
	class bofilemanager
		var $so;
		var $vfs;

		var $sep;
		var $file_attributes;
		var $help_info;

		var $rootdir;
		var $fakebase;
		var $appname;
		var $settings;
		var $filesdir;
		var $hostname;
		var $userinfo = Array();
		var $homedir;

		var $errors;

		var $rename;
		var $delete;
		var $go;
		var $copy;
		var $move;
		var $download;
		var $createdir;
		var $newdir;
		var $createfile;
		var $newfile;

		var $fileman = Array();
		var $op;
		var $file;
		var $help_name;
		var $path;
		var $disppath;
		var $dispsep;
		var $sortby = 'name';
		var $messages = Array();
		var $renamefiles;
		var $comment_files = Array();
		var $show_upload_boxes = 5;
		var $memberships;
		var $now;
		var $matches;

		//		var $debug = True;
		var $debug = False;

		function bofilemanager()
			$this->so = CreateObject('filemanager.sofilemanager');

			$this->vfs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.vfs');

			error_reporting (4);

			### Start Configuration Options ###
			### These are automatically set in phpGW - do not edit ###

			$this->sep = SEP;
			$GLOBALS['rootdir'] = $this->vfs->basedir;
			$GLOBALS['fakebase'] = $this->vfs->fakebase;
			$GLOBALS['appname'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
			$GLOBALS['settings'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences'][$appname];

			if (stristr ($GLOBALS['rootdir'], PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT))
				$GLOBALS['filesdir'] = substr ($GLOBALS['rootdir'], strlen (PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT));
				unset ($GLOBALS['filesdir']);

			$GLOBALS['hostname'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $GLOBALS['filesdir'];

			# Note that $userinfo["username"] is actually the id number, not the login name

			$GLOBALS['userinfo']['username'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
			$GLOBALS['userinfo']['account_lid'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name ($GLOBALS['userinfo']['username']);
			$GLOBALS['userinfo']['hdspace'] = 10000000000;
			$GLOBALS['homedir'] = $GLOBALS['fakebase'].'/'.$GLOBALS['userinfo']['account_lid'];

			### End Configuration Options ###

			if (!defined ('NULL'))
				define ('NULL', '');

			# Define the list of file attributes.  Format is "internal_name" => "Displayed name"
			# This is used both by internally and externally for things like preferences

			$this->file_attributes = Array(
				'name' => lang('File Name'),
				'mime_type' => lang('MIME Type'),
				'size' => lang('Size'),
				'created' => lang('Created'),
				'modified' => lang('Modified'),
				'owner' => lang('Owner'),
				'createdby_id' => lang('Created by'),
				'modifiedby_id' => lang('Created by'),
				'modifiedby_id' => lang('Modified by'),
				'app' => lang('Application'),
				'comment' => lang('Comment'),
				'version' => lang('Version')

			# Calculate and display B or KB
			# And yes, that first if is strange, 
			# but it does do something


		function borkb ($size, $enclosed = NULL, $return = 1)
			if (!$size)
			$size = 0;

			if ($enclosed)
				$left = '(';
				$right = ')';

			if ($size < 1024)
			$rstring = $left . $size . 'B' . $right;
			$rstring = $left . round($size/1024) . 'KB' . $right;

			return ($this->eor ($rstring, $return));

		# Check for and return the first unwanted character

		function bad_chars ($string, $all = True, $return = 0)
			if ($all)
				if (preg_match("-([\\/<>\'\"\&])-", $string, $badchars))
				$rstring = $badchars[1];
				if (preg_match("-([\\/<>])-", $string, $badchars))
				$rstring = $badchars[1];

			return trim (($this->eor ($rstring, $return)));

		# Match character in string using ord ().

		function ord_match ($string, $charnum)
			for ($i = 0; $i < strlen ($string); $i++)
				$character = ord (substr ($string, $i, 1));

				if ($character == $charnum)
					return True;

			return False;

		# Decide whether to echo or return.  Used by HTML functions

		function eor ($rstring, $return)
			if ($return)
			return ($rstring);
				$this->html_text ($rstring . "\n");
				return (0);
		function html_text ($string, $times = 1, $return = 0, $lang = 0)
			global $phpgw;

			if ($lang)
			$string = lang($string);

			if ($times == NULL)
			$times = 1;
			for ($i = 0; $i != $times; $i++)
				if ($return)
				$rstring .= $string;
				echo $string;
			if ($return)
			return ($rstring);

		# URL encode a string
		# First check if its a query string, then if its just a URL, then just encodes it all
		# Note: this is a hack.  It was made to work with form actions, form values, and links only,
		# but should be able to handle any normal query string or URL

		function string_encode ($string, $return = False)
			if (preg_match ("/=(.*)(&|$)/U", $string))
				$rstring = $string;

				preg_match_all ("/=(.*)(&|$)/U", $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

				reset ($matches);
				while (list (,$match_array) = each ($matches))
					$var_encoded = rawurlencode (base64_encode ($match_array[1]));
					$rstring = str_replace ($match_array[0], '=' . $var_encoded . $match_array[2], $rstring);
			elseif (ereg ('^'.$GLOBALS['hostname'], $string))
				$rstring = ereg_replace ('^'.$GLOBALS['hostname'].'/', '', $string);
				$rstring = preg_replace ("/(.*)(\/|$)/Ue", "rawurlencode (base64_encode ('\\1')) . '\\2'", $rstring);
				$rstring = $GLOBALS['hostname'].'/'.$rstring;
				$rstring = rawurlencode ($string);

				/* Terrible hack, decodes all /'s back to normal */  
				$rstring = preg_replace ("/%2F/", '/', $rstring);

			return ($this->eor ($rstring, $return));

		function string_decode ($string, $return = False)
			$rstring = rawurldecode ($string);

			return ($this->eor ($rstring, $return));

		# HTML encode a string
		# This should be used with anything in an HTML tag that might contain < or >

		function html_encode ($string, $return)
			$rstring = htmlspecialchars ($string);

			return ($this->eor ($rstring, $return));