 * EGroupware: GroupDAV access: addressbook handler
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package addressbook
 * @subpackage groupdav
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @copyright (c) 2007-11 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @version $Id$

 * EGroupware: GroupDAV access: addressbook handler
 * Propfind now uses a groupdav_propfind_iterator with a callback to query huge addressbooks in chunk,
 * without getting into problems with memory_limit.
 * @todo create extra addressbook eg. "/accounts/" which shows accounts, even if they are in LDAP (no carddav_name column!)
class addressbook_groupdav extends groupdav_handler
	 * bo class of the application
	 * @var addressbook_bo
	var $bo;

	var $filter_prop2cal = array(
		'UID' => 'uid',
		'EMAIL' => 'email',
		'FN' => 'n_fn',

	var $supportedFields = array(
			'ADR;WORK'			=> array('','adr_one_street2','adr_one_street','adr_one_locality','adr_one_region',
			'ADR;HOME'			=> array('','adr_two_street2','adr_two_street','adr_two_locality','adr_two_region',
			'BDAY'				=> array('bday'),
			//'CLASS'				=> array('private'),
			//'CATEGORIES'		=> array('cat_id'),
			'EMAIL;WORK'		=> array('email'),
			'EMAIL;HOME'		=> array('email_home'),
			'N'					=> array('n_family','n_given','n_middle',
			'FN'				=> array('n_fn'),
			'NOTE'				=> array('note'),
			'ORG'				=> array('org_name','org_unit','room'),
			'TEL;CELL;WORK'		=> array('tel_cell'),
			'TEL;CELL;HOME'		=> array('tel_cell_private'),
			'TEL;CAR'			=> array('tel_car'),
			'TEL;OTHER'			=> array('tel_other'),
			'TEL;VOICE;WORK'	=> array('tel_work'),
			'TEL;FAX;WORK'		=> array('tel_fax'),
			'TEL;HOME;VOICE'	=> array('tel_home'),
			'TEL;FAX;HOME'		=> array('tel_fax_home'),
			'TEL;PAGER'			=> array('tel_pager'),
			'TITLE'				=> array('title'),
			'URL;WORK'			=> array('url'),
			'URL;HOME'			=> array('url_home'),
			'ROLE'				=> array('role'),
			'NICKNAME'			=> array('label'),
			'FBURL'				=> array('freebusy_uri'),
			'PHOTO'				=> array('jpegphoto'),
			'X-ASSISTANT'		=> array('assistent'),
			'X-ASSISTANT-TEL'	=> array('tel_assistent'),
			'UID'				=> array('uid'),

	 * Charset for exporting data, as some clients ignore the headers specifying the charset
	 * @var string
	var $charset = 'utf-8';

	 * Constructor
	 * @param string $app 'calendar', 'addressbook' or 'infolog'
	 * @param groupdav $groupdav calling class
	function __construct($app, groupdav $groupdav)
		parent::__construct($app, $groupdav);

		$this->bo = new addressbook_bo();

		// since 1.9.007 we allow clients to specify the URL when creating a new contact, as specified by CardDAV
		if ($this->bo->account_repository != 'ldap' &&
			version_compare($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['phpgwapi']['version'], '1.9.007', '>='))
			groupdav_handler::$path_attr = 'carddav_name';
			groupdav_handler::$path_extension = '';
			groupdav_handler::$path_extension = '.vcf';

	 * Handle propfind in the addressbook folder
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param array $options
	 * @param array &$files
	 * @param int $user account_id
	 * @param string $id=''
	 * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
	function propfind($path,$options,&$files,$user,$id='')
		$filter = array();
		// show addressbook of a single user?
		if ($user && $path != '/addressbook/') $filter['contact_owner'] = $user;
		// should we hide the accounts addressbook
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts']) $filter['account_id'] = null;

		// process REPORT filters or multiget href's
		if (($id || $options['root']['name'] != 'propfind') && !$this->_report_filters($options,$filter,$id))
			return false;
		if ($id) $path = dirname($path).'/';	// carddav_name get's added anyway in the callback

		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user,$id) filter=".array2string($filter));

		// check if we have to return the full contact data or just the etag's
		if (!($filter['address_data'] = $options['props'] == 'all' &&
			$options['root']['ns'] == groupdav::CARDDAV) && is_array($options['props']))
			foreach($options['props'] as $prop)
				if ($prop['name'] == 'address-data')
					$filter['address_data'] = true;
		// return iterator, calling ourself to return result in chunks
		$files['files'] = new groupdav_propfind_iterator($this,$path,$filter,$files['files']);
		return true;

	 * Callback for profind interator
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param array $filter
	 * @param array|boolean $start=false false=return all or array(start,num)
	 * @return array with "files" array with values for keys path and props
	function &propfind_callback($path,array $filter,$start=false)
		$starttime = microtime(true);

		if (($address_data = $filter['address_data']))
			$handler = self::_get_handler();
		$files = array();
		// we query etag and modified, as LDAP does not have the strong sql etag
		$cols = array('id','uid','etag','modified');
		if (!in_array(self::$path_attr,$cols)) $cols[] = self::$path_attr;
		if (($contacts =& $this->bo->search(array(),$cols,'egw_addressbook.contact_id','','',False,'AND',$start,$filter)))
			foreach($contacts as &$contact)
				$props = array(
					'getcontenttype' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getcontenttype', 'text/vcard'),
				if ($address_data)
					$content = $handler->getVCard($contact['id'],$this->charset,false);
					$props['getcontentlength'] = bytes($content);
					$props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'address-data',$content,true);
				$files[] = $this->add_resource($path, $contact, $props);
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($filter).','.array2string($start).") took ".(microtime(true) - $starttime).' to return '.count($files).' items');
		return $files;

	 * Process the filters from the CalDAV REPORT request
	 * @param array $options
	 * @param array &$cal_filters
	 * @param string $id
	 * @return boolean true if filter could be processed, false for requesting not here supported VTODO items
	function _report_filters($options,&$filters,$id)
		if ($options['filters'])
			foreach($options['filters'] as $filter)
					case 'prop-filter':
						if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) prop-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'");
						$prop_filter = $filter['attrs']['name'];
					case 'text-match':
						if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) text-match: $prop_filter='{$filter['data']}'");
						if (!isset($this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)]))
							if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".str_replace(array("\n",'    '),'',print_r($options,true)).",,$user) unknown property '$prop_filter' --> ignored");
								case 'equals':
									$filters[$this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)]] = $filter['data'];
								case 'substr':	// ToDo: check RFC4790
									$filters[] = $this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)].' LIKE '.$GLOBALS['egw']->db->quote($filter['data']);
					case 'param-filter':
						if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) param-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}' not (yet) implemented!");
						if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user) unknown filter --> ignored");
		// multiget --> fetch the url's
		if ($options['root']['name'] == 'addressbook-multiget')
			$ids = array();
			foreach($options['other'] as $option)
				if ($option['name'] == 'href')
					$parts = explode('/',$option['data']);
					if (($id = array_pop($parts)))
						$ids[] = groupdav_handler::$path_extension ? basename($id,groupdav_handler::$path_extension) : $id;
			if ($ids) $filters[self::$path_attr] = $ids;
			if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,,$user) addressbook-multiget: ids=".implode(',',$ids));
		elseif ($id)
			$filters[self::$path_attr] = groupdav_handler::$path_extension ? basename($id,groupdav_handler::$path_extension) : $id;
		return true;

	 * Handle get request for an event
	 * @param array &$options
	 * @param int $id
	 * @param int $user=null account_id
	 * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
	function get(&$options,$id,$user=null)
		if (!is_array($contact = $this->_common_get_put_delete('GET',$options,$id)))
			return $contact;
		$handler = self::_get_handler();
		$options['data'] = $handler->getVCard($contact['id'],$this->charset,false);
		// e.g. Evolution does not understand 'text/vcard'
		$options['mimetype'] = 'text/x-vcard; charset='.$this->charset;
		header('Content-Encoding: identity');
		header('ETag: '.$this->get_etag($contact));
		return true;

	 * Handle put request for an event
	 * @param array &$options
	 * @param int $id
	 * @param int $user=null account_id of owner, default null
	 * @param string $prefix=null user prefix from path (eg. /ralf from /ralf/addressbook)
	 * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
	function put(&$options,$id,$user=null,$prefix=null)
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).",$id,$user)");

		$oldContact = $this->_common_get_put_delete('PUT',$options,$id);
		if (!is_null($oldContact) && !is_array($oldContact))
			return $oldContact;

		$handler = self::_get_handler();
		$vCard = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['content']);
		// Fix for Apple Addressbook
		$vCard = preg_replace('/item\d\.(ADR|TEL|EMAIL|URL)/', '\1', $vCard);
		$charset = null;
		if (!empty($options['content_type']))
			$content_type = explode(';', $options['content_type']);
			if (count($content_type) > 1)
				foreach ($content_type as $attribute)
					list($key, $value) = explode('=', $attribute);
					switch (strtolower($key))
						case 'charset':
							$charset = strtoupper(substr($value,1,-1));

		$contact = $handler->vcardtoegw($vCard, $charset);

		if (is_array($oldContact) || ($oldContact = $this->bo->read(array('contact_uid' => $contact['uid']))))
			$contactId = $oldContact['id'];
			$retval = true;
			// new entry
			$contactId = -1;
			$retval = '201 Created';

		if (is_array($contact['cat_id']))
			$contact['cat_id'] = implode(',',$this->bo->find_or_add_categories($contact['cat_id'], $contactId));
		elseif ($contactId > 0)
			$contact['cat_id'] = $oldContact['cat_id'];
		if (is_array($oldContact))
			$contact['id'] = $oldContact['id'];
			// dont allow the client to overwrite certain values
			$contact['uid'] = $oldContact['uid'];
			$contact['owner'] = $oldContact['owner'];
			$contact['private'] = $oldContact['private'];
			$contact['carddav_name'] = $oldContact['carddav_name'];
			$contact['carddav_name'] = $id;
		// only set owner, if user is explicitly specified in URL (check via prefix, NOT for /addressbook/ !)
		if ($prefix)
			// check for modified owners, if user has an add right for the new addressbook and
			// delete rights for the old addressbook (_common_get_put_delete checks for PUT only EGW_ACL_EDIT)
			if ($oldContact && $user != $oldContact['owner'] && !($this->bo->grants[$user] & EGW_ACL_ADD) &&
				(!$this->bo->grants[$oldContact['owner']] & EGW_ACL_DELETE))
				return '403 Forbidden';
			$contact['owner'] = $user;
		if ($this->http_if_match) $contact['etag'] = self::etag2value($this->http_if_match);

		if (!($save_ok = $this->bo->save($contact)))
			if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) save(".array2string($contact).") failed, Ok=$save_ok");
			if ($save_ok === 0)
				return '412 Precondition Failed';
			return '403 Forbidden';	// happens when writing new entries in AB's without ADD rights

		if (!isset($contact['etag']))
			$contact = $this->read($save_ok);

		// we should not return an etag here, as we never store the PUT vcard byte-by-byte
		//header('ETag: '.$this->get_etag($contact));

		// send GroupDAV Location header only if we dont use carddav_name as path-attribute
		if ($retval !== true && self::$path_attr == 'id')
			$path = preg_replace('|(.*)/[^/]*|', '\1/', $options['path']);
			header($h='Location: '.$this->base_uri.$path.self::get_path($contact));
			if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($method,,$id) header('$h'): $retval");
		return $retval;

	 * Query ctag for addressbook
	 * @return string
	public function getctag($path,$user)
		// not showing addressbook of a single user?
		if (!$user || $path == '/addressbook/') $user = null;

		$ctag = $this->bo->get_ctag($user);

		return 'EGw-'.$ctag.'-wGE';

	 * Add the privileges of the current user
	 * @param array $props=array() regular props by the groupdav handler
	 * @return array
	static function current_user_privilege_set(array $props=array())
		$props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::DAV,'current-user-privilege-set',
		return $props;

	 * Add extra properties for addressbook collections
	 * Example for supported-report-set syntax from Apples Calendarserver:
	 * <D:supported-report-set>
	 *    <supported-report>
	 *       <report>
	 *          <addressbook-query xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav'/>
	 *       </report>
	 *    </supported-report>
	 *    <supported-report>
	 *       <report>
	 *          <addressbook-multiget xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav'/>
	 *       </report>
	 *    </supported-report>
	 * </D:supported-report-set>
	 * @link http://www.mail-archive.com/calendarserver-users@lists.macosforge.org/msg01156.html
	 * @param array $props=array() regular props by the groupdav handler
	 * @param string $displayname
	 * @param string $base_uri=null base url of handler
	 * @return array
	static function extra_properties(array $props=array(), $displayname, $base_uri=null)
		// addressbook description
		$displayname = translation::convert(lang('Addressbook of') . ' ' .
		$props['addressbook-description'] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'addressbook-description',$displayname);
		// supported reports (required property for CardDAV)
		$props['supported-report-set'] =	HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('supported-report-set',array(
		return $props;

	 * Get the handler and set the supported fields
	 * @return addressbook_vcal
	private function _get_handler()
		if ($this->agent != 'cfnetwork' && $this->agent != 'dataaccess')
			// Apple Addressbook don't support CLASS
			$this->supportedFields['CLASS'] = array('private');
			$this->supportedFields['CATEGORIES'] = array('cat_id');
		$handler = new addressbook_vcal('addressbook','text/vcard');
		$handler->setSupportedFields('GroupDAV',$this->agent, $this->supportedFields);

		return $handler;

	 * Handle delete request for an event
	 * @param array &$options
	 * @param int $id
	 * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found')
	function delete(&$options,$id)
		if (!is_array($contact = $this->_common_get_put_delete('DELETE',$options,$id)))
			return $contact;
		if (($Ok = $this->bo->delete($contact['id'],self::etag2value($this->http_if_match))) === 0)
			return '412 Precondition Failed';
		return true;

	 * Read a contact
	 * We have to make sure to not return or even consider in read deleted contacts, as the might have
	 * the same UID and/or carddav_name as not deleted contacts and would block access to valid entries
	 * @param string|id $id
	 * @return array/boolean array with entry, false if no read rights, null if $id does not exist
	function read($id)
		static $non_deleted_tids;
		if (is_null($non_deleted_tids))
			$non_deleted_tids = $this->bo->content_types;
			$non_deleted_tids = array_keys($non_deleted_tids);
		$contact = $this->bo->read(array(self::$path_attr => $id, 'tid' => $non_deleted_tids));

		if ($contact && $contact['tid'] == addressbook_so::DELETED_TYPE)
			$contact = null;	// handle deleted events, as not existing (404 Not Found)
		return $contact;

	 * Check if user has the neccessary rights on a contact
	 * @param int $acl EGW_ACL_READ, EGW_ACL_EDIT or EGW_ACL_DELETE
	 * @param array/int $contact contact-array or id
	 * @return boolean null if entry does not exist, false if no access, true if access permitted
	function check_access($acl,$contact)
		return $this->bo->check_perms($acl,$contact);