<?php // SOAP server class // for example usage, see the test_server.php file. /* changelog: 2001-07-05 - detection of character encoding in Content-Type header. server will now call the soap_parser object with the specified encoding - server will now return the Content-Type header with the sender's encoding type specified must still learn more bout encoding, and figure out what i have to do to be able to make sure that my response is *actually* encoded correctly 2001-07-21 - force proper error reporting for windows compatibility 2001-07-27 - get_all_headers() check for windows compatibility */ // make errors handle properly in windows error_reporting(2039); class soap_server { function soap_server() { // create empty dispatch map $this->dispatch_map = array(); $this->debug_flag = True; $this->debug_str = ''; $this->headers = ''; $this->request = ''; $this->xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $this->fault = false; $this->fault_code = ''; $this->fault_str = ''; $this->fault_actor = ''; // for logging interop results to db $this->result = 'successful'; } // parses request and posts response function service($data) { // $response is a soap_msg object $response = $this->parse_request($data); $this->debug("parsed request and got an object of this class '".get_class($response)."'"); $this->debug("server sending..."); // pass along the debug string if($this->debug_flag) { $response->debug($this->debug_str); } $payload = $response->serialize(); // print headers if($this->fault) { $header[] = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n"; } else { $header[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; $header[] = "Status: 200\r\n"; } $header[] = "Server: SOAPx4 Server v0.344359s\r\n"; $header[] = "Connection: Close\r\n"; $header[] = "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=$this->xml_encoding\r\n"; $header[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n\r\n"; reset($header); foreach($header as $hdr) { header($hdr); } print $payload; } function parse_request($data='') { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $this->debug("entering parse_request() on ".date("H:i Y-m-d")); $request_uri = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"]; $this->debug("request uri: $request_uri"); // get headers // get headers if(function_exists("getallheaders")) { $this->headers = getallheaders(); foreach($headers_array as $k=>$v) { $dump .= "$k: $v\r\n"; } // get SOAPAction header if($headers_array["SOAPAction"]) { $this->SOAPAction = str_replace('"','',$headers_array["SOAPAction"]); $this->service = $this->SOAPAction; } // get character encoding if(ereg("=",$headers_array["Content-Type"])) { $this->xml_encoding = str_replace("\"","",substr(strstr($headers_array["Content-Type"],"="),1)); } elseif(ereg("^text/xml",$headers_array["Content-Type"])) { $this->xml_encoding = "us-ascii"; } $this->debug("got encoding: $this->xml_encoding"); } $this->request = $dump."\r\n\r\n".$data; // parse response, get soap parser obj $parser = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soap_parser',$data); // get/set methodname $this->methodname = $parser->root_struct_name; $this->debug("method name: $this->methodname"); // does method exist? if(function_exists($this->methodname)) { $this->debug("method '$this->methodname' exists"); } else { /* phpgroupware customization - createobject based on methodname */ list($app,$class,$method) = explode('.',$this->methodname); $obj = CreateObject(sprintf('%s.%s',$app,$class)); /* // "method not found" fault here $this->debug("method '$obj->method' not found!"); $this->result = "fault: method not found"; $this->make_fault("Server","method '$obj->method' not defined in service '$this->service'"); return $this->fault(); */ } // if fault occurred during message parsing if($parser->fault()) { // parser debug $this->debug($parser->debug_str); $this->result = "fault: error in msg parsing or eval"; $this->make_fault("Server","error in msg parsing or eval:\n".$parser->get_response()); // return soapresp return $this->fault(); // else successfully parsed request into soapval object } else { // get eval_str $this->debug("calling parser->get_response()"); // evaluate it, getting back a soapval object if(!$request_val = $parser->get_response()) { return $this->fault(); } // parser debug $this->debug($parser->debug_str); if(get_class($request_val) == "soapval") { if (is_object($obj)) { /* Add the function to the server map */ $in = "array('" . implode("','",$obj->soap_functions[$method]['in']) . "')"; $out = "array('" . implode("','",$obj->soap_functions[$method]['out']) . "')"; $evalmap = "\$this->add_to_map(\$this->methodname,$in,$out);"; eval($evalmap); } /* verify that soapval objects in request match the methods signature */ if($this->verify_method($request_val)) { $this->debug("request data - name: $request_val->name, type: $request_val->type, value: $request_val->value"); if($this->input_value) { /* decode the soapval object, and pass resulting values to the requested method */ if(!$request_data = $request_val->decode()) { $this->make_fault("Server","Unable to decode response from soapval object into native php type."); return $this->fault(); } $this->debug("request data: $request_data"); } /* if there are return values */ if($this->return_type = $this->get_return_type()) { $this->debug("got return type: '$this->return_type'"); /* if there are parameters to pass */ if($request_data) { if (is_object($obj)) { $code = "\$method_response = call_user_method(\$method,\$obj,"; $this->debug("about to call method '$class -> $method'"); } else { $code = "\$method_response = call_user_func(\$this->methodname,"; $this->debug("about to call method '$this->methodname'"); } /* call method with parameters */ $this->debug("about to call method '$class -> $method'"); while(list($x,$y) = each($request_data)) { $code .= "\$request_data[$x]" . ','; } $code = substr($code,0,-1) .");"; if(eval($code)) { if (is_object($obj)) { $this->make_fault("Server","Method call failed for '$obj->method' with params: ".join(",",$request_data)); } else { $this->make_fault("Server","Method call failed for '$this->methodname' with params: ".join(",",$request_data)); } return $this->fault(); } } else { /* call method w/ no parameters */ if (is_object($obj)) { $this->debug("about to call method '$obj->method'"); if(!$method_response = call_user_method($method,$obj)) { $this->make_fault("Server","Method call failed for '$obj->method' with no params"); return $this->fault(); } } else { $this->debug("about to call method '$this->methodname'"); if(!$method_response = call_user_func($this->methodname)) { $this->make_fault("Server","Method call failed for '$this->methodname' with no params"); return $this->fault(); } } } /* no return values */ } else { if($request_data) { /* call method with parameters */ $code = "\$method_response = call_user_method(\$method,\$obj,"; while(list($x,$y) = each($request_data)) { $code .= "\$request_data[$x]" . ','; } $code = substr($code,0,-1) .");"; $this->debug("about to call method '$obj->method'"); eval($code); } else { /* call method w/ no parameters */ $this->debug("about to call method '$obj->method'"); call_user_method($method,$obj); } } /* return fault */ if(get_class($method_response) == "soapmsg") { if(eregi("fault",$method_response->value->name)) { $this->fault = True; } $return_msg = $method_response; } else { /* return soapval object */ if(get_class($method_response) == "soapval") { $return_val = $method_response; /* create soap_val object w/ return values from method, use method signature to determine type */ } else { $return_val = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval',$method,$this->return_type,$method_response); } $this->debug($return_val->debug_str); /* response object is a soap_msg object */ $return_msg = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapmsg',$method."Response",array($return_val),$this->service); } if($this->debug_flag) { $return_msg->debug_flag = true; } $this->result = "successful"; return $return_msg; } else { // debug $this->debug("ERROR: request not verified against method signature"); $this->result = "fault: request failed validation against method signature"; // return soapresp return $this->fault(); } } else { // debug $this->debug("ERROR: parser did not return soapval object: $request_val ".get_class($request_val)); $this->result = "fault: parser did not return soapval object: $request_val"; // return fault $this->make_fault("Server","parser did not return soapval object: $request_val"); return $this->fault(); } } } function verify_method($request) { //return true; $this->debug("entered verify_method() w/ request name: ".$request->name); $params = $request->value; // if there are input parameters required... if($sig = $this->dispatch_map[$this->methodname]["in"]) { $this->input_value = count($sig); if(is_array($params)) { $this->debug("entered verify_method() with ".count($params)." parameters"); foreach($params as $v) { $this->debug("param '$v->name' of type '$v->type'"); } // validate the number of parameters if(count($params) == count($sig)) { $this->debug("got correct number of parameters: ".count($sig)); // make array of param types foreach($params as $param) { $p[] = strtolower($param->type); } // validate each param's type for($i=0; $i < count($p); $i++) { // type not match if(strtolower($sig[$i]) != strtolower($p[$i])) { $this->debug("mismatched parameter types: $sig[$i] != $p[$i]"); $this->make_fault("Client","soap request contained mismatching parameters of name $v->name had type $p[$i], which did not match signature's type: $sig[$i]"); return false; } $this->debug("parameter type match: $sig[$i] = $p[$i]"); } return true; // oops, wrong number of paramss } else { $this->debug("oops, wrong number of parameter!"); $this->make_fault("Client","soap request contained incorrect number of parameters. method '$this->methodname' required ".count($sig)." and request provided ".count($params)); return false; } // oops, no params... } else { $this->debug("oops, no parameters sent! Method '$this->methodname' requires ".count($sig)." input parameters!"); $this->make_fault("Client","soap request contained incorrect number of parameters. method '$this->methodname' requires ".count($sig)." parameters, and request provided none"); return false; } // no params } elseif( (count($params)==0) && (count($sig) <= 1) ) { $this->input_values = 0; return true; } else { //$this->debug("well, request passed parameters to a method that requires none?"); //$this->make_fault("Client","method '$this->methodname' requires no parameters. The request passed in ".count($params).": ".@implode(" param: ",$params) ); return true; } } // get string return type from dispatch map function get_return_type() { if(count($this->dispatch_map[$this->methodname]["out"]) >= 1) { $type = array_shift($this->dispatch_map[$this->methodname]["out"]); $this->debug("got return type from dispatch map: '$type'"); return $type; } return false; } // dbg function debug($string) { if($this->debug_flag) { $this->debug_str .= "$string\n"; } } // add a method to the dispatch map function add_to_map($methodname,$in,$out) { $this->dispatch_map[$methodname]["in"] = $in; $this->dispatch_map[$methodname]["out"] = $out; } // set up a fault function fault() { return CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapmsg', "Fault", array( "faultcode" => $this->fault_code, "faultstring" => $this->fault_str, "faultactor" => $this->fault_actor, "faultdetail" => $this->fault_detail.$this->debug_str ), "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" ); } function make_fault($fault_code,$fault_string) { $this->fault_code = $fault_code; $this->fault_str = $fault_string; $this->fault = true; } } ?>