/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Select WebComponent * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {css, html, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core"; import {StaticOptions} from "./StaticOptions"; import {Et2widgetWithSelectMixin} from "./Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin"; import {SelectOption} from "./FindSelectOptions"; import {Et2InvokerMixin} from "../Et2Url/Et2InvokerMixin"; import {SlMenuItem, SlSelect} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; import {Et2WithSearchMixin} from "./SearchMixin"; import {Et2Tag} from "./Tag/Et2Tag"; import {LionValidationFeedback} from "@lion/form-core"; // export Et2WidgetWithSelect which is used as type in other modules export class Et2WidgetWithSelect extends Et2widgetWithSelectMixin(SlSelect) { }; /** * Select widget * * At its most basic, you can select one option from a list provided. The list can be passed from the server in * the sel_options array or options can be added as children in the template. Some extending classes provide specific * options, such as Et2SelectPercent or Et2SelectCountry. All provided options will be mixed together and used. * * To allow selecting more than one option, use the attribute multiple="true". This will take & return an array * as value instead of just a string. * * SearchMixin adds additional abilities to ALL select boxes * @see Et2WithSearchMixin * * Override for extending widgets: * # Custom display of selected value * When selecting a single value (!multiple) you can override doLabelChange() to customise the displayed label * @see Et2SelectCategory, which adds in the category icon * * # Custom option rows * Options can have 'class' and 'icon' properties that will be used for the option * The easiest way for further customisation to use CSS in an external file (like etemplate2.css) and ::part(). * @see Et2SelectCountry which displays flags via CSS instead of using SelectOption.icon * * # Custom tags * When multiple is set, instead of a single value each selected value is shown in a tag. While it's possible to * use CSS to some degree, we can also use a custom tag class that extends Et2Tag. * 1. Create the extending class * 2. Make sure it's loaded (add to etemplate2.ts) * 3. In your extending Et2Select, override get tagTag() to return the custom tag name * */ // @ts-ignore SlSelect styles is a single CSSResult, not an array, so TS complains export class Et2Select extends Et2WithSearchMixin(Et2InvokerMixin(Et2WidgetWithSelect)) { static get styles() { return [ // Parent (SlSelect) returns a single cssResult, not an array super.styles, shoelace, css` :host { display: block; --icon-width: 20px; } ::slotted(img), img { vertical-align: middle; } /* Get rid of padding before/after options */ sl-menu::part(base) { padding: 0px; } /* Avoid double scrollbar if there are a lot of options */ .select__menu { max-height: initial; } /** multiple=true uses tags for each value **/ /* styling for icon inside tag (not option) */ .tag_image { margin-right: var(--sl-spacing-x-small); } /* Maximum height + scrollbar on tags (+ other styling) */ .select__tags { margin-left: 0px; max-height: 5em; overflow-y: auto; gap: 0.1rem 0.5rem; } /* Keep overflow tag right-aligned. It's the only sl-tag. */ .select__tags sl-tag { margin-left: auto; } select:hover { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 60%); }` ]; } static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, /** * Toggle between single and multiple selection */ multiple: { type: Boolean, reflect: true, }, /** * Add a button to switch to multiple with given number of rows */ expand_multiple_rows: { type: Number, } } } get slots() { return { ...super.slots, input: () => { return document.createElement("select"); } } } constructor(...args : any[]) { super(); this._triggerChange = this._triggerChange.bind(this); this._doResize = this._doResize.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.fix_bad_value(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.addEventListener("sl-clear", this._triggerChange) this.addEventListener("sl-change", this._triggerChange); this.addEventListener("sl-after-show", this._doResize) }); } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.removeEventListener("sl-clear", this._triggerChange) this.removeEventListener("sl-change", this._triggerChange); this.removeEventListener("sl-after-show", this._doResize); } firstUpdated(changedProperties?) { super.firstUpdated(changedProperties); } _triggerChange(e) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } /** * Change the menu sizing to allow the menu to be wider than the field width, but no smaller * * @param e * @private */ private _doResize(e) { this.menu.style.minWidth = this.menu.style.width; this.menu.style.width = ""; } /** * Get the node where we're putting the selection options * * @returns {HTMLElement} */ get _optionTargetNode() : HTMLElement { return this; } /** * Handle the case where there is no value set, or the value provided is not an option. * If this happens, we choose the first option or empty label. * * Careful when this is called. We change the value here, so an infinite loop is possible if the widget has * onchange. * * @private */ private fix_bad_value() { // If no value is set, choose the first option // Only do this on firstUpdated() otherwise it is impossible to clear the field const valueArray = Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value : (!this.value ? [] : this.value.toString().split(',')); // value not in options --> use empty_label, if exists, or first option otherwise if(this.value !== "" && !this.multiple && Array.isArray(this.select_options) && this.select_options.length > 0 && this.select_options.filter((option) => valueArray.find(val => val == option.value)).length === 0) { this.value = this.empty_label ? "" : "" + this.select_options[0]?.value; // ""+ to cast value of 0 to "0", to not replace with "" } } /** * @deprecated use this.multiple = multi * * @param multi */ set_multiple(multi) { this.multiple = multi; } set_value(val : string | string[] | number | number[]) { if (typeof val === 'number') { val = val.toString(); } if (Array.isArray(val)) { val = val.map(v => typeof v === 'number' ? v.toString() : v || ''); } this.value = val || ''; } /** * Reimplemented to allow/keep string[] as value * * @param value string|string[] */ _callParser(value = this.formattedValue) { if(this.multiple && Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } return super._callParser(value); } private _set_invoker(rows) { this._invokerAction = () => { this.multiple = true; this._inputNode.size = parseInt(rows) || 4; this._invokerNode.style.display = 'none'; } this._invokerTitle = egw.lang('Switch to multiple'); this._invokerLabel = '+'; } transformAttributes(attrs) { if (attrs.expand_multiple_rows) { this._set_invoker(attrs.expand_multiple_rows); } super.transformAttributes(attrs); // Deal with initial value of multiple set as CSV if(this.multiple && typeof this.value == "string") { this.value = this.value.length ? this.value.split(",") : []; } } set expand_multiple_rows(rows) { if (rows && !this.multiple) { this._set_invoker(rows); } else { this._invokerLabel = undefined; } this.__expand_multiple_rows = rows; } get expand_multiple_rows() { return this.__expand_multiple_rows; } /** * Method to check if invoker can be activated: not disabled, empty or invalid * * Overwritten to NOT disable if empty. * * @protected * */ _toggleInvokerDisabled() { if (this._invokerNode) { const invokerNode = /** @type {HTMLElement & {disabled: boolean}} */ (this._invokerNode); invokerNode.disabled = this.disabled || this.hasFeedbackFor.length > 0; } } /** @param {import('@lion/core').PropertyValues } changedProperties */ willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.willUpdate(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has('select_options') || changedProperties.has("value") || changedProperties.has('empty_label')) { this.fix_bad_value(); // Re-set value, the option for it may have just shown up this.value = this.value || ""; } // propagate multiple to selectbox if(changedProperties.has('multiple')) { // switch the expand button off if(this.multiple) { this.expand_multiple_rows = 0; } } } /** * Override this method from SlSelect to stick our own tags in there */ syncItemsFromValue() { if(typeof super.syncItemsFromValue === "function") { super.syncItemsFromValue(); } // Only applies to multiple if(typeof this.displayTags !== "object" || !this.multiple) { return; } let overflow = null; if(this.maxTagsVisible > 0 && this.displayTags.length > this.maxTagsVisible) { overflow = this.displayTags.pop(); } const checkedItems = Object.values(this.menuItems).filter(item => this.value.includes(item.value)); this.displayTags = checkedItems.map(item => this._createTagNode(item)); // Re-slice & add overflow tag if(overflow) { this.displayTags = this.displayTags.slice(0, this.maxTagsVisible); this.displayTags.push(overflow); } } _emptyLabelTemplate() : TemplateResult { if(!this.empty_label || this.multiple) { return html``; } return html` ${this.empty_label}`; } /** * Tag used for rendering options * Used for finding & filtering options, they're created by the mixed-in class * @returns {string} */ public get optionTag() { return "sl-menu-item"; } _optionTemplate(option : SelectOption) : TemplateResult { let icon = option.icon ? html` ` : ""; // Tag used must match this.optionTag, but you can't use the variable directly. // Pass option along so SearchMixin can grab it if needed return html` ${icon} ${option.label} `; } /** * Tag used for rendering tags when multiple=true * Used for creating, finding & filtering options. * @see createTagNode() * @returns {string} */ public get tagTag() { return "et2-tag"; } /** * Customise how tags are rendered. This overrides what SlSelect * does in syncItemsFromValue(). * This is a copy+paste from SlSelect.syncItemsFromValue(). * * @param item * @protected */ protected _createTagNode(item) { const tag = document.createElement(this.tagTag); tag.value = item.value; tag.textContent = this.getItemLabel(item); tag.class = item.classList.value + " search_tag"; if(this.size) { tag.size = this.size; } if(this.readonly) { tag.removable = false; tag.readonly = true; } else { tag.addEventListener("dblclick", this._handleDoubleClick); tag.addEventListener("click", this.handleTagInteraction); tag.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleTagInteraction); tag.addEventListener("sl-remove", (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); if(!this.disabled) { item.checked = false; this.syncValueFromItems(); } }); } let image = this._createImage(item); if(image) { tag.prepend(image); } return tag; } protected _createImage(item) { let image = item.querySelector("et2-image"); if(image) { image = image.clone(); image.slot = "prefix"; image.class = "tag_image"; return image; } return ""; } public get menuItems() : HTMLElement[] { return [...this.querySelectorAll(this.optionTag)]; } /** * Massively simplified validate, as compared to what ValidatorMixin gives us, since ValidatorMixin extends * FormControlMixin which breaks SlSelect's render() */ async validate() { let validators = [...(this.validators || []), ...(this.defaultValidators || [])]; let fieldName = this.id; let feedbackData = []; this.querySelector("lion-validation-feedback")?.remove(); const doValidate = async function(validator) { if(validator.config.fieldName) { fieldName = await validator.config.fieldName; } // @ts-ignore [allow-protected] const message = await validator._getMessage({ modelValue: this.value, formControl: this, fieldName, }); feedbackData.push({message, type: validator.type, validator}); }.bind(this); const resultPromises = validators.map(async validator => { const result = validator.execute(this.value, validator.param, {node: this}); if(result === true) { await doValidate(validator); } else { result.then(doValidate(validator)); return result; } }); await Promise.all(resultPromises); if(feedbackData.length > 0) { let feedback = document.createElement("lion-validation-feedback"); feedback.feedbackData = feedbackData; feedback.slot = "help-text"; this.append(feedback); } } /** * Override parent to always call validate(), as our simple implementation needs to validate on clear as well. * * @param {string | false} err */ set_validation_error(err : string | false) { super.set_validation_error(err); if(err == false) { this.validate(); } } } customElements.define("et2-select", Et2Select); if(typeof customElements.get("lion-validation-feedback") === "undefined") { customElements.define("lion-validation-feedback", LionValidationFeedback); } /** * Use a single StaticOptions, since it should have no state * @type {StaticOptions} */ const so = new StaticOptions(); export class Et2SelectApp extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.app(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-app", Et2SelectApp); export class Et2SelectBitwise extends Et2Select { set value(new_value) { let oldValue = this._value; let expanded_value = []; let options = this.select_options; for(let index in options) { let right = parseInt(options[index].value); if(!!(new_value & right)) { expanded_value.push(right); } } super.value = expanded_value; this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-bitwise", Et2SelectBitwise); export class Et2SelectBool extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.bool(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-bool", Et2SelectBool); export class Et2SelectDay extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.day(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-day", Et2SelectDay); export class Et2SelectDayOfWeek extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.dow(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-dow", Et2SelectDayOfWeek); export class Et2SelectHour extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.hour(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-hour", Et2SelectHour); export class Et2SelectMonth extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.month(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-month", Et2SelectMonth); export class Et2SelectNumber extends Et2Select { static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, /** * Step between numbers */ interval: {type: Number}, min: {type: Number}, max: {type: Number}, /** * Add one or more leading zeros * Set to how many zeros you want (000) */ leading_zero: {type: String}, /** * Appended after every number */ suffix: {type: String} } } constructor() { super(); this.min = 1; this.max = 10; this.interval = 1; this.leading_zero = ""; this.suffix = ""; } updated(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.updated(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has('min') || changedProperties.has('max') || changedProperties.has('interval') || changedProperties.has('suffix')) { this.select_options = so.number(this); } } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-number", Et2SelectNumber); export class Et2SelectPercent extends Et2SelectNumber { constructor() { super(); this.min = 0; this.max = 100; this.interval = 10; this.suffix = "%%"; } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-percent", Et2SelectPercent); export class Et2SelectPriority extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.priority(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-priority", Et2SelectPriority); export class Et2SelectState extends Et2Select { /** * Two-letter ISO country code */ protected __country_code; static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, country_code: String, } } constructor() { super(); this.country_code = 'DE'; } get country_code() { return this.__country_code; } set country_code(code : string) { this.__country_code = code; this.select_options = so.state(this, {country_code: this.__country_code}); } set_country_code(code) { this.country_code = code; } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-state", Et2SelectState); export class Et2SelectTimezone extends Et2Select { constructor() { super(); this.select_options = so.timezone(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-timezone", Et2SelectTimezone); export class Et2SelectYear extends Et2SelectNumber { constructor() { super(); this.min = -3; this.max = 2; } updated(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.updated(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has('min') || changedProperties.has('max') || changedProperties.has('interval') || changedProperties.has('suffix')) { this.select_options = so.year(this); } } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-year", Et2SelectYear);