<?php /**************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare SiteMgr - Web Content Management * * http://www.egroupware.org * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* // AN EXAMPLE STYLESHEET .cal_list_event { padding-bottom: 5px; } .cal_list_title { clear: both; font-weight: bold; } .cal_list_date { clear: both; padding-left:15px; } .cal_list_weekday { } .cal_list_descr { clear: both; padding-left: 15px; font-style: italic; } .cal_list_end { display: none; } .cal_event_even { background: #F1F1F1; } .cal_event_uneven { } .cal_list_weeksplit { width = 80%; vertical-align: center; border-top-width: 1px; } .cal_list_weektop { } .cal_list_weeksplit { width: 100%; border-top: 1px; border-top-style: solid; } .cal_list_weekbottom { } */ class module_calendar_list extends Module { /** * Instance of the business object of calendar * * @var bo */ var $bo; /** * Instance of the user interface object of calendar * * @var ui */ var $ui; function module_calendar_list() { $this->arguments = array( 'category' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => lang('Choose a category'), 'options' => array(), // specification of options is postponed into the get_user_interface function 'multiple' => true, ), 'numWeeks' => array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'label' => lang('Number of weeks to show'), 'default' => '4', 'params' => array('size' => 1), ), 'showTitle' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => lang('Show a calendar title'), 'default' => false, ), 'offset' => array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'label' => lang('Weeks offset (for multi-column display)'), 'default' => '0', 'params' => array('size' => 1), ), 'search' => array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'label' => lang('Search string for the events'), ), 'numEntries' => array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'label' => lang('Max. Number of entries to show (leave empty for no restriction)'), 'default' => '', 'params' => array('size' => 1), ), 'entryOffset' => array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'label' => lang('How much entries to skip'), 'default' => '0', 'params' => array('size' => 1), ), 'users' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array(), 'label' => lang('Group(s) or user(s) whose calendars to show (if ACL exists)'), // 'multiple' => true, is set in the get_user_interface function. ), 'showWeeks' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => lang('Should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0)'), 'default' => false, ), 'useWeekStart' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => lang('Use weekday start'), 'default' => false, ), 'acceptDateParam' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => lang('Shall the date parameter be accepted (e.g. from calendar module)?'), 'default' => false, ), ); $this->title = lang('Calendar - List'); $this->description = lang("This module displays calendar events as a list."); } function get_user_interface() { // copied from bookmarks module. $cat = createobject('phpgwapi.categories','','calendar'); $cats = $cat->return_array('all',0,False,'','cat_name','',True); $cat_ids = array(); while (list(,$category) = @each($cats)) { $cat_ids[$category['id']] = $GLOBALS['egw']->strip_html($category['name']); } $this->arguments['category']['options'] = $cat_ids; if (count($cat_ids) > 5) { $this->arguments['category']['multiple'] = 5; } if (! isset($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts)) { $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = new accounts(); } $this->accounts =& $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts; $search_params=array( 'type' => 'both', 'app' => 'calendar', ); $accounts = $this->accounts->search($search_params); $users = array(); $groups = array(); // sort users and groups separately. if (isset($GLOBALS['sitemgr_info']['anonymous_user'])) { $anon_user = $this->accounts->name2id($GLOBALS['sitemgr_info']['anonymous_user'],'account_lid','u'); } else { // sitemgr is not in global variables. Get it. /* * Get possible sitemgr paths from the HTTP_REFERRER in order to unreveal the * anonymous user for the correct site. */ $sitemgr_path = preg_replace('/^[^\/]+:\/\/[^\/]+\/([^\?]*)(\?.*)*$/',"/\${1}",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); // Remove the trailing file- / pathname if any $sitemgr_path = preg_replace('/[^\/]*$/', '', $sitemgr_path); // Add leading slash if it has been lost. if (strncmp('/', $sitemgr_path, 1) != 0) { $sitemgr_path = '/'.$sitemgr_path; } // Code adapted from sitemgr-site/index.php $site_urls = array(); $site_urls[] = $sitemgr_path; $site_urls[] = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . $sitemgr_path; $site_urls[] = $site_url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $sitemgr_path; $GLOBALS['egw']->db->select('egw_sitemgr_sites','anonymous_user,anonymous_passwd,site_id', array('site_url' => $site_urls),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','sitemgr'); $GLOBALS['egw']->db->next_record(); $anon_user = $this->accounts->name2id($GLOBALS['egw']->db->f('anonymous_user'),'account_lid','u'); } $anon_groups = $this->accounts->memberships($anon_user,true); foreach ($accounts as $entry) { $is_group = false; $has_read_permissions = false; $acl = new acl($entry['account_id']); $acl->read_repository(); // get the rights for each account to check whether the anon user has read permissions. $rights = $acl->get_rights($anon_user,'calendar'); // also add the anon user if it's his own calendar. if (($rights & EGW_ACL_READ) || ($entry['account_id'] == $anon_user)) { $has_read_permissions = true; } else { // scan the groups which pass on permissions to the anon user group member // or ass permissions if this is the anon group's calendar. foreach ($anon_groups as $parent_group) { $rights = $acl->get_rights($parent_group,'calendar'); if (($rights & EGW_ACL_READ) || ($entry['account_id'] == $parent_group)) { $has_read_permissions = true; break; } } } if ($has_read_permissions) { // Separate groups from users for improved readability. if ($is_group) { $groups[$entry['account_id']] = $entry['account_lid']; } else { $users[$entry['account_id']] = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->display_fullname($entry['account_lid'],$entry['account_firstname'],$entry['account_lastname']); } } } asort($groups); asort($users); // concat users and groups to the option array. $this->arguments['users']['options'] = $groups + $users; if (count($this->arguments['users']['options']) > 10) { $this->arguments['users']['multiple'] = 10; } else if (count($this->arguments['users']['options']) > 0) { $this->arguments['users']['multiple'] = true; } return parent::get_user_interface(); } function get_content(&$arguments,$properties) { $html = ""; $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->add_app('calendar'); $this->bo = new calendar_bo(); $this->ui = new calendar_uiviews(); $this->ui->allowEdit = false; $this->ui->use_time_grid = isset($arguments['grid']) ? $arguments['grid'] : false; $weeks = $arguments['numWeeks'] ? (int) $arguments['numWeeks'] : 4; $dateOffset = $arguments['offset'] ? (int) $arguments['offset'] : 0; if (($arguments['acceptDateParam']) && (get_var('date',array('POST','GET')))) { $first = $start = (int) (strtotime(get_var('date',array('POST','GET'))) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * $dateOffset)); } else { $first = $start = (int) ($this->bo->now_su + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * $dateOffset)); } if ($arguments['useWeekStart']) { $first = $this->ui->datetime->get_weekday_start( adodb_date('Y',$start), adodb_date('m',$start), adodb_date('d',$start)); } $last = (int) ($first + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * $weeks)); if ($arguments['showTitle']) { $html .= '<div id="divAppboxHeader">'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['calendar']['title'].' - '; $html .= lang('After %1',$this->bo->long_date($first)); $html .= "</div>"; } // set the search parameters $search_params = Array ( 'offset' => $arguments['entryOffset'] ? (int) $arguments['entryOffset'] : false, 'order' => 'cal_start ASC', 'start' => $first, 'end' => $last, ); $search_string = trim($arguments['search']); if ($search_string != "") { $search_params['query'] = $search_string; } if (count($arguments['category']) > 0) { $search_params['cat_id'] = $arguments['category']; } if ((is_array($arguments['users'])) && (count($arguments['users']) > 0)) { $search_params['users'] = $arguments['users']; } if ($arguments['numEntries']) { $search_params['num_rows'] = (int) $arguments['numEntries']; $search_params['offset'] = $arguments['entryOffset'] ? (int) $arguments['entryOffset'] :0; } $rows = array(); foreach((array) $this->bo->search($search_params) as $event) { $event['date'] = $this->bo->date2string($event['start']); if (empty($event['description'])) $event['description'] = ' '; // no description screws the titles horz. alignment if (empty($event['location'])) $event['location'] = ' '; // no location screws the owner horz. alignment $rows[] = $event; } if (($arguments['showWeeks']) && ((int)$arguments['offset'] == 0)) { $html .= "<div>".lang('Next')." ".lang('%1 weeks', $weeks).":</div>\n"; } if (($search_params['offset'] && $this->bo->total == 0) || count($rows)==0) { $html .= "<div>".lang("no events found")."</div>"; } else { $event_count = 0; $last_week = 0; $html .= "\n<div>\n"; $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_weektop"></div>'."\n"; foreach ($rows as $event) { if (($last_week != 0) && (adodb_date('W-Y',$event['start']) != $last_week)) { $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_weeksplit"></div>'."\n"; } $last_week = adodb_date('W-Y',$event['start']); $html .= " <!-- Event -->\n"; if ($event_count % 2 == 0) { $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_event cal_event_even">'."\n"; } else { $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_event cal_event_uneven">'."\n"; } $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_title">'.$event['title']."</div>\n"; $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_date">'; $html .= '<span class="cal_list_start">'; $html .= '<span class="cal_list_weekday">'.lang(adodb_date('D',$event['start'])).".".($this->bo->common_prefs['dateformat'][0] != 'd' ? ' ' : ', ')."</span>"; $html .= $this->bo->format_date($event['start'])."</span>"; $html .= '<span class="cal_list_end"> - '; $html .= '<span class="cal_list_weekday">'.lang(adodb_date('D',$event['end'])).".".($this->bo->common_prefs['dateformat'][0] != 'd' ? ' ' : ', ')."</span>"; $html .= $this->bo->format_date($event['end'])."</span></div>\n"; $descr = trim($event['description']); if (! empty($descr)) { $html .= " <div class=\"cal_list_descr\">\n".preg_replace('/\\n/',"<br>\n",$event['description'])."</div>\n"; } $html .= " </div><!-- cal_list_event -->\n"; $event_count ++; } $html .= ' <div class="cal_list_weekbottom"></div>'."\n"; $html .= "<!-- End module -->\n"; $html .= "</div>\n"; } return $html; } }