/** * EGroupware - Admin - Javascript UI * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package filemanager * @author Ralf Becker * @copyright (c) 2013-14 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * UI for Admin * * @augments AppJS */ app.classes.admin = AppJS.extend( /** * @lends app.classes.admin */ { appname: 'admin', /** * reference to iframe * * {et2_iframe} */ iframe: null, /** * reference to nextmatch * * {et2_extension_nextmatch} */ nm: null, /** * Constructor * * @memberOf app.classes.admin */ init: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Destructor */ destroy: function() { this.iframe = null; // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded * and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object, * make sure to clean it up in destroy(). * * @param {etemplate2} _et2 * @param {string} _name name of template loaded */ et2_ready: function(_et2, _name) { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); switch(_name) { case 'admin.index': var iframe = this.iframe = this.et2.getWidgetById('iframe'); this.nm = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm'); if (iframe) { var self = this; jQuery(iframe.getDOMNode()).off('load.admin') .bind('load.admin', function(){ self._hide_navbar.call(self); } ); // Register app refresh now that iframe is available register_app_refresh('admin',jQuery.proxy(this.refresh,this)); } break; case 'admin.categories.index': break; } }, /** * Show given url in (visible) iframe or nextmatch with accounts (!_url) * * @param {string} [_url=] url to show in iframe or nothing for showing */ load: function(_url) { if (_url) { this.iframe.set_src(_url); } else { this.egw.app_header(''); } this.iframe.set_disabled(!_url); this.nm.set_disabled(!!_url); }, /** * Special handling for egw_refresh() in admin, to refresh the iframe when * the framework detects a simple refresh can be used (same URL). * * All parameters ignored. * * @param {string} _msg Message to display * @param {string} _app Application being refreshed, should be 'admin' * @param {string} _id Unique record ID. * @param {string} _type Type of refresh. Either 'edit', 'delete', * 'add' or null */ refresh: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type) { var refresh_done = false; // group deleted, added or updated if (_app === 'admin' && _id < 0) { var tree = this.et2.getWidgetById('tree'); switch(_type) { case 'delete': tree.deleteItem('/groups/'+_id, false); break; default: // add, update, edit, null tree.refreshItem('/groups'); break; } } // Try for intelligent et2 refresh inside iframe var node = _app && _id && this.iframe ? this.iframe.getDOMNode(this.iframe) : null; if(node && node.contentWindow && node.contentWindow.etemplate2) { var templates = node.contentWindow.etemplate2.getByApplication('admin'); for(var i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { templates[i].refresh(_msg,_app,_id,_type); refresh_done = true; } } // update of account list eg. from addressbook.edit if(!refresh_done && _app == 'admin' && _id) { var templates = etemplate2.getByApplication('admin'); for(var i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { templates[i].refresh(_msg,_app,_id,_type); refresh_done = true; } } // update iframe if (!refresh_done && framework) { var app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); if (app && app.browser && app.browser.currentLocation) { this.linkHandler(app.browser.currentLocation); } } }, /** * Hide navbar for idots template * * Just a hack for old idots, not neccesary for jdots */ _hide_navbar: function() { var document = this.iframe.getDOMNode().contentDocument; if (!document) return; // nothing we can do ... // set white background, as transparent one lets account-list show through document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white'; // hide navbar elements var ids2hide = ['divLogo', 'topmenu', 'divAppIconBar', 'divStatusBar', 'tdSidebox', 'divAppboxHeader']; for(var i=0; i < ids2hide.length; ++i) { var elem = document.getElementById(ids2hide[i]); if (elem) elem.style.display = 'none'; } }, /** * Set location of iframe for given _action and _sender (row) * * @param _action * @param _senders */ iframe_location: function(_action, _senders) { var id = _senders[0].id.split('::'); var url = _action.data.url.replace(/(%24|\$)id/, id[1]); this.load(url); }, /** * Link hander for jDots template to just reload our iframe, instead of reloading whole admin app * * @param _url * @return boolean true, if linkHandler took care of link, false otherwise */ linkHandler: function(_url) { var matches = _url.match(/menuaction=admin.admin_ui.index.*&load=([^&]+)/); if (_url !='about:blank' && (this.iframe != null && !_url.match('menuaction=admin.admin_ui.index') || matches)) { if (matches) { _url = _url.replace(/menuaction=admin.admin_ui.index/, 'menuaction='+matches[1]).replace(/&(ajax=true|load=[^&]+)/g, ''); } this.load(_url); return true; } // can not load our own index page, has to be done by framework return false; }, /** * Run an admin module / onclick callback for tree * * @param {string} _id id of clicked node * @param {et2_tree} _widget reference to tree widget */ run: function(_id, _widget) { var link = _widget.getUserData(_id, 'link'); if (_id == '/accounts' || _id.substr(0, 8) == '/groups/') { this.load(); var parts = _id.split('/'); this.et2.getWidgetById('nm').applyFilters({ filter: parts[2] ? parts[2] : '', search: ''}); } else if (typeof link == 'undefined') { _widget.openItem(_id, 'toggle'); } else if (link[0] == '/' || link.substr(0,4) == 'http') { this.load(link+(link.match(/\?/)?'&':'?')+'nonavbar=1'); } else if (link.substr(0,11) == 'javascript:') { eval(link.substr(11)); } }, /** * View, edit or delete a group callback for tree * * @param {object} _action egwAction * @param {array} _senders egwActionObject _senders[0].id holds id */ group: function(_action, _senders) { switch(_action.id) { case 'view': this.run(_senders[0].id, this.et2.getWidgetById('tree')); break; case 'delete': var account_id = _senders[0].id.split('/')[2]; this.egw.json('admin_account::ajax_delete_group', [account_id]).sendRequest(); break; default: if (!_action.data.url) { alert('Missing url in action '+_action.id+'!'); break; } var url = _action.data.url.replace('$id', _senders[0].id.split('/')[2]); if (url[0] != '/' && url.substr(0, 4) != 'http') { url = this.egw.link('/index.php', url); } if (_action.data.popup) { this.egw.open_link(url, '_blank', _action.data.popup); } else { this.load(url); } break; } }, /** * Modify an ACL entry * * @param {object} _action egwAction * @param {array} _senders egwActionObject _senders[0].id holds the id "admin::app:account:location" */ acl: function(_action, _senders) { var ids = []; for(var i=0; i < _senders.length; ++i) { ids.push(_senders[i].id.split('::').pop()); // remove "admin::" prefix } var app = egw.app_name(); // can be either admin or preferences! if (app != 'admin') app = 'preferences'; var className = app+'_acl'; // Select options are already here, just pull them and pass along var sel_options = jQuery.extend({}, this.et2.getArrayMgr('sel_options').data||{}, { 'apps': this.et2.getArrayMgr('sel_options').getEntry('acl_appname') }); // For add and edit, set some data from the list since it's already there var acl_rights = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm').getArrayMgr('content').getEntry('acl_rights')||{}; var content = _senders[0].id ? jQuery.extend({}, egw.dataGetUIDdata(_senders[0].id).data) : {}; if(!content.acl_appname) { // Pre-set appname to currently selected content.acl_appname = this.et2.getWidgetById('filter2').getValue(); } if(!content.acl_location) { content.acl_location = this.et2.getWidgetById('filter2').getValue() == 'run' ? 'run' : null; } if(!content.acl_account) { content.acl_account = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm').getArrayMgr('content').getEntry('account_id'); } if(content.acl_appname) { content.apps = content.acl_appname; content.acl_rights = content.acl_rights ? parseInt(content.acl_rights) : null; jQuery.extend(content, {acl:[],right:[],label:[]}); for( var right in acl_rights[content.acl_appname]) { content.acl.push(content.acl_rights & right); content.right.push(right); content.label.push(egw.lang(acl_rights[content.acl_appname][right])); } // These aren't actually there if(content.acl_account) { sel_options.acl_account = {}; this.egw.link_title('home-accounts', content.acl_account, function(title) {sel_options.acl_account[content.acl_account] = title;}); } if(content.acl_location) { sel_options.acl_location = {}; this.egw.link_title('home-accounts', content.acl_location, function(title) {sel_options.acl_location[content.acl_location] = title;}); } } switch(_action.id) { case 'delete': var request = egw.json(className+'::ajax_change_acl', [ids], this._acl_callback,this,false,this) .sendRequest(); break; case 'edit': case 'add': return et2_createWidget("dialog", { callback: jQuery.proxy(function(_button_id, _value) { if(_button_id != et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON) return; var id = _value.acl_appname+':'+_value.acl_account+':'+_value.acl_location; var rights = 0; for(var i in _value.acl) { rights += parseInt(_value.acl[i]); } this.egw.json(className+'::ajax_change_acl', [id, rights], this._acl_callback,this,false,this) .sendRequest(); },this), title: egw.lang('Access control'), buttons: et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, value: { content: content, sel_options: sel_options }, template: egw.webserverUrl+'/admin/templates/default/acl.edit.xet' }, et2_dialog._create_parent(app)); break; } }, /** * Callback called on successfull call of serverside ACL handling * * @param {object} _data returned from server */ _acl_callback: function(_data) { window.egw_refresh(_data.msg, this.appname, _data.ids, _data.type); }, /** * Check to see if admin has taken away access to a category * * @@param {widget} button add/apply pressed button */ check_owner: function(button) { var select_owner = this.et2.getWidgetById('owner'); var diff = []; if (typeof select_owner != 'undefined') { var owner = select_owner.get_value(); } if(typeof owner != 'object') { owner = [owner]; } // No owner probably means selectbox is read-only, so no need to check if(owner == null) return true; var all_users = owner.indexOf('0') >= 0; // If they checked all users, uncheck the others if(all_users) { select_owner.set_value(['0']); return true; } // Find out what changed var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').getEntry('owner'); if (content) { var cat_original_owner = content.split(","); var selected_groups = select_owner.get_value().toString(); for(var i =0;i < cat_original_owner.length;i++) { if (selected_groups.search(cat_original_owner[i]) < 0) { diff.push(cat_original_owner[i]); } } if (diff.length > 0) { var removed_cat_label = jQuery.map(select_owner.options.select_options, function (val, i) { for (var j=0; j <= diff.length;j++) { if (diff[j] == val.value) { return val.label; } } }); // Somebody will lose permission, give warning. if(removed_cat_label) { var msg = this.egw.lang('Removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. Are you sure? Users in these groups may no longer have access:'); return et2_dialog.confirm(button,msg + removed_cat_label.join(',')); } } } return true; }, /** * Show icon based on icon-selectbox, hide placeholder (broken image), if no icon selected * * @param {widget} widget select box widget */ change_icon: function(widget) { var img = widget.getRoot().getWidgetById('icon_url'); if (img) { img.set_src(widget.getValue()); } }, /** * Add / edit an account * * @param {object} _action egwAction * @param {array} _senders egwActionObject _senders[0].id holds account_id */ account: function(_action, _senders) { var params = jQuery.extend({}, this.egw.link_get_registry('addressbook', 'edit')); var popup = this.egw.link_get_registry('addressbook', 'edit_popup'); if (_action.id == 'add') { params.owner = '0'; } else { params.account_id = _senders[0].id.substr(7); // remove admin:: } this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php', params), 'admin', popup); } });