 * eGroupWare
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package importexport
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Cornelius Weiss <nelius@cwtech.de>
 * @copyright Cornelius Weiss <nelius@cwtech.de>
 * @version $Id$

require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/etemplate/inc/class.etemplate.inc.php');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/class.import_export_helper_functions.inc.php');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/class.bodefinitions.inc.php');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/class.definition.inc.php');

 * userinterface for exports
class uiexport {
	const _appname = 'importexport';
	public $public_functions = array(
		'export_dialog' =>	true,
		'download' 		=>	true,
	private $js;
	private $user;
	 * holds all export plugins from all apps
	 * @var array
	private $export_plugins;
	public function __construct() {
		$this->js = $GLOBALS['egw']->js = is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->js) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->js : CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
		$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['user_id'];
		$this->export_plugins = import_export_helper_functions::get_plugins('all','export');
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['include_xajax'] = true;
	public function export_dialog($_content=array()) {
		$tabs = 'general_tab|selection_tab|options_tab';
		$content = array();
		$sel_options = array();
		$readonlys = array();
		$preserv = array();
		if(empty($_content)) {
			$et = new etemplate(self::_appname. '.export_dialog');
			$_appname = $_GET['appname'];
			$_definition =$_GET['definition'] = 'expert';
			$_plugin = $_GET['plugin']; // NOTE: definition _must_ be 'expert' if for plugin to be used!
			$_selection = $_GET['selection'];
			error_log(__FILE__.__FUNCTION__. '::$_GET[\'appname\']='. $_appname. ',$_GET[\'definition\']='. $_definition. ',$_GET[\'plugin\']='.$_plugin. ',$_GET[\'selection\']='.$_selection);
			// if appname is given and valid, list available definitions (if no definition is given)
			if (!empty($_appname) && $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('run',1,$_appname)) {
				$content['appname'] = $_appname;
				$preserv['appname'] = $_appname;
				$readonlys['appname'] = true;

				// fill definitions
				$sel_options['definition'] = array();
				$definitions = new bodefinitions(array(
					'type' => 'export',
					'application' => isset($content['appname']) ? $content['appname'] : '%'
				foreach ((array)$definitions->get_definitions() as $identifier) {
						$definition = new definition($identifier);
						if ($title = $definition->get_title()) {
							$sel_options['definition'][$title] = $title;
				$sel_options['definition']['expert'] = lang('Expert options');
				if(isset($_definition) && array_key_exists($_definition,$sel_options)) {
					$content['definition'] = $_definition;
				else {
					$defdescs = array_keys($sel_options['definition']);
					$content['definition'] = $sel_options['definition'][$defdescs[0]];
				// fill plugins
				$sel_options['plugin'] = $this->export_plugins[$_appname]['export'];
				// show definitions or plugins in ui?
				if($content['defintion'] == 'expert') {
					if(isset($_plugin) && array_key_exists($_plugin,$sel_options['plugin'])) {
						$content['plugin'] = $_plugin;
						$selected_plugin = $_plugin;
					else {
						$plugins_classnames = array_keys($plugins);
						$selected_plugin = $plugins_classnames[0];
						$sel_options['plugin'] = $plugins;
				else {
					$definition = new definition($content['definition']);
					$content['description'] = $definition->description;
				// handle selector
				//$plugin_object = new $selected_plugin;
				//$content['description'] = $plugin_object->get_description();
				// fill options tab
				// TODO: do we need all options templates online?
				// NO, we can manipulate the session array of template id on xajax request
				// however, there might be other solutions... we solve this in 1.3
				//$content['plugin_options_html'] = $plugin_object->get_options_etpl();
				// fill selection tab
				if ($_selection) {
					$readonlys[$tabs]['selection_tab'] = true;
					$content['selection'] = $_selection;
					$preserv['selection'] = $_selection;
				else {
					// ToDo: I need to think abaout it...
					// are selectors abstracted in the iface_egw_record_entity ?
					// if so, we might not want to have html here ?
					//$content['plugin_selectors_html'] = $plugin_object->get_selectors_html();
				//unset ($plugin_object);
			// if no appname is supplied, list apps which can export
			else {
				(array)$apps = import_export_helper_functions::get_apps('export');
				$sel_options['appname'] = array('' => lang('Select one')) + array_combine($apps,$apps);
				$content['plugin_selectors_html'] = $content['plugin_options_html'] = 
					lang('You need to select an app and format first!');
			if (!$_selection) {
			// disable preview box
		//xajax_eT_wrapper submit
			//error_log(__LINE__.__FILE__.'$_content: '.print_r($_content,true));
			$response =& new xajaxResponse();
			if ($_content['defintion'] == 'expert') {
				$definition = new definition();
				$definition->definition_id	= $_content['definition_id'] ? $_content['definition_id'] : '';
				$definition->name			= $_content['name'] ? $_content['name'] : '';
				$definition->application	= $_content['appname'];
				$definition->plugin			= $_content['plugin'];
				$definition->type			= 'export';
				$definition->allowed_users	= $_content['allowed_users'] ? $_content['allowed_users'] : $this->user;
				$definition->owner			= $_content['owner'] ? $_content['owner'] : $this->user;
			else {
				$definition = new definition($_content['definition']);
			if (isset($definition->plugin_options['selection'])) {
				//$definition->plugin_options		= parse(...)
			else {
				$definition->plugin_options = array_merge(
					array('selection' => $_content['selection'])
			$tmpfname = tempnam('/tmp','export');
			$file = fopen($tmpfname, "w+");
			if (! $charset = $definition->plugin_options['charset']) {
				$charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset();
			$plugin_object = new $definition->plugin;
			$plugin_object->export( $file, $definition );

			if($_content['export'] == 'pressed') {
				$response->addScript("opener.location.href='". $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=importexport.uiexport.download&_filename='. $tmpfname.'&_appname='. $definition->application). "&_suffix=". $plugin_object->get_filesuffix(). "';");
				$response->addScript('window.setTimeout("window.close();", 100);');
				return $response->getXML();
			elseif($_content['preview'] == 'pressed') {
				fseek($file, 0);
				$item_count = 1;
				$preview = '';
				$search = array('[\016]','[\017]',
				$replace = $preview = '';
				while(!feof($file) && $item_count < 10) {
					$preview .= preg_replace($search,$replace,fgets($file,1024));

				// NOTE: $definition->plugin_options['charset'] may not be set, 
				// but it's the best guess atm.
				$preview = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert( $preview,
				return $response->getXML();
			//nothing else expected!
			throw new Exception('Error: unexpected submit in export_dialog!');
		return $et->exec(self::_appname. '.uiexport.export_dialog',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,2);
	public function ajax_get_plugins($_appname) {
		$response = new xajaxResponse();
		if (!$_appname) {
			return $response->getXML();
		(array)$plugins = import_export_helper_functions::get_plugins($_appname,'export');
		$sel_options['plugin'] = '';
		foreach ($plugins[$_appname]['export'] as $plugin => $plugin_name) {
			if (!$selected_plugin) $selected_plugin = $plugin;
			$sel_options['plugin'] .= '<option value="'. $plugin. '" >'. $plugin_name. '</option>';
		return $response->getXML();
	public function ajax_get_plugin_description($_plugin,$_response=false) {
		$response = $_response ? $_response : new xajaxResponse();
		if (!$_plugin) return $response->getXML();

		$plugin_object = new $_plugin;
		if (is_a($plugin_object, 'iface_export_plugin')) {
			$description = $plugin_object->get_description();
		unset ($plugin_object);
		return $_response ? '' : $response->getXML();
	public function ajax_get_plugin_options($_plugin,$_response=false) {
		$response = $_response ? $_response : new xajaxResponse();
		if (!$_plugin) return $response->getXML();
		$plugin_object = new $_plugin;
		if (is_a($plugin_object, 'iface_export_plugin')) {
			$options = $plugin_object->get_options_etpl();
		unset ($plugin_object);
		return $_response ? '' : $response->getXML();
	 * downloads file to client and deletes it.
	 * @param sting $_tmpfname
	 * @todo we need a suffix atibute in plugins e.g. .csv
	public function download($_tmpfname = '') {
		$tmpfname = $_tmpfname ? $_tmpfname : $_GET['_filename'];
		if (!is_readable($tmpfname)) die();
		$appname = $_GET['_appname'];
		$nicefname = 'egw_export_'.$appname.'-'.date('y-m-d');

		header('Content-type: application/text');
		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$nicefname.'.'.$_GET['_suffix'].'"');
		$file = fopen($tmpfname,'r');
			echo fgets($file,1024);

	public function ajax_get_plugin_selectors() {
	public function ajax_get_template($_name) {
} // end class uiexport