* @copyright (c) 2008 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ class filemanager_ui { /** * Methods callable via menuaction * * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'index' => true, ); /** * Main filemanager page * * @param array $content=null * @param string $msg=null */ function index($content=null,$msg=null) { $tpl = new etemplate('filemanager.index'); //_debug_array($content); if (!is_array($content)) { $content = array( 'nm' => $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('index','filemanager'), ); if (!is_array($content['nm'])) { $content['nm'] = array( 'get_rows' => 'filemanager.filemanager_ui.get_rows', // I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. 'notes.bo.get_rows' 'filter' => '1', // current dir only 'no_filter2' => True, // I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter) 'no_cat' => True, // I disable the cat-selectbox 'lettersearch' => True, // I show a lettersearch 'searchletter' => false, // I0 active letter of the lettersearch or false for [all] 'start' => 0, // IO position in list 'order' => 'name', // IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders) 'sort' => 'ASC', // IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC' 'default_cols' => '!comment,ctime', // I columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns 'csv_fields' => false, // I false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames, //or array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type) 'path' => '/home/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'], ); } if (isset($_GET['path']) && ($path = $_GET['path']) && $path[0] == '/' && egw_vfs::is_dir($path)) { $content['nm']['path'] = $path; } } $content['nm']['msg'] = $msg; if ($content['action'] || $content['nm']['rows']) { if ($content['action']) { $content['nm']['msg'] = self::action($content['action'],$content['nm']['rows']['checked'],$content['nm']['path']); unset($content['action']); } elseif($content['nm']['rows']['delete']) { $content['nm']['msg'] = self::action('delete',array_keys($content['nm']['rows']['delete']),$content['nm']['path']); } unset($content['nm']['rows']); } $clipboard_files = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('clipboard_files','filemanager'); $clipboard_type = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('clipboard_type','filemanager'); if ($content['button']) { if ($content['button']) { list($button) = each($content['button']); unset($content['button']); } switch($button) { case 'up': if ($content['nm']['path'] != '/') { $content['nm']['path'] = dirname($content['nm']['path']); } break; case 'home': $content['nm']['path'] = '/home/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']; break; case 'createdir': if ($content['nm']['path'][0] != '/') { $ses = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('index','filemanager'); $old_path = $ses['path']; $content['nm']['path'] = $old_path.'/'.$content['nm']['path']; } if (!@egw_vfs::mkdir($content['nm']['path'],null,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE)) { $content['nm']['msg'] = !egw_vfs::is_writable(dirname($content['nm']['path'])) ? lang('Permission denied!') : lang('Failed to create directory!'); if (!$old_path) { $ses = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('index','filemanager'); $old_path = $ses['path']; } $content['nm']['path'] = $old_path; } break; case 'paste': $content['nm']['msg'] = self::action($clipboard_type.'_paste',$clipboard_files,$content['nm']['path']); break; case 'upload': $to = $content['nm']['path'].'/'.$content['upload']['name']; if ($content['upload'] && is_uploaded_file($content['upload']['tmp_name']) && (egw_vfs::is_writable($content['nm']['path']) || egw_vfs::is_writable($to)) && copy($content['upload']['tmp_name'],egw_vfs::PREFIX.$to)) { $content['nm']['msg'] = lang('File successful uploaded.'); } else { $content['nm']['msg'] = lang('Error uploading file!'); } break; } } if (!egw_vfs::is_dir($content['nm']['path'])) { $content['nm']['msg'] .= lang('Directory not found or no permission to access it!'); } else { $dir_is_writable = egw_vfs::is_writable($content['nm']['path']); } $content['paste_tooltip'] = '

'.lang('%1 the following files into current directory', $clipboard_type=='copy'?lang('Copy'):lang('Move')).':

'; //_debug_array($content); $readonlys['button[paste]'] = !$clipboard_files; $readonlys['button[createdir]'] = !$dir_is_writable; $readonlys['button[upload]'] = $readonlys['upload'] = !$dir_is_writable; if ($dir_is_writable || !$content['nm']['filter']) $sel_options['action']['delete'] = lang('Delete'); $sel_options['action']['copy'] = lang('Copy to clipboard'); if ($dir_is_writable || !$content['nm']['filter']) $sel_options['action']['cut'] = lang('Cut to clipboard'); $sel_options['filter'] = array( '1' => 'Current directory', '' => 'All subdirectories', ); $tpl->exec('filemanager.filemanager_ui.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,array('nm' => $content['nm'])); } /** * Run a certain action with the selected file * * @param string $action * @param array $selected selected pathes * @param mixed $dir=null current directory * @return string success or failure message displayed to the user */ static private function action($action,$selected,$dir=null) { //echo '

'.__METHOD__."($action,array(".implode(', ',$selected).",$dir)

\n"; if (!count($selected)) { return lang('You need to select some files first!'); } $errs = $dirs = $files = 0; switch($action) { case 'delete': $dirs = $files = $errs = 0; foreach(egw_vfs::find($selected,array('depth'=>true)) as $path) { if (($is_dir = egw_vfs::is_dir($path)) && egw_vfs::rmdir($path,0)) { ++$dirs; } elseif (!$is_dir && egw_vfs::unlink($path)) { ++$files; } else { ++$errs; } } if ($errs) { return lang('%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)!',$errs,$dirs,$files); } if ($dirs) { return lang('%1 directories and %2 files deleted.',$dirs,$files); } return $files == 1 ? lang('File deleted.') : lang('%1 files deleted.',$files); case 'copy': case 'cut': $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('clipboard_files','filemanager',$selected); $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('clipboard_type','filemanager',$action); return lang('%1 URLs %2 to clipboard.',count($selected),$action=='copy'?lang('copied'):lang('cut')); case 'copy_paste': foreach($selected as $path) { if (!egw_vfs::is_dir($path)) { $to = $dir.'/'.egw_vfs::basename($path); if (egw_vfs::copy($path,$to)) { ++$files; } else { ++$errs; } } else { $len = strlen(dirname($path)); foreach(egw_vfs::find($path) as $p) { $to = $dir.substr($p,$len); if (($is_dir = egw_vfs::is_dir($p)) && egw_vfs::mkdir($to,null,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE)) { ++$dirs; } elseif(!$is_dir && egw_vfs::copy($p,$to)) { ++$files; } else { ++$errs; } } } } if ($errs) { return lang('%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)!',$errs,$dirs,$files); } return $dirs ? lang('%1 directories and %2 files copied.',$dirs,$files) : lang('%1 files copied.',$files); case 'cut_paste': foreach($selected as $path) { $to = $dir.'/'.egw_vfs::basename($path); if (egw_vfs::rename($path,$to)) { ++$files; } else { ++$errs; } } $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('clipboard_files','filemanager',false); // cant move again if ($errs) { return lang('%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)!',$errs,$files); } return lang('%1 files moved.',$files); } return "Unknown action '$action'!"; } /** * Get the closest mime icon * * @param string $mime_type * @param int $size=16 * @return string */ static private function mime_icon($mime_type, $size=16) { if ($mime_type == egw_vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE) { $mime_type = 'Directory'; } if(!$mime_type) { $mime_type='unknown'; } $mime_type= strtolower(str_replace ('/','_',$mime_type)); list($mime_part) = explode('_',$mime_type); if (!($img=$GLOBALS['egw']->common->image('filemanager',$icon='mime'.$size.'_'.$mime_type)) && !($img=$GLOBALS['egw']->common->image('filemanager',$icon='mime'.$size.'_'.$mime_part))) { $img = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->image('filemanager',$icon='mime'.$size.'_unknown'); } return 'filemanager/'.$icon; } /** * Callback to fetch the rows for the nextmatch widget * * @param array $query * @param array &$rows * @param array &$readonlys */ function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys) { $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('index','filemanager',$query); //_debug_array($query); if (!egw_vfs::is_dir($query['path'])) { $rows = array(); $query['total'] = 0; } $rows = $dir_is_writable = array(); if($query['searchletter'] && !empty($query['search'])) { $namefilter = '/^'.$query['searchletter'].'.*'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'/i'; if ($query['searchletter'] == strtolower($query['search'][0])) { $namefilter = '/^('.$query['searchletter'].'.*'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'|'. str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).')/i'; } } elseif ($query['searchletter']) { $namefilter = '/^'.$query['searchletter'].'/i'; } elseif(!empty($query['search'])) { $namefilter = '/'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'/i'; } foreach(egw_vfs::find($query['path'],array( 'mindepth' => 1, 'maxdepth' => $query['filter'] ? $query['filter'] : null, 'order' => $query['order'], 'sort' => $query['sort'], 'limit' => (int)$query['num_rows'].','.(int)$query['start'], 'need_mime' => true, 'name_preg' => $namefilter, ),true) as $path => $row) { $row['icon'] = self::mime_icon($row['mime']); $row['perms'] = egw_vfs::int2mode($row['mode']); // only show link if we have access to the file or dir if (egw_vfs::check_access($row,egw_vfs::READABLE)) { if ($row['mime'] == egw_vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE) { $row['link'] = '/index.php?menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_ui.index&path='.$path; } else { $row['link'] = '/index.php?menuaction=filemanager.uifilemanager.view&path='.base64_encode(dirname($path)).'&file='.base64_encode(egw_vfs::basename($path)); // $row['link'] = '/filemanager/webdav.php'.$path; } } $row['user'] = $row['uid'] ? $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($row['uid']) : 'root'; $row['group'] = $row['gid'] ? $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name(-$row['gid']) : 'root'; $row['hsize'] = egw_vfs::hsize($row['size']); //echo $path; _debug_array($row); $rows[++$n] = $row; $dir = dirname($path); if (!isset($dir_is_writable[$dir])) { $dir_is_writable[$dir] = egw_vfs::is_writable($dir); } if (!$dir_is_writable[$dir]) { $readonlys["delete[$path]"] = true; // no rights to delete the file } } //_debug_array($readonlys); return egw_vfs::$find_total; } }