"phpwebhosting"); include("../header.inc.php"); error_reporting (4); if ($update == 1) { if ($commit) { $query = sql_query ("SELECT shortcut FROM settings"); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array ($query)) { $shortcutvar = addslashes ($$array["shortcut"]); $query2 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = '$shortcutvar' WHERE shortcut = '$array[shortcut]'"); header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php"); } } elseif ($set) { $query = sql_query ("SELECT shortcut FROM settings"); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array ($query)) { $shortcut = $array["shortcut"]; $shortcutvar = addslashes ($$shortcut); $query2 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET original = '$shortcutvar' WHERE shortcut = '$shortcut'"); $query3 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = original"); header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php"); } } elseif ($reset) { $query = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = original"); header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php"); } } html_page_begin ("Administration"); html_page_body_begin (); html_text_italic ("This is the administration section. Here you can change most everything. Be careful, because your changes affect the entire site, including this page."); html_break (1); html_text_italic (htmlspecialchars ('"Strings" are arbitrary text included inside of the HTML tags. For example, "Body String" would be in the tag. An example would be "text=blue".')); html_break (1); html_text_italic ('"Shortcuts" are used mostly by developers'); html_break (2); html_form_begin ("$hostname/users.php?op=logout"); html_form_input ("submit", NULL, "Log Out"); html_form_end (); html_form_begin ("$hostname/admin.php?update=1"); html_table_begin (); $query = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM settings"); while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array ($query)) { $cat = $cat["category"]; html_table_row_begin (); html_table_col_begin (); html_text_header (2, ucwords ($cat)); html_table_col_end (); html_table_row_end (); $query2 = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT subcategory FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat'"); while ($sub = mysql_fetch_array ($query2)) { $sub = $sub["subcategory"]; html_table_row_begin (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_text_header (3, ucwords ($sub)); html_table_col_end (); html_table_row_end (); $query3 = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT subsubcategory FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat' AND subcategory = '$sub'"); while ($subsub = mysql_fetch_array ($query3)) { $subsub = $subsub["subsubcategory"]; html_table_row_begin (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_text_header (4, ucwords ($subsub)); html_table_col_end (); html_table_row_end (); $query4 = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat' AND subcategory = '$sub' AND subsubcategory = '$subsub'"); while ($settings = mysql_fetch_array ($query4)) { $desc = htmlspecialchars ($settings["description"]); $original = htmlspecialchars ($settings["original"]); if (($original == NULL || !$original) && !is_int ($original)) $original = "None"; $info = $settings["info"]; $shortcut = $settings["shortcut"]; html_table_row_begin (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_table_col_end (); html_table_col_begin (); html_text_underline (ucwords ($desc)); html_font_set (2); html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1)); html_text ("Shortcut: " . $shortcut); html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1)); html_text ("Default: " . $original); html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1)); html_font_end (); html_form_textarea ($shortcut, 5, 50, $info); html_table_col_end (); html_table_row_end (); } } } } html_table_end (); html_break (2); html_form_input ("submit", "commit", "Commit changes"); html_nbsp (10); html_form_input ("submit", "set", "Save changes as Defaults"); html_nbsp (10); html_form_input ("reset", NULL, "Reset to Session Defaults"); html_nbsp (10); html_form_input ("submit", "reset", "Reset to Saved Defaults"); html_form_end (); html_page_close (); ?>