/** * Test file for Etemplate webComponent Date */ import {assert, fixture} from '@open-wc/testing'; import {Et2Date} from "../Et2Date"; import {html} from "lit-element"; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; describe("Date widget", () => { // Reference to component under test let element : Et2Date; // Setup run before each test beforeEach(async() => { // Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready // @ts-ignore element = await fixture(html` `); // Stub egw() sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns({ tooltipUnbind: () => {}, // Image always give check mark. Use data URL to avoid having to serve an actual image image: i => "" }); // Stub global egw for preference // @ts-ignore window.egw = { preference: () => 'Y-m-d' }; }); // Make sure it works it('is defined', () => { assert.instanceOf(element, Et2Date); }); it('has a label', () => { element.set_label("Label set"); assert.equal(element.querySelector("[slot='label']").textContent, "Label set"); }) it('Readonly does not return a value', () => { element.readOnly = true; let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z'; element.set_value(test_time_string); // Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM return Promise.resolve().then(() => { // Read-only widget returns null assert.equal(element.getValue(), null); }); }); const tz_list = [ {name: "America/Edmonton", offset: 600}, {name: "UTC", offset: 0}, {name: "Australia/Adelaide", offset: 630} ]; for(let tz of tz_list) { describe("Timezone: " + tz.name, () => { // TODO: Figure out how to mock timezone... // Stub timezone offset to return a different value let tz_offset_stub = sinon.stub(Date.prototype, "getTimezoneOffset").returns( tz.offset ); let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z'; let test_time = new Date(test_time_string); it('Can accept a value', () => { element.set_value(test_time_string); // Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM return Promise.resolve().then(() => { // Widget gives time as a string so we can send to server assert.equal(element.getValue(), test_time_string); }); }); /* Doesn't work yet it("Can be modified", () => { element.getInputNode().value = "2008-09-22"; let event = new Event("change"); element.getInputNode().dispatchEvent(event); // Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM return Promise.resolve().then(() => { assert.equal(element.getValue(), "2008-09-22T00:00:00.000Z"); }); }); */ // Put timezone offset back tz_offset_stub.restore(); }); } });