	* eGroupWare - Setup - db-schema-processor                                 *
	* http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
	* --------------------------------------------                             *
	* Rewritten and adopted to ADOdb's data-dictionary by Ralf Becker          *
	*  <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>                                        *
	* This file was originaly written by                                       *
	*  - Michael Dean <mdean@users.sourceforge.net>                            *
	*  - Miles Lott<milosch@groupwhere.org>                                    *
	* --------------------------------------------                             *
	*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
	*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
	*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
	*  option) any later version.                                              *
	/* $Id$ */

	 * eGW's ADOdb based schema-processor
	 * @package phpgwapi
	 * @subpackage db
	 * @author RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de and others
	 * @license GPL
	class schema_proc
		 * @deprecated formerly used translator class, now a reference to ourself
		var $m_oTranslator;
		 * egw_db-object
		 * @var egw_db
		var $m_odb;
		 * reference to the global ADOdb object
		 * @var ADOConnection
		var $adodb;
		 * adodb's datadictionary object for the used db-type
		 * @var ADODB_DataDict
		var $dict;
		 * Debuglevel: 0=Off, 1=some, eg. primary function calls, 2=lots incl. the SQL used
		 * @var int
		var $debug = 0;
		 * Arry with db => max. length of indexes pairs (if there is a considerable low limit for a db)
		 * @var array
		var $max_index_length=array(
			'sapdb' => 32,
			'oracle' => 30,
		 * type of the database, set by the the constructor: 'mysql','pgsql','mssql','sapdb'
		 * @var string
		var $sType;
		 *	maximum length of a varchar column, everything above get converted to text
		 *	@var int
		var $max_varchar_length = 255;
		 * system-charset if set
		 * @var string
		var $system_charset;
		 * reference to the capabilities array of the db-class
		 * @var array
		var $capabilities;
		 * preserve value of old sequences in PostgreSQL
		 * @var int
		var $pgsql_old_seq;

		 * Constructor of schema-processor
		 * @param string $dbms type of the database: 'mysql','pgsql','mssql','sapdb'
		 * @param object $db=null database class, if null we use $GLOBALS['egw']->db
		 * @return schema_proc
		function schema_proc($dbms=False,$db=null)
		 	  $this->m_odb = $db; 
			  $this->adodb = &$this->m_odb->Link_ID;
				$this->m_odb = is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->db) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->db : $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db;
				$this->adodb = &$GLOBALS['egw']->ADOdb;
			$this->capabilities =& $this->m_odb->capabilities;

			$this->sType = $dbms ? $dmbs : $this->m_odb->Type;

			$this->dict = NewDataDictionary($this->adodb);

			// enable the debuging in ADOdb's datadictionary if the debug-level is greater then 1
			if ($this->debug > 1) $this->dict->debug = True;
			// to allow some of the former translator-functions to be called, we assign ourself as the translator
			$this->m_oTranslator = &$this;
				case 'sapdb':
				case 'maxdb':
					$this->max_varchar_length = 8000;
			if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']))
				$this->system_charset =& $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->system_charset;
			elseif (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['system_charset']))
				$this->system_charset = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['system_charset'];
		 * Check if the given $columns exist as index in the index array $indexes
		 * @param string/array $columns column-name as string or array of column-names plus optional options key
		 * @param array $indexs array of indexes (column-name as string or array of column-names plus optional options key)
		 * @return boolean true if index over $columns exist in the $indexes array
		function _in_index($columns,$indexs)
			if (is_array($columns))
				$columns = implode('-',$columns);
			foreach($indexs as $index)
				if (is_array($index))
					$index = implode('-',$index);
				if ($columns == $index) return true;
			return false;
		 * Created a table named $sTableName as defined in $aTableDef
		 * @param string $sTableName
		 * @param array $aTableDef
		 * @param bool $preserveSequence
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function CreateTable($sTableName, $aTableDef, $preserveSequence=False)
			if ($this->debug)
				$this->debug_message('schema_proc::CreateTable(%1,%2)',False,$sTableName, $aTableDef);
			// for mysql 4.0+ we set the charset for the table
			if ($this->system_charset && substr($this->sType,0,5) == 'mysql' && 
				(float) $this->m_odb->ServerInfo['version'] >= 4.0 && $this->m_odb->Link_ID->charset2mysql[$this->system_charset])
				$set_table_charset = array($this->sType => 'CHARACTER SET '.$this->m_odb->Link_ID->charset2mysql[$this->system_charset]);
			// creating the table
			$aSql = $this->dict->CreateTableSQL($sTableName,$ado_cols = $this->_egw2adodb_columndef($aTableDef),$set_table_charset);
			if (!($retVal = $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'CreateTableSQL(%1,%2) sql=%3',False,$sTableName,$ado_cols,$aSql)))
				return $retVal;
			// creating unique indices/constrains
			foreach ($aTableDef['uc'] as $name => $mFields)
				if ($this->_in_index($mFields,array($aTableDef['pk'])))
					continue;	// is already created as primary key
				if (is_numeric($name))
					$name = $this->_index_name($sTableName,$mFields);
				$aSql = $this->dict->CreateIndexSQL($name,$sTableName,$mFields,array('UNIQUE'));
				if (!($retVal = $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'CreateIndexSql(%1,%2,%3,%4) sql=%5',False,$name,$sTableName,$mFields,array('UNIQUE'),$aSql)))
					return $retVal;
			// creation indices
			foreach ($aTableDef['ix'] as $name => $mFields)
				if ($this->_in_index($mFields,array($aTableDef['pk'])) ||
					continue;	// is already created as primary key or unique index
				$options = False;
				if (is_array($mFields))
					if (isset($mFields['options']))		// array sets additional options
						if (isset($mFields['options'][$this->sType]))
							$options = $mFields['options'][$this->sType];	// db-specific options, eg. index-type
							if (!$options) continue;	// no index for our db-type
					// only create indexes on text-columns, if (db-)specifiy options are given or FULLTEXT for mysql
					// most DB's cant do them and give errors
					if ($aTableDef['fd'][$mFields]['type'] == 'text') 
						if ($this->sType == 'mysql')
							$options = 'FULLTEXT';
							continue;	// ignore that index

				if (is_numeric($name))
					$name = $this->_index_name($sTableName,$mFields);
				$aSql = $this->dict->CreateIndexSQL($name,$sTableName,$mFields,array($options));
				if (!($retVal = $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'CreateIndexSql(%1,%2,%3,%4) sql=%5',False,$name,$sTableName,$mFields,$options,$aSql)))
					return $retVal;
			// preserve last value of an old sequence
			if ($this->sType == 'pgsql' && $preserveSequence && $this->pgsql_old_seq)
				if ($seq = $this->_PostgresHasOldSequence($sTableName))
					$this->pgsql_old_seq = $this->pgsql_old_seq + 1;
					$this->m_odb->query("ALTER SEQUENCE $seq RESTART WITH " . $this->pgsql_old_seq,__LINE__,__FILE__);
				$this->pgsql_old_seq = 0;
			return $retVal;
		 * Drops all tables in $aTables
		 * @param array $aTables array of eGW table-definitions
		 * @param boolean $bOutputHTML should we give diagnostics, default False
		 * @return boolean True if no error, else False
		function DropAllTables($aTables, $bOutputHTML=False)
			if(!is_array($aTables) || !isset($this->m_odb))
				return False;
			// set our debug-mode or $bOutputHTML is the other one is set
			if ($this->debug) $bOutputHTML = True;
			if ($bOutputHTML && !$this->debug) $this->debug = 2;

			foreach($aTables as $sTableName => $aTableDef)
						echo '<br>Drop Table <b>' . $sTableSQL . '</b>';
					return False;
			return True;

		 * Drops the table $sTableName
		 * @param string $sTableName
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function DropTable($sTableName)
			if ($this->sType == 'pgsql') $this->_PostgresTestDropOldSequence($sTableName);

			$aSql = $this->dict->DropTableSql($sTableName);
			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'DropTable(%1) sql=%2',False,$sTableName,$aSql);

		 * Drops column $sColumnName from table $sTableName
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param array $aTableDef eGW table-defintion
		 * @param string $sColumnName column-name
		 * @param boolean $bCopyData ???
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function DropColumn($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
			$table_def = $this->GetTableDefinition($sTableName);
			$aSql = $this->dict->DropColumnSql($sTableName,$sColumnName,$ado_table=$this->_egw2adodb_columndef($table_def));

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'DropColumnSQL(%1,%2,%3) sql=%4',False,$sTableName,$sColumnName,$ado_table,$aSql);

		 * Renames table $sOldTableName to $sNewTableName
		 * @param string $sOldTableName old (existing) table-name
		 * @param string $sNewTableName new table-name
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function RenameTable($sOldTableName, $sNewTableName)
			// if we have an old postgres sequence or index (the ones not linked to the table), 
			// we create a new table, copy the content and drop the old one
			if ($this->sType == 'pgsql')
				$table_def = $this->GetTableDefinition($sOldTableName);

				if ($this->_PostgresHasOldSequence($sOldTableName,True) || count($table_def['pk']) ||
					count($table_def['ix']) || count($table_def['uc']))
					if ($this->adodb->BeginTrans() &&
						$this->CreateTable($sNewTableName,$table_def,True) &&
						$this->m_odb->query("INSERT INTO $sNewTableName SELECT * FROM $sOldTableName",__LINE__,__FILE__) &&
						return 2;
					return 0;
			$aSql = $this->dict->RenameTableSQL($sOldTableName, $sNewTableName);

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'RenameTableSQL(%1,%2) sql=%3',False,$sOldTableName,$sNewTableName,$aSql);
		 * Check if we have an old, not automaticaly droped sequence
		 * @param string $sTableName
		 * @param bool $preserveValue
		 * @return boolean/string sequence-name or false
		function _PostgresHasOldSequence($sTableName,$preserveValue=False)
			if ($this->sType != 'pgsql') return false;

			$seq = $this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT d.adsrc FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_attrdef d WHERE c.relname='$sTableName' AND c.oid=d.adrelid AND d.adsrc LIKE '%seq_$sTableName\'::text)' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND d.adnum=a.attnum");
			$seq2 = $this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT d.adsrc FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_attrdef d WHERE c.relname='$sTableName' AND c.oid=d.adrelid AND d.adsrc LIKE '%$sTableName%_seq\'::text)' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND d.adnum=a.attnum");
			if ($seq && preg_match('/^nextval\(\'(.*)\'/',$seq,$matches))
				if ($preserveValue) $this->pgsql_old_seq = $this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT last_value FROM " . $matches[1]);
				return $matches[1];
			if ($seq2 && preg_match('/^nextval\(\'public\.(.*)\'/',$seq2,$matches))
				if ($preserveValue) $this->pgsql_old_seq = $this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT last_value FROM " . $matches[1]);
				return $matches[1];
			return false;

		 * Check if we have an old, not automaticaly droped sequence and drop it
		 * @param $sTableName
		 * @param bool $preserveValue
		function _PostgresTestDropOldSequence($sTableName,$preserveValue=False)
			$this->pgsql_old_seq = 0;
			if ($this->sType == 'pgsql' && ($seq = $this->_PostgresHasOldSequence($sTableName)))
				// only drop sequence, if there is no dependency on it
				if (!$this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT relname FROM pg_class JOIN pg_depend ON pg_class.relfilenode=pg_depend.objid WHERE relname='$seq' AND relkind='S' AND deptype='i'"))
					$this->query('DROP SEQUENCE '.$seq,__LINE__,__FILE__);

		 * Changes one (exiting) column in a table
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param string $sColumnName column-name
		 * @param array $aColumnDef new column-definition
		 * @param boolean $bCopyData ???
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function AlterColumn($sTableName, $sColumnName, $aColumnDef, $bCopyData=True)
			$table_def = $this->GetTableDefinition($sTableName);
			$table_def['fd'][$sColumnName] = $aColumnDef;

			$aSql = $this->dict->AlterColumnSQL($sTableName,$ado_col = $this->_egw2adodb_columndef(array(
					'fd' => array($sColumnName => $aColumnDef),
					'pk' => array(),

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'AlterColumnSQL(%1,%2,%3) sql=%4',False,$sTableName,$ado_col,$ado_table,$aSql);

		 * Renames column $sOldColumnName to $sNewColumnName in table $sTableName
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param string $sOldColumnName old (existing) column-name
		 * @param string $sNewColumnName new column-name
		 * @param boolean $bCopyData ???
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function RenameColumn($sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData=True)
			$table_def = $this->GetTableDefinition($sTableName);
			$old_def = array();
			if (isset($table_def['fd'][$sOldColumnName]))
				$old_def = $table_def['fd'][$sOldColumnName];
				foreach($table_def['fd'] as $col => $def)
					if (strtolower($col) == strtolower($sOldColumnName))
						$old_def = $def;
			$col_def = $this->_egw2adodb_columndef(array(
					'fd' => array($sNewColumnName => $old_def),
					'pk' => array(),
			$aSql = $this->dict->RenameColumnSQL($sTableName,$sOldColumnName,$sNewColumnName,$col_def);

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'RenameColumnSQL(%1,%2,%3) sql=%4',False,$sTableName,$sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName,$aSql);

		 * Add one (new) column to a table
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param string $sColumnName column-name
		 * @param array $aColumnDef column-definition
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function AddColumn($sTableName, $sColumnName, $aColumnDef)
			$aSql = $this->dict->AddColumnSQL($sTableName,$ado_cols = $this->_egw2adodb_columndef(array(
					'fd' => array($sColumnName => $aColumnDef),
					'pk' => array(),

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'AlterColumnSQL(%1,%2,%3) sql=%4',False,$sTableName,$sColumnName, $aColumnDef,$aSql);
		 * Create an (unique) Index over one or more columns
		 * @param string $sTablename table-name
		 * @param array $aColumnNames columns for the index
		 * @param boolean $bUnique=false true for a unique index, default false
		 * @param array/string $options='' db-sepecific options, default '' = none
		 * @param string $sIdxName='' name of the index, if not given (default) its created automaticaly
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function CreateIndex($sTableName,$aColumnNames,$bUnique=false,$options='',$sIdxName='')
			if (!$sIdxName || is_numeric($sIdxName))
				$sIdxName = $this->_index_name($sTableName,$aColumnNames);
			if (!is_array($options)) $options = $options ? array($options) : array();
			if ($bUnique) $options[] = 'UNIQUE';

			$aSql = $this->dict->CreateIndexSQL($sIdxName,$sTableName,$aColumnNames,$options);

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'CreateIndexSQL(%1,%2,%3,%4) sql=%5',False,$name,$sTableName,$aColumnNames,$options,$aSql);

		 * Drop an Index
		 * @param string $sTablename table-name
		 * @param array/string $aColumnNames columns of the index or the name of the index
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function DropIndex($sTableName,$aColumnNames)
			if (is_array($aColumnNames)) 
				$indexes = $this->dict->MetaIndexes($sTableName);

				if ($indexes === False)
					// if MetaIndexes is not availible for the DB, we try the name the index was created with
					// this fails if one of the columns have been renamed
					$sIdxName = $this->_index_name($sTableName,$aColumnNames);
					foreach($indexes as $idx => $idx_data)
						if (strtolower(implode(':',$idx_data['columns'])) == implode(':',$aColumnNames))
							$sIdxName = $idx;
				$sIdxName = $aColumnNames;
				return True;
			$aSql = $this->dict->DropIndexSQL($sIdxName,$sTableName);

			return $this->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql,2,'DropIndexSQL(%1(%2),%3) sql=%4',False,$sIdxName,$aColumnNames,$sTableName,$aSql);

		 * Updating the sequence-value, after eg. copying data via RefreshTable
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param string $sColumnName column-name, which default is set to nextval()
		function UpdateSequence($sTableName,$sColumnName)
				case 'pgsql':
					// identify the sequence name, ADOdb uses a different name or it might be renamed
					$columns = $this->dict->MetaColumns($sTableName);
					$seq_name = 'seq_'.$sTableName;
					if (preg_match("/nextval\('([^']+)'::(text|regclass)\)/",$columns[strtoupper($sColumnName)]->default_value,$matches)) 
						$seq_name = $matches[1];
					$sql = "SELECT setval('$seq_name',MAX($sColumnName)) FROM $sTableName";
					if($this->debug) { echo "<br>Updating sequence '$seq_name using: $sql"; }
					return $this->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);
			return True;

		 * This function manually re-created the table incl. primary key and all other indices
		 * It is meant to use if the primary key, existing indices or column-order changes or
		 * columns are not longer used or new columns need to be created (with there default value or NULL)
		 * Beside the default-value in the schema, one can give extra defaults via $aDefaults to eg. use an
		 * other colum or function to set the value of a new or changed column
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @param array $aTableDef eGW table-defintion
		 * @param array/boolean $aDefaults array with default for the colums during copying, values are either (old) column-names or quoted string-literals
		function RefreshTable($sTableName, $aTableDef, $aDefaults=False)
			if($this->debug) { echo "<p>schema_proc::RefreshTable('$sTableName',"._debug_array($aTableDef,False).")<p>$sTableName="._debug_array($old_table_def,False)."\n"; }
			$old_table_def = $this->GetTableDefinition($sTableName);

			$tmp_name = 'tmp_'.$sTableName;

			$select = array();
			$blob_column_included = $auto_column_included = False;
			foreach($aTableDef['fd'] as $name => $data)
				if ($aDefaults && isset($aDefaults[$name]))	// use given default
					$value = $aDefaults[$name];
				elseif (isset($old_table_def['fd'][$name]))	// existing column, use its value => column-name in query
					$value = $name;

					if ($this->sType == 'pgsql')			// some postgres specific code
						// this is eg. necessary to change a varchar into an int column under postgres
						if (in_array($old_table_def['fd'][$name]['type'],array('char','varchar','text','blob')) &&
							$value = "to_number($name,'S9999999999999D99')";
						// blobs cant be casted to text
						elseif($old_table_def['fd'][$name]['type'] == 'blob' && $data['type'] == 'text')
							$value = "ENCODE($value,'escape')";
						// cast everything which is a different type
						elseif($old_table_def['fd'][$name]['type'] != $data['type'] && ($type_translated = $this->TranslateType($data['type'])))
							$value = "CAST($value AS $type_translated)";
				else	// new column => use default value or NULL
					if (!isset($data['default']) && (!isset($data['nullable']) || $data['nullable']))
						$value = 'NULL';
						$value = $this->m_odb->quote(isset($data['default']) ? $data['default'] : '',$data['type']);
					if ($this->sType == 'pgsql')
						// fix for postgres error "no '<' operator for type 'unknown'"
						if(($type_translated = $this->TranslateType($data['type'])))
							$value = "CAST($value AS $type_translated)";
				$blob_column_included = $blob_column_included || in_array($data['type'],array('blob','text','longtext'));
				$auto_column_included = $auto_column_included || $data['type'] == 'auto';
				$select[] = $value;
			$select = implode(',',$select);
			$extra = '';
			$distinct = 'DISTINCT';
				case 'mssql':
					if ($auto_column_included) $extra = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $sTableName ON\n";
					if ($blob_column_included) $distinct = '';	// no distinct on blob-columns
			// because of all the trouble with sequences and indexes in the global namespace, 
			// we use an additional temp. table for postgres and not rename the existing one, but drop it.
			if ($this->sType == 'pgsql')	
				$Ok = $this->m_odb->query("SELEcT * INTO TEMPORARY TABLE $tmp_name FROM $sTableName",__LINE__,__FILE__) &&
				$Ok = $this->RenameTable($sTableName,$tmp_name);
			$Ok = $Ok && $this->CreateTable($sTableName,$aTableDef) &&
				$this->m_odb->query("$extra INSERT INTO $sTableName (".
					") SELEcT $distinct $select FROM $tmp_name",__LINE__,__FILE__) &&

			if (!$Ok)
				return False;
			// do we need to update the new sequences value ?
			if (count($aTableDef['pk']) == 1 && $aTableDef['fd'][$aTableDef['pk'][0]]['type'] == 'auto')

			return True;

		 * depricated Function does nothing any more
		 * @depricated
		function GenerateScripts($aTables, $bOutputHTML=False)
			return True;

		 * Creates all tables for one application
		 * @param array $aTables array of eGW table-definitions
		 * @param boolean $bOutputHTML=false should we give diagnostics, default False
		 * @return boolean True on success, False if an (fatal) error occured
		function ExecuteScripts($aTables, $bOutputHTML=False)
			if(!is_array($aTables) || !IsSet($this->m_odb))
				return False;
			// set our debug-mode or $bOutputHTML is the other one is set
			if ($this->debug) $bOutputHTML = True;
			if ($bOutputHTML && !$this->debug) $this->debug = 2;

			foreach($aTables as $sTableName => $aTableDef)
				if($this->CreateTable($sTableName, $aTableDef))
						echo '<br>Create Table <b>' . $sTableName . '</b>';
						echo '<br>Create Table Failed For <b>' . $sTableName . '</b>';

					return False;
			return True;

		* Return the value of a column
		* @param string/integer $Name name of field or positional index starting from 0
		* @param bool $strip_slashes string escape chars from field(optional), default false
		* @return string the field value
		function f($value,$strip_slashes=False)
			return $this->m_odb->f($value,$strip_slashes);

		* Number of rows in current result set
		* @return int number of rows
		function num_rows()
			return $this->m_odb->num_rows();

		* Move to the next row in the results set
		* @return bool was another row found?
		function next_record()
			return $this->m_odb->next_record();

		* Execute a query
		* @param string $Query_String the query to be executed
		* @param mixed $line the line method was called from - use __LINE__
		* @param string $file the file method was called from - use __FILE__
		* @param int $offset row to start from
		* @param int $num_rows number of rows to return (optional), if unset will use $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']
		* @return ADORecordSet or false, if the query fails
		function query($sQuery, $line='', $file='')
			return $this->m_odb->query($sQuery, $line, $file);
		* Insert a row of data into a table or updates it if $where is given, all data is quoted according to it's type
		* @param string $table name of the table
		* @param array $data with column-name / value pairs
		* @param mixed $where string with where clause or array with column-name / values pairs to check if a row with that keys already exists, or false for an unconditional insert
		*	if the row exists db::update is called else a new row with $date merged with $where gets inserted (data has precedence)
		* @param int $line line-number to pass to query
		* @param string $file file-name to pass to query
		* @param string $app=false string with name of app, this need to be set in setup anyway!!!
		* @return ADORecordSet or false, if the query fails
		function insert($table,$data,$where,$line,$file,$app=False,$use_prepared_statement=false)
			return $this->m_odb->insert($table,$data,$where,$line,$file,$app,$use_prepared_statement);
		 * Execute the Sql statements in an array and give diagnostics, if any error occures
		 * @param $aSql array of SQL strings to execute
		 * @param $debug_level int for which debug_level (and higher) should the diagnostics always been printed
		 * @param $debug string variable number of arguments for the debug_message functions in case of an error
		 * @return int 2: no error, 1: errors, but continued, 0: errors aborted
		function ExecuteSqlArray($aSql,$debug_level,$debug)
			$retval = $this->dict->ExecuteSQLArray($aSql);
			if ($retval < 2 || $this->debug >= $debug_level || $this->debug > 3)
				$debug_params = func_get_args();
				if ($retval < 2 && !$this->dict->debug)
					echo '<p><b>'.$this->adodb->ErrorMsg()."</b></p>\n";
			return $retval;

		 * Created a (unique) name for an index
		 * As the length of the index name is limited on some databases, we use two algorithms:
		 * a) we use just the first column-name with and added _2, _3, ... if more indexes uses that column
		 * b) we use the table-names plus all column-names and remove dublicate parts
		 * @internal
		 * @param $sTableName string name of the table
		 * @param $aColumnNames array of column-names or string with a single column-name
		 * @return string the index-name
		function _index_name($sTableName,$aColumnNames)
			// this code creates extrem short index-names, eg. for MaxDB
			if (isset($this->max_index_length[$this->sType]) && $this->max_index_length[$this->sType] <= 32)
				static $existing_indexes=array();
				if (!isset($existing_indexes[$sTableName]) && method_exists($this->adodb,'MetaIndexes'))
					$existing_indexes[$sTableName] = $this->adodb->MetaIndexes($sTableName);
				$i = 0; 
				$firstCol = is_array($aColumnNames) ? $aColumnNames[0] : $aColumnNames;
					$name = $firstCol . ($i > 1  ? '_'.$i : '');
				while (isset($existing_indexes[$sTableName][$name]) || isset($existing_indexes[strtoupper($sTableName)][strtoupper($name)]));
				$existing_indexes[$sTableName][$name] = True;	// mark it as existing now
				return $name;
			// This code creates longer index-names incl. the table-names and the used columns
			$table = str_replace(array('phpgw_','egw_'),'',$sTableName);
			// if the table-name or a part of it is repeated in the column-name, remove it there
			$remove[] = $table.'_';
			// also remove 3 or 4 letter shortcuts of the table- or app-name
			$remove[] = substr($table,0,3).'_';
			$remove[] = substr($table,0,4).'_';	
			// if the table-name consists of '_' limtied parts, remove occurences of these parts too
			foreach (explode('_',$table) as $part)
				$remove[] = $part.'_';
			$aColumnNames = str_replace($remove,'',$aColumnNames);
			$name = $sTableName.'_'.(is_array($aColumnNames) ? implode('_',$aColumnNames) : $aColumnNames);
			return $name;			
		 * Giving a non-fatal error-message
		function error($str)
			echo "<p><b>Error:</b> $str</p>";

		 * Giving a fatal error-message and exiting
		function fatal($str)
			echo "<p><b>Fatal Error:</b> $str</p>";
		 * Gives out a debug-message with certain parameters
		 * All permanent debug-messages in the calendar should be done by this function !!!
		 *	(In future they may be logged or sent as xmlrpc-faults back.)
		 * Permanent debug-message need to make sure NOT to give secret information like passwords !!!
		 * This function do NOT honor the setting of the debug variable, you may use it like
		 * if ($this->debug > N) $this->debug_message('Error ;-)');
		 * The parameters get formated depending on their type.
		 * @param $msg string message with parameters/variables like lang(), eg. '%1'
		 * @param $backtrace include a function-backtrace, default True=On
		 *	should only be set to False=Off, if your code ensures a call with backtrace=On was made before !!!
		 * @param $param mixed a variable number of parameters, to be inserted in $msg
		 *	arrays get serialized with print_r() !
		function debug_message($msg,$backtrace=True)
			for($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); ++$i)
				$param = func_get_arg($i);
				if (is_null($param))
						case 'string':
							$param = "'$param'";
						case 'array':
						case 'object':
							list(,$content) = @each($param);
							$do_pre = is_array($param) ? count($param) > 6 || is_array($content)&&count($content) : True;
							$param = ($do_pre ? '<pre>' : '').print_r($param,True).($do_pre ? '</pre>' : '');
						case 'boolean':
							$param = $param ? 'True' : 'False';
				$msg = str_replace('%'.($i-1),$param,$msg);
			echo '<p>'.$msg."<br>\n".($backtrace ? 'Backtrace: '.function_backtrace(1)."</p>\n" : '');

		 * Converts an eGW table-definition array into an ADOdb column-definition string
		 * @internal
		 * @param array $aTableDef eGW table-defintion
		 * @return string ADOdb column-definition string (comma separated)
		function _egw2adodb_columndef($aTableDef)
			$ado_defs = array();
			foreach($aTableDef['fd'] as $col => $col_data)
				$ado_col = False;

					case 'auto':
						$ado_col = 'I AUTOINCREMENT NOTNULL';
						unset($col_data['nullable']);	// else we set it twice
					case 'blob':
						$ado_col = 'B';
					case 'bool':
						$ado_col = 'L';
					case 'char':	
						// ADOdb does not differ between char and varchar
					case 'varchar':		
						$ado_col = "C";								
						if(0 < $col_data['precision'] && $col_data['precision'] <= $this->max_varchar_length)
							$ado_col .= "($col_data[precision])";
						if($col_data['precision'] > $this->max_varchar_length)
							$ado_col = 'X';
					case 'date':
						$ado_col = 'D';
						if ($col_data['default'] == 'current_date')
							$ado_col .= ' DEFDATE';
					case 'decimal':
						$ado_col = "N($col_data[precision].$col_data[scale])";
					case 'double':
					case 'float':
						// ADOdb does not differ between float and double
						$ado_col = 'F';
					case 'int':
						$ado_col = 'I';
							case 1:
							case 2:
							case 4:
							case 8:
								$ado_col .= $col_data['precision'];
					case 'longtext':
						$ado_col = 'XL';
					case 'text':
						$ado_col = 'X';
					case 'timestamp':
						$ado_col = 'T';
						if ($col_data['default'] == 'current_timestamp')
							$ado_col .= ' DEFTIMESTAMP';
				if (!$ado_col)
					$this->error("Ignoring unknown column-type '$col_data[type]($col_data[precision])' !!!<br>".function_backtrace());
				if (isset($col_data['nullable']) && !$col_data['nullable'])
					$ado_col .= ' NOTNULL';
				if (isset($col_data['default']))
					$ado_col .= (in_array($col_data['type'],array('bool','int','decimal','float','double')) && $col_data['default'] != 'NULL' ? ' NOQUOTE' : '').
						' DEFAULT '.$this->m_odb->quote($col_data['default'],$col_data['type']);
				if (in_array($col,$aTableDef['pk']))
					$ado_col .= ' PRIMARY';
				$ado_defs[] = $col . ' ' . $ado_col;
			//print_r($aTableDef); echo implode(",\n",$ado_defs)."\n";
			return implode(",\n",$ado_defs);
		 * Translates an eGW type into the DB's native type
		 * @param string $egw_type eGW name of type
		 * @param string/boolean DB's name of the type or false if the type could not be identified (should not happen)
		function TranslateType($egw_type)
			$ado_col = $this->_egw2adodb_columndef(array(
				'fd' => array('test' => array('type' => $egw_type)),
				'pk' => array(),
			return preg_match('/test ([A-Z0-9]+)/i',$ado_col,$matches) ? $this->dict->ActualType($matches[1]) : false;

		 * Read the table-definition direct from the database
		 * The definition might not be as accurate, depending on the DB!
		 * @param string $sTableName table-name
		 * @return array/boolean table-defition, like $phpgw_baseline[$sTableName] after including tables_current, or false on error
		function GetTableDefinition($sTableName)
			// MetaType returns all varchar >= blobSize as blob, it's by default 100, which is wrong
			if ($this->dict->blobSize < 255) $this->dict->blobSize = 255;

			if (!method_exists($this->dict,'MetaColumns') ||
				!($columns = $this->dict->MetaColumns($sTableName)))
				return False;
			$definition = array(
				'fd' => array(),
				'pk' => array(),
				'fk' => array(),
				'ix' => array(),
				'uc' => array(),
			//echo "$sTableName: <pre>".print_r($columns,true)."</pre>";
			foreach($columns as $column)
				$name = $this->capabilities['name_case'] == 'upper' ? strtolower($column->name) : $column->name;
				$type = method_exists($this->dict,'MetaType') ? $this->dict->MetaType($column) : strtoupper($column->type);
				static $ado_type2egw = array(
					'C'		=> 'varchar',
					'C2'	=> 'varchar',
					'X'		=> 'text',
					'X2'	=> 'text',
					'XL'	=> 'longtext',
					'B'		=> 'blob',
					'I'		=> 'int',
					'T'		=> 'timestamp',
					'D'		=> 'date',
					'F'		=> 'float',
					'N'		=> 'decimal',
					'R'		=> 'auto',
					'L'		=> 'bool',
				$definition['fd'][$name]['type'] = $ado_type2egw[$type];

					case 'D': case 'T':
						// detecting the automatic timestamps again
						if ($column->has_default && preg_match('/(0000-00-00|timestamp)/i',$column->default_value))
							$column->default_value = $type == 'D' ? 'current_date' : 'current_timestamp';
					case 'C': case 'C2':
						$definition['fd'][$name]['type'] = 'varchar';
						$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = $column->max_length;
					case 'B': 
					case 'X': case 'XL': case 'X2':
						// text or blob's need to be nullable for most databases
						$column->not_null = false;
					case 'F':
						$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = $column->max_length;
					case 'N':
						$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = $column->max_length;
						$definition['fd'][$name]['scale'] = $column->scale;
					case 'R':
						$column->auto_increment = true;
						// fall-through
					case 'I': case 'I1': case 'I2': case 'I4': case 'I8':
							case 'I1': case 'I2': case 'I4': case 'I8':
								$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = (int) $type[1];
								if ($column->max_length > 11)
									$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = 8;
								elseif ($column->max_length > 6 || !$column->max_length)
									$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = 4;
								elseif ($column->max_length > 2)
									$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = 2;
									$definition['fd'][$name]['precision'] = 1;
						if ($column->auto_increment)
							// no precision for auto!
							$definition['fd'][$name] = array(
								'type' => 'auto',
								'nullable' => False,
							$column->has_default = False;
							$definition['pk'][] = $name;
							$definition['fd'][$name]['type'] = 'int';
							// detect postgres type-spec and remove it
							if ($this->sType == 'pgsql' && $column->has_default && preg_match('/\(([^)])\)::/',$column->default_value,$matches))
								$definition['fd'][$name]['default'] = $matches[1];
								$column->has_default = False;
				if ($column->has_default)
					if (preg_match("/^'(.*)'::.*$/",$column->default_value,$matches))	// postgres
						$column->default_value = $matches[1];
					$definition['fd'][$name]['default'] = $column->default_value;
				if ($column->not_null) 
					$definition['fd'][$name]['nullable'] = False;
				if ($column->primary_key && !in_array($name,$definition['pk']))
					$definition['pk'][] = $name;
			if ($this->debug > 2) $this->debug_message("schema_proc::GetTableDefintion: MetaColumns(%1) = %2",False,$sTableName,$columns);
			// not all DB's (odbc) return the primary keys via MetaColumns
			if (!count($definition['pk']) && method_exists($this->dict,'MetaPrimaryKeys') &&
				is_array($primary = $this->dict->MetaPrimaryKeys($sTableName)) && count($primary))
				if($this->capabilities['name_case'] == 'upper')
					array_walk($primary,create_function('&$s','$s = strtolower($s);'));
				$definition['pk'] = $primary;
			if ($this->debug > 1) $this->debug_message("schema_proc::GetTableDefintion: MetaPrimaryKeys(%1) = %2",False,$sTableName,$primary);
			if (method_exists($this->dict,'MetaIndexes') &&
				is_array($indexes = $this->dict->MetaIndexes($sTableName)) && count($indexes))
				foreach($indexes as $index)
					if($this->capabilities['name_case'] == 'upper')
						array_walk($index['columns'],create_function('&$s','$s = strtolower($s);'));
					if (count($definition['pk']) && (implode(':',$definition['pk']) == implode(':',$index['columns']) ||
						$index['unique'] && count(array_intersect($definition['pk'],$index['columns'])) == count($definition['pk'])))
						continue;	// is already the primary key => ignore it
					$kind = $index['unique'] ? 'uc' : 'ix';

					$definition[$kind][] = count($index['columns']) > 1 ? $index['columns'] : $index['columns'][0];
			if ($this->debug > 2) $this->debug_message("schema_proc::GetTableDefintion: MetaIndexes(%1) = %2",False,$sTableName,$indexes);
			if ($this->debug > 1) $this->debug_message("schema_proc::GetTableDefintion(%1) = %2",False,$sTableName,$definition);

			return $definition;

		 * Get actual columnnames as a comma-separated string in $sColumns and set indices as class-vars pk,fk,ix,uc
		 * old translator function, use GetTableDefition() instead
		 * @depricated
		function _GetColumns($oProc,$sTableName,&$sColumns)
			$this->sCol = $this->pk = $this->fk = $this->ix = $this->uc = array();

			$tabledef = $this->GetTableDefinition($sTableName);
			$sColumns = implode(',',array_keys($tabledef['fd']));
			foreach($tabledef['fd'] as $column => $data)
				$col_def = "'type' => '$data[type]'";
				foreach($data as $key => $val)
					$col_def .= ", '$key' => ".(is_bool($val) ? ($val ? 'true' : 'false') : 
						(is_int($val) ? $val : "'$val'"));
				$this->sCol[] = "\t\t\t\t'$column' => array($col_def),\n";
			foreach(array('pk','fk','ix','uc') as $kind)
				$this->$kind = $tabledef[$kind];