accessories of	resources	en	Accessories of
accessories:	resources	en	Accessories:
actions	resources	en	Actions
add accessory	resources	en	Add accessory
add resource	resources	en	Add resource
add resources	resources	en	Add resources
administrator	resources	en	Administrator
all categories	resources	en	All categories
book	resources	en	Book
book resource	resources	en	Book resource
book selected resources	resources	en	Book selected resources
book this resource	resources	en	Book this resource
bookable	resources	en	Bookable
buy this article	resources	en	Buy this article
buy this resource	resources	en	Buy this resource
buyable	resources	en	Buyable
categories admin	resources	en	Categories admin
category:	resources	en	Category:
check all	resources	en	Check all
choose categories admin	resources	en	Choose categories admin
clear selection	resources	en	Clear selection
configure access permissions	admin	en	Configure ACL
create new accessory for this resource	resources	en	Create new accessory for this resource
create new links	resources	en	Create new links
delete selected resources	resources	en	Delete selected resources
delete this entry	resources	en	Delete this entry
description (short)	resources	en	Short description
direct booking permissions	resources	en	Direct booking permissions
don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme)	resources	en	Don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see README)
edit this entry	resources	en	Edit this entry
existing links	resources	en	Existing links
exists	resources	en	Exists
export definitition to use for nextmatch export	resources	en	Export definition to use for nextmatch export
exports a list of resources to a csv file.	resources	en	Exports a list of resources to a CSV file.
general	resources	en	General
general informations about resource	resources	en	General information about resource
gernal resource	resources	en	General resource
global categories	resources	en	Global categories
hours	resources	en	Hours
how many of the resources are useable?	resources	en	How many are usable
how many of them are useable?	resources	en	How many are usable
how many of this resource are usable	resources	en	How many are usable
how many of this resource exists	resources	en	How many of this resource exists
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export	resources	en	If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export
implies booking permission	resources	en	Implies booking permission
implies read permission	resources	en	Implies read permission
imports a list of resources from a csv file.	resources	en	Imports a list of resources from a CSV file.
information about storage	resources	en	Storage information
informations about the location of resource	resources	en	Location information
insert	resources	en	Insert
inventory number	resources	en	Inventory number
inventory number:	resources	en	Inventory number:
is resource bookable?	resources	en	Is resource bookable
is resource buyable?	resources	en	Is resource buyable
is this resource bookable?	resources	en	Is this resource bookable
is this resource buyable?	resources	en	Is this resource buyable
links	resources	en	Links
location	resources	en	Location
location of resource	resources	en	Location of resource
location:	resources	en	Location:
locations / rooms	resources	en	Locations / rooms
long description	resources	en	Long description
manage mapping	resources	en	Manage mapping
name of resource	resources	en	Name of resource
name:	resources	en	Name:
new accessory	resources	en	New accessory
no description available	resources	en	No description available.
no resources selected	resources	en	No resources selected.
notify your administrator to correct this situation	resources	en	Notify your administrator.
picture	resources	en	Picture
picture source	resources	en	Picture source
picture type is not supported, sorry!	resources	en	Picture type is not supported, sorry!
pictures or resource	resources	en	Pictures or resource
planer	resources	en	Planner
prize	resources	en	Prize
prizeing information for booking or buying	resources	en	Prizing information for booking or buying
quantity	resources	en	Quantity
quantity of resource	resources	en	Quantity of resource
quantity:	resources	en	Quantity:
read calendar permissions	resources	en	Read calendar permissions
read permissions	resources	en	Read permissions
related links	resources	en	Related links
resource id	resources	en	Resource ID
resources	common	en	Resources
resources csv export	resources	en	Resources CSV export
resources csv import	resources	en	Resources CSV import
resources list	resources	en	Resources list
responsible:	resources	en	Responsible:
saves entry and exits	resources	en	Save entry and exit
select a category	resources	en	Select a category
select resource	resources	en	Select resource
select resources	common	en	Select resources
select/deselect all	resources	en	Select/deselect all
short description	resources	en	Short description
short description of resource	resources	en	Short description of resource
show calendar of resource	resources	en	Show calendar of resource
something went wrong by deleting resource	resources	en	Error deleting resource!
something went wrong by saving resource	resources	en	Error saving resource!
storage	resources	en	Storage
storage information	resources	en	Storage
storage information:	resources	en	Storage information:
the calendar of this resource	resources	en	Calendar of the resource
this module displays the resources app	resources	en	This module displays the resources app
use general resources icon	resources	en	Use general resources icon
use own picture	resources	en	Use own picture
use the category's icon	resources	en	Use the category icon
useable	resources	en	Usable
useable:	resources	en	Usable:
view accessories for this resource	resources	en	View accessories
view calendar	resources	en	View calendar
view this entry	resources	en	View entry
web-page of resource	resources	en	Web page of resource
web-site for this resource	resources	en	Website for this resource
where to find this resource?	resources	en	Location information
which category does this resource belong to?	resources	en	Category of the resource
write permissions	resources	en	Write permissions
you are not permitted to delete this resource!	resources	en	You are not permitted to delete this resource!
you are not permitted to edit this resource!	resources	en	You are not permitted to edit this resource!
you are not permitted to get information about this resource!	resources	en	You are not permitted to get information about this resource!
you chose more resources than available	resources	en	You chose more resources than available!