<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="LinuxDoc-Tools 0.9.21"> <TITLE>phpgwapi - VFS Class: Basic Functions</TITLE> <LINK HREF="vfs-4.html" REL=next> <LINK HREF="vfs-2.html" REL=previous> <LINK HREF="vfs.html#toc3" REL=contents> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="vfs-4.html">Next</A> <A HREF="vfs-2.html">Previous</A> <A HREF="vfs.html#toc3">Contents</A> <HR> <H2><A NAME="sec:basic_functions"></A> <A NAME="s3">3.</A> <A HREF="vfs.html#toc3">Basic Functions</A></H2> <P>There are two functions you'll need to know before we get into relativity.</P> <H2><A NAME="sec:path_parts"></A> <A NAME="ss3.1">3.1</A> <A HREF="vfs.html#toc3.1">path_parts ()</A> </H2> <P>The job of path_parts () is to translate any given file location into its many component parts for any relativity. The values passed to path_parts () are:</P> <P> <PRE> string relatives object </PRE> </P> <P>'string' is the path you want to translate, 'relatives' is the standard relativity array, and 'object' specifies how you would like the return value: if 'object' is True, an object will be returned; if 'object' is False, an array will be returned. I think you'll find the object easier to deal with, and we'll be using it throughout this document. The most important returned values (but not all) for path_parts () are:</P> <P> <PRE> fake_full_path fake_leading_dirs fake_extra_path fake_name real_full_path real_leading_dirs real_extra_path real_name </PRE> </P> <P>Just like you would think, fake_full_path contains the full virtual path of 'string', and real_full_path contains the full real path of 'string'. The fake_name and real_name variables should always be the same, and contain the final file or directory name. The leading_dirs contain everything except the name, and the extra_path is everything from the / before "home" to the end of the leading_dirs. To better illustrate, here is an example:</P> <P> <PRE> $p = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->path_parts (array( 'string' => '/home/jason/dir/file', 'relatives' => array( RELATIVE_NONE ) )); </PRE> </P> <P> <UL> <LI>$p->fake_full_path - /home/jason/dir/file</LI> <LI>$p->fake_leading_dirs - /home/jason/dir</LI> <LI>$p->fake_extra_path - home/jason/dir</LI> <LI>$p->fake_name - file</LI> <LI>$p->real_full_path - /var/www/phpgroupware/files/home/jason/dir/file</LI> <LI>$p->real_leading_dirs - /var/www/phpgroupware/files/home/jason/dir </LI> <LI>$p->real_extra_path - home/jason/dir</LI> <LI>$p->real_name - file</LI> </UL> </P> <P>As you can see, path_parts () is a very useful function and will save you from doing those darn substr ()'s yourself. For those of you used to the prior VFS, note that <EM>getabsolutepath () is depreciated</EM>. getabsolutepath () still exists (albeit in a much different form), and is responsible for some of the path translation, but it is an <EM>internal</EM> function only. Applications should only use path_parts (). We have shown you how to use path_parts () so you can experiment with it using different paths and relativities as we explore relativity.</P> <H2><A NAME="sec:cd"></A> <A NAME="ss3.2">3.2</A> <A HREF="vfs.html#toc3.2">cd ()</A> </H2> <P>Part of the overall goal for the VFS in phpGroupWare is to give the user a seamless experience during their session. For example, if they upload a file using a file manager to the directory /home/my_group/project1, and then go to download an email attachment, the default directory will be /home/my_group/project1. This is accomplished using the cd () function. Examples: </P> <P> <PRE> /* cd to their home directory */ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->cd (array( 'string' => '/' )); /* cd to /home/jason/dir */ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->cd (array( 'string' => '/home/jason/dir', 'relative' => False, 'relatives' => array( RELATIVE_NONE ) )); /* When following the above, cd's to /home/jason/dir/dir2 */ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->cd (array( 'string' => 'dir2', 'relative' => True )); </PRE> </P> <P>If 'relative' is True, the 'string' is simply appended to the current path. If you want to know what the current path is, use $GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->pwd ().</P> <P>Now you're ready for relativity.</P> <HR> <A HREF="vfs-4.html">Next</A> <A HREF="vfs-2.html">Previous</A> <A HREF="vfs.html#toc3">Contents</A> </BODY> </HTML>