for a detailed description, copyright and license information. */ /* @package xajax @version $Id: 362 2007-05-29 15:32:24Z calltoconstruct $ @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson @license BSD License */ /* Constant: XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_FORMAT Defines the doctype of the current document; this will effect how the HTML is formatted when the html control library is used to construct html documents and fragments. This can be one of the following values: 'XHTML' - (default) Typical effects are that certain elements are closed with '/>' 'HTML' - Typical differences are that closing tags for certain elements cannot be '/>' */ if (false == defined('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_FORMAT')) define('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_FORMAT', 'XHTML'); /* Constant: XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VERSION */ if (false == defined('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VERSION')) define('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VERSION', '1.0'); /* Constant: XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VALIDATION */ if (false == defined('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VALIDATION')) define('XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_VALIDATION', 'TRANSITIONAL'); /* Class: xajaxControl The base class for all xajax enabled controls. Derived classes will generate the HTML and javascript code that will be sent to the browser via printHTML> or sent to the browser in a via getHTML>. */ class xajaxControl { /* String: sTag */ var $sTag; /* Boolean: sEndTag 'required' - (default) Indicates the control must have a full end tag 'optional' - The control may have an abbr. begin tag or a full end tag 'forbidden' - The control must have an abbr. begin tag and no end tag */ var $sEndTag; /* Array: aAttributes An associative array of attributes that will be used in the generation of the HMTL code for this control. */ var $aAttributes; /* Array: aEvents An associative array of events that will be assigned to this control. Each event declaration will include a reference to a object; it's script will be extracted using printScript> or getScript>. */ var $aEvents; /* String: sClass Contains a declaration of the class of this control. %inline controls do not need to be indented, %block controls should be indented. */ var $sClass; /* Function: xajaxControl Parameters: $aConfiguration - (array): An associative array that contains a variety of configuration options for this object. Note: This array may contain the following entries: 'attributes' - (array): An associative array containing attributes that will be passed to the setAttribute> function. 'children' - (array): An array of derived objects that will be the children of this control. */ function xajaxControl($sTag, $aConfiguration=array()) { $this->sTag = $sTag; $this->clearAttributes(); if (isset($aConfiguration['attributes'])) if (is_array($aConfiguration['attributes'])) foreach ($aConfiguration['attributes'] as $sKey => $sValue) $this->setAttribute($sKey, $sValue); $this->clearEvents(); if (isset($aConfiguration['event'])) call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'setEvent'), $aConfiguration['event']); else if (isset($aConfiguration['events'])) if (is_array($aConfiguration['events'])) foreach ($aConfiguration['events'] as $aEvent) call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'setEvent'), $aEvent); $this->sClass = '%block'; $this->sEndTag = 'forbidden'; } /* Function: getClass Returns the *adjusted* class of the element */ function getClass() { return $this->sClass; } /* Function: clearAttributes Removes all attributes assigned to this control. */ function clearAttributes() { $this->aAttributes = array(); } /* Function: setAttribute Call to set various control specific attributes to be included in the HTML script that is returned when printHTML> or getHTML> is called. Parameters: $sName - (string): The attribute name to set the value. $sValue - (string): The value to be set. */ function setAttribute($sName, $sValue) { //SkipDebug if (class_exists('clsValidator')) { $objValidator =& clsValidator::getInstance(); if (false == $objValidator->attributeValid($this->sTag, $sName)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IAERR:01') . $sName . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IAERR:02') . $this->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IAERR:03') , E_USER_ERROR ); } } //EndSkipDebug $this->aAttributes[$sName] = $sValue; } /* Function: getAttribute Call to obtain the value currently associated with the specified attribute if set. Parameters: sName - (string): The name of the attribute to be returned. Returns: mixed : The value associated with the attribute, or null. */ function getAttribute($sName) { if (false == isset($this->aAttributes[$sName])) return null; return $this->aAttributes[$sName]; } /* Function: clearEvents Clear the events that have been associated with this object. */ function clearEvents() { $this->aEvents = array(); } /* Function: setEvent Call this function to assign a object as the handler for the specific DOM event. The printScript> function will be called to generate the javascript for this request. Parameters: sEvent - (string): A string containing the name of the event to be assigned. objRequest - (xajaxRequest object): The object to be associated with the specified event. aParameters - (array, optional): An array containing parameter declarations that will be passed to this object just before the javascript is generated. sBeforeRequest - (string, optional): a string containing a snippet of javascript code to execute prior to calling the xajaxRequest function sAfterRequest - (string, optional): a string containing a snippet of javascript code to execute after calling the xajaxRequest function */ function setEvent($sEvent, &$objRequest, $aParameters=array(), $sBeforeRequest='', $sAfterRequest='; return false;') { //SkipDebug if (false == is_a($objRequest, 'xajaxRequest')) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IRERR:01') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } if (class_exists('clsValidator')) { $objValidator =& clsValidator::getInstance(); if (false == $objValidator->attributeValid($this->sTag, $sEvent)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IEERR:01') . $sEvent . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IEERR:02') . $this->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IEERR:03') , E_USER_ERROR ); } } //EndSkipDebug $this->aEvents[$sEvent] = array( &$objRequest, $aParameters, $sBeforeRequest, $sAfterRequest ); } /* Function: getHTML Generates and returns the HTML representation of this control and it's children. Returns: string : The HTML representation of this control. */ function getHTML($bFormat=false) { ob_start(); if ($bFormat) $this->printHTML(); else $this->printHTML(false); return ob_get_clean(); } /* Function: printHTML Generates and prints the HTML representation of this control and it's children. Returns: string : The HTML representation of this control. */ function printHTML($sIndent='') { //SkipDebug if (class_exists('clsValidator')) { $objValidator =& clsValidator::getInstance(); $sMissing = ''; if (false == $objValidator->checkRequiredAttributes($this->sTag, $this->aAttributes, $sMissing)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MAERR:01') . $sMissing . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MAERR:02') . $this->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MAERR:03') , E_USER_ERROR ); } } //EndSkipDebug $sClass = $this->getClass(); if ('%inline' != $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo $sIndent; echo '<'; echo $this->sTag; echo ' '; $this->_printAttributes(); $this->_printEvents(); if ('forbidden' == $this->sEndTag) { if ('HTML' == XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_FORMAT) echo '>'; else if ('XHTML' == XAJAX_HTML_CONTROL_DOCTYPE_FORMAT) echo '/>'; if ('%inline' != $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo "\n"; return; } else if ('optional' == $this->sEndTag) { echo '/>'; if ('%inline' == $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo "\n"; return; } //SkipDebug else { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:IETERR:01') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } //EndSkipDebug } function _printAttributes() { // NOTE: Special case here: disabled='false' does not work in HTML; does work in javascript foreach ($this->aAttributes as $sKey => $sValue) if ('disabled' != $sKey || 'false' != $sValue) echo "{$sKey}='{$sValue}' "; } function _printEvents() { foreach (array_keys($this->aEvents) as $sKey) { $aEvent =& $this->aEvents[$sKey]; $objRequest =& $aEvent[0]; $aParameters = $aEvent[1]; $sBeforeRequest = $aEvent[2]; $sAfterRequest = $aEvent[3]; foreach ($aParameters as $aParameter) { $nParameter = $aParameter[0]; $sType = $aParameter[1]; $sValue = $aParameter[2]; $objRequest->setParameter($nParameter, $sType, $sValue); } $objRequest->useDoubleQuote(); echo "{$sKey}='{$sBeforeRequest}"; $objRequest->printScript(); echo "{$sAfterRequest}' "; } } function backtrace() { // debug_backtrace was added to php in version 4.3.0 // version_compare was added to php in version 4.0.7 if (0 <= version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0')) return '
				. print_r(debug_backtrace(), true) 
				. '
'; return ''; } } /* Class: xajaxControlContainer This class is used as the base class for controls that will contain other child controls. */ class xajaxControlContainer extends xajaxControl { /* Array: aChildren An array of child controls. */ var $aChildren; /* Boolean: sChildClass Will contain '%inline' if all children are class = '%inline', '%block' if all children are '%block' or '%flow' if both '%inline' and '%block' elements are detected. */ var $sChildClass; /* Function: xajaxControlContainer Called to construct and configure this control. Parameters: aConfiguration - (array): See xajaxControl> for more information. */ function xajaxControlContainer($sTag, $aConfiguration=array()) { xajaxControl::xajaxControl($sTag, $aConfiguration); $this->clearChildren(); if (isset($aConfiguration['child'])) $this->addChild($aConfiguration['child']); else if (isset($aConfiguration['children'])) $this->addChildren($aConfiguration['children']); $this->sEndTag = 'required'; } /* Function: getClass Returns the *adjusted* class of the element */ function getClass() { $sClass = xajaxControl::getClass(); if (0 < count($this->aChildren) && '%flow' == $sClass) return $this->getContentClass(); else if (0 == count($this->aChildren) || '%inline' == $sClass || '%block' == $sClass) return $sClass; $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICERR:01') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } /* Function: getContentClass Returns the *adjusted* class of the content (children) of this element */ function getContentClass() { $sClass = ''; foreach (array_keys($this->aChildren) as $sKey) { if ('' == $sClass) $sClass = $this->aChildren[$sKey]->getClass(); else if ($sClass != $this->aChildren[$sKey]->getClass()) return '%flow'; } if ('' == $sClass) return '%inline'; return $sClass; } /* Function: clearChildren Clears the list of child controls associated with this control. */ function clearChildren() { $this->sChildClass = '%inline'; $this->aChildren = array(); } /* Function: addChild Adds a control to the array of child controls. Child controls must be derived from . */ function addChild(&$objControl) { //SkipDebug if (false == is_a($objControl, 'xajaxControl')) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICLERR:01') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } if (class_exists('clsValidator')) { $objValidator =& clsValidator::getInstance(); if (false == $objValidator->childValid($this->sTag, $objControl->sTag)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICLERR:02') . $objControl->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICLERR:03') . $this->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICLERR:04') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } } //EndSkipDebug $this->aChildren[] =& $objControl; } function addChildren(&$aChildren) { //SkipDebug if (false == is_array($aChildren)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:ICHERR:01') . $this->backtrace() , E_USER_ERROR ); } //EndSkipDebug foreach (array_keys($aChildren) as $sKey) $this->addChild($aChildren[$sKey]); } function printHTML($sIndent='') { //SkipDebug if (class_exists('clsValidator')) { $objValidator =& clsValidator::getInstance(); $sMissing = ''; if (false == $objValidator->checkRequiredAttributes($this->sTag, $this->aAttributes, $sMissing)) { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MRAERR:01') . $sMissing . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MRAERR:02') . $this->sTag . $objLanguageManager->getText('XJXCTL:MRAERR:03') , E_USER_ERROR ); } } //EndSkipDebug $sClass = $this->getClass(); if ('%inline' != $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo $sIndent; echo '<'; echo $this->sTag; echo ' '; $this->_printAttributes(); $this->_printEvents(); if (0 == count($this->aChildren)) { if ('optional' == $this->sEndTag) { echo '/>'; if ('%inline' != $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo "\n"; return; } //SkipDebug else if ('required' != $this->sEndTag) trigger_error("Invalid end tag designation; should be optional or required.\n" . $this->backtrace(), E_USER_ERROR ); //EndSkipDebug } echo '>'; $sContentClass = $this->getContentClass(); if ('%inline' != $sContentClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo "\n"; $this->_printChildren($sIndent); if ('%inline' != $sContentClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo $sIndent; echo '<' . '/'; echo $this->sTag; echo '>'; if ('%inline' != $sClass) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) echo "\n"; } function _printChildren($sIndent='') { if (false == is_a($this, 'clsDocument')) // this odd syntax is necessary to detect request for no formatting if (false === (false === $sIndent)) $sIndent .= "\t"; // children foreach (array_keys($this->aChildren) as $sKey) { $objChild =& $this->aChildren[$sKey]; $objChild->printHTML($sIndent); } } }