this->account_id . ",'" . $values['access']
				. "','" . $this->app_name . "','" . $values['name'] . "','" . $values['descr'] . "','" . $values['data']
				. "'," . (int)$values['main'] . ',' . (int)$values['level'] . ',' . time() . ')',__LINE__,__FILE__);

			if ($values['id'] > 0)
				$max = $values['id'];
				$max = $this->db->get_last_insert_id('phpgw_categories','cat_id');

			$max = (int)$max;
			if ($values['parent'] == 0)
				$this->db->query('UPDATE phpgw_categories SET cat_main=' . $max . ' WHERE cat_id=' . $max,__LINE__,__FILE__);
			return $max;

		@function delete
		@abstract delete category
		@param $cat_id int - category id
		/*function delete($cat_id,$subs = False)
			$cat_id = (int)$cat_id;
			if ($subs)
				$subdelete = ' OR cat_parent=' . $cat_id . ' OR cat_main=' . $cat_id;

			$this->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_categories WHERE cat_id=' . $cat_id . $subdelete . " AND cat_appname='"
							. $this->app_name . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		} */

		function delete($cat_id, $drop_subs = False, $modify_subs = False)
			$cat_id = (int)$cat_id;
			if ($drop_subs)
				$subdelete = ' OR cat_parent=' . $cat_id . ' OR cat_main=' . $cat_id;

			if ($modify_subs)
				$cats = $this->return_sorted_array('',False,'','','',False, $cat_id);

				$new_parent = $this->id2name($cat_id,'parent');

				for ($i=0;$i<count($cats);$i++)
					if ($cats[$i]['level'] == 1)
						$this->db->query('UPDATE phpgw_categories set cat_level=0, cat_parent=0, cat_main=' . (int)$cats[$i]['id']
							. ' WHERE cat_id=' . (int)$cats[$i]['id'] . " AND cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
						$new_main = $cats[$i]['id'];
						if ($new_main)
							$update_main = ',cat_main=' . $new_main;

						if ($cats[$i]['parent'] == $cat_id)
							$update_parent = ',cat_parent=' . $new_parent;

						$this->db->query('UPDATE phpgw_categories set cat_level=' . ($cats[$i]['level']-1) . $update_main . $update_parent
							. ' WHERE cat_id=' . (int)$cats[$i]['id'] . " AND cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);

			$this->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_categories WHERE cat_id=' . $cat_id . $subdelete . " AND cat_appname='"
				. $this->app_name . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);

		@function edit
		@abstract edit a category
		@param $cat_id int - category id
		@param $cat_parent category parent
		@param $cat_description category description defaults to ''
		@param $cat_data category data defaults to ''
		function edit($values)
			$values['id']     = (int)$values['id'];
			$values['parent'] = (int)$values['parent'];

			if (isset($values['old_parent']) && (int)$values['old_parent'] != $values['parent'])
				return $this->add($values);
				if ($values['parent'] > 0)
					$values['main']  = (int)$this->id2name($values['parent'],'main');
					$values['level'] = (int)$this->id2name($values['parent'],'level') + 1;
					$values['main']  = $values['id'];
					$values['level'] = 0;

			$values['descr'] = $this->db->db_addslashes($values['descr']);
			$values['name'] = $this->db->db_addslashes($values['name']);

			$sql = "UPDATE phpgw_categories SET cat_name='" . $values['name'] . "', cat_description='" . $values['descr']
				. "', cat_data='" . $values['data'] . "', cat_parent=" . $values['parent'] . ", cat_access='"
				. $values['access'] . "', cat_main=" . $values['main'] . ', cat_level=' . $values['level'] . ',last_mod=' . time()
				. " WHERE cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND cat_id=" . $values['id'];

			return $values['id'];

		function name2id($cat_name)
			$this->db->query("SELECT cat_id FROM phpgw_categories WHERE cat_name='" . $this->db->db_addslashes($cat_name) . "' "
				."AND cat_appname='" . $this->app_name . "' AND (cat_owner=" . $this->account_id . ' OR cat_owner=-1)',__LINE__,__FILE__);

				return 0;


			return $this->db->f('cat_id');

		function id2name($cat_id = '', $item = 'name')
			$cat_id = (int)$cat_id;
			if($cat_id == 0)
				return '--';
				case 'owner':	$value = 'cat_owner'; break;
				case 'main':	$value = 'cat_main'; break;
				case 'level':	$value = 'cat_level'; break;
				case 'parent':	$value = 'cat_parent'; break;
				case 'name':
				default:		$value = 'cat_parent'; break;

			$this->db->query("SELECT $value FROM phpgw_categories WHERE cat_id=" . $cat_id,__LINE__,__FILE__);

			if ($this->db->f($value))
				return $this->db->f($value);
				if ($item == 'name')
					return '--';

		@function return_name
		@abstract return category name given $cat_id
		@param $cat_id
		@result cat_name category name
		// NOTE: This is only a temp wrapper, use id2name() to keep things matching across the board. (jengo)
		function return_name($cat_id)
			return $this->id2name($cat_id);

		@function exists
		@abstract used for checking if a category name exists
		@param $type subs or mains
		@param $cat_name category name
		@result boolean true or false
		function exists($type,$cat_name = '',$cat_id = '')
			$cat_id = (int)$cat_id;
			$filter = $this->filter($type);

			if ($cat_name)
				$cat_exists = " cat_name='" . $this->db->db_addslashes($cat_name) . "' ";

			if ($cat_id)
				$cat_exists = ' cat_parent=' . $cat_id;

			if ($cat_name && $cat_id)
				$cat_exists = " cat_name='" . $this->db->db_addslashes($cat_name) . "' AND cat_id != $cat_id ";

			$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(cat_id) FROM phpgw_categories WHERE $cat_exists $filter",__LINE__,__FILE__);


			if ($this->db->f(0))
				return True;
				return False;