/* This software is allowed to use under GPL or you need to obtain Commercial or Enterprise License to use it in non-GPL project. Please contact sales@dhtmlx.com for details */ gantt.locale = { date: { month_full: ["Januar", "Februar", "Marec", "April", "Maj", "Junij", "Julij", "Avgust", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"], month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"], day_full: ["Nedelja", "Ponedeljek", "Torek", "Sreda", "Četrtek", "Petek", "Sobota"], day_short: ["Ned", "Pon", "Tor", "Sre", "Čet", "Pet", "Sob"] }, labels: { dhx_cal_today_button: "Danes", day_tab: "Dan", week_tab: "Teden", month_tab: "Mesec", new_event: "Nov dogodek", icon_save: "Shrani", icon_cancel: "Prekliči", icon_details: "Podrobnosti", icon_edit: "Uredi", icon_delete: "Izbriši", confirm_closing: "", //Spremembe ne bodo shranjene. Želite nadaljevati ? confirm_deleting: "Dogodek bo izbrisan. Želite nadaljevati?", section_description: "Opis", section_time: "Časovni okvir", section_type:"Type", /* grid columns */ column_text : "Task name", column_start_date : "Start time", column_duration : "Duration", column_add : "", /* link confirmation */ link: "Link", confirm_link_deleting:"will be deleted", link_start: " (start)", link_end: " (end)", type_task: "Task", type_project: "Project", type_milestone: "Milestone", minutes: "Minutes", hours: "Hours", days: "Days", weeks: "Week", months: "Months", years: "Years" } };