* * and Dan Kuykendall * * and Mark Peters * * and Miles Lott * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class setup { var $db; var $detection = ''; var $process = ''; var $lang = ''; var $html = ''; var $appreg = ''; function setup($html=False, $translation=False) { $this->detection = CreateObject('phpgwapi.setup_detection'); $this->process = CreateObject('phpgwapi.setup_process'); $this->appreg = CreateObject('phpgwapi.app_registry'); /* The setup application needs these */ $this->html = $html ? CreateObject('phpgwapi.setup_html') : ''; $this->translation = $translation ? CreateObject('phpgwapi.setup_translation') : ''; } /*! @function loaddb @abstract include api db class for the ConfigDomain and connect to the db */ function loaddb() { $GLOBALS['ConfigDomain'] = get_var('ConfigDomain',array('COOKIE','POST')); if(empty($GLOBALS['ConfigDomain'])) { /* This is to fix the reading of this value immediately after the cookie was set on login */ $GLOBALS['ConfigDomain'] = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['FormDomain'] ? @$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['FormDomain'] : 'default'; } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_type'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_type']; $this->db = CreateObject('phpgwapi.db'); $this->db->Host = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_host']; $this->db->Type = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_type']; $this->db->Database = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_name']; $this->db->User = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_user']; $this->db->Password = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$GLOBALS['ConfigDomain']]['db_pass']; } /*! @function auth @abstract authenticate the setup user @param $auth_type ??? */ function auth($auth_type='Config') { $FormLogout = get_var('FormLogout', array('GET','POST')); $ConfigLogin = get_var('ConfigLogin', array('POST','COOKIE')); $HeaderLogin = get_var('HeaderLogin', array('POST','COOKIE')); $FormDomain = get_var('FormDomain', array('POST')); $FormPW = get_var('FormPW', array('POST')); $ConfigDomain = get_var('ConfigDomain',array('POST','COOKIE')); $ConfigPW = get_var('ConfigPW', array('POST','COOKIE')); $HeaderPW = get_var('HeaderPW', array('COOKIE','POST')); $ConfigLang = get_var('ConfigLang', array('POST','COOKIE')); if(isset($FormLogout) && !empty($FormLogout)) { if($FormLogout == 'config' || $FormLogout == 'ldap' || $FormLogout == 'ldapexport' || $FormLogout == 'ldapimport' || $FormLogout == 'sqltoarray') { setcookie('ConfigPW',''); /* scrub the old one */ setcookie('ConfigDomain',''); /* scrub the old one */ setcookie('ConfigLang',''); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = 'You have successfully logged out'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } elseif($FormLogout == 'header') { setcookie('HeaderPW',''); /* scrub the old one */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = 'You have successfully logged out'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } } elseif(isset($ConfigPW) && !empty($ConfigPW)) { if($ConfigPW != $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['config_passwd'] && $auth_type == 'Config') { setcookie('ConfigPW',''); /* scrub the old one */ setcookie('ConfigDomain',''); /* scrub the old one */ setcookie('ConfigLang',''); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid session cookie (cookies must be enabled)'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } else { return True; } } elseif(isset($FormPW) && !empty($FormPW)) { if(isset($ConfigLogin)) { if($FormPW == $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$FormDomain]['config_passwd'] && $auth_type == 'Config') { setcookie('HeaderPW',''); /* scrub the old one */ setcookie('ConfigPW',"$FormPW"); setcookie('ConfigDomain',"$FormDomain"); setcookie('ConfigLang',"$ConfigLang"); $ConfigDomain = "$FormDomain"; return True; } else { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid password'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } } elseif(isset($HeaderLogin) && !empty($HeaderLogin)) { if($FormPW == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] && $auth_type == 'Header') { setcookie('HeaderPW',"$FormPW"); return True; } else { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid password'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } } } elseif(isset($HeaderPW) && !empty($HeaderPW)) { if($HeaderPW != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] && $auth_type == 'Header') { setcookie('HeaderPW',''); /* scrub the old one */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid session cookie (cookies must be enabled)'; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = ''; return False; } else { return True; } } else { return False; } } /*! @function get_major @abstract Return X.X.X major version from X.X.X.X versionstring @param $ */ function get_major($versionstring) { if(!$versionstring) { return False; } $version = ereg_replace('pre','.',$versionstring); $varray = explode('.',$version); $major = implode('.',array($varray[0],$varray[1],$varray[2])); return $major; } /*! @function clear_session_cache @abstract Clear system/user level cache so as to have it rebuilt with the next access @param None */ function clear_session_cache() { $tablenames = @$this->db->table_names(); while(list($key,$val) = @each($tablenames)) { $tables[] = $val['table_name']; } if(in_array('phpgw_app_sessions',$tables)) { $this->db->lock(array('phpgw_app_sessions')); @$this->db->query("DELETE FROM phpgw_app_sessions WHERE sessionid = '0' and loginid = '0' and app = 'phpgwapi' and location = 'config'",__LINE__,__FILE__); @$this->db->query("DELETE FROM phpgw_app_sessions WHERE app = 'phpgwapi' and location = 'phpgw_info_cache'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->unlock(); } } /*! @function register_app @abstract Add an application to the phpgw_applications table @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice @param $enable optional, set to True/False to override setup.inc.php setting */ function register_app($appname,$enable=99) { $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if(!$appname) { return False; } if($enable==99) { $enable = $setup_info[$appname]['enable']; } $enable = intval($enable); /* Use old applications table if the currentver is less than 0.9.10pre8, but not if the currentver = '', which probably means new install. */ if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.10pre8') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { $appstbl = 'applications'; } else { $appstbl = 'phpgw_applications'; if($this->amorethanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'')) { $use_appid = True; } } if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo '
register_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['version'] . ', table: ' . $appstbl . '
'; // _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]); } if($setup_info[$appname]['version']) { if($setup_info[$appname]['tables']) { $tables = implode(',',$setup_info[$appname]['tables']); } if($use_appid) { $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(app_id) FROM $appstbl"); $this->db->next_record(); if($this->db->f(0)) { $app_id = ($this->db->f(0) + 1) . ','; $app_idstr = 'app_id,'; } else { srand(100000); $app_id = rand(1,100000) . ','; $app_idstr = 'app_id,'; } } $this->db->query("INSERT INTO $appstbl " . "($app_idstr app_name,app_title,app_enabled,app_order,app_tables,app_version) " . "VALUES (" . $app_id . "'" . $setup_info[$appname]['name'] . "'," . "'" . $setup_info[$appname]['title'] . "'," . $enable . "," . intval($setup_info[$appname]['app_order']) . "," . "'" . $tables . "'," . "'" . $setup_info[$appname]['version'] . "');" ); $this->clear_session_cache(); } } /*! @function app_registered @abstract Check if an application has info in the db @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice @param $enabled optional, set to False to not enable this app */ function app_registered($appname) { $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if(!$appname) { return False; } if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.10pre8') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { $appstbl = 'applications'; } else { $appstbl = 'phpgw_applications'; } if(@$GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo '
app_registered(): checking ' . $appname . ', table: ' . $appstbl; // _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]); } $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(app_name) FROM $appstbl WHERE app_name='".$appname."'"); $this->db->next_record(); if($this->db->f(0)) { if(@$GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo '... app previously registered.'; } return True; } if(@$GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo '... app not registered'; } return False; } /*! @function update_app @abstract Update application info in the db @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice @param $enabled optional, set to False to not enable this app */ function update_app($appname) { $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if(!$appname) { return False; } if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.10pre8') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { $appstbl = 'applications'; } else { $appstbl = 'phpgw_applications'; } if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo '
update_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['currentver'] . ', table: ' . $appstbl . '
'; // _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]); } $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(app_name) FROM $appstbl WHERE app_name='".$appname."'"); $this->db->next_record(); if(!$this->db->f(0)) { return False; } if($setup_info[$appname]['version']) { //echo '
' . $setup_info[$appname]['version']; if($setup_info[$appname]['tables']) { $tables = implode(',',$setup_info[$appname]['tables']); } $sql = "UPDATE $appstbl " . "SET app_name='" . $setup_info[$appname]['name'] . "'," . " app_title='" . $setup_info[$appname]['title'] . "'," . " app_enabled=" . intval($setup_info[$appname]['enable']) . "," . " app_order=" . intval($setup_info[$appname]['app_order']) . "," . " app_tables='" . $tables . "'," . " app_version='" . $setup_info[$appname]['version'] . "'" . " WHERE app_name='" . $appname . "'"; //echo $sql; exit; $this->db->query($sql); } } /*! @function update_app_version @abstract Update application version in applications table, post upgrade @param $setup_info Array of application information (multiple apps or single) @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice @param $tableschanged ??? */ function update_app_version($setup_info, $appname, $tableschanged = True) { if(!$appname) { return False; } if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.10pre8') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { $appstbl = 'applications'; } else { $appstbl = 'phpgw_applications'; } if($tableschanged == True) { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['tableschanged'] = True; } if($setup_info[$appname]['currentver']) { $this->db->query("UPDATE $appstbl SET app_version='" . $setup_info[$appname]['currentver'] . "' WHERE app_name='".$appname."'"); } return $setup_info; } /*! @function deregister_app @abstract de-Register an application @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice */ function deregister_app($appname) { if(!$appname) { return False; } $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.10pre8') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { $appstbl = 'applications'; } else { $appstbl = 'phpgw_applications'; } //echo 'DELETING application: ' . $appname; $this->db->query("DELETE FROM $appstbl WHERE app_name='". $appname ."'"); $this->clear_session_cache(); } /*! @function register_hooks @abstract Register an application's hooks @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice */ function register_hooks($appname) { $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if(!$appname) { return False; } if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.8pre5') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != '')) { /* No phpgw_hooks table yet. */ return False; } $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(hook_appname) FROM phpgw_hooks WHERE hook_appname='".$appname."'"); $this->db->next_record(); if($this->db->f(0)) { $this->deregister_hooks($appname); } //echo "ADDING hooks for: " . $setup_info[$appname]['name']; if(is_array($setup_info[$appname]['hooks'])) { while(list($key,$hook) = each($setup_info[$appname]['hooks'])) { $this->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_hooks " . "(hook_appname,hook_location,hook_filename) " . "VALUES (" . "'" . $setup_info[$appname]['name'] . "'," . "'" . $hook . "'," . "'" . "hook_" . $hook . ".inc.php" . "');" ); } } } /*! @function update_hooks @abstract Update an application's hooks @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice */ function update_hooks($appname) { $setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info']; if(!$appname) { return False; } if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.8pre5')) { /* No phpgw_hooks table yet. */ return False; } $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpgw_hooks WHERE hook_appname='".$appname."'"); $this->db->next_record(); if(!$this->db->f(0)) { return False; } if($setup_info[$appname]['version']) { if(is_array($setup_info[$appname]['hooks'])) { $this->deregister_hooks($appname); $this->register_hooks($appname); } } } /*! @function deregister_hooks @abstract de-Register an application's hooks @param $appname Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice */ function deregister_hooks($appname) { if($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.8pre5')) { /* No phpgw_hooks table yet. */ return False; } if(!$appname) { return False; } //echo "DELETING hooks for: " . $setup_info[$appname]['name']; $this->db->query("DELETE FROM phpgw_hooks WHERE hook_appname='". $appname ."'"); } /*! @function hook @abstract call the hooks for a single application @param $location hook location - required @param $appname application name - optional */ function hook($location, $appname='') { if(!$appname) { $appname = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp']; } $SEP = filesystem_separator(); $f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . $SEP . $appname . $SEP . 'inc' . $SEP . 'hook_' . $location . '.inc.php'; if(file_exists($f)) { include($f); return True; } else { return False; } } /* @function alessthanb @abstract phpgw version checking, is param 1 < param 2 in phpgw versionspeak? @param $a phpgw version number to check if less than $b @param $b phpgw version number to check $a against #return True if $a < $b */ function alessthanb($a,$b,$DEBUG=False) { $num = array('1st','2nd','3rd','4th'); if($DEBUG) { echo'
Input values: ' . 'A="'.$a.'", B="'.$b.'"'; } $newa = ereg_replace('pre','.',$a); $newb = ereg_replace('pre','.',$b); $testa = explode('.',$newa); if(@$testa[1] == '') { $testa[1] = 0; } if(@$testa[3] == '') { $testa[3] = 0; } $testb = explode('.',$newb); if(@$testb[1] == '') { $testb[1] = 0; } if(@$testb[3] == '') { $testb[3] = 0; } $less = 0; for($i=0;$iChecking if '. intval($testa[$i]) . ' is less than ' . intval($testb[$i]) . ' ...'; } if(intval($testa[$i]) < intval($testb[$i])) { if ($DEBUG) { echo ' yes.'; } $less++; if($i<3) { /* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */ if($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; } $less = 5; break; } } elseif(intval($testa[$i]) > intval($testb[$i])) { if($DEBUG) { echo ' no.'; } $less--; if($i<2) { /* Ensure that this is definitely greater */ if($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; } $less = -5; break; } } else { if($DEBUG) { echo ' no, they are equal.'; } $less = 0; } } if($DEBUG) { echo '
Check value is: "'.$less.'"'; } if($less>0) { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is less than B'; } return True; } elseif($less<0) { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is greater than B'; } return False; } else { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is equal to B'; } return False; } } /*! @function amorethanb @abstract phpgw version checking, is param 1 > param 2 in phpgw versionspeak? @param $a phpgw version number to check if more than $b @param $b phpgw version number to check $a against #return True if $a < $b */ function amorethanb($a,$b,$DEBUG=False) { $num = array('1st','2nd','3rd','4th'); if($DEBUG) { echo'
Input values: ' . 'A="'.$a.'", B="'.$b.'"'; } $newa = ereg_replace('pre','.',$a); $newb = ereg_replace('pre','.',$b); $testa = explode('.',$newa); if($testa[3] == '') { $testa[3] = 0; } $testb = explode('.',$newb); if($testb[3] == '') { $testb[3] = 0; } $less = 0; for($i=0;$iChecking if '. intval($testa[$i]) . ' is more than ' . intval($testb[$i]) . ' ...'; } if(intval($testa[$i]) > intval($testb[$i])) { if($DEBUG) { echo ' yes.'; } $less++; if($i<3) { /* Ensure that this is definitely greater */ if($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; } $less = 5; break; } } elseif(intval($testa[$i]) < intval($testb[$i])) { if($DEBUG) { echo ' no.'; } $less--; if($i<2) { /* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */ if($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; } $less = -5; break; } } else { if($DEBUG) { echo ' no, they are equal.'; } $less = 0; } } if($DEBUG) { echo '
Check value is: "'.$less.'"'; } if($less>0) { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is greater than B'; } return True; } elseif($less<0) { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is less than B'; } return False; } else { if($DEBUG) { echo '
A is equal to B'; } return False; } } } ?>