  * eGroupWare                                                               *
  * http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *

  /* $Id$ */

	// Little file to setup a demo install

	$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array(
		'noheader'   => True,
		'nonavbar'   => True,
		'currentapp' => 'home',
		'noapi'      => True

	// Authorize the user to use setup app and load the database
	// Does not return unless user is authorized
	if(!$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->auth('Config') || get_var('cancel',Array('POST')))
		Header('Location: index.php');

		$tpl_root = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->setup_tpl_dir('setup');
		$setup_tpl = CreateObject('setup.Template',$tpl_root);
			'T_head'       => 'head.tpl',
			'T_footer'     => 'footer.tpl',
			'T_alert_msg'  => 'msg_alert_msg.tpl',
			'T_login_main' => 'login_main.tpl',
			'T_login_stage_header' => 'login_stage_header.tpl',
			'T_setup_demo' => 'setup_demo.tpl'

		$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->show_header(lang('Demo Server Setup'));

		$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang('<b>This will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br>The username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_deleteall',lang('Delete all existing SQL accounts, groups, ACLs and preferences (normally not necessary)?'));

		$setup_tpl->set_var('detailadmin',lang('Details for Admin account'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('adminusername',lang('Admin username'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('adminfirstname',lang('Admin first name'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('adminlastname',lang('Admin last name'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('adminpassword',lang('Admin password'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('adminpassword2',lang('Re-enter password'));
		$setup_tpl->set_var('create_demo_accounts',lang('Create demo accounts'));

		/* Posted admin data */
		$passwd   = get_var('passwd',Array('POST'));
		$passwd2  = get_var('passwd2',Array('POST'));
		$username = get_var('username',Array('POST'));
		$fname    = get_var('fname',Array('POST'));
		$lname    = get_var('lname',Array('POST'));

		if($passwd != $passwd2)
			echo lang('Passwords did not match, please re-enter') . '.';
			echo lang('You must enter a username for the admin') . '.';

		/* Begin transaction for acl, etc */

			/* Now, clear out existing tables */
			$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_accounts');
			$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_preferences');
			$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_acl');
		/* Create the demo groups */
		$defaultgroupid = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account('Default','Default','Group',False,False);
		$admingroupid   = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account('Admins','Admin','Group',False,False);

		/* Group perms for the default group */

		function insert_default_prefs($accountid)
			$defaultprefs = array(
				'common' => array(
					'maxmatchs'     => 15,
					'template_set'  => 'idots',
					'theme'         => 'idots',
					'navbar_format' => 'icons',
					'tz_offset'     => 0,
					'dateformat'    => 'Y/m/d',
					'timeformat'    => '24',
					'lang'          => get_var('ConfigLang',Array('POST','COOKIE'),'en'),
					'default_app'   => 'calendar',
					'currency'      => '$',
					'show_help'     => True,
				'calendar' => array(
					'workdaystarts' => 9,
					'workdayends'   => 17,
					'weekdaystarts' => 'Monday',
					'defaultcalendar' => 'day',
					'planner_start_with_group' => $GLOBALS['defaultgroupid'],

			foreach ($defaultprefs as $app => $prefs)
				$prefs = addslashes(serialize($prefs));
				$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences(preference_owner,preference_app,preference_value) VALUES($accountid,'$app','$prefs')",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		insert_default_prefs(-2);	// set some default prefs

		/* Creation of the demo accounts is optional - the checkbox is on by default. */
			// Create 3 demo accounts
			$accountid = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account('demo','Demo','Account','guest');
			$accountid = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account('demo2','Demo2','Account','guest');
			$accountid = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account('demo3','Demo3','Account','guest');

		/* Create records for administrator account, with Admins as primary and Default as additional group */
		$accountid = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->add_account($username,$fname,$lname,$passwd,'Admins',True);

		/* Clear the access log, since these are all new users anyway */
		$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_access_log');


		Header('Location: index.php');