parent =& $parent; } /** * XML Callback to process start elements * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements * * @access private */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { } function create() { return array(); } /** * Destroys the object */ function destroy() { unset( $this ); } /** * Checks whether the specified RDBMS is supported by the current * database object or its ranking ancestor. * * @param string $platform RDBMS platform name (from ADODB platform list). * @return boolean TRUE if RDBMS is supported; otherwise returns FALSE. */ function supportedPlatform( $platform = NULL ) { return is_object( $this->parent ) ? $this->parent->supportedPlatform( $platform ) : TRUE; } /** * Returns the prefix set by the ranking ancestor of the database object. * * @param string $name Prefix string. * @return string Prefix. */ function prefix( $name = '' ) { return is_object( $this->parent ) ? $this->parent->prefix( $name ) : $name; } /** * Extracts a field ID from the specified field. * * @param string $field Field. * @return string Field ID. */ function FieldID( $field ) { return strtoupper( preg_replace( '/^`(.+)`$/', '$1', $field ) ); } } /** * Creates a table object in ADOdb's datadict format * * This class stores information about a database table. As charactaristics * of the table are loaded from the external source, methods and properties * of this class are used to build up the table description in ADOdb's * datadict format. * * @package axmls * @access private */ class dbTable extends dbObject { /** * @var string Table name */ var $name; /** * @var array Field specifier: Meta-information about each field */ var $fields = array(); /** * @var array List of table indexes. */ var $indexes = array(); /** * @var array Table options: Table-level options */ var $opts = array(); /** * @var string Field index: Keeps track of which field is currently being processed */ var $current_field; /** * @var boolean Mark table for destruction * @access private */ var $drop_table; /** * @var boolean Mark field for destruction (not yet implemented) * @access private */ var $drop_field = array(); /** * Iniitializes a new table object. * * @param string $prefix DB Object prefix * @param array $attributes Array of table attributes. */ function dbTable( &$parent, $attributes = NULL ) { $this->parent =& $parent; $this->name = $this->prefix($attributes['NAME']); } /** * XML Callback to process start elements. Elements currently * processed are: INDEX, DROP, FIELD, KEY, NOTNULL, AUTOINCREMENT & DEFAULT. * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { $this->currentElement = strtoupper( $tag ); switch( $this->currentElement ) { case 'INDEX': if( !isset( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) OR $this->supportedPlatform( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) ) { xml_set_object( $parser, $this->addIndex( $attributes ) ); } break; case 'DATA': if( !isset( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) OR $this->supportedPlatform( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) ) { xml_set_object( $parser, $this->addData( $attributes ) ); } break; case 'DROP': $this->drop(); break; case 'FIELD': // Add a field $fieldName = $attributes['NAME']; $fieldType = $attributes['TYPE']; $fieldSize = isset( $attributes['SIZE'] ) ? $attributes['SIZE'] : NULL; $fieldOpts = isset( $attributes['OPTS'] ) ? $attributes['OPTS'] : NULL; $this->addField( $fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldSize, $fieldOpts ); break; case 'KEY': case 'NOTNULL': case 'AUTOINCREMENT': // Add a field option $this->addFieldOpt( $this->current_field, $this->currentElement ); break; case 'DEFAULT': // Add a field option to the table object // Work around ADOdb datadict issue that misinterprets empty strings. if( $attributes['VALUE'] == '' ) { $attributes['VALUE'] = " '' "; } $this->addFieldOpt( $this->current_field, $this->currentElement, $attributes['VALUE'] ); break; case 'DEFDATE': case 'DEFTIMESTAMP': // Add a field option to the table object $this->addFieldOpt( $this->current_field, $this->currentElement ); break; default: // print_r( array( $tag, $attributes ) ); } } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements * * @access private */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { switch( $this->currentElement ) { // Table constraint case 'CONSTRAINT': if( isset( $this->current_field ) ) { $this->addFieldOpt( $this->current_field, $this->currentElement, $cdata ); } else { $this->addTableOpt( $cdata ); } break; // Table option case 'OPT': $this->addTableOpt( $cdata ); break; default: } } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { $this->currentElement = ''; switch( strtoupper( $tag ) ) { case 'TABLE': $this->parent->addSQL( $this->create( $this->parent ) ); xml_set_object( $parser, $this->parent ); $this->destroy(); break; case 'FIELD': unset($this->current_field); break; } } /** * Adds an index to a table object * * @param array $attributes Index attributes * @return object dbIndex object */ function &addIndex( $attributes ) { $name = strtoupper( $attributes['NAME'] ); $this->indexes[$name] =& new dbIndex( $this, $attributes ); return $this->indexes[$name]; } /** * Adds data to a table object * * @param array $attributes Data attributes * @return object dbData object */ function &addData( $attributes ) { if( !isset( $this->data ) ) { $this->data =& new dbData( $this, $attributes ); } return $this->data; } /** * Adds a field to a table object * * $name is the name of the table to which the field should be added. * $type is an ADODB datadict field type. The following field types * are supported as of ADODB 3.40: * - C: varchar * - X: CLOB (character large object) or largest varchar size * if CLOB is not supported * - C2: Multibyte varchar * - X2: Multibyte CLOB * - B: BLOB (binary large object) * - D: Date (some databases do not support this, and we return a datetime type) * - T: Datetime or Timestamp * - L: Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1) * - I: Integer (mapped to I4) * - I1: 1-byte integer * - I2: 2-byte integer * - I4: 4-byte integer * - I8: 8-byte integer * - F: Floating point number * - N: Numeric or decimal number * * @param string $name Name of the table to which the field will be added. * @param string $type ADODB datadict field type. * @param string $size Field size * @param array $opts Field options array * @return array Field specifier array */ function addField( $name, $type, $size = NULL, $opts = NULL ) { $field_id = $this->FieldID( $name ); // Set the field index so we know where we are $this->current_field = $field_id; // Set the field name (required) $this->fields[$field_id]['NAME'] = $name; // Set the field type (required) $this->fields[$field_id]['TYPE'] = $type; // Set the field size (optional) if( isset( $size ) ) { $this->fields[$field_id]['SIZE'] = $size; } // Set the field options if( isset( $opts ) ) { $this->fields[$field_id]['OPTS'][] = $opts; } } /** * Adds a field option to the current field specifier * * This method adds a field option allowed by the ADOdb datadict * and appends it to the given field. * * @param string $field Field name * @param string $opt ADOdb field option * @param mixed $value Field option value * @return array Field specifier array */ function addFieldOpt( $field, $opt, $value = NULL ) { if( !isset( $value ) ) { $this->fields[$this->FieldID( $field )]['OPTS'][] = $opt; // Add the option and value } else { $this->fields[$this->FieldID( $field )]['OPTS'][] = array( $opt => $value ); } } /** * Adds an option to the table * * This method takes a comma-separated list of table-level options * and appends them to the table object. * * @param string $opt Table option * @return array Options */ function addTableOpt( $opt ) { $this->opts[] = $opt; return $this->opts; } /** * Generates the SQL that will create the table in the database * * @param object $xmls adoSchema object * @return array Array containing table creation SQL */ function create( &$xmls ) { $sql = array(); // drop any existing indexes if( is_array( $legacy_indexes = $xmls->dict->MetaIndexes( $this->name ) ) ) { foreach( $legacy_indexes as $index => $index_details ) { $sql[] = $xmls->dict->DropIndexSQL( $index, $this->name ); } } // remove fields to be dropped from table object foreach( $this->drop_field as $field ) { unset( $this->fields[$field] ); } // if table exists if( is_array( $legacy_fields = $xmls->dict->MetaColumns( $this->name ) ) ) { // drop table if( $this->drop_table ) { $sql[] = $xmls->dict->DropTableSQL( $this->name ); return $sql; } // drop any existing fields not in schema foreach( $legacy_fields as $field_id => $field ) { if( !isset( $this->fields[$field_id] ) ) { $sql[] = $xmls->dict->DropColumnSQL( $this->name, '`'.$field->name.'`' ); } } // if table doesn't exist } else { if( $this->drop_table ) { return $sql; } $legacy_fields = array(); } // Loop through the field specifier array, building the associative array for the field options $fldarray = array(); foreach( $this->fields as $field_id => $finfo ) { // Set an empty size if it isn't supplied if( !isset( $finfo['SIZE'] ) ) { $finfo['SIZE'] = ''; } // Initialize the field array with the type and size $fldarray[$field_id] = array( 'NAME' => $finfo['NAME'], 'TYPE' => $finfo['TYPE'], 'SIZE' => $finfo['SIZE'] ); // Loop through the options array and add the field options. if( isset( $finfo['OPTS'] ) ) { foreach( $finfo['OPTS'] as $opt ) { // Option has an argument. if( is_array( $opt ) ) { $key = key( $opt ); $value = $opt[key( $opt )]; @$fldarray[$field_id][$key] .= $value; // Option doesn't have arguments } else { $fldarray[$field_id][$opt] = $opt; } } } } if( empty( $legacy_fields ) ) { // Create the new table $sql[] = $xmls->dict->CreateTableSQL( $this->name, $fldarray, $this->opts ); logMsg( end( $sql ), 'Generated CreateTableSQL' ); } else { // Upgrade an existing table logMsg( "Upgrading {$this->name} using '{$xmls->upgrade}'" ); switch( $xmls->upgrade ) { // Use ChangeTableSQL case 'ALTER': logMsg( 'Generated ChangeTableSQL (ALTERing table)' ); $sql[] = $xmls->dict->ChangeTableSQL( $this->name, $fldarray, $this->opts ); break; case 'REPLACE': logMsg( 'Doing upgrade REPLACE (testing)' ); $sql[] = $xmls->dict->DropTableSQL( $this->name ); $sql[] = $xmls->dict->CreateTableSQL( $this->name, $fldarray, $this->opts ); break; // ignore table default: return array(); } } foreach( $this->indexes as $index ) { $sql[] = $index->create( $xmls ); } if( isset( $this->data ) ) { $sql[] = $this->data->create( $xmls ); } return $sql; } /** * Marks a field or table for destruction */ function drop() { if( isset( $this->current_field ) ) { // Drop the current field logMsg( "Dropping field '{$this->current_field}' from table '{$this->name}'" ); // $this->drop_field[$this->current_field] = $xmls->dict->DropColumnSQL( $this->name, $this->current_field ); $this->drop_field[$this->current_field] = $this->current_field; } else { // Drop the current table logMsg( "Dropping table '{$this->name}'" ); // $this->drop_table = $xmls->dict->DropTableSQL( $this->name ); $this->drop_table = TRUE; } } } /** * Creates an index object in ADOdb's datadict format * * This class stores information about a database index. As charactaristics * of the index are loaded from the external source, methods and properties * of this class are used to build up the index description in ADOdb's * datadict format. * * @package axmls * @access private */ class dbIndex extends dbObject { /** * @var string Index name */ var $name; /** * @var array Index options: Index-level options */ var $opts = array(); /** * @var array Indexed fields: Table columns included in this index */ var $columns = array(); /** * @var boolean Mark index for destruction * @access private */ var $drop = FALSE; /** * Initializes the new dbIndex object. * * @param object $parent Parent object * @param array $attributes Attributes * * @internal */ function dbIndex( &$parent, $attributes = NULL ) { $this->parent =& $parent; $this->name = $this->prefix ($attributes['NAME']); } /** * XML Callback to process start elements * * Processes XML opening tags. * Elements currently processed are: DROP, CLUSTERED, BITMAP, UNIQUE, FULLTEXT & HASH. * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { $this->currentElement = strtoupper( $tag ); switch( $this->currentElement ) { case 'DROP': $this->drop(); break; case 'CLUSTERED': case 'BITMAP': case 'UNIQUE': case 'FULLTEXT': case 'HASH': // Add index Option $this->addIndexOpt( $this->currentElement ); break; default: // print_r( array( $tag, $attributes ) ); } } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements * * Processes XML cdata. * * @access private */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { switch( $this->currentElement ) { // Index field name case 'COL': $this->addField( $cdata ); break; default: } } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { $this->currentElement = ''; switch( strtoupper( $tag ) ) { case 'INDEX': xml_set_object( $parser, $this->parent ); break; } } /** * Adds a field to the index * * @param string $name Field name * @return string Field list */ function addField( $name ) { $this->columns[$this->FieldID( $name )] = $name; // Return the field list return $this->columns; } /** * Adds options to the index * * @param string $opt Comma-separated list of index options. * @return string Option list */ function addIndexOpt( $opt ) { $this->opts[] = $opt; // Return the options list return $this->opts; } /** * Generates the SQL that will create the index in the database * * @param object $xmls adoSchema object * @return array Array containing index creation SQL */ function create( &$xmls ) { if( $this->drop ) { return NULL; } // eliminate any columns that aren't in the table foreach( $this->columns as $id => $col ) { if( !isset( $this->parent->fields[$id] ) ) { unset( $this->columns[$id] ); } } return $xmls->dict->CreateIndexSQL( $this->name, $this->parent->name, $this->columns, $this->opts ); } /** * Marks an index for destruction */ function drop() { $this->drop = TRUE; } } /** * Creates a data object in ADOdb's datadict format * * This class stores information about table data. * * @package axmls * @access private */ class dbData extends dbObject { var $data = array(); var $row; /** * Initializes the new dbIndex object. * * @param object $parent Parent object * @param array $attributes Attributes * * @internal */ function dbData( &$parent, $attributes = NULL ) { $this->parent =& $parent; } /** * XML Callback to process start elements * * Processes XML opening tags. * Elements currently processed are: DROP, CLUSTERED, BITMAP, UNIQUE, FULLTEXT & HASH. * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { $this->currentElement = strtoupper( $tag ); switch( $this->currentElement ) { case 'ROW': $this->row = count( $this->data ); $this->data[$this->row] = array(); break; case 'F': $this->addField($attributes); default: // print_r( array( $tag, $attributes ) ); } } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements * * Processes XML cdata. * * @access private */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { switch( $this->currentElement ) { // Index field name case 'F': $this->addData( $cdata ); break; default: } } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { $this->currentElement = ''; switch( strtoupper( $tag ) ) { case 'DATA': xml_set_object( $parser, $this->parent ); break; } } /** * Adds a field to the index * * @param string $name Field name * @return string Field list */ function addField( $attributes ) { if( isset( $attributes['NAME'] ) ) { $name = $attributes['NAME']; } else { $name = count($this->data[$this->row]); } // Set the field index so we know where we are $this->current_field = $this->FieldID( $name ); } /** * Adds options to the index * * @param string $opt Comma-separated list of index options. * @return string Option list */ function addData( $cdata ) { if( !isset( $this->data[$this->row] ) ) { $this->data[$this->row] = array(); } if( !isset( $this->data[$this->row][$this->current_field] ) ) { $this->data[$this->row][$this->current_field] = ''; } $this->data[$this->row][$this->current_field] .= $cdata; } /** * Generates the SQL that will create the index in the database * * @param object $xmls adoSchema object * @return array Array containing index creation SQL */ function create( &$xmls ) { $table = $xmls->dict->TableName($this->parent->name); $table_field_count = count($this->parent->fields); $sql = array(); // eliminate any columns that aren't in the table foreach( $this->data as $row ) { $table_fields = $this->parent->fields; $fields = array(); foreach( $row as $field_id => $field_data ) { if( !array_key_exists( $field_id, $table_fields ) ) { if( is_numeric( $field_id ) ) { $field_id = reset( array_keys( $table_fields ) ); } else { continue; } } $name = $table_fields[$field_id]['NAME']; switch( $table_fields[$field_id]['TYPE'] ) { case 'C': case 'C2': case 'X': case 'X2': $fields[$name] = $xmls->db->qstr( $field_data ); break; case 'I': case 'I1': case 'I2': case 'I4': case 'I8': $fields[$name] = intval($field_data); break; default: $fields[$name] = $field_data; } unset($table_fields[$field_id]); } // check that at least 1 column is specified if( empty( $fields ) ) { continue; } // check that no required columns are missing if( count( $fields ) < $table_field_count ) { foreach( $table_fields as $field ) { if( ( in_array( 'NOTNULL', $field['OPTS'] ) || in_array( 'KEY', $field['OPTS'] ) ) && !in_array( 'AUTOINCREMENT', $field['OPTS'] ) ) { continue(2); } } } $sql[] = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' ('. implode( ',', array_keys( $fields ) ) .') VALUES ('. implode( ',', $fields ) .')'; } return $sql; } } /** * Creates the SQL to execute a list of provided SQL queries * * @package axmls * @access private */ class dbQuerySet extends dbObject { /** * @var array List of SQL queries */ var $queries = array(); /** * @var string String used to build of a query line by line */ var $query; /** * @var string Query prefix key */ var $prefixKey = ''; /** * @var boolean Auto prefix enable (TRUE) */ var $prefixMethod = 'AUTO'; /** * Initializes the query set. * * @param object $parent Parent object * @param array $attributes Attributes */ function dbQuerySet( &$parent, $attributes = NULL ) { $this->parent =& $parent; // Overrides the manual prefix key if( isset( $attributes['KEY'] ) ) { $this->prefixKey = $attributes['KEY']; } $prefixMethod = isset( $attributes['PREFIXMETHOD'] ) ? strtoupper( trim( $attributes['PREFIXMETHOD'] ) ) : ''; // Enables or disables automatic prefix prepending switch( $prefixMethod ) { case 'AUTO': $this->prefixMethod = 'AUTO'; break; case 'MANUAL': $this->prefixMethod = 'MANUAL'; break; case 'NONE': $this->prefixMethod = 'NONE'; break; } } /** * XML Callback to process start elements. Elements currently * processed are: QUERY. * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { $this->currentElement = strtoupper( $tag ); switch( $this->currentElement ) { case 'QUERY': // Create a new query in a SQL queryset. // Ignore this query set if a platform is specified and it's different than the // current connection platform. if( !isset( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) OR $this->supportedPlatform( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) ) { $this->newQuery(); } else { $this->discardQuery(); } break; default: // print_r( array( $tag, $attributes ) ); } } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { switch( $this->currentElement ) { // Line of queryset SQL data case 'QUERY': $this->buildQuery( $cdata ); break; default: } } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { $this->currentElement = ''; switch( strtoupper( $tag ) ) { case 'QUERY': // Add the finished query to the open query set. $this->addQuery(); break; case 'SQL': $this->parent->addSQL( $this->create( $this->parent ) ); xml_set_object( $parser, $this->parent ); $this->destroy(); break; default: } } /** * Re-initializes the query. * * @return boolean TRUE */ function newQuery() { $this->query = ''; return TRUE; } /** * Discards the existing query. * * @return boolean TRUE */ function discardQuery() { unset( $this->query ); return TRUE; } /** * Appends a line to a query that is being built line by line * * @param string $data Line of SQL data or NULL to initialize a new query * @return string SQL query string. */ function buildQuery( $sql = NULL ) { if( !isset( $this->query ) OR empty( $sql ) ) { return FALSE; } $this->query .= $sql; return $this->query; } /** * Adds a completed query to the query list * * @return string SQL of added query */ function addQuery() { if( !isset( $this->query ) ) { return FALSE; } $this->queries[] = $return = trim($this->query); unset( $this->query ); return $return; } /** * Creates and returns the current query set * * @param object $xmls adoSchema object * @return array Query set */ function create( &$xmls ) { foreach( $this->queries as $id => $query ) { switch( $this->prefixMethod ) { case 'AUTO': // Enable auto prefix replacement // Process object prefix. // Evaluate SQL statements to prepend prefix to objects $query = $this->prefixQuery( '/^\s*((?is)INSERT\s+(INTO\s+)?)((\w+\s*,?\s*)+)(\s.*$)/', $query, $xmls->objectPrefix ); $query = $this->prefixQuery( '/^\s*((?is)UPDATE\s+(FROM\s+)?)((\w+\s*,?\s*)+)(\s.*$)/', $query, $xmls->objectPrefix ); $query = $this->prefixQuery( '/^\s*((?is)DELETE\s+(FROM\s+)?)((\w+\s*,?\s*)+)(\s.*$)/', $query, $xmls->objectPrefix ); // SELECT statements aren't working yet #$data = preg_replace( '/(?ias)(^\s*SELECT\s+.*\s+FROM)\s+(\W\s*,?\s*)+((?i)\s+WHERE.*$)/', "\1 $prefix\2 \3", $data ); case 'MANUAL': // If prefixKey is set and has a value then we use it to override the default constant XMLS_PREFIX. // If prefixKey is not set, we use the default constant XMLS_PREFIX if( isset( $this->prefixKey ) AND( $this->prefixKey !== '' ) ) { // Enable prefix override $query = str_replace( $this->prefixKey, $xmls->objectPrefix, $query ); } else { // Use default replacement $query = str_replace( XMLS_PREFIX , $xmls->objectPrefix, $query ); } } $this->queries[$id] = trim( $query ); } // Return the query set array return $this->queries; } /** * Rebuilds the query with the prefix attached to any objects * * @param string $regex Regex used to add prefix * @param string $query SQL query string * @param string $prefix Prefix to be appended to tables, indices, etc. * @return string Prefixed SQL query string. */ function prefixQuery( $regex, $query, $prefix = NULL ) { if( !isset( $prefix ) ) { return $query; } if( preg_match( $regex, $query, $match ) ) { $preamble = $match[1]; $postamble = $match[5]; $objectList = explode( ',', $match[3] ); // $prefix = $prefix . '_'; $prefixedList = ''; foreach( $objectList as $object ) { if( $prefixedList !== '' ) { $prefixedList .= ', '; } $prefixedList .= $prefix . trim( $object ); } $query = $preamble . ' ' . $prefixedList . ' ' . $postamble; } return $query; } } /** * Loads and parses an XML file, creating an array of "ready-to-run" SQL statements * * This class is used to load and parse the XML file, to create an array of SQL statements * that can be used to build a database, and to build the database using the SQL array. * * @tutorial getting_started.pkg * * @author Richard Tango-Lowy & Dan Cech * @version $Revision$ * * @package axmls */ class adoSchema { /** * @var array Array containing SQL queries to generate all objects * @access private */ var $sqlArray; /** * @var object ADOdb connection object * @access private */ var $db; /** * @var object ADOdb Data Dictionary * @access private */ var $dict; /** * @var string Current XML element * @access private */ var $currentElement = ''; /** * @var string If set (to 'ALTER' or 'REPLACE'), upgrade an existing database * @access private */ var $upgrade = ''; /** * @var string Optional object prefix * @access private */ var $objectPrefix = ''; /** * @var long Original Magic Quotes Runtime value * @access private */ var $mgq; /** * @var long System debug * @access private */ var $debug; /** * @var string Regular expression to find schema version * @access private */ var $versionRegex = '//'; /** * @var string Current schema version * @access private */ var $schemaVersion; /** * @var int Success of last Schema execution */ var $success; /** * @var bool Execute SQL inline as it is generated */ var $executeInline; /** * @var bool Continue SQL execution if errors occur */ var $continueOnError; /** * Creates an adoSchema object * * Creating an adoSchema object is the first step in processing an XML schema. * The only parameter is an ADOdb database connection object, which must already * have been created. * * @param object $db ADOdb database connection object. */ function adoSchema( &$db ) { // Initialize the environment $this->mgq = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $this->db =& $db; $this->debug = $this->db->debug; $this->dict = NewDataDictionary( $this->db ); $this->sqlArray = array(); $this->schemaVersion = XMLS_SCHEMA_VERSION; $this->executeInline( XMLS_EXECUTE_INLINE ); $this->continueOnError( XMLS_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR ); $this->setUpgradeMethod(); } /** * Sets the method to be used for upgrading an existing database * * Use this method to specify how existing database objects should be upgraded. * The method option can be set to ALTER, REPLACE, BEST, or NONE. ALTER attempts to * alter each database object directly, REPLACE attempts to rebuild each object * from scratch, BEST attempts to determine the best upgrade method for each * object, and NONE disables upgrading. * * This method is not yet used by AXMLS, but exists for backward compatibility. * The ALTER method is automatically assumed when the adoSchema object is * instantiated; other upgrade methods are not currently supported. * * @param string $method Upgrade method (ALTER|REPLACE|BEST|NONE) * @returns string Upgrade method used */ function SetUpgradeMethod( $method = '' ) { if( !is_string( $method ) ) { return FALSE; } $method = strtoupper( $method ); // Handle the upgrade methods switch( $method ) { case 'ALTER': $this->upgrade = $method; break; case 'REPLACE': $this->upgrade = $method; break; case 'BEST': $this->upgrade = 'ALTER'; break; case 'NONE': $this->upgrade = 'NONE'; break; default: // Use default if no legitimate method is passed. $this->upgrade = XMLS_DEFAULT_UPGRADE_METHOD; } return $this->upgrade; } /** * Enables/disables inline SQL execution. * * Call this method to enable or disable inline execution of the schema. If the mode is set to TRUE (inline execution), * AXMLS applies the SQL to the database immediately as each schema entity is parsed. If the mode * is set to FALSE (post execution), AXMLS parses the entire schema and you will need to call adoSchema::ExecuteSchema() * to apply the schema to the database. * * @param bool $mode execute * @return bool current execution mode * * @see ParseSchema(), ExecuteSchema() */ function ExecuteInline( $mode = NULL ) { if( is_bool( $mode ) ) { $this->executeInline = $mode; } return $this->executeInline; } /** * Enables/disables SQL continue on error. * * Call this method to enable or disable continuation of SQL execution if an error occurs. * If the mode is set to TRUE (continue), AXMLS will continue to apply SQL to the database, even if an error occurs. * If the mode is set to FALSE (halt), AXMLS will halt execution of generated sql if an error occurs, though parsing * of the schema will continue. * * @param bool $mode execute * @return bool current continueOnError mode * * @see addSQL(), ExecuteSchema() */ function ContinueOnError( $mode = NULL ) { if( is_bool( $mode ) ) { $this->continueOnError = $mode; } return $this->continueOnError; } /** * Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to SQL. * * Call this method to load the specified schema (see the DTD for the proper format) from * the filesystem and generate the SQL necessary to create the database described. * @see ParseSchemaString() * * @param string $file Name of XML schema file. * @param bool $returnSchema Return schema rather than parsing. * @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute */ function ParseSchema( $filename, $returnSchema = FALSE ) { return $this->ParseSchemaString( $this->ConvertSchemaFile( $filename ), $returnSchema ); } /** * Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to SQL. * * Call this method to load the specified schema from a file (see the DTD for the proper format) * and generate the SQL necessary to create the database described by the schema. * * @param string $file Name of XML schema file. * @param bool $returnSchema Return schema rather than parsing. * @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute. * * @deprecated Replaced by adoSchema::ParseSchema() and adoSchema::ParseSchemaString() * @see ParseSchema(), ParseSchemaString() */ function ParseSchemaFile( $filename, $returnSchema = FALSE ) { // Open the file if( !($fp = fopen( $filename, 'r' )) ) { // die( 'Unable to open file' ); return FALSE; } // do version detection here if( $this->SchemaFileVersion( $filename ) != $this->schemaVersion ) { return FALSE; } if ( $returnSchema ) { return $xmlstring; } $this->success = 2; $xmlParser = $this->create_parser(); // Process the file while( $data = fread( $fp, 4096 ) ) { if( !xml_parse( $xmlParser, $data, feof( $fp ) ) ) { die( sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $xmlParser) ), xml_get_current_line_number( $xmlParser) ) ); } } xml_parser_free( $xmlParser ); return $this->sqlArray; } /** * Converts an XML schema string to SQL. * * Call this method to parse a string containing an XML schema (see the DTD for the proper format) * and generate the SQL necessary to create the database described by the schema. * @see ParseSchema() * * @param string $xmlstring XML schema string. * @param bool $returnSchema Return schema rather than parsing. * @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute. */ function ParseSchemaString( $xmlstring, $returnSchema = FALSE ) { if( !is_string( $xmlstring ) OR empty( $xmlstring ) ) { return FALSE; } // do version detection here if( $this->SchemaStringVersion( $xmlstring ) != $this->schemaVersion ) { return FALSE; } if ( $returnSchema ) { return $xmlstring; } $this->success = 2; $xmlParser = $this->create_parser(); if( !xml_parse( $xmlParser, $xmlstring, TRUE ) ) { die( sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $xmlParser) ), xml_get_current_line_number( $xmlParser) ) ); } xml_parser_free( $xmlParser ); return $this->sqlArray; } /** * Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to uninstallation SQL. * * Call this method to load the specified schema (see the DTD for the proper format) from * the filesystem and generate the SQL necessary to remove the database described. * @see RemoveSchemaString() * * @param string $file Name of XML schema file. * @param bool $returnSchema Return schema rather than parsing. * @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute */ function RemoveSchema( $filename, $returnSchema = FALSE ) { return $this->RemoveSchemaString( $this->ConvertSchemaFile( $filename ), $returnSchema ); } /** * Converts an XML schema string to uninstallation SQL. * * Call this method to parse a string containing an XML schema (see the DTD for the proper format) * and generate the SQL necessary to uninstall the database described by the schema. * @see RemoveSchema() * * @param string $schema XML schema string. * @param bool $returnSchema Return schema rather than parsing. * @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute. */ function RemoveSchemaString( $schema, $returnSchema = FALSE ) { // grab current version if( !( $version = $this->SchemaStringVersion( $schema ) ) ) { return FALSE; } return $this->ParseSchemaString( $this->TransformSchema( $schema, 'remove-' . $version), $returnSchema ); } /** * Applies the current XML schema to the database (post execution). * * Call this method to apply the current schema (generally created by calling * ParseSchema() or ParseSchemaString() ) to the database (creating the tables, indexes, * and executing other SQL specified in the schema) after parsing. * @see ParseSchema(), ParseSchemaString(), ExecuteInline() * * @param array $sqlArray Array of SQL statements that will be applied rather than * the current schema. * @param boolean $continueOnErr Continue to apply the schema even if an error occurs. * @returns integer 0 if failure, 1 if errors, 2 if successful. */ function ExecuteSchema( $sqlArray = NULL, $continueOnErr = NULL ) { if( !is_bool( $continueOnErr ) ) { $continueOnErr = $this->ContinueOnError(); } if( !isset( $sqlArray ) ) { $sqlArray = $this->sqlArray; } if( !is_array( $sqlArray ) ) { $this->success = 0; } else { $this->success = $this->dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sqlArray, $continueOnErr ); } return $this->success; } /** * Returns the current SQL array. * * Call this method to fetch the array of SQL queries resulting from * ParseSchema() or ParseSchemaString(). * * @param string $format Format: HTML, TEXT, or NONE (PHP array) * @return array Array of SQL statements or FALSE if an error occurs */ function PrintSQL( $format = 'NONE' ) { return $this->getSQL( $format, $sqlArray ); } /** * Saves the current SQL array to the local filesystem as a list of SQL queries. * * Call this method to save the array of SQL queries (generally resulting from a * parsed XML schema) to the filesystem. * * @param string $filename Path and name where the file should be saved. * @return boolean TRUE if save is successful, else FALSE. */ function SaveSQL( $filename = './schema.sql' ) { if( !isset( $sqlArray ) ) { $sqlArray = $this->sqlArray; } if( !isset( $sqlArray ) ) { return FALSE; } $fp = fopen( $filename, "w" ); foreach( $sqlArray as $key => $query ) { fwrite( $fp, $query . ";\n" ); } fclose( $fp ); } /** * Create an xml parser * * @return object PHP XML parser object * * @access private */ function &create_parser() { // Create the parser $xmlParser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object( $xmlParser, $this ); // Initialize the XML callback functions xml_set_element_handler( $xmlParser, '_tag_open', '_tag_close' ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $xmlParser, '_tag_cdata' ); return $xmlParser; } /** * XML Callback to process start elements * * @access private */ function _tag_open( &$parser, $tag, $attributes ) { switch( strtoupper( $tag ) ) { case 'TABLE': $this->obj = new dbTable( $this, $attributes ); xml_set_object( $parser, $this->obj ); break; case 'SQL': if( !isset( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) OR $this->supportedPlatform( $attributes['PLATFORM'] ) ) { $this->obj = new dbQuerySet( $this, $attributes ); xml_set_object( $parser, $this->obj ); } break; default: // print_r( array( $tag, $attributes ) ); } } /** * XML Callback to process CDATA elements * * @access private */ function _tag_cdata( &$parser, $cdata ) { } /** * XML Callback to process end elements * * @access private * @internal */ function _tag_close( &$parser, $tag ) { } /** * Converts an XML schema string to the specified DTD version. * * Call this method to convert a string containing an XML schema to a different AXMLS * DTD version. For instance, to convert a schema created for an pre-1.0 version for * AXMLS (DTD version 0.1) to a newer version of the DTD (e.g. 0.2). If no DTD version * parameter is specified, the schema will be converted to the current DTD version. * If the newFile parameter is provided, the converted schema will be written to the specified * file. * @see ConvertSchemaFile() * * @param string $schema String containing XML schema that will be converted. * @param string $newVersion DTD version to convert to. * @param string $newFile File name of (converted) output file. * @return string Converted XML schema or FALSE if an error occurs. */ function ConvertSchemaString( $schema, $newVersion = NULL, $newFile = NULL ) { // grab current version if( !( $version = $this->SchemaStringVersion( $schema ) ) ) { return FALSE; } if( !isset ($newVersion) ) { $newVersion = $this->schemaVersion; } if( $version == $newVersion ) { $result = $schema; } else { $result = $this->TransformSchema( $schema, 'convert-' . $version . '-' . $newVersion); } if( is_string( $result ) AND is_string( $newFile ) AND ( $fp = fopen( $newFile, 'w' ) ) ) { fwrite( $fp, $result ); fclose( $fp ); } return $result; } /** * Converts an XML schema file to the specified DTD version. * * Call this method to convert the specified XML schema file to a different AXMLS * DTD version. For instance, to convert a schema created for an pre-1.0 version for * AXMLS (DTD version 0.1) to a newer version of the DTD (e.g. 0.2). If no DTD version * parameter is specified, the schema will be converted to the current DTD version. * If the newFile parameter is provided, the converted schema will be written to the specified * file. * @see ConvertSchemaString() * * @param string $filename Name of XML schema file that will be converted. * @param string $newVersion DTD version to convert to. * @param string $newFile File name of (converted) output file. * @return string Converted XML schema or FALSE if an error occurs. */ function ConvertSchemaFile( $filename, $newVersion = NULL, $newFile = NULL ) { // grab current version if( !( $version = $this->SchemaFileVersion( $filename ) ) ) { return FALSE; } if( !isset ($newVersion) ) { $newVersion = $this->schemaVersion; } if( $version == $newVersion ) { $result = file_get_contents( $filename ); // remove unicode BOM if present if( substr( $result, 0, 3 ) == sprintf( '%c%c%c', 239, 187, 191 ) ) { $result = substr( $result, 3 ); } } else { $result = $this->TransformSchema( $filename, 'convert-' . $version . '-' . $newVersion, 'file' ); } if( is_string( $result ) AND is_string( $newFile ) AND ( $fp = fopen( $newFile, 'w' ) ) ) { fwrite( $fp, $result ); fclose( $fp ); } return $result; } function TransformSchema( $schema, $xsl, $schematype='string' ) { // Fail if XSLT extension is not available if( ! function_exists( 'xslt_create' ) ) { return FALSE; } $xsl_file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/xsl/' . $xsl . '.xsl'; // look for xsl if( !is_readable( $xsl_file ) ) { return FALSE; } switch( $schematype ) { case 'file': if( !is_readable( $schema ) ) { return FALSE; } $schema = file_get_contents( $schema ); break; case 'string': default: if( !is_string( $schema ) ) { return FALSE; } } $arguments = array ( '/_xml' => $schema, '/_xsl' => file_get_contents( $xsl_file ) ); // create an XSLT processor $xh = xslt_create (); // set error handler xslt_set_error_handler ($xh, array (&$this, 'xslt_error_handler')); // process the schema $result = xslt_process ($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments); xslt_free ($xh); return $result; } /** * Processes XSLT transformation errors * * @param object $parser XML parser object * @param integer $errno Error number * @param integer $level Error level * @param array $fields Error information fields * * @access private */ function xslt_error_handler( $parser, $errno, $level, $fields ) { if( is_array( $fields ) ) { $msg = array( 'Message Type' => ucfirst( $fields['msgtype'] ), 'Message Code' => $fields['code'], 'Message' => $fields['msg'], 'Error Number' => $errno, 'Level' => $level ); switch( $fields['URI'] ) { case 'arg:/_xml': $msg['Input'] = 'XML'; break; case 'arg:/_xsl': $msg['Input'] = 'XSL'; break; default: $msg['Input'] = $fields['URI']; } $msg['Line'] = $fields['line']; } else { $msg = array( 'Message Type' => 'Error', 'Error Number' => $errno, 'Level' => $level, 'Fields' => var_export( $fields, TRUE ) ); } $error_details = $msg['Message Type'] . ' in XSLT Transformation' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; foreach( $msg as $label => $details ) { $error_details .= '' . "\n"; } $error_details .= '
' . $label . ': ' . htmlentities( $details ) . '
'; trigger_error( $error_details, E_USER_ERROR ); } /** * Returns the AXMLS Schema Version of the requested XML schema file. * * Call this method to obtain the AXMLS DTD version of the requested XML schema file. * @see SchemaStringVersion() * * @param string $filename AXMLS schema file * @return string Schema version number or FALSE on error */ function SchemaFileVersion( $filename ) { // Open the file if( !($fp = fopen( $filename, 'r' )) ) { // die( 'Unable to open file' ); return FALSE; } // Process the file while( $data = fread( $fp, 4096 ) ) { if( preg_match( $this->versionRegex, $data, $matches ) ) { return !empty( $matches[2] ) ? $matches[2] : XMLS_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VERSION; } } return FALSE; } /** * Returns the AXMLS Schema Version of the provided XML schema string. * * Call this method to obtain the AXMLS DTD version of the provided XML schema string. * @see SchemaFileVersion() * * @param string $xmlstring XML schema string * @return string Schema version number or FALSE on error */ function SchemaStringVersion( $xmlstring ) { if( !is_string( $xmlstring ) OR empty( $xmlstring ) ) { return FALSE; } if( preg_match( $this->versionRegex, $xmlstring, $matches ) ) { return !empty( $matches[2] ) ? $matches[2] : XMLS_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VERSION; } return FALSE; } /** * Extracts an XML schema from an existing database. * * Call this method to create an XML schema string from an existing database. * If the data parameter is set to TRUE, AXMLS will include the data from the database * in the schema. * * @param boolean $data Include data in schema dump * @return string Generated XML schema */ function ExtractSchema( $data = FALSE ) { $old_mode = $this->db->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_NUM ); $schema = '' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; if( is_array( $tables = $this->db->MetaTables( 'TABLES' ) ) ) { foreach( $tables as $table ) { $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; // grab details from database $rs = $this->db->Execute( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE -1' ); $fields = $this->db->MetaColumns( $table ); $indexes = $this->db->MetaIndexes( $table ); if( is_array( $fields ) ) { foreach( $fields as $details ) { $extra = ''; $content = array(); if( $details->max_length > 0 ) { $extra .= ' size="' . $details->max_length . '"'; } if( $details->primary_key ) { $content[] = ''; } elseif( $details->not_null ) { $content[] = ''; } if( $details->has_default ) { $content[] = ''; } if( $details->auto_increment ) { $content[] = ''; } // this stops the creation of 'R' columns, // AUTOINCREMENT is used to create auto columns $details->primary_key = 0; $type = $rs->MetaType( $details ); $schema .= ' '; if( !empty( $content ) ) { $schema .= "\n " . implode( "\n ", $content ) . "\n "; } $schema .= '' . "\n"; } } if( is_array( $indexes ) ) { foreach( $indexes as $index => $details ) { $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; if( $details['unique'] ) { $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; } foreach( $details['columns'] as $column ) { $schema .= ' ' . $column . '' . "\n"; } $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; } } if( $data ) { $rs = $this->db->Execute( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table ); if( is_object( $rs ) ) { $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; while( $row = $rs->FetchRow() ) { foreach( $row as $key => $val ) { $row[$key] = htmlentities($row); } $schema .= ' ' . implode( '', $row ) . '' . "\n"; } $schema .= ' ' . "\n"; } } $schema .= '
' . "\n"; } } $this->db->SetFetchMode( $old_mode ); $schema .= '
'; return $schema; } /** * Sets a prefix for database objects * * Call this method to set a standard prefix that will be prepended to all database tables * and indices when the schema is parsed. Calling setPrefix with no arguments clears the prefix. * * @param string $prefix Prefix that will be prepended. * @param boolean $underscore If TRUE, automatically append an underscore character to the prefix. * @return boolean TRUE if successful, else FALSE */ function SetPrefix( $prefix = '', $underscore = TRUE ) { switch( TRUE ) { // clear prefix case empty( $prefix ): logMsg( 'Cleared prefix' ); $this->objectPrefix = ''; return TRUE; // prefix too long case strlen( $prefix ) > XMLS_PREFIX_MAXLEN: // prefix contains invalid characters case !preg_match( '/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+$/i', $prefix ): logMsg( 'Invalid prefix: ' . $prefix ); return FALSE; } if( $underscore AND substr( $prefix, -1 ) != '_' ) { $prefix .= '_'; } // prefix valid logMsg( 'Set prefix: ' . $prefix ); $this->objectPrefix = $prefix; return TRUE; } /** * Returns an object name with the current prefix prepended. * * @param string $name Name * @return string Prefixed name * * @access private */ function prefix( $name = '' ) { // if prefix is set if( !empty( $this->objectPrefix ) ) { // Prepend the object prefix to the table name // prepend after quote if used return preg_replace( '/^(`?)(.+)$/', '$1' . $this->objectPrefix . '$2', $name ); } // No prefix set. Use name provided. return $name; } /** * Checks if element references a specific platform * * @param string $platform Requested platform * @returns boolean TRUE if platform check succeeds * * @access private */ function supportedPlatform( $platform = NULL ) { $regex = '/^(\w*\|)*' . $this->db->databaseType . '(\|\w*)*$/'; if( !isset( $platform ) OR preg_match( $regex, $platform ) ) { logMsg( "Platform $platform is supported" ); return TRUE; } else { logMsg( "Platform $platform is NOT supported" ); return FALSE; } } /** * Clears the array of generated SQL. * * @access private */ function clearSQL() { $this->sqlArray = array(); } /** * Adds SQL into the SQL array. * * @param mixed $sql SQL to Add * @return boolean TRUE if successful, else FALSE. * * @access private */ function addSQL( $sql = NULL ) { if( is_array( $sql ) ) { foreach( $sql as $line ) { $this->addSQL( $line ); } return TRUE; } if( is_string( $sql ) ) { $this->sqlArray[] = $sql; // if executeInline is enabled, and either no errors have occurred or continueOnError is enabled, execute SQL. if( $this->ExecuteInline() && ( $this->success == 2 || $this->ContinueOnError() ) ) { $saved = $this->db->debug; $this->db->debug = $this->debug; $ok = $this->db->Execute( $sql ); $this->db->debug = $saved; if( !$ok ) { if( $this->debug ) { ADOConnection::outp( $this->db->ErrorMsg() ); } $this->success = 1; } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Gets the SQL array in the specified format. * * @param string $format Format * @return mixed SQL * * @access private */ function getSQL( $format = NULL, $sqlArray = NULL ) { if( !is_array( $sqlArray ) ) { $sqlArray = $this->sqlArray; } if( !is_array( $sqlArray ) ) { return FALSE; } switch( strtolower( $format ) ) { case 'string': case 'text': return !empty( $sqlArray ) ? implode( ";\n\n", $sqlArray ) . ';' : ''; case'html': return !empty( $sqlArray ) ? nl2br( htmlentities( implode( ";\n\n", $sqlArray ) . ';' ) ) : ''; } return $this->sqlArray; } /** * Destroys an adoSchema object. * * Call this method to clean up after an adoSchema object that is no longer in use. * @deprecated adoSchema now cleans up automatically. */ function Destroy() { set_magic_quotes_runtime( $this->mgq ); unset( $this ); } } /** * Message logging function * * @access private */ function logMsg( $msg, $title = NULL, $force = FALSE ) { if( XMLS_DEBUG or $force ) { echo '
		if( isset( $title ) ) {
			echo '

' . htmlentities( $title ) . '

'; } if( is_object( $this ) ) { echo '[' . get_class( $this ) . '] '; } print_r( $msg ); echo '
'; } } ?>