/*! \page bugandtodopage BUGS and TODOS
Know BUGS and things todo --------------------------- TODO means: should be done/would be nice in a newer release BUG means: known problem needs to be fixed FAIl means: known failure to provide (not easily to be done/fixed (note: this list is probably not quite up todate) release: VERSION 0.7.80 NEED TO UPDATE THIS!! new in V0.7.78 versus v0.7.70: bovevents: + whole day events import/export seems to work nice + continue on erroneous overwrites (errors only visible in errorlog) + no error messages for forbidden overwrite events of non owned events + errormessages (when activated) only shows problematic events ++ basic (multiple) VALARM import and export, working! (without action select) + allow for vevents with either DTEND or DURATION + provided (horde iCalendar) patch to prevent segfaults on some bad iCal inputs 1) general (V0.7) ---------------- 1.1 TODO build egw install/setup system for icalsrv 1.2 TODO get it nicely into egw cvs 1.3 TODO build user preferences (export/import period setting) gui [ ]1.7 TODO/WISH allow for import of ATTENDEEs not in Egw yet (create new addressbook entry?) (ad hoc solution: add CN and mailto to description) 1.4 TODO check and generate source code documentation(phpdoc or doxygen) 1.5 TODO test these routines in use for syncml import/export 1.6 TODO/WISH: nothing done yet for vfreebusy, vjournal, notes, components only vevents and vtodos are supported. 2) icalsrv.php (V0.7) -------------------- [+]2.1 BUG/CHECK repair/improve the http error return (403) (seems to work) 2.2 TODO integrate with 1.3 TODO [+]2.3 TODO handle (V)alarms [ ]2.4 TODO(for v0.7.80 ?) for expor: get the agent name from the http header and use to set the ical product field. Then in egwical use it to set the supportedfields() 3) egwical (V0.7.75) -------------------- [+?]3.1 TODO check/implement correct timezone handling (seems ok) 3.2 TODO/WISH handle location (GEO), link(?), url, delegation, ()CONTACT? 3.3 TODO set and use the productid in the ical, and use it to setsupportedFields() (for mozilla, korganizer etc. ... with a default of.. ) 4) calendar.bovevents (V0.7.75) ------------------------------ [+?]4.1 TODO check/implement correct timezone handling (related 3.1) [ ]4.2 FAIL rrule-COUNT import not implemented in egw? [+]4.2 BUG!!!! rrule-BYDAY import goes wrong. FIXED (v0.7.76) [+]4.3 TODO check and improve ORGANIZER,ATTENDEE<-> participants mapping ATTENDEE s import and export (appears to work oke >= V0.7.71) [+]4.4 TODO handle import and export of ALARMS [ ]4.7 TODO (ad hoc) add non egw known attendees to description on import 4.9 see 3.2 5) infolog.bovtodos (V0.7.x) ---------------------------- 5.1 TODO check/implement correct timezone handling (related 3.1) 5.3 FAIL import/export more than 1 category per task (egw doesnot allow) 5.3 TODO check and improve ORGANIZER,ATTENDEE<-> info_responsible etc mapping 5.4 TODO handle import and export of ALARMS 5.5 TODO rewrite code into supportedFields structure (for next version) 5.9 see 3.2 10.) in used routines from others: 10.1 BUG Horde_iCalendar(1.2rc6): EXDATE bug -[+]fixed by patch 'exdate ....' 10.2 BUG Horde_iCalendar(1.2rc6): standard.php Warning -[+]fixed by patch '...??..' 10.3 BUG infolog(1.2rc6): datetime is 1 hour wrong for untimed due field in tasks 11) detected errors/flaws in other programs 11.1 Korganizer 3.5: recurrence endondate display is interpreted different from egw and mozilla (and probable also rfc 2445)*/