* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ if ($submit || ! $ab_id) { $phpgw_info["flags"] = array("noheader" => True, "nonavbar" => True); } $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] = "addressbook"; $phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_addressbook_class"] = True; include("../header.inc.php"); $t = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["app_tpl"]); $t->set_file(array( "view" => "view.tpl")); function checkfor_specialformat($field,$data) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; if ($field == "email") { if ($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["email"]) { $s = '' . $data . ''; } else { $s = '' . $data . ''; } } else if ($field == "URL") { if (! ereg("^http://",$data)) { $data = "http://" . $data; } $s = '' . $data . ''; } else if ($field == "birthday") { $date = explode("/",$data); $s = $phpgw->common->dateformatorder($date[2],$date[1],$date[0],True); } else { $s = $data . " "; } return $s; } if (! $ab_id) { Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link("index.php")); } if ($filter != "private") { $filtermethod = " or ab_access='public' " . $phpgw->accounts->sql_search("ab_access"); } if ($phpgw_info["apps"]["timetrack"]["enabled"]) { $phpgw->db->query("SELECT * FROM addressbook as a, customers as c WHERE a.ab_company_id = c.company_id " . "AND ab_id=$ab_id AND (ab_owner='" . $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] . "' $filtermethod)"); } else { $phpgw->db->query("SELECT * FROM addressbook WHERE ab_id=$ab_id AND (ab_owner='" . $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] . "' $filtermethod)"); } $phpgw->db->next_record(); $view_header = "

 " . lang("Address book - view") . "

"; $i = 0; while ($column = each($abc)) { if ($phpgw->db->f("ab_" . $column[0])) { $columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"] = $column[1]; $columns_to_display[$i]["field_value"] = $phpgw->db->f("ab_" . $column[0]); $i++; } } if ($phpgw->db->f("ab_notes")) { $columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"] = "Notes"; $columns_to_display[$i]["field_value"] = $phpgw->db->f("ab_notes"); } $view_header .= ''; for ($i=0;$i<200;) { // The $i<200 is only used for a brake if (! $columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"]) break; $columns_html .= "" . ""; $i++; if (! $columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"]) break; $columns_html .= "" . ""; $i++; $columns_html .= ""; } $access = $phpgw->db->f("ab_access"); $owner = $phpgw->db->f("ab_owner"); $ab_id = $phpgw->db->f("ab_id"); $columns_html .= '' . '
" . lang($columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"]) . ":" . checkfor_specialformat($columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"],$columns_to_display[$i]["field_value"]) . "
" . lang($columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"]) . ":" . checkfor_specialformat($columns_to_display[$i]["field_name"],$columns_to_display[$i]["field_value"]) . "
' . lang("Record owner") . '' . $phpgw->common->grab_owner_name($owner) . '' . lang("Record Access") . '
'; if ($access != "private" && $access != "public") { $access_link .= lang("Group access") . " - " . $phpgw->accounts->convert_string_to_names_access($access); } else { $access_link .= $access; } $editlink .= $phpgw->common->check_owner($phpgw->db->f("ab_owner"),"edit.php",lang("edit"),"ab_id=" . $phpgw->db->f("ab_id")."&start=".$start."&sort=".$sort."&order=".$order); $vcardlink = '

'; $donelink = ''; $t->set_var("ab_id",$ab_id); $t->set_var("sort",$sort); $t->set_var("order",$order); $t->set_var("filter",$filter); $t->set_var("start",$start); $t->set_var("view_header",$view_header); $t->set_var("cols",$columns_html); $t->set_var("lang_ok",lang("ok")); $t->set_var("lang_done",lang("done")); $t->set_var("lang_edit",lang("edit")); $t->set_var("lang_submit",lang("submit")); $t->set_var("lang_vcard",lang("vcard")); $t->set_var("done_link",$donelink); $t->set_var("edit_link",$editlink); $t->set_var("vcard_link",$vcardlink); $t->parse("out","view"); $t->pparse("out","view"); $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>