* @author Ralf Becker * @author Joerg Lehrke * @package api * @subpackage contacts * @copyright (c) 2005-16 by Ralf Becker * @copyright (c) 2005/6 by Cornelius Weiss * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ namespace EGroupware\Api; use calendar_bo; // to_do: do NOT require it, just use if there use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil; /** * Business object for contacts */ class Contacts extends Contacts\Storage { /** * Birthdays are read into the cache, cache is expired when a * birthday changes, or after 10 days. */ const BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME = 864000; /* 10 days*/ /** * Custom ACL allowing to share into the AB / setting shared_with */ const ACL_SHARED = Acl::CUSTOM1; /** * Mask to allow to share into the AB, at least one of the following need to be set: * - custom ACL_SHARED * - ACL::EDIT */ const CHECK_ACL_SHARED = Acl::EDIT|self::ACL_SHARED; /** * @var int $now_su actual user (!) time */ var $now_su; /** * @var array $timestamps timestamps */ var $timestamps = array('modified','created'); /** * @var array $fileas_types */ var $fileas_types = array( 'org_name: n_family, n_given', 'org_name: n_family, n_prefix', 'org_name: n_given n_family', 'org_name: n_fn', 'org_name, org_unit: n_family, n_given', 'org_name, adr_one_locality: n_family, n_given', 'org_name, org_unit, adr_one_locality: n_family, n_given', 'n_family, n_given: org_name', 'n_family, n_given (org_name)', 'n_family, n_prefix: org_name', 'n_given n_family: org_name', 'n_prefix n_family: org_name', 'n_fn: org_name', 'org_name', 'org_name - org_unit', 'n_given n_family', 'n_prefix n_family', 'n_family, n_given', 'n_family, n_prefix', 'n_fn', 'n_family, n_given (bday)', ); /** * @var array $org_fields fields belonging to the (virtual) organisation entry */ var $org_fields = array( 'org_name', 'org_unit', 'adr_one_street', 'adr_one_street2', 'adr_one_locality', 'adr_one_region', 'adr_one_postalcode', 'adr_one_countryname', 'adr_one_countrycode', 'label', 'tel_work', 'tel_fax', 'tel_assistent', 'assistent', 'email', 'url', 'tz', ); /** * Which fields is a (non-admin) user allowed to edit in his own account * * @var array */ var $own_account_acl; /** * @var double $org_common_factor minimum percentage of the contacts with identical values to construct the "common" (virtual) org-entry */ var $org_common_factor = 0.6; var $contact_fields = array(); var $business_contact_fields = array(); var $home_contact_fields = array(); /** * Set Logging * * @var boolean */ var $log = false; var $logfile = '/tmp/log-addressbook_bo'; /** * Number and message of last error or false if no error, atm. only used for saving * * @var string/boolean */ var $error; /** * Addressbook preferences of the user * * @var array */ var $prefs; /** * Default addressbook for new contacts, if no addressbook is specified (user preference) * * @var int */ var $default_addressbook; /** * Default addressbook is the private one * * @var boolean */ var $default_private; /** * Use a separate private addressbook (former private flag), for contacts not shareable via regular read acl * * @var boolean */ var $private_addressbook = false; /** * Categories object * * @var Categories */ var $categories; /** * Tracking changes * * @var Contacts\Tracking */ protected $tracking; /** * Keep deleted addresses, or really delete them * Set in Admin -> Addressbook -> Site Configuration * ''=really delete, 'history'=keep, only admins delete, 'userpurge'=keep, users delete * * @var string */ protected $delete_history = ''; /** * Constructor * * @param string $contact_app ='addressbook' used for acl->get_grants() * @param Db $db =null */ function __construct($contact_app='addressbook',Db $db=null) { parent::__construct($contact_app,$db); if ($this->log) { $this->logfile = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'].'/log-addressbook_bo'; error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($contact_app)\n", 3 ,$this->logfile); } $this->now_su = DateTime::to('now','ts'); $this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']; if(!isset($this->prefs['hide_accounts'])) { $this->prefs['hide_accounts'] = '0'; } // get the default addressbook from the users prefs $this->default_addressbook = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] ? (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] : $this->user; $this->default_private = substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'],-1) == 'p'; if ($this->default_addressbook > 0 && $this->default_addressbook != $this->user && ($this->default_private || $this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced['addressbook']['add_default'] || $this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default['addressbook']['add_default'])) { $this->default_addressbook = $this->user; // admin set a default or forced pref for personal addressbook } $this->private_addressbook = self::private_addressbook($this->contact_repository == 'sql', $this->prefs); $this->contact_fields = array( 'id' => lang('Contact ID'), 'tid' => lang('Type'), 'owner' => lang('Addressbook'), 'private' => lang('private'), 'cat_id' => lang('Category'), 'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'), 'n_given' => lang('first name'), 'n_middle' => lang('middle name'), 'n_family' => lang('last name'), 'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'), 'n_fn' => lang('full name'), 'n_fileas' => lang('own sorting'), 'bday' => lang('birthday'), 'org_name' => lang('Organisation'), 'org_unit' => lang('Department'), 'title' => lang('title'), 'role' => lang('role'), 'assistent' => lang('Assistent'), 'room' => lang('Room'), 'adr_one_street' => lang('business street'), 'adr_one_street2' => lang('business address line 2'), 'adr_one_locality' => lang('business city'), 'adr_one_region' => lang('business state'), 'adr_one_postalcode' => lang('business zip code'), 'adr_one_countryname' => lang('business country'), 'adr_one_countrycode' => lang('business country code'), 'label' => lang('label'), 'adr_two_street' => lang('street (private)'), 'adr_two_street2' => lang('address line 2 (private)'), 'adr_two_locality' => lang('city (private)'), 'adr_two_region' => lang('state (private)'), 'adr_two_postalcode' => lang('zip code (private)'), 'adr_two_countryname' => lang('country (private)'), 'adr_two_countrycode' => lang('country code (private)'), 'tel_work' => lang('work phone'), 'tel_cell' => lang('mobile phone'), 'tel_fax' => lang('business fax'), 'tel_assistent' => lang('assistent phone'), 'tel_car' => lang('car phone'), 'tel_pager' => lang('pager'), 'tel_home' => lang('home phone'), 'tel_fax_home' => lang('fax (private)'), 'tel_cell_private' => lang('mobile phone (private)'), 'tel_other' => lang('other phone'), 'tel_prefer' => lang('preferred phone'), 'email' => lang('business email'), 'email_home' => lang('email (private)'), 'url' => lang('url (business)'), 'url_home' => lang('url (private)'), 'freebusy_uri' => lang('Freebusy URI'), 'calendar_uri' => lang('Calendar URI'), 'note' => lang('note'), 'tz' => lang('time zone'), 'geo' => lang('geo'), 'pubkey' => lang('public key'), 'created' => lang('created'), 'creator' => lang('created by'), 'modified' => lang('last modified'), 'modifier' => lang('last modified by'), 'jpegphoto' => lang('photo'), 'account_id' => lang('Account ID'), ); $this->business_contact_fields = array( 'org_name' => lang('Company'), 'org_unit' => lang('Department'), 'title' => lang('Title'), 'role' => lang('Role'), 'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'), 'n_given' => lang('first name'), 'n_middle' => lang('middle name'), 'n_family' => lang('last name'), 'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'), 'adr_one_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_one_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_one_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_one_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_one_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_one_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')', ); $this->home_contact_fields = array( 'org_name' => lang('Company'), 'org_unit' => lang('Department'), 'title' => lang('Title'), 'role' => lang('Role'), 'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'), 'n_given' => lang('first name'), 'n_middle' => lang('middle name'), 'n_family' => lang('last name'), 'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'), 'adr_two_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_two_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_two_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_two_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_two_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')', 'adr_two_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')', ); //_debug_array($this->contact_fields); $this->own_account_acl = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['own_account_acl']; if (!is_array($this->own_account_acl)) $this->own_account_acl = json_php_unserialize($this->own_account_acl, true); // we have only one acl (n_fn) for the whole name, as not all backends store every part in an own field if ($this->own_account_acl && in_array('n_fn',$this->own_account_acl)) { $this->own_account_acl = array_merge($this->own_account_acl,array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix')); } if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update']) { $this->org_fields = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update']; if (!is_array($this->org_fields)) $this->org_fields = unserialize($this->org_fields); // Set country code if country name is selected $supported_fields = $this->get_fields('supported',null,0); if(in_array('adr_one_countrycode', $supported_fields) && in_array('adr_one_countryname',$this->org_fields)) { $this->org_fields[] = 'adr_one_countrycode'; } if(in_array('adr_two_countrycode', $supported_fields) && in_array('adr_two_countryname',$this->org_fields)) { $this->org_fields[] = 'adr_two_countrycode'; } } $this->categories = new Categories($this->user,'addressbook'); $this->delete_history = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['history']; } /** * Do we use a private addressbook (in comparison to a personal one) * * Used to set $this->private_addressbook for current user. * * @param string $contact_repository * @param array $prefs addressbook preferences * @return boolean */ public static function private_addressbook($contact_repository, array $prefs=null) { return $contact_repository == 'sql' && $prefs['private_addressbook']; } /** * Get the availible addressbooks of the user * * @param int $required =Acl::READ required rights on the addressbook or multiple rights or'ed together, * to return only addressbooks fullfilling all the given rights * @param ?string $extra_label first label if given (already translated) * @param ?int $user =null account_id or null for current user * @param boolean $check_all =true false: only require any of the given right-bits is set * @return array with owner => label pairs */ function get_addressbooks($required=Acl::READ,$extra_label=null,$user=null,$check_all=true) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = $this->user; $preferences = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']; $grants = $this->grants; } else { $prefs_obj = new Preferences($user); $preferences = $prefs_obj->read_repository(); $grants = $this->get_grants($user, 'addressbook', $preferences); } $addressbooks = $to_sort = array(); if ($extra_label) $addressbooks[''] = $extra_label; $addressbooks[$user] = lang('Personal'); // add all group addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too foreach($grants as $uid => $rights) { if (self::is_set($rights, $required, $check_all) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'g') { $to_sort[$uid] = lang('Group %1',$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid)); } } if ($to_sort) { asort($to_sort); $addressbooks += $to_sort; } if ($required != Acl::ADD && // do NOT allow to set accounts as default addressbook (AB can add accounts) $preferences['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== '1' && ( ($grants[0] & $required) == $required || $preferences['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' && $this->account_repository != 'ldap' && ($required & Acl::READ))) { $addressbooks[0] = lang('Accounts'); } // add all other user addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too $to_sort = array(); foreach($grants as $uid => $rights) { if ($uid != $user && self::is_set($rights, $required, $check_all) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'u') { $to_sort[$uid] = Accounts::username($uid); } } if ($to_sort) { asort($to_sort); $addressbooks += $to_sort; } if ($user > 0 && self::private_addressbook($this->contact_repository, $preferences['addressbook'])) { $addressbooks[$user.'p'] = lang('Private'); } return $addressbooks; } /** * Check rights for one or more required rights * @param int $rights * @param int $required * @param boolean $check_all =true false: only require any of the given right-bits is set * @return bool */ private static function is_set($rights, $required, $check_all=true) { $result = $rights & $required; return $check_all ? $result == $required : $result !== 0; } /** * calculate the file_as string from the contact and the file_as type * * @param array $contact * @param string $type =null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one * @param boolean $isUpdate =false If true, reads the old record for any not set fields * @return string */ function fileas($contact,$type=null, $isUpdate=false) { if (is_null($type)) $type = $contact['fileas_type']; if (!$type) $type = $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0]; if (strpos($type,'n_fn') !== false) $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact); if($isUpdate) { $fileas_fields = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix','n_fn','org_name','org_unit','adr_one_locality','bday'); $old = null; foreach($fileas_fields as $field) { if(!isset($contact[$field])) { if(is_null($old)) $old = $this->read($contact['id']); $contact[$field] = $old[$field]; } } unset($old); } // removing empty delimiters, caused by empty contact fields $fileas = str_replace(array(', , : ',', : ',': , ',', , ',': : ',' ()'), array(': ',': ',': ',', ',': ',''), strtr($type, array( 'n_prefix' => $contact['n_prefix'], 'n_given' => $contact['n_given'], 'n_middle' => $contact['n_middle'], 'n_family' => $contact['n_family'], 'n_suffix' => $contact['n_suffix'], 'n_fn' => $contact['n_fn'], 'org_name' => $contact['org_name'], 'org_unit' => $contact['org_unit'], 'adr_one_locality' => $contact['adr_one_locality'], 'bday' => (int)$contact['bday'] ? DateTime::to($contact['bday'], true) : $contact['bday'], ))); while ($fileas[0] == ':' || $fileas[0] == ',') { $fileas = substr($fileas,2); } while (substr($fileas,-2) == ': ' || substr($fileas,-2) == ', ') { $fileas = substr($fileas,0,-2); } return $fileas; } /** * determine the file_as type from the file_as string and the contact * * @param array $contact * @param string $file_as =null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one * @return string */ function fileas_type($contact,$file_as=null) { if (is_null($file_as)) $file_as = $contact['n_fileas']; if ($file_as) { foreach($this->fileas_types as $type) { if ($this->fileas($contact,$type) == $file_as) { return $type; } } } return $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0]; } /** * get selectbox options for the customfields * * @param array $field =null * @return array with options: */ public static function cf_options() { $cf_fields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook',TRUE); foreach ($cf_fields as $key => $value ) { $options[$key]= $value['label']; } return $options; } /** * get selectbox options for the fileas types with translated labels, or real content * * @param array $contact =null real content to use, default none * @return array with options: fileas type => label pairs */ function fileas_options($contact=null) { $labels = array( 'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'), 'n_given' => lang('first name'), 'n_middle' => lang('middle name'), 'n_family' => lang('last name'), 'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'), 'n_fn' => lang('full name'), 'org_name' => lang('company'), 'org_unit' => lang('department'), 'adr_one_locality' => lang('city'), 'bday' => lang('Birthday'), ); foreach(array_keys($labels) as $name) { if ($contact[$name]) $labels[$name] = $contact[$name]; } foreach($this->fileas_types as $fileas_type) { $options[$fileas_type] = $this->fileas($labels,$fileas_type); } return $options; } /** * Set n_fileas (and n_fn) in contacts of all users (called by Admin >> Addressbook >> Site configuration (Admin only) * * If $all all fileas fields will be set, if !$all only empty ones * * @param string $fileas_type '' or type of $this->fileas_types * @param int $all =false update all contacts or only ones with empty values * @param int &$errors=null on return number of errors * @return int|boolean number of contacts updated, false for wrong fileas type */ function set_all_fileas($fileas_type,$all=false,&$errors=null,$ignore_acl=false) { if ($fileas_type != '' && !in_array($fileas_type, $this->fileas_types)) { return false; } if ($ignore_acl) { unset($this->somain->grants); // to NOT limit search to contacts readable by current user } // to be able to work on huge contact repositories we read the contacts in chunks of 100 for($n = $updated = $errors = 0; ($contacts = parent::search($all ? array() : array( 'n_fileas IS NULL', "n_fileas=''", 'n_fn IS NULL', "n_fn=''", ),false,'','','',false,'OR',array($n*100,100))); ++$n) { foreach($contacts as $contact) { $old_fn = $contact['n_fn']; $old_fileas = $contact['n_fileas']; $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact); // only update fileas if type is given AND (all should be updated or n_fileas is empty) if ($fileas_type && ($all || empty($contact['n_fileas']))) { $contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact,$fileas_type); } if ($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] || $old_fn != $contact['n_fn']) { // only specify/write updated fields plus "keys" $contact = array_intersect_key($contact,array( 'id' => true, 'owner' => true, 'private' => true, 'account_id' => true, 'uid' => true, )+($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] ? array('n_fileas' => true) : array())+($old_fn != $contact['n_fn'] ? array('n_fn' => true) : array())); if ($this->save($contact,$ignore_acl)) { $updated++; } else { $errors++; } } } } return $updated; } /** * Cleanup all contacts db fields of all users (called by Admin >> Addressbook >> Site configuration (Admin only) * * Cleanup means to truncate all unnecessary chars like whitespaces or tabs, * remove unneeded carriage returns or set empty fields to NULL * * @param int &$errors=null on return number of errors * @return int|boolean number of contacts updated */ function set_all_cleanup(&$errors=null,$ignore_acl=false) { if ($ignore_acl) { unset($this->somain->grants); // to NOT limit search to contacts readable by current user } // fields that must not be touched $fields_exclude = array( 'id' => true, 'tid' => true, 'owner' => true, 'private' => true, 'created' => true, 'creator' => true, 'modified' => true, 'modifier' => true, 'account_id' => true, 'etag' => true, 'uid' => true, 'freebusy_uri' => true, 'calendar_uri' => true, 'photo' => true, ); // to be able to work on huge contact repositories we read the contacts in chunks of 100 for($n = $updated = $errors = 0; ($contacts = parent::search(array(),false,'','','',false,'OR',array($n*100,100))); ++$n) { foreach($contacts as $contact) { $fields_to_update = array(); foreach($contact as $field_name => $field_value) { if($fields_exclude[$field_name] === true) continue; // dont touch specified field if (is_string($field_value) && $field_name != 'pubkey' && $field_name != 'jpegphoto') { // check if field has to be trimmed if (strlen($field_value) != strlen(trim($field_value))) { $fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = trim($field_value); } // check if field contains a carriage return - exclude notes if ($field_name != 'note' && strpos($field_value,"\x0D\x0A") !== false) { $fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = str_replace("\x0D\x0A"," ",$field_value); } } // check if a field contains an empty string if (is_string($field_value) && strlen($field_value) == 0) { $fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = null; } // check for valid birthday date if ($field_name == 'bday' && $field_value != null && !preg_match('/^(18|19|20|21|22)\d{2}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/',$field_value)) { $fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = null; } } if(count($fields_to_update) > 0) { $contact_to_save = array( 'id' => $contact['id'], 'owner' => $contact['owner'], 'private' => $contact['private'], 'account_id' => $contact['account_id'], 'uid' => $contact['uid']) + $fields_to_update; if ($this->save($contact_to_save,$ignore_acl)) { $updated++; } else { $errors++; } } } } return $updated; } /** * get full name from the name-parts * * @param array $contact * @return string full name */ function fullname($contact) { if (empty($contact['n_family']) && empty($contact['n_given'])) { $cpart = array('org_name'); } else { $cpart = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix'); } $parts = array(); foreach($cpart as $n) { if ($contact[$n]) $parts[] = $contact[$n]; } return implode(' ',$parts); } /** * changes the data from the db-format to your work-format * * it gets called everytime when data is read from the db * This function needs to be reimplemented in the derived class * * @param array $data * @param $date_format ='ts' date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp, 'server'=timestamp in server-time, 'array'=array or string with date-format * * @return array updated data */ function db2data($data, $date_format='ts') { static $fb_url = false; // convert timestamps from server-time in the db to user-time foreach ($this->timestamps as $name) { if (isset($data[$name])) { $data[$name] = DateTime::server2user($data[$name], $date_format); } } $data['photo'] = $this->photo_src($data['id'],$data['jpegphoto'] || ($data['files'] & self::FILES_BIT_PHOTO), '', $data['etag']); // set freebusy_uri for accounts if (!$data['freebusy_uri'] && !$data['owner'] && $data['account_id'] && !is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup'])) { if ($fb_url || @is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/calendar/inc')) { $fb_url = true; $user = isset($data['account_lid']) ? $data['account_lid'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($data['account_id']); $data['freebusy_uri'] = calendar_bo::freebusy_url($user); } } return $data; } /** * src for photo: returns array with linkparams if jpeg exists or the $default image-name if not * @param int $id contact_id * @param boolean $jpeg =false jpeg exists or not * @param string $default ='' image-name to use if !$jpeg, eg. 'template' * @param string $etag =null etag to set in url to allow caching with Expires header * @return string */ function photo_src($id,$jpeg,$default='',$etag=null) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($id, ..., etag=$etag) ". function_backtrace()); return $jpeg || !$default ? Egw::link('/api/avatar.php', array( 'contact_id' => $id, 'lavatar' => !$jpeg ? true : false )+(isset($etag) ? array( 'etag' => $etag ) : array())) : $default; } /** * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format * * It gets called everytime when data gets writen into db or on keys for db-searches * this needs to be reimplemented in the derived class * * @param array $data * @param $date_format ='ts' date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp, 'server'=timestamp in server-time, 'array'=array or string with date-format * * @return array upated data */ function data2db($data, $date_format='ts') { // convert timestamps from user-time to server-time in the db foreach ($this->timestamps as $name) { if (isset($data[$name])) { $data[$name] = DateTime::user2server($data[$name], $date_format); } } return $data; } /** * deletes contact in db * * @param mixed &$contact contact array with key id or (array of) id(s) * @param boolean $deny_account_delete =true if true never allow to delete accounts * @param int $check_etag =null * @return boolean|int true on success or false on failiure, 0 if etag does not match */ function delete($contact,$deny_account_delete=true,$check_etag=null) { if (is_array($contact) && isset($contact['id'])) { $contact = array($contact); } elseif (!is_array($contact)) { $contact = array($contact); } foreach($contact as $c) { $id = is_array($c) ? $c['id'] : $c; $ok = false; if ($this->check_perms(Acl::DELETE,$c,$deny_account_delete)) { if (!($old = $this->read($id))) return false; // check if we only mark contacts as deleted, or really delete them // already marked as deleted item and accounts are always really deleted // we cant mark accounts as deleted, as no such thing exists for accounts! if ($old['owner'] && $this->delete_history != '' && $old['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE) { $delete = $old; $delete['tid'] = self::DELETED_TYPE; if ($check_etag) $delete['etag'] = $check_etag; if (($ok = $this->save($delete))) $ok = true; // we have to return true or false Link::unlink(0,'addressbook',$id,'','','',true); } elseif (($ok = parent::delete($id,$check_etag))) { Link::unlink(0,'addressbook',$id); } // Don't notify of final purge if ($ok && $old['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE) { if (!isset($this->tracking)) $this->tracking = new Contacts\Tracking($this); $this->tracking->track(array('id' => $id), array('id' => $id), null, true); } } else { break; } } //error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($contact).', deny_account_delete='.array2string($deny_account_delete).', check_etag='.array2string($check_etag).' returning '.array2string($ok)); return $ok; } /** * saves contact to db * * @param array &$contact contact array from etemplate::exec * @param boolean $ignore_acl =false should the acl be checked or not * @param boolean $touch_modified =true should modified/r be updated * @return int/string/boolean id on success, false on failure, the error-message is in $this->error */ function save(&$contact, $ignore_acl=false, $touch_modified=true) { $update_type = "update"; // Make sure photo remains unchanged unless its purposely set to be false // which means photo has changed. if (!array_key_exists('photo_unchanged',$contact)) $contact['photo_unchanged'] = true; // remember if we add or update a entry if (($isUpdate = $contact['id'])) { if (!isset($contact['owner']) || !isset($contact['private'])) // owner/private not set on update, eg. SyncML { if (($old = $this->read($contact['id']))) // --> try reading the old entry and set it from there { if(!isset($contact['owner'])) { $contact['owner'] = $old['owner']; } if(!isset($contact['private'])) { $contact['private'] = $old['private']; } } else // entry not found --> create a new one { $isUpdate = $contact['id'] = null; $update_type = "add"; } } } else { // if no owner/addressbook set use the setting of the add_default prefs (if set, otherwise the users personal addressbook) if (!isset($contact['owner'])) $contact['owner'] = $this->default_addressbook; if (!isset($contact['private'])) $contact['private'] = (int)$this->default_private; // do NOT allow to create new accounts via addressbook, they are broken without an account_id if (!$contact['owner'] && empty($contact['account_id'])) { $contact['owner'] = $this->default_addressbook ? $this->default_addressbook : $this->user; } // allow admins to import contacts with creator / created date set if (!$contact['creator'] || !$ignore_acl && !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['creator'] = $this->user; if (!$contact['created'] || !$ignore_acl && !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['created'] = $this->now_su; if (!$contact['tid']) $contact['tid'] = 'n'; $update_type = "add"; } // ensure accounts and group addressbooks are never private! if ($contact['owner'] <= 0) { $contact['private'] = 0; } if(!$ignore_acl && !$this->check_perms($isUpdate ? Acl::EDIT : Acl::ADD,$contact)) { $this->error = 'access denied'; return false; } // resize image to 60px width if (!empty($contact['jpegphoto'])) { $contact['jpegphoto'] = $this->resize_photo($contact['jpegphoto']); } // convert categories if (is_array($contact['cat_id'])) { $contact['cat_id'] = implode(',',$contact['cat_id']); } // Update country codes foreach(array('adr_one_', 'adr_two_') as $c_prefix) { if($contact[$c_prefix.'countryname'] && !$contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] && $code = Country::country_code($contact[$c_prefix.'countryname'])) { if(strlen($code) == 2) { $contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] = $code; } else { $contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] = null; } } if($contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] != null) { $contact[$c_prefix.'countryname'] = null; } } // last modified if ($touch_modified) { $contact['modifier'] = $this->user; $contact['modified'] = $this->now_su; } // set full name and fileas from the content if (!isset($contact['n_fn'])) { $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact); } if (isset($contact['org_name'])) $contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact, null, false); // Get old record for tracking changes if (!isset($old) && $isUpdate) { $old = $this->read($contact['id']); } $to_write = $contact; // (non-admin) user editing his own account, make sure he does not change fields he is not allowed to (eg. via SyncML or xmlrpc) if (!$ignore_acl && !$contact['owner'] && !($this->is_admin($contact) || $this->allow_account_edit())) { foreach(array_keys($contact) as $field) { if (!in_array($field,$this->own_account_acl) && !in_array($field,array('id','owner','account_id','modified','modifier', 'photo_unchanged'))) { // user is not allowed to change that if ($old) { $to_write[$field] = $contact[$field] = $old[$field]; } else { unset($to_write[$field]); } } } } // IF THE OLD ENTRY IS A ACCOUNT, dont allow to change the owner/location // maybe we need that for id and account_id as well. if (is_array($old) && (!isset($old['owner']) || empty($old['owner']))) { if (isset($to_write['owner']) && !empty($to_write['owner'])) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Trying to change account to owner:". $to_write['owner'].' Account affected:'.array2string($old).' Data send:'.array2string($to_write)); unset($to_write['owner']); } } if(!($this->error = parent::save($to_write))) { $contact['id'] = $to_write['id']; $contact['uid'] = $to_write['uid']; $contact['etag'] = $to_write['etag']; $contact['files'] = $to_write['files']; // Clear any files saved with new entries // They've been dealt with already and they cause errors with linking foreach(array_keys($this->customfields) as $field) { if(is_array($to_write[Storage::CF_PREFIX.$field])) { unset($to_write[Storage::CF_PREFIX.$field]); } } // if contact is an account and account-relevant data got updated, handle it like account got updated if ($contact['account_id'] && $isUpdate && ($old['email'] != $contact['email'] || $old['n_family'] != $contact['n_family'] || $old['n_given'] != $contact['n_given'])) { // invalidate the cache of the accounts class $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->cache_invalidate($contact['account_id']); // call edit-accout hook, to let other apps know about changed account (names or email) $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = (array)$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($contact['account_id']); Hooks::process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array( 'location' => 'editaccount', ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) } // notify interested apps about changes in the account-contact data if (!$to_write['owner'] && $to_write['account_id'] && $isUpdate) { $to_write['location'] = 'editaccountcontact'; Hooks::process($to_write,False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones)); } // Check for restore of deleted contact, restore held links if($old && $old['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE && $contact['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE) { Link::restore('addressbook', $contact['id']); } // Record change history for sql - doesn't work for LDAP accounts $deleted = ($old['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE || $contact['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE); if(!$contact['account_id'] || $contact['account_id'] && $this->account_repository == 'sql') { if (!isset($this->tracking)) $this->tracking = new Contacts\Tracking($this); $this->tracking->track($to_write, $old ? $old : null, null, $deleted); } // Notify linked apps about changes in the contact data Link::notify_update('addressbook', $contact['id'], $contact, $deleted ? 'delete' : $update_type); // Expire birthday cache for this year and next if birthday changed if($isUpdate && $old['bday'] !== $to_write['bday'] || !$isUpdate && $to_write['bday']) { $year = (int) date('Y',time()); $this->clear_birthday_cache($year, $to_write['owner']); $year++; $this->clear_birthday_cache($year, $to_write['owner']); } } return $this->error ? false : $contact['id']; } /** * Since birthdays are cached for the instance for BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME, we * need to clear them if a birthday changes. * * @param type $year */ protected function clear_birthday_cache($year, $owner) { // Cache is kept per-language, so clear them all foreach(array_keys(Translation::get_installed_langs()) as $lang) { Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-{$owner}-$lang"); } } /** * Resize photo down to 240pixel width and returns it * * Also makes sures photo is a JPEG. * * @param string|FILE $photo string with image or open filedescribtor * @param int $dst_w =240 max width to resize to * @return string with resized jpeg photo, null on error */ public static function resize_photo($photo, $dst_w=240) { if (is_resource($photo)) { $photo = stream_get_contents($photo); } if (empty($photo) || !($image = imagecreatefromstring($photo))) { error_log(__METHOD__."() invalid image!"); return null; } $src_w = imagesx($image); $src_h = imagesy($image); //error_log(__METHOD__."() got image $src_w * $src_h, is_jpeg=".array2string(substr($photo,0,2) === "\377\330")); // if $photo is to width or not a jpeg image --> resize it if ($src_w > $dst_w || cut_bytes($photo,0,2) !== "\377\330") { //error_log(__METHOD__."(,dst_w=$dst_w) src_w=$src_w, cut_bytes(photo,0,2)=".array2string(cut_bytes($photo,0,2)).' --> resizing'); // scale the image to a width of 60 and a height according to the proportion of the source image $resized = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w,$dst_h = round($src_h * $dst_w / $src_w)); imagecopyresized($resized,$image,0,0,0,0,$dst_w,$dst_h,$src_w,$src_h); ob_start(); imagejpeg($resized,null,90); $photo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); imagedestroy($resized); //error_log(__METHOD__."() resized image $src_w*$src_h to $dst_w*$dst_h"); } //else error_log(__METHOD__."(,dst_w=$dst_w) src_w=$src_w, cut_bytes(photo,0,2)=".array2string(cut_bytes($photo,0,2)).' --> NOT resizing'); imagedestroy($image); return $photo; } /** * reads contacts matched by key and puts all cols in the data array * * @param int|string $contact_id * @param boolean $ignore_acl =false true: no acl check * @return array|boolean array with contact data, null if not found or false on no view perms */ function read($contact_id, $ignore_acl=false) { // get so_sql_cf to read private customfields too, if we ignore acl if ($ignore_acl && is_a($this->somain, __CLASS__.'\\Sql')) { $cf_backup = (array)$this->somain->customfields; $this->somain->customfields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook', true); } if (!($data = parent::read($contact_id))) { $data = null; // not found } elseif (!$ignore_acl && !$this->check_perms(Acl::READ,$data)) { $data = false; // no view perms } else { // determine the file-as type $data['fileas_type'] = $this->fileas_type($data); // Update country name from code if($data['adr_one_countrycode'] != null) { $data['adr_one_countryname'] = Country::get_full_name($data['adr_one_countrycode'], true); } if($data['adr_two_countrycode'] != null) { $data['adr_two_countryname'] = Country::get_full_name($data['adr_two_countrycode'], true); } } if (isset($cf_backup)) { $this->somain->customfields = $cf_backup; } //error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($contact_id).') returning '.array2string($data)); return $data; } /** * Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights * * If the access of a contact is set to private, one need a private grant for a personal addressbook * or the group membership for a group-addressbook * * @param int $needed necessary ACL right: Acl::{READ|EDIT|DELETE} * @param mixed $contact contact as array or the contact-id * @param boolean $deny_account_delete =false if true never allow to delete accounts * @param ?int $user =null for which user to check, default current user * @param int $check_shared =3 limits the nesting level of sharing checks, use 0 to NOT check sharing * @return ?boolean|"shared" true permission granted, false for permission denied, null for contact does not exist * "shared" if permission is from sharing */ function check_perms($needed,$contact,$deny_account_delete=false,$user=null,$check_shared=3) { if (!$user) $user = $this->user; if ($user == $this->user) { $grants = $this->grants; $memberships = $this->memberships; } else { $grants = $this->get_grants($user); $memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($user,true); } if ((!is_array($contact) || !isset($contact['owner'])) && !($contact = parent::read(is_array($contact) ? $contact['id'] : $contact))) { return null; } $owner = $contact['owner']; // allow the user to edit his own account if (!$owner && $needed == Acl::EDIT && $contact['account_id'] == $user && $this->own_account_acl) { $access = true; } // dont allow to delete own account (as admin handels it too) elseif (!$owner && $needed == Acl::DELETE && ($deny_account_delete || $contact['account_id'] == $user)) { $access = false; } // for reading accounts (owner == 0) and account_selection == groupmembers, check if current user and contact are groupmembers elseif ($owner == 0 && $needed == Acl::READ && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' && !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) { $access = !!array_intersect($memberships,$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($contact['account_id'],true)); } else if ($contact['id'] && $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('A'.$contact['id'], $needed, 'addressbook')) { $access = true; } else { $access = ($grants[$owner] & $needed) && (!$contact['private'] || ($grants[$owner] & Acl::PRIVAT) || in_array($owner,$memberships)); } // check if we might have access via sharing (not for delete) if ($access === false && !empty($contact['shared']) && $needed != Acl::DELETE && $check_shared > 0) { foreach($contact['shared'] as $shared) { if (isset($grants[$shared['shared_with']]) && (!($needed & Acl::EDIT) || // if shared writable, we check if the one who shared the contact still has edit rights $shared['shared_writable'] && $this->check_perms($needed, $contact, $deny_account_delete, $shared['shared_by'], $check_shared-1))) { $access = "shared"; //error_log(__METHOD__."($needed,$contact[id],$deny_account_delete,$user,$check_shared) shared=".json_encode($shared)." returning ".array2string($access)); break; } } } //error_log(__METHOD__."($needed,$contact[id],$deny_account_delete,$user,$check_shared) returning ".array2string($access)); return $access; } /** * Check if user has right to share with / into given AB * * @param array[]& $shared_with array of arrays with values for keys "shared_with", "shared_by", ... * @param ?string& $error on return error-message * @return array entries removed from $shared_with because current user is not allowed to share into (key is preserved) */ function check_shared_with(array &$shared_with=null, &$error=null) { $removed = []; foreach((array)$shared_with as $key => $shared) { if (!empty($shared['shared_by']) && $shared['shared_by'] != $this->user) { $grants = $this->get_grants($shared['shared_by']); } else { $grants = $this->grants; } if (!($grants[$shared['shared_with']] & self::CHECK_ACL_SHARED)) { $removed[$key] = $shared; unset($shared_with[$key]); } } // allow apps to modifiy $results = []; foreach(Hooks::process([ 'location' => 'check_shared_with', 'shared_with' => &$shared_with, 'removed' => &$removed, ], true) as $result) { if ($result) { $results = array_merge($results, $result); } } if ($results) $error = implode("\n", $results); return $removed; } /** * Check access to the file store * * @param int|array $id id of entry or entry array * @param int $check Acl::READ for read and Acl::EDIT for write or delete access * @param string $rel_path =null currently not used in InfoLog * @param int $user =null for which user to check, default current user * @return boolean true if access is granted or false otherwise */ function file_access($id,$check,$rel_path=null,$user=null) { unset($rel_path); // not used, but required by function signature return $this->check_perms($check,$id,false,$user); } /** * Read (virtual) org-entry (values "common" for most contacts in the given org) * * @param string $org_id org_name:oooooo|||org_unit:uuuuuuuuu|||adr_one_locality:lllllll (org_unit and adr_one_locality are optional) * @return array/boolean array with common org fields or false if org not found */ function read_org($org_id) { if (!$org_id) return false; if (strpos($org_id,'*AND*')!== false) $org_id = str_replace('*AND*','&',$org_id); $org = array(); foreach(explode('|||',$org_id) as $part) { list($name,$value) = explode(':',$part,2); $org[$name] = $value; } $csvs = array('cat_id'); // fields with comma-separated-values // split regular fields and custom fields $custom_fields = $regular_fields = array(); foreach($this->org_fields as $name) { if ($name[0] != '#') { $regular_fields[] = $name; } else { $custom_fields[] = $name = substr($name,1); $regular_fields['id'] = 'id'; if (substr($this->customfields[$name]['type'],0,6)=='select' && $this->customfields[$name]['rows'] || // multiselection $this->customfields[$name]['type'] == 'radio') { $csvs[] = '#'.$name; } } } // read the regular fields $contacts = parent::search('',$regular_fields,'','','',false,'AND',false,$org); if (!$contacts) return false; // if we have custom fields, read and merge them in if ($custom_fields) { foreach($contacts as $contact) { $ids[] = $contact['id']; } if (($cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids,$custom_fields))) { foreach ($contacts as &$contact) { $id = $contact['id']; if (isset($cfs[$id])) { foreach($cfs[$id] as $name => $value) { $contact['#'.$name] = $value; } } } unset($contact); } } // create a statistic about the commonness of each fields values $fields = array(); foreach($contacts as $contact) { foreach($contact as $name => $value) { if (!in_array($name,$csvs)) { $fields[$name][$value]++; } else { // for comma separated fields, we have to use each single value foreach(explode(',',$value) as $val) { $fields[$name][$val]++; } } } } foreach($fields as $name => $values) { if (!in_array($name,$this->org_fields)) continue; arsort($values,SORT_NUMERIC); $value = key($values); $num = current($values); if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor) { if (!in_array($name,$csvs)) { $org[$name] = $value; } else { $org[$name] = array(); foreach ($values as $value => $num) { if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor) { $org[$name][] = $value; } } $org[$name] = implode(',',$org[$name]); } } } return $org; } /** * Return all org-members with same content in one or more of the given fields (only org_fields are counting) * * @param string $org_name * @param array $fields field-name => value pairs * @return array with contacts */ function org_similar($org_name,$fields) { $criteria = array(); foreach($this->org_fields as $name) { if (isset($fields[$name])) { if (empty($fields[$name])) { $criteria[] = "($name IS NULL OR $name='')"; } else { $criteria[$name] = $fields[$name]; } } } return parent::search($criteria,false,'n_family,n_given','','',false,'OR',false,array('org_name'=>$org_name)); } /** * Return the changed fields from two versions of a contact (not modified or modifier) * * @param array $from original/old version of the contact * @param array $to changed/new version of the contact * @param boolean $only_org_fields =true check and return only org_fields, default true * @return array with field-name => value from $from */ function changed_fields($from,$to,$only_org_fields=true) { // we only care about countryname, if contrycode is empty foreach(array( 'adr_one_countryname' => 'adr_one_countrycode', 'adr_two_countryname' => 'adr_one_countrycode', ) as $name => $code) { if (!empty($from[$code])) $from[$name] = ''; if (!empty($to[$code])) $to[$name] = ''; } $changed = array(); foreach($only_org_fields ? $this->org_fields : array_keys($this->contact_fields) as $name) { if (in_array($name,array('modified','modifier'))) // never count these { continue; } if ((string) $from[$name] != (string) $to[$name]) { $changed[$name] = $from[$name]; } } return $changed; } /** * Change given fields in all members of the org with identical content in the field * * @param string $org_name * @param array $from original/old version of the contact * @param array $to changed/new version of the contact * @param array $members =null org-members to change, default null --> function queries them itself * @return array/boolean (changed-members,changed-fields,failed-members) or false if no org_fields changed or no (other) members matching that fields */ function change_org($org_name,$from,$to,$members=null) { if (!($changed = $this->changed_fields($from,$to,true))) return false; if (is_null($members) || !is_array($members)) { $members = $this->org_similar($org_name,$changed); } if (!$members) return false; $ids = array(); foreach($members as $member) { $ids[] = $member['id']; } $customfields = $this->read_customfields($ids); $changed_members = $changed_fields = $failed_members = 0; foreach($members as $member) { if (isset($customfields[$member['id']])) { foreach(array_keys($this->customfields) as $name) { $member['#'.$name] = $customfields[$member['id']][$name]; } } $fields = 0; foreach($changed as $name => $value) { if ((string)$value == (string)$member[$name]) { $member[$name] = $to[$name]; ++$fields; } } if ($fields) { if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::EDIT,$member) || !$this->save($member)) { ++$failed_members; } else { ++$changed_members; $changed_fields += $fields; } } } return array($changed_members,$changed_fields,$failed_members); } /** * get title for a contact identified by $contact * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference. * * @param int|string|array $contact int/string id or array with contact * @return string/boolean string with the title, null if contact does not exitst, false if no perms to view it */ function link_title($contact) { if (!is_array($contact) && $contact) { $contact = $this->read($contact); } if (!is_array($contact)) { return $contact; } $type = $this->prefs['link_title']; if (!$type || $type === 'n_fileas') { if ($contact['n_fileas']) return $contact['n_fileas']; $type = null; } $title = $this->fileas($contact,$type); if (!empty($this->prefs['link_title_cf'])) { $field_list = is_string($this->prefs['link_title_cf']) ? explode(',', $this->prefs['link_title_cf']) : $this->prefs['link_title_cf']; foreach ($field_list as $field) { if($contact['#'.$field]) { $title .= ', ' . $contact['#'.$field]; } } } return $title ; } /** * get title for multiple contacts identified by $ids * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference. * * @param array $ids array with contact-id's * @return array with titles, see link_title */ function link_titles(array $ids) { $titles = array(); if (($contacts =& $this->search(array('contact_id' => $ids),false,'',$extra_cols='','',False,'AND',False,array('tid'=>null)))) { $ids = array(); foreach($contacts as $contact) { $ids[] = $contact['id']; } $cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids); foreach($contacts as $contact) { $titles[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact+(array)$cfs[$contact['id']]); } } // we assume all not returned contacts are not readable for the user (as we report all deleted contacts to egw_link) foreach($ids as $id) { if (!isset($titles[$id])) { $titles[$id] = false; } } return $titles; } /** * query addressbook for contacts matching $pattern * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking * * @param string|array $pattern pattern to search, or an array with a 'search' key * @param array $options Array of options for the search * @return array with id - title pairs of the matching entries */ function link_query($pattern, Array &$options = array()) { $result = $criteria = array(); $limit = false; if ($pattern) { $criteria = is_array($pattern) ? $pattern['search'] : $pattern; } if($options['start'] || $options['num_rows']) { $limit = array($options['start'], $options['num_rows']); } $filter = (array)$options['filter']; if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '1') $filter['account_id'] = null; if (($contacts =& parent::search($criteria,false,'org_name,n_family,n_given,cat_id,contact_email','','%',false,'OR', $limit, $filter))) { $ids = array(); foreach($contacts as $contact) { $ids[] = $contact['id']; } $cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids); foreach($contacts as $contact) { $result[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact+(array)$cfs[$contact['id']]); // make sure to return a correctly quoted rfc822 address, if requested if ($options['type'] === 'email') { $args = explode('@', $contact['email']); $args[] = $result[$contact['id']]; $result[$contact['id']] = call_user_func_array('imap_rfc822_write_address', $args); } // show category color if ($contact['cat_id'] && ($color = Categories::cats2color($contact['cat_id']))) { $result[$contact['id']] = array( 'label' => $result[$contact['id']], 'style.backgroundColor' => $color, ); } } } $options['total'] = $this->total; return $result; } /** * Query for subtype email (returns only contacts with email address set) * * @param string|array $pattern * @param array $options * @return Ambigous string > */ function link_query_email($pattern, Array &$options = array()) { if (isset($options['filter']) && !is_array($options['filter'])) { $options['filter'] = (array)$options['filter']; } // return only contacts with email set $options['filter'][] = "contact_email ".$this->db->capabilities[Db::CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE]." '%@%'"; // let link query know, to append email to list $options['type'] = 'email'; return $this->link_query($pattern,$options); } /** * returns info about contacts for calender * * @param int|array $ids single contact-id or array of id's * @return array */ function calendar_info($ids) { if (!$ids) return null; $data = array(); foreach(!is_array($ids) ? array($ids) : $ids as $id) { if (!($contact = $this->read($id))) continue; $data[] = array( 'res_id' => $id, 'email' => $contact['email'] ? $contact['email'] : $contact['email_home'], 'rights' => Acl::CUSTOM1|Acl::CUSTOM3, // calendar_bo::ACL_READ_FOR_PARTICIPANTS|ACL_INVITE 'name' => $this->link_title($contact), 'cn' => trim($contact['n_given'].' '.$contact['n_family']), ); } return $data; } /** * Read the next and last event of given contacts * * @param array $uids participant IDs. Contacts should be c, user accounts * @param boolean $extra_title =true if true, use a short date only title and put the full title as extra_title (tooltip) * @return array */ function read_calendar($uids,$extra_title=true) { if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'] || $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['disable_event_column'] == 'True' ) { return array(); } $split_uids = array(); $events = array(); foreach($uids as $id => $uid) { $type = is_numeric($uid[0]) ? 'u' : $uid[0]; if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['disable_event_column'] == 'contacts' && $type == 'u') { continue; } $split_uids[$type][$id] = str_replace($type, '', $uid); } foreach($split_uids as $type => $s_uids) { $events += $this->read_calendar_type($s_uids, $type, $extra_title); } return $events; } private function read_calendar_type($uids, $type='c', $extra_title = true) { $calendars = array(); $bocal = new calendar_bo(); $type_field = $type=='u' ? 'account_id' : 'contact_id'; $type_field_varchar = $this->db->to_varchar($type_field); $concat_start_id_recurrance = $this->db->concat('cal_start',"':'",'egw_cal_user.cal_id',"':'",'cal_recur_date'); $now = $this->db->unix_timestamp('NOW()'); $sql = "SELECT n_fn,org_name,$type_field AS user_id, ( SELECT $concat_start_id_recurrance FROM egw_cal_user JOIN egw_cal_dates on egw_cal_dates.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id and (cal_recur_date=0 or cal_recur_date=cal_start) JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id AND egw_cal.cal_deleted IS NULL WHERE cal_user_type='$type' and cal_user_id=$type_field_varchar and cal_start < $now"; if ( !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['show_rejected']) { $sql .= " AND egw_cal_user.cal_status != 'R'"; } $sql .= " order by cal_start DESC Limit 1 ) as last_event, ( SELECT $concat_start_id_recurrance FROM egw_cal_user JOIN egw_cal_dates on egw_cal_dates.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id and (cal_recur_date=0 or cal_recur_date=cal_start) JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id AND egw_cal.cal_deleted IS NULL WHERE cal_user_type='$type' and cal_user_id=$type_field_varchar and cal_start > $now"; if ( !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['show_rejected']) { $sql .= " AND egw_cal_user.cal_status != 'R'"; } $sql .= ' order by cal_recur_date ASC, cal_start ASC Limit 1 ) as next_event FROM egw_addressbook WHERE '.$this->db->expression('egw_addressbook', array($type_field => $uids)); $contacts =& $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); if (!$contacts) return array(); // Extract the event info and generate what is needed for next/last event $do_event = function($key, $contact) use (&$bocal, &$calendars, $type, $extra_title) { list($start, $cal_id, $recur_date) = explode(':', $contact[$key.'_event']); $link = array( 'id' => $cal_id,//.':'.$start, 'app' => 'calendar', 'title' => $bocal->link_title($cal_id . ($start ? '-'.$start : '')), 'extra_args' => array( 'date' => \EGroupware\Api\DateTime::server2user($start,\EGroupware\Api\DateTime::ET2), 'exception'=> 1 ), ); if ($extra_title) { $link['extra_title'] = $link['title']; $link['title'] = \EGroupware\Api\DateTime::server2user($start, true); } $user_id = ($type == 'u' ? '' : $type) . $contact['user_id']; $calendars[$user_id][$key.'_event'] = $start; $calendars[$user_id][$key.'_link'] = $link; }; foreach($contacts as $contact) { if($contact['last_event']) { $do_event('last', $contact); } if($contact['next_event']) { $do_event('next', $contact); } } return $calendars; } /** * Read the holidays (birthdays) from the given addressbook, either from the * instance cache, or read them & cache for next time. Cached for HOLIDAY_CACHE_TIME. * * @param int $addressbook - Addressbook to search. We cache them separately in the instance. * @param int $year */ public function read_birthdays($addressbook, $year) { if (($birthdays = Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-$addressbook-".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'])) !== null) { return $birthdays; } $birthdays = array(); $filter = array( 'owner' => (int)$addressbook, 'n_family' => "!''", 'bday' => "!''", ); $bdays =& $this->search('',array('id','n_family','n_given','n_prefix','n_middle','bday'), 'contact_bday ASC', '', '', false, 'AND', false, $filter); if ($bdays) { // sort by month and day only usort($bdays, function($a, $b) { return (int) $a['bday'] == (int) $b['bday'] ? strcmp($a['bday'], $b['bday']) : (int) $a['bday'] - (int) $b['bday']; }); foreach($bdays as $pers) { if (empty($pers['bday']) || $pers['bday']=='0000-00-00 0' || $pers['bday']=='0000-00-00' || $pers['bday']=='0.0.00') { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Skipping entry for invalid birthday:'.array2string($pers)); continue; } list($y,$m,$d) = explode('-',$pers['bday']); if ($y > $year) { // not yet born continue; } $birthdays[sprintf('%04d%02d%02d',$year,$m,$d)][] = array( 'day' => $d, 'month' => $m, 'occurence' => 0, 'name' => implode(' ', array_filter(array(lang('Birthday'),($pers['n_given'] ? $pers['n_given'] : $pers['n_prefix']), $pers['n_middle'], $pers['n_family'], ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['hide_birthdays'] == 'age' ? ($year - $y): '')))). ($y && in_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['hide_birthdays'], array('','age')) ? ' ('.$y.')' : ''), 'birthyear' => $y, // this can be used to identify birthdays from holidays ); } } Cache::setInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-$addressbook-".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'], $birthdays, self::BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME); return $birthdays; } /** * Called by delete-account hook, when an account get deleted --> deletes/moves the personal addressbook * * @param array $data */ function deleteaccount($data) { // delete/move personal addressbook parent::deleteaccount($data); } /** * Called by delete_category hook, when a category gets deleted. * Removes the category from addresses */ function delete_category($data) { // get all cats if you want to drop sub cats $drop_subs = ($data['drop_subs'] && !$data['modify_subs']); if($drop_subs) { $cats = new Categories('', 'addressbook'); $cat_ids = $cats->return_all_children($data['cat_id']); } else { $cat_ids = array($data['cat_id']); } // Get addresses that use the category @set_time_limit( 0 ); foreach($cat_ids as $cat_id) { if (($ids = $this->search(array('cat_id' => $cat_id), false))) { foreach($ids as &$info) { $info['cat_id'] = implode(',',array_diff(explode(',',$info['cat_id']), $cat_ids)); $this->save($info); } } } } /** * Merges some given addresses into the first one and delete the others * * If one of the other addresses is an account, everything is merged into the account. * If two accounts are in $ids, the function fails (returns false). * * @param array $ids contact-id's to merge * @return int number of successful merged contacts, false on a fatal error (eg. cant merge two accounts) */ function merge($ids) { $this->error = false; $account = null; $custom_fields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook', true); $custom_field_list = $this->read_customfields($ids); foreach(parent::search(array('id'=>$ids),false) as $contact) // $this->search calls the extended search from ui! { if ($contact['account_id']) { if (!is_null($account)) { echo $this->error = 'Can not merge more then one account!'; return false; // we dont deal with two accounts! } $account = $contact; continue; } // Add in custom fields if (is_array($custom_field_list[$contact['id']])) $contact = array_merge($contact, $custom_field_list[$contact['id']]); $pos = array_search($contact['id'],$ids); $contacts[$pos] = $contact; } if (!is_null($account)) // we found an account, so we merge the contacts into it { $target = $account; unset($account); } else // we found no account, so we merge all but the first into the first { $target = $contacts[0]; unset($contacts[0]); } if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::EDIT,$target)) { echo $this->error = 'No edit permission for the target contact!'; return 0; } foreach($contacts as $contact) { foreach($contact as $name => $value) { if (!$value) continue; switch($name) { case 'id': case 'tid': case 'owner': case 'private': case 'etag'; break; // ignored case 'cat_id': // cats are all merged together if (!is_array($target['cat_id'])) $target['cat_id'] = $target['cat_id'] ? explode(',',$target['cat_id']) : array(); $target['cat_id'] = array_unique(array_merge($target['cat_id'],is_array($value)?$value:explode(',',$value))); break; default: // Multi-select custom fields can also be merged if($name[0] == '#') { $c_name = substr($name, 1); if($custom_fields[$c_name]['type'] == 'select' && $custom_fields[$c_name]['rows'] > 1) { if (!is_array($target[$name])) $target[$name] = $target[$name] ? explode(',',$target[$name]) : array(); $target[$name] = implode(',',array_unique(array_merge($target[$name],is_array($value)?$value:explode(',',$value)))); } } if (!$target[$name]) $target[$name] = $value; break; } } // Merge distribution lists $lists = $this->read_distributionlist(array($contact['id'])); foreach($lists[$contact['id']] as $list_id => $list_name) { parent::add2list($target['id'], $list_id); } } if (!$this->save($target)) return 0; $success = 1; foreach($contacts as $contact) { if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::DELETE,$contact)) { continue; } foreach(Link::get_links('addressbook',$contact['id']) as $data) { //_debug_array(array('function'=>__METHOD__,'line'=>__LINE__,'app'=>'addressbook','id'=>$contact['id'],'data:'=>$data,'target'=>$target['id'])); // info_from and info_link_id (main link) $newlinkID = Link::link('addressbook',$target['id'],$data['app'],$data['id'],$data['remark'],$target['owner']); //_debug_array(array('newLinkID'=>$newlinkID)); if ($newlinkID) { // update egw_infolog set info_link_id=$newlinkID where info_id=$data['id'] and info_link_id=$data['link_id'] if ($data['app']=='infolog') { $this->db->update('egw_infolog',array( 'info_link_id' => $newlinkID ),array( 'info_id' => $data['id'], 'info_link_id' => $data['link_id'] ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'infolog'); } unset($newlinkID); } } // Update calendar $this->merge_calendar('c'.$contact['id'], $target['account_id'] ? 'u'.$target['account_id'] : 'c'.$target['id']); if ($this->delete($contact['id'])) $success++; } return $success; } /** * Change the contact ID in any calendar events from the old contact ID * to the new merged ID * * @param int $old_id * @param int $new_id */ protected function merge_calendar($old_id, $new_id) { static $bo; if(!is_object($bo)) { $bo = new \calendar_boupdate(); } // Find all events with this contact $events = $bo->search(array('users' => $old_id, 'ignore_acl' => true)); foreach($events as $event) { $event['participants'][$new_id] = $event['participants'][$old_id]; unset($event['participants'][$old_id]); // Quietly update, ignoring ACL & no notifications $bo->update($event, true, true, true, true, $messages, true); } } /** * Some caching for lists within request * * @var array */ private static $list_cache = array(); /** * Check if user has required rights for a list or list-owner * * @param int $list * @param int $required * @param int $owner =null * @return boolean */ function check_list($list,$required,$owner=null) { if ($list && ($list_data = $this->read_list($list))) { $owner = $list_data['list_owner']; } //error_log(__METHOD__."($list, $required, $owner) grants[$owner]=".$this->grants[$owner]." returning ".array2string(!!($this->grants[$owner] & $required))); return !!($this->grants[$owner] & $required); } /** * Adds / updates a distribution list * * @param string|array $keys list-name or array with column-name => value pairs to specify the list * @param int $owner user- or group-id * @param array $contacts =array() contacts to add (only for not yet existing lists!) * @param array &$data=array() values for keys 'list_uid', 'list_carddav_name', 'list_name' * @return int|boolean integer list_id or false on error */ function add_list($keys,$owner,$contacts=array(),array &$data=array()) { if (!$this->check_list(null,Acl::ADD|Acl::EDIT,$owner)) return false; try { $ret = parent::add_list($keys,$owner,$contacts,$data); if ($ret) unset(self::$list_cache[$ret]); } // catch sql error, as creating same name&owner list gives a sql error doublicate key catch(Db\Exception\InvalidSql $e) { unset($e); // not used return false; } return $ret; } /** * Adds contacts to a distribution list * * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s) * @param int $list list-id * @param array $existing =null array of existing contact-id(s) of list, to not reread it, eg. array() * @return false on error */ function add2list($contact,$list,array $existing=null) { if (!$this->check_list($list,Acl::EDIT)) return false; unset(self::$list_cache[$list]); return parent::add2list($contact,$list,$existing); } /** * Removes one contact from distribution list(s) * * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s) * @param int $list list-id * @return false on error */ function remove_from_list($contact,$list=null) { if ($list && !$this->check_list($list,Acl::EDIT)) return false; if ($list) { unset(self::$list_cache[$list]); } else { self::$list_cache = array(); } return parent::remove_from_list($contact,$list); } /** * Deletes a distribution list (incl. it's members) * * @param int|array $list list_id(s) * @return number of members deleted or false if list does not exist */ function delete_list($list) { foreach((array)$list as $l) { if (!$this->check_list($l, Acl::DELETE)) return false; unset(self::$list_cache[$l]); } return parent::delete_list($list); } /** * Read data of a distribution list * * @param int $list list_id * @return array of data or false if list does not exist */ function read_list($list) { if (isset(self::$list_cache[$list])) return self::$list_cache[$list]; return self::$list_cache[$list] = parent::read_list($list); } /** * Get the address-format of a country * * This is a good reference where I got nearly all information, thanks to mikaelarhelger-AT-gmail.com * http://www.bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.html * * Mail me (RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de) if you want your nation added or fixed. * * @param string $country * @return string 'city_state_postcode' (eg. US) or 'postcode_city' (eg. DE) */ function addr_format_by_country($country) { $code = Country::country_code($country); switch($code) { case 'AU': case 'CA': case 'GB': // not exactly right, postcode is in separate line case 'HK': // not exactly right, they have no postcode case 'IN': case 'ID': case 'IE': // not exactly right, they have no postcode case 'JP': // not exactly right case 'KR': case 'LV': case 'NZ': case 'TW': case 'SA': // not exactly right, postcode is in separate line case 'SG': case 'US': $adr_format = 'city_state_postcode'; break; case 'AR': case 'AT': case 'BE': case 'CH': case 'CZ': case 'DK': case 'EE': case 'ES': case 'FI': case 'FR': case 'DE': case 'GL': case 'IS': case 'IL': case 'IT': case 'LT': case 'LU': case 'MY': case 'MX': case 'NL': case 'NO': case 'PL': case 'PT': case 'RO': case 'RU': case 'SE': $adr_format = 'postcode_city'; break; default: $adr_format = $this->prefs['addr_format'] ? $this->prefs['addr_format'] : 'postcode_city'; } return $adr_format; } /** * Find existing categories in database by name or add categories that do not exist yet * currently used for vcard import * * @param array $catname_list names of the categories which should be found or added * @param int $contact_id =null match against existing contact and expand the returned category ids * by the ones the user normally does not see due to category permissions - used to preserve categories * @return array category ids (found, added and preserved categories) */ function find_or_add_categories($catname_list, $contact_id=null) { if ($contact_id && $contact_id > 0 && ($old_contact = $this->read($contact_id))) { // preserve categories without users read access $old_categories = explode(',',$old_contact['cat_id']); $old_cats_preserve = array(); if (is_array($old_categories) && count($old_categories) > 0) { foreach ($old_categories as $cat_id) { if (!$this->categories->check_perms(Acl::READ, $cat_id)) { $old_cats_preserve[] = $cat_id; } } } } $cat_id_list = array(); foreach ((array)$catname_list as $cat_name) { $cat_name = trim($cat_name); $cat_id = $this->categories->name2id($cat_name, 'X-'); if (!$cat_id) { // some SyncML clients (mostly phones) add an X- to the category names if (strncmp($cat_name, 'X-', 2) == 0) { $cat_name = substr($cat_name, 2); } $cat_id = $this->categories->add(array('name' => $cat_name, 'descr' => $cat_name, 'access' => 'private')); } if ($cat_id) { $cat_id_list[] = $cat_id; } } if (is_array($old_cats_preserve) && count($old_cats_preserve) > 0) { $cat_id_list = array_merge($cat_id_list, $old_cats_preserve); } if (count($cat_id_list) > 1) { $cat_id_list = array_unique($cat_id_list); sort($cat_id_list, SORT_NUMERIC); } //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($catname_list).", $contact_id) returning ".array2string($cat_id_list)); return $cat_id_list; } function get_categories($cat_id_list) { if (!is_object($this->categories)) { $this->categories = new Categories($this->user,'addressbook'); } if (!is_array($cat_id_list)) { $cat_id_list = explode(',',$cat_id_list); } $cat_list = array(); foreach($cat_id_list as $cat_id) { if ($cat_id && $this->categories->check_perms(Acl::READ, $cat_id) && ($cat_name = $this->categories->id2name($cat_id)) && $cat_name != '--') { $cat_list[] = $cat_name; } } return $cat_list; } function fixup_contact(&$contact) { if (empty($contact['n_fn'])) { $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact); } if (empty($contact['n_fileas'])) { $contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact); } } /** * Try to find a matching db entry * * @param array $contact the contact data we try to find * @param boolean $relax =false if asked to relax, we only match against some key fields * @return array od matching contact_ids */ function find_contact($contact, $relax=false) { $empty_addr_one = $empty_addr_two = true; if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '('. ($relax ? 'RELAX': 'EXACT') . ')[ContactData]:' . array2string($contact) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } $matchingContacts = array(); if ($contact['id'] && ($found = $this->read($contact['id']))) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[ContactID]: ' . $contact['id'] . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } // We only do a simple consistency check if (!$relax || ((empty($found['n_family']) || $found['n_family'] == $contact['n_family']) && (empty($found['n_given']) || $found['n_given'] == $contact['n_given']) && (empty($found['org_name']) || $found['org_name'] == $contact['org_name']))) { return array($found['id']); } } unset($contact['id']); if (!$relax && !empty($contact['uid'])) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[ContactUID]: ' . $contact['uid'] . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } // Try the given UID first $criteria = array ('contact_uid' => $contact['uid']); if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria))) { foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact) { $matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id']; } } return $matchingContacts; } unset($contact['uid']); $columns_to_search = array('n_family', 'n_given', 'n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix', 'bday', 'org_name', 'org_unit', 'title', 'role', 'email', 'email_home'); $tolerance_fields = array('n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix', 'bday', 'org_unit', 'title', 'role', 'email', 'email_home'); $addr_one_fields = array('adr_one_street', 'adr_one_locality', 'adr_one_region', 'adr_one_postalcode'); $addr_two_fields = array('adr_two_street', 'adr_two_locality', 'adr_two_region', 'adr_two_postalcode'); if (!empty($contact['owner'])) { $columns_to_search += array('owner'); } $criteria = array(); foreach ($columns_to_search as $field) { if ($relax && in_array($field, $tolerance_fields)) continue; if (empty($contact[$field])) { // Not every device supports all fields if (!in_array($field, $tolerance_fields)) { $criteria[$field] = ''; } } else { $criteria[$field] = $contact[$field]; } } if (!$relax) { // We use addresses only for strong matching foreach ($addr_one_fields as $field) { if (empty($contact[$field])) { $criteria[$field] = ''; } else { $empty_addr_one = false; $criteria[$field] = $contact[$field]; } } foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field) { if (empty($contact[$field])) { $criteria[$field] = ''; } else { $empty_addr_two = false; $criteria[$field] = $contact[$field]; } } } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[Addressbook FIND Step 1]: ' . 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } // first try full match if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true))) { foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact) { $matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id']; } } // No need for more searches for relaxed matching if ($relax || count($matchingContacts)) return $matchingContacts; if (!$empty_addr_one && $empty_addr_two) { // try given address and ignore the second one in EGW foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field) { unset($criteria[$field]); } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[Addressbook FIND Step 2]: ' . 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true))) { foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact) { $matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id']; } } else { // try address as home address -- some devices don't qualify addresses foreach ($addr_two_fields as $key => $field) { $criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]]; unset($criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]]); } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[Addressbook FIND Step 3]: ' . 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true))) { foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact) { $matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id']; } } } } elseif (!$empty_addr_one && !$empty_addr_two) { // try again after address swap foreach ($addr_one_fields as $key => $field) { $_temp = $criteria[$field]; $criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]]; $criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]] = $_temp; } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[Addressbook FIND Step 4]: ' . 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true))) { foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact) { $matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id']; } } } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . '()[FOUND]: ' . array2string($matchingContacts) . "\n", 3, $this->logfile); } return $matchingContacts; } /** * Get a ctag (collection tag) for one addressbook or all addressbooks readable by a user * * Currently implemented as maximum modification date (1 seconde granularity!) * * We have to include deleted entries, as otherwise the ctag will not change if an entry gets deleted! * (Only works if tracking of deleted entries / history is switched on!) * * @param int|array $owner =null 0=accounts, null=all addressbooks or integer account_id of user or group * @return string */ public function get_ctag($owner=null) { $filter = array('tid' => null); // tid=null --> use all entries incl. deleted (tid='D') // show addressbook of a single user? if (!is_null($owner)) $filter['owner'] = $owner; // should we hide the accounts addressbook if (!$owner && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '1') { $filter['account_id'] = null; } $result = $this->search(array(),'contact_modified','contact_modified DESC','','',false,'AND',array(0,1),$filter); if (!$result || !isset($result[0]['modified'])) { $ctag = 'empty'; // ctag for empty addressbook } else { // need to convert modified time back to server-time (was converted to user-time by search) // as we use it direct in server-queries eg. CardDAV sync-report and to be consistent with CalDAV $ctag = DateTime::user2server($result[0]['modified']); } //error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($owner).') returning '.array2string($ctag)); return $ctag; } /** * download photo of the given ($_GET['contact_id'] or $_GET['account_id']) contact */ function photo() { ob_start(); $contact_id = isset($_GET['contact_id']) ? $_GET['contact_id'] : (isset($_GET['account_id']) ? 'account:'.$_GET['account_id'] : 0); if (substr($contact_id,0,8) == 'account:') { $contact_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name(substr($contact_id,8),'person_id'); } $contact = $this->read($contact_id); if (!($contact) || empty($contact['jpegphoto']) && // LDAP/AD (not updated SQL) !(($contact['files'] & \EGroupware\Api\Contacts::FILES_BIT_PHOTO) && // new SQL in VFS ($size = filesize($url= \EGroupware\Api\Link::vfs_path('addressbook', $contact_id, \EGroupware\Api\Contacts::FILES_PHOTO))))) { if (is_array($contact)) { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $contact['jpegphoto'] = \EGroupware\Api\avatar::lavatar(array( 'id' => $contact['id'], 'firstname' => $contact['n_given'], 'lastname' => $contact['n_family']) ); } } // use an etag over the image mapp $etag = '"'.$contact_id.':'.$contact['etag'].'"'; if (!ob_get_contents()) { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); header('ETag: '.$etag); // if etag parameter given in url, we can allow browser to cache picture via an Expires header // different url with different etag parameter will force a reload if (isset($_GET['etag'])) { \EGroupware\Api\Session::cache_control(30*86400); // cache for 30 days } // if servers send a If-None-Match header, response with 304 Not Modified, if etag matches if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] === $etag) { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); } elseif(!empty($contact['jpegphoto'])) { header('Content-length: '.bytes($contact['jpegphoto'])); echo $contact['jpegphoto']; } else { header('Content-length: '.$size); readfile($url); } exit(); } Egw::redirect(\EGroupware\Api\Image::find('addressbook','photo')); } /** * Regular expression to search for an exact phone number match instead of regular search * * Requires a leading + or digit and only numbers (ignores ./-() and space) plus minimum length of 9 chars */ const PHONE_PREG = '/^(\+|\d)[0-9 ()\/.-]{8,}$/'; /** * searches db for rows matching searchcriteria * * '*' and '?' are replaced with sql-wildcards '%' and '_' * * @param array|string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR string to search over all standard search fields * @param boolean|string $only_keys =true True returns only keys, False returns all cols. comma seperated list of keys to return * @param string $order_by ='' fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',', can also contain a GROUP BY (if it contains ORDER BY) * @param string|array $extra_cols ='' string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num" * @param string $wildcard ='' appended befor and after each criteria * @param boolean $empty =false False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row * @param string $op ='AND' defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together * @param mixed $start =false if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start, or array($start,$num) * @param array $filter =null if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards * $filter['cols_to_search'] limit search columns to given columns, otherwise $this->columns_to_search is used * @param string $join ='' sql to do a join (only used by sql backend!), eg. " RIGHT JOIN egw_accounts USING(account_id)" * @param boolean $ignore_acl =false true: no acl check * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False */ function &search($criteria, $only_keys = True, $order_by = '', $extra_cols = '', $wildcard = '', $empty = False, $op = 'AND', $start = false, $filter = null, $join = '', $ignore_acl = false) { if (is_string($criteria) && preg_match(self::PHONE_PREG, $criteria)) { try { return $this->phoneSearch($criteria, $only_keys, $order_by, $extra_cols, $wildcard, $empty, $op, $start, $filter, $join, $ignore_acl); } catch (\Exception $e) { // try regular search } } return parent::search($criteria, $only_keys, $order_by, $extra_cols, $wildcard, $empty, $op, $start, $filter, $join, $ignore_acl); } /** * searches contacts containing a given phone-number * * @param string $criteria phone-number * @param boolean|string $only_keys =true True returns only keys, False returns all cols. comma seperated list of keys to return * @param string $order_by ='' fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',', can also contain a GROUP BY (if it contains ORDER BY) * @param string|array $extra_cols ='' string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num" * @param string $wildcard ='' appended befor and after each criteria * @param boolean $empty =false False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row * @param string $op ='AND' defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together * @param mixed $start =false if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start, or array($start,$num) * @param array $filter =null if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards * $filter['cols_to_search'] limit search columns to given columns, otherwise $this->columns_to_search is used * @param string $join ='' sql to do a join (only used by sql backend!), eg. " RIGHT JOIN egw_accounts USING(account_id)" * @param boolean $ignore_acl =false true: no acl check * @param null|string|array $fields_to_search =null which phone-numbers to search, default all (only honored for Sql backend!) * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False * @throws Exception\WrongParameter|\libphonenumber\NumberParseException if $critera is not a string with a valid phone-number * @throws Exception\NotFound if no contact matches the phone-number in $criteria */ function &phoneSearch($criteria, $only_keys = false, $order_by = 'contact_modified DESC', $extra_cols = '', $wildcard = '', $empty = False, $op = 'AND', $start = false, $filter = null, $join = '', $ignore_acl = false, $fields_to_search=null) { $phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance(); $region = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['country'] ?: 'DE'; $number = $phoneNumberUtil->parse($criteria, $region); if (!$phoneNumberUtil->isValidNumber($number)) { throw new Exception\WrongParameter('Not a valid phone-number!'); } if ($only_keys === true) $only_keys = false; $start = false; // no pagination list($country, $area, $rest) = explode(' ', $phoneNumberUtil->format($number, \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL), 3); $rest_without_space = str_replace(' ', '', $rest); /** @var Contacts\Sql */ $backend = $this->get_backend(null, $filter['owner']); if (is_a($backend, Contacts\Sql::class) && $this->db->regexp_replace('test', '', '') !== 'test') { $patterns = [$area.$rest_without_space]; } else { $patterns = [ $area . ' +' . $rest_without_space, // strip last 4 digits off, in case they are written as extension or formatted like 123 45 67 $area . ' +' . substr($rest_without_space, 0, -4), // use first 2 digit from rest, in case they are written as extension or formatted like 12 3... $area . ' +' . substr($rest_without_space, 0, 2), '"'.$criteria.'"', // try exact match ]; } if (empty($fields_to_search)) { $fields_to_search = ['tel_work', 'tel_cell', 'tel_fax', 'tel_car', 'tel_pager', 'tel_home', 'tel_fax_home', 'tel_cell_private', 'tel_other', 'tel_assistent', // match tel_assistent last, as it moves contacts to the end of the search result ]; } foreach($patterns as $pattern) { if (is_a($backend, Contacts\Sql::class)) { $pattern = $backend->search2criteria($pattern, $wildcard, $op, null, (array)$fields_to_search, false); } $rows = parent::search($pattern, $only_keys, $order_by, $extra_cols, $wildcard, $empty, $op, $start, $filter, $join, $ignore_acl) ?: []; foreach($rows as $key => $row) { $found = false; foreach($row as $name => $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 4) === 'tel_' && !empty($value)) { try { $tel = $phoneNumberUtil->parse($value, // prefer region of contact, to eg. be able to parse US numbers starting direct with areacode but no leading 0 $row[substr($name, -5) === '_home' ? 'adr_two_countrycode' : 'adr_one_countrycode'] ?: $row['adr_one_countrycode'] ?: $region); if (($found = $tel->equals($number))) { $rows[$key]['tel_matching'] = $name; $rows[$key]['org_order'] = $key; break; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // ignore broken numbers } } } //if ($found) error_log(__METHOD__."('$criteria') found #$row[id]: $row[n_fn], $name: $value"); if (!$found) unset($rows[$key]); } if ($rows) { $this->total = count($rows); $rows = array_values($rows); // sort assistent phone matches to end of list usort($rows, static function($a, $b) { $a_assistent = $a['tel_matching'] === 'tel_assistent'; $b_assistent = $b['tel_matching'] === 'tel_assistent'; if ($a_assistent !== $b_assistent) { return (int)$a_assistent - (int)$b_assistent; } return $a['org_order'] - $b['org_order']; }); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$criteria') returning $this->total rows: ".json_encode($rows)); return $rows; } } throw new Exception\NotFound("No contacts with phone number '$criteria' found!"); } /** * Open CRM view for a calling number by sending a push requestion to the user * * @param string $from phone-number * @param ?array& $found =null on return found contacts * @throws Exception\WrongParameter|\libphonenumber\NumberParseException if $critera is not a string with a valid phone-number * @throws Exception\NotFound if no contact matches the phone-number in $criteria */ function openCrmView($from, array &$found=null) { $found = $this->phoneSearch($from); // ToDo: select best match from multiple matches containing the number $contact = current($found); $push = new Json\Push($this->user); // check user preference which CRM view to use $prefs = (new Preferences($this->user))->read_repository(); $crm_list = $prefs['addressbook']['crm_list']; if (empty($crm_list) || $crm_list === '~edit~') $crm_list = 'infolog'; if ($crm_list === 'infolog' && count($found) > 1 && !empty($contact['org_name'])) { $crm_list = 'infolog-organisation'; } $push->call($func='app.addressbook.openCRMview', $arg=[ 'contact_id' => (int)$contact['id'], 'crm_list' => $crm_list, 'title' => count($found) > 1 && $contact['org_name'] ? $contact['org_name'] : $contact['n_fn'].' ('.lang($extras['crm_list']).')', 'icon' => $contact['photo'], ]); $arg = json_encode($arg, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); error_log("crm.php: calling push(#$this->user)->call('$func', $arg)"); return "calling push(#$this->user)->call('$func', $arg)"; } }