 * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS DOM Widget class
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link https://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel


import {ClassWithAttributes} from './et2_core_inheritance';
import {et2_IDOMNode} from "./et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_hasChild, et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common";
import {et2_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget";
import {egw_getActionManager, egwActionObject, egwActionObjectInterface, egw_getAppObjectManager,egw_getObjectManager} from '../egw_action/egw_action.js';
import {EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER, EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT} from '../egw_action/egw_action_constants.js';
import {egw} from "../jsapi/egw_global";
// fixing circular dependencies by only importing type
import type {et2_tabbox} from "./et2_widget_tabs";

 * Abstract widget class which can be inserted into the DOM. All widget classes
 * deriving from this class have to care about implementing the "getDOMNode"
 * function which has to return the DOM-Node.
 * @augments et2_widget
export abstract class et2_DOMWidget extends et2_widget implements et2_IDOMNode
	static readonly _attributes : any = {
		"disabled": {
			"name": "Disabled",
			"type": "boolean",
			"description": "Defines whether this widget is visible.  Not to be confused with an input widget's HTML attribute 'disabled'.",
			"default": false
		"width": {
			"name": "Width",
			"type": "dimension",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "Width of the element in pixels, percentage or 'auto'"
		"height": {
			"name": "Height",
			"type": "dimension",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "Height of the element in pixels, percentage or 'auto'"
		"class": {
			"name": "CSS Class",
			"type": "string",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "CSS Class which is applied to the dom element of this node"
		"overflow": {
			"name": "Overflow",
			"type": "string",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "If set, the css-overflow attribute is set to that value"
		"parent_node": {
			"name":	"DOM parent",
			"type": "string",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "Insert into the target DOM node instead of the normal location"
		"actions": {
			"name": "Actions list",
			"type": "any",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "List of egw actions that can be done on the widget.  This includes context menu, drag and drop.  TODO: Link to action documentation"
		default_execute: {
			name: "Default onExecute for actions",
			type: "js",
			default: et2_no_init,
			description: "Set default onExecute javascript method for action not specifying their own"
		resize_ratio: {
			name: "Resize height of the widget on callback resize",
			default: '',
			description: "Allow Resize height of the widget based on exess height and given ratio"
		data: {
			name: "comma-separated name:value pairs set as data attributes on DOM node",
			type: "string",
			default: '',
			description: 'data="mime:${row}[mime]" would generate data-mime="..." in DOM, eg. to use it in CSS on a parent'
		background: {
			name: "Add background image",
			type: "string",
			description: "Sets background image, left, right and scale on DOM",

	parentNode : HTMLElement = null;
	disabled : boolean = false;
	protected _attachSet : any  = {
		"node": null,
		"parent": null
	protected _actionManager: any;
	width: number;
	height: number;
	dom_id: string;
	overflow: string;
	 * When the DOMWidget is initialized, it grabs the DOM-Node of the parent
	 * object (if available) and passes it to its own "createDOMNode" function
	 * @memberOf et2_DOMWidget
	constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
		// Call the inherited constructor
		super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_DOMWidget._attributes, _child || {}));

		this._surroundingsMgr = null;

	abstract getDOMNode(_sender?: et2_widget): HTMLElement

	 * Detatches the node from the DOM and clears all references to the parent
	 * node or the dom node of this widget.
		this.parentNode = null;
		this._attachSet = {};

			var app_om = egw_getObjectManager(this.egw().getAppName(), false,1);
				var om = app_om.getObjectById(this.id);
				if(om) om.remove();
			this._actionManager = null;

		if (this._surroundingsMgr)
			this._surroundingsMgr = null;


	 * Attaches the container node of this widget to the DOM-Tree
	doLoadingFinished() : boolean | Promise<any>
		// Check whether the parent implements the et2_IDOMNode interface. If
		// yes, grab the DOM node and create our own.
		if (this.getParent() && this.getParent().implements(et2_IDOMNode))

		return true;

	 * Detaches the widget from the DOM tree, if it had been attached to the
	 * DOM-Tree using the attachToDOM method.
		if (this._attachSet && this._attachSet.node && this._attachSet.parent)
			// Remove the current node from the parent node
			try {
			} catch (e) {
				// Don't throw a DOM error if the node wasn't in the parent

			// Reset the "attachSet"
			this._attachSet = {
				"node": null,
				"parent": null

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Attaches the widget to the DOM tree. Fails if the widget is already
	 * attached to the tree or no parent node or no node for this widget is
	 * defined.
		// Attach the DOM node of this widget (if existing) to the new parent
		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node && this.parentNode &&
		    (!this._attachSet || this._attachSet && node != this._attachSet.node ||
		    this.parentNode != this._attachSet.parent))
			// If the surroundings manager exists, surround the DOM-Node of this
			// widget with the DOM-Nodes inside the surroundings manager.
			if (this._surroundingsMgr)
				node = this._surroundingsMgr.getDOMNode(node);

			// Append this node at its index
			var idx = this.getDOMIndex();
			if(idx < 0 || idx > this.parentNode.childNodes.length - 1)
				this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.parentNode.childNodes[idx]);

			// Store the currently attached nodes
			this._attachSet = {
				"node": node,
				"parent": this.parentNode

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Inserts a child at the given index.
	 * @param _node is the node which should be added. It has to be an instance
	 * 	of et2_widget
	 * @param _idx is the position at which the element should be added.
	insertChild(_node : et2_widget, _idx: number)
		super.insertChild(_node, _idx);

		if(_node.instanceOf && _node.instanceOf(et2_DOMWidget) && typeof _node.hasOwnProperty('parentNode') && this.getDOMNode(this))
				// Not ready to be added, usually due to construction order,
				// will probably try again in doLoadingFinished()
		// _node is actually a Web Component
		else if(_node instanceof Element)
				// Warn about it.  This slows down loading, as it requires a second pass (loadingFinished) to get the child
				// properly added.
				console.warn("Legacy widget " + this.getType() + "[#" + this.options.id + "] could not handle adding a child (" +
					_node.getType() + (_node.id ? "#" + _node.id : "") + ")");

	isAttached() {
		return this.parentNode != null;

	private _surroundingsMgr : et2_surroundingsMgr;
	getSurroundings() : et2_surroundingsMgr
		if (!this._surroundingsMgr)
			this._surroundingsMgr = new et2_surroundingsMgr(this);

		return this._surroundingsMgr;

	 * Get data for the tab this widget is on.
	 * Will return null if the widget is not on a tab or tab data containing
	 * - id
	 * - label
	 * - widget (top level widget)
	 * - contentDiv (jQuery object for the div the tab content is in)
	 * @returns {Object|null} Data for tab the widget is on
	get_tab_info() : {id: string, label: string, widget: et2_widget, contentDiv: JQuery, flagDiv: JQuery} | null
		var parent : et2_widget = this;
		do {
			parent = parent.getParent();
		} while (parent !== this.getRoot() && parent.getType() !== 'tabbox');

		// No tab
		if(parent === this.getRoot())
			return null;

		let tabbox : et2_tabbox = <et2_tabbox><unknown>parent;

		// Find the tab index
		for(var i = 0; i < tabbox.tabData.length; i++)
			// Find the tab by DOM heritage
			// @ts-ignore
				return tabbox.tabData[i];
		// On a tab, but we couldn't find it by DOM nodes  Maybe tab template is
		// not loaded yet.  Try checking IDs.
		var template : et2_widget = this;
		do {
			template = template.getParent();
			// @ts-ignore
		} while (template !== tabbox && template.getType() !== 'template');
		for (var i = tabbox.tabData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			if (template && template.id && template.id === tabbox.tabData[i].id)
				return tabbox.tabData[i];
		// Fallback
		let fallback = <et2_DOMWidget><unknown>this.getParent();
		if (typeof fallback.get_tab_info === 'function')
			return fallback.get_tab_info();
		return null;

	 * Set the parent DOM node of this element.  Takes a wider variety of types
	 * than setParentDOMNode(), and matches the set_<attribute> naming convention.
	 * @param _node String|DOMNode DOM node to contain the widget, or the ID of the DOM node.
		if(typeof _node == "string")
			var parent = jQuery('#'+_node);
			if(parent.length === 0 && window.parent)
				// Could not find it, try again with wider context
				// (in case there's an iframe in admin, for example)
				parent = jQuery('#'+_node, window.parent.document);
			if(parent.length === 0)
				this.egw().debug('warn','Unable to find DOM parent node with ID "%s" for widget %o.',_node,this);

	 * Set the parent DOM node of this element. If another parent node is already
	 * set, this widget removes itself from the DOM tree
	 * @param _node
	setParentDOMNode(_node : HTMLElement)
		if (_node != this.parentNode)
			// Detatch this element from the DOM tree

			this.parentNode = _node;

			// And attatch the element to the DOM tree

	 * Returns the parent node.
	getParentDOMNode() : HTMLElement
		return this.parentNode;

	 * Returns the index of this element in the DOM tree
	getDOMIndex() : number
		if (this.getParent())
			var idx = 0;
			var children = this.getParent().getChildren();

			if(children && children.indexOf) return children.indexOf(this);

			egw.debug('warn', 'No Array.indexOf(), falling back to looping. ');
			for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
				if (children[i] == this)
					return idx;
				else if (children[i].isInTree())

		return -1;

	 * Sets the id of the DOM-Node.
	 * DOM id's have dots "." replaced with dashes "-"
	 * @param {string} _value id to set
	set_id(_value) {

		this.id = _value;
		this.dom_id = _value ? this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId+'_'+_value.replace(/\./g, '-') : _value;

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node)
			if (_value != "")
				node.setAttribute("id", this.dom_id);

	set_disabled(_value) {
		var node = this._surroundingsMgr != null ? this._surroundingsMgr.getDOMNode(this.getDOMNode(this)) : this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node && this.disabled != _value)
			this.disabled = _value;

			if (_value)

	set_width(_value) {
		this.width = _value;

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node)
			jQuery(node).css("width", _value);

	set_height(_value) {
		this.height = _value;

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node)
			jQuery(node).css("height", _value);

	set_class(_value) {
		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node)
			if (this["class"])

		this["class"] = _value;

	set_overflow(_value) {
		this.overflow = _value;

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node)
			jQuery(node).css("overflow", _value);

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		if (node && _value)
			var pairs = _value.split(/,/g);
			for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; ++i)
				var name_value = pairs[i].split(':');
				jQuery(node).attr('data-'+name_value[0], name_value[1]);

		var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
		var values = '';
		if (_value && node)
			values = _value.split(',');

	 * Set Actions on the widget
	 * Each action is defined as an object:
	 * move: {
	 *      type: "drop",
	 *      acceptedTypes: "mail",
	 *      icon:   "move",
	 *      caption:	"Move to"
	 *      onExecute:      javascript:mail_move"
	 * }
	 * This will turn the widget into a drop target for "mail" drag types.  When "mail" drag types are dropped,
	 * the global function mail_move(egwAction action, egwActionObject sender) will be called.  The ID of the
	 * dragged "mail" will be in sender.id, some information about the sender will be in sender.context.  The
	 * etemplate2 widget involved can typically be found in action.parent.data.widget, so your handler
	 * can operate in the widget context easily.  The location varies depending on your action though.  It
	 * might be action.parent.parent.data.widget
	 * To customise how the actions are handled for a particular widget, override _link_actions().  It handles
	 * the more widget-specific parts.
	 * @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
	 * @see api/src/Etemplate/Widget/Nextmatch.php egw_actions() method
		if(this.id == "" || typeof this.id == "undefined")
			this.egw().debug("warn", "Widget should have an ID if you want actions",this);

		// Initialize the action manager and add some actions to it
		// Only look 1 level deep
		var gam = egw_getActionManager(this.egw().appName,true,1);
		if(typeof this._actionManager != "object")
			if(gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,1) !== null)
				gam = gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,1);
			if(gam.getActionById(this.id,1) != null)
				this._actionManager = gam.getActionById(this.id,1);
				this._actionManager = gam.addAction("actionManager", this.id);
		this._actionManager.updateActions(actions, this.egw().appName);
		if (this.options.default_execute) this._actionManager.setDefaultExecute(this.options.default_execute);

		// Put a reference to the widget into the action stuff, so we can
		// easily get back to widget context from the action handler
		this._actionManager.data = {widget: this};

		// Link the actions to the DOM

		this.options.default_execute = _default_execute;

		if (this._actionManager) this._actionManager.setDefaultExecute(null, _default_execute);

	 * Get all action-links / id's of 1.-level actions from a given action object
	 * This can be overwritten to not allow all actions, by not returning them here.
	 * @param actions
	 * @returns {Array}
		var action_links = [];
		for(var i in actions)
			var action = actions[i];
			action_links.push(typeof action.id != 'undefined' ? action.id : i);
		return action_links;

	 * Link the actions to the DOM nodes / widget bits.
	 * @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
		 // Get the top level element for the tree
		var objectManager = egw_getAppObjectManager(true);
		var widget_object = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id);
		if (widget_object == null) {
			// Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget
			// objects
			widget_object = objectManager.insertObject(false, new egwActionObject(
				this.id, objectManager, (new et2_action_object_impl(this)).getAOI(),
				this._actionManager || objectManager.manager.getActionById(this.id) || objectManager.manager
			widget_object.setAOI((new et2_action_object_impl(this, this.getDOMNode())).getAOI());

		// Delete all old objects

		// Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are
		// 'allowed' for this widget at this time
		var action_links = this._get_action_links(actions);

 * The surroundings manager class allows to append or prepend elements around
 * an widget node.
export class et2_surroundingsMgr extends ClassWithAttributes
    widget: et2_DOMWidget;
	private _widgetContainer: any = null;
	private _widgetSurroundings: any[] = [];
	private _widgetPlaceholder: any = null;
	private _widgetNode: HTMLElement = null;
	private _ownPlaceholder: boolean = true;
	private _surroundingsUpdated: boolean = false;

	 * Constructor
	 * @memberOf et2_surroundingsMgr
	 * @param _widget
	constructor(_widget : et2_DOMWidget)
		this.widget = _widget;

	destroy() {
		this._widgetContainer = null;
		this._widgetSurroundings = null;
		this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
		this._widgetNode = null;

	prependDOMNode(_node) {
		this._surroundingsUpdated = true;

	appendDOMNode(_node) {
		// Append an placeholder first if none is existing yet
		if (this._ownPlaceholder && this._widgetPlaceholder == null)
			this._widgetPlaceholder = document.createElement("span");

		// Append the given node
		this._surroundingsUpdated = true;

	insertDOMNode(_node) {
		if (!this._ownPlaceholder || this._widgetPlaceholder == null)

		// Get the index of the widget placeholder and delete it, insert the
		// given node instead
		var idx = this._widgetSurroundings.indexOf(this._widgetPlaceholder);
		this._widgetSurroundings.splice(idx, 1, _node);

		// Delete the reference to the own placeholder
		this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
		this._ownPlaceholder = false;

	removeDOMNode(_node) {
		for (var i = 0; this._widgetSurroundings && i < this._widgetSurroundings.length; i++)
			if (this._widgetSurroundings[i] == _node)
				this._widgetSurroundings.splice(i, 1);
				this._surroundingsUpdated = true;

	setWidgetPlaceholder(_node) {
		if (_node != this._widgetPlaceholder)
			if (_node != null && this._ownPlaceholder && this._widgetPlaceholder != null)
				// Delete the current placeholder which was created by the
				// widget itself
				var idx = this._widgetSurroundings.indexOf(this._widgetPlaceholder);
				this._widgetSurroundings.splice(idx, 1);

				// Delete any reference to the own placeholder and set the
				// _ownPlaceholder flag to false
				this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
				this._ownPlaceholder = false;

			this._ownPlaceholder = (_node == null);
			this._widgetPlaceholder = _node;
			this._surroundingsUpdated = true;

	private _rebuildContainer() {
		// Return if there has been no change in the "surroundings-data"
		if (!this._surroundingsUpdated)
			return false;

		// Build the widget container
		if (this._widgetSurroundings.length > 0)
			// Check whether the widgetPlaceholder is really inside the DOM-Tree
			var hasPlaceholder = et2_hasChild(this._widgetSurroundings,

			// If not, append another widget placeholder
			if (!hasPlaceholder)
				this._widgetPlaceholder = document.createElement("span");

				this._ownPlaceholder = true;

			// If the surroundings array only contains one element, set this one
			// as the widget container
			if (this._widgetSurroundings.length == 1)
				if (this._widgetSurroundings[0] == this._widgetPlaceholder)
					this._widgetContainer = null;
					this._widgetContainer = this._widgetSurroundings[0];
				// Create an outer "span" as widgetContainer
				this._widgetContainer = document.createElement("span");

				// Append the children inside the widgetSurroundings array to
				// the widget container
				for (var i = 0; i < this._widgetSurroundings.length; i++)
			this._widgetContainer = null;
			this._widgetPlaceholder = null;

		this._surroundingsUpdated = false;

		return true;

	update() {
		if (this._surroundingsUpdated)
			var attached = this.widget ? this.widget.isAttached() : false;

			// Reattach the widget - this will call the "getDOMNode" function
			// and trigger the _rebuildContainer function.
			if (attached && this.widget)

	getDOMNode(_widgetNode) {
		// Update the whole widgetContainer if this is not the first time this
		// function has been called but the widget node has changed.
		if (this._widgetNode != null && this._widgetNode != _widgetNode)
			this._surroundingsUpdated = true;

		// Copy a reference to the given node
		this._widgetNode = _widgetNode;

		// Build the container if it didn't exist yet.
		var updated = this._rebuildContainer();

		// Return the widget node itself if there are no surroundings arround
		// it
		if (this._widgetContainer == null)
			return _widgetNode;

		// Replace the widgetPlaceholder with the given widget node if the
		// widgetContainer has been updated
		if (updated)
			if (!this._ownPlaceholder)
				this._widgetPlaceholder = _widgetNode;

		// Return the widget container
		return this._widgetContainer;

	getWidgetSurroundings() : HTMLElement []
		return this._widgetSurroundings;

 * The egw_action system requires an egwActionObjectInterface Interface implementation
 * to tie actions to DOM nodes.  This one can be used by any widget.
 * The class extension is different than the widgets
 * @param {et2_DOMWidget} widget
 * @param {Object} node
export class et2_action_object_impl
	aoi : egwActionObjectInterface;

	constructor(_widget : et2_DOMWidget, _node? : HTMLElement)
		var widget = _widget;
		var objectNode = _node;
		this.aoi = new egwActionObjectInterface();
		this.aoi.getWidget = function () {
			return widget;
		this.aoi.doGetDOMNode = function () {
			return objectNode ? objectNode : widget.getDOMNode();

// _outerCall may be used to determine, whether the state change has been
// evoked from the outside and the stateChangeCallback has to be called
// or not.
		this.aoi.doSetState = function (_state, _outerCall)

// The doTiggerEvent function may be overritten by the aoi if it wants to
// support certain action implementation specific events like EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER
		this.aoi.doTriggerEvent = function (_event, _data)
			switch (_event) {
				case EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER:
				case EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT:

		return this.aoi;