 * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Functions which allow resizing of table headers
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage dataview
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel
 * @copyright Stylite 2011
 * @version $Id$

 * This set of functions is currently only supporting resizing in ew-direction

	"use strict";

	// Define some constants
	var RESIZE_BORDER = 12;
	var RESIZE_ADD = 2; // Used to ensure mouse is under the resize element after resizing has finished

	// In resize region returns whether the mouse is currently in the
	// "resizeRegion"
	function inResizeRegion(_x, _elem)
		var ol = _x - _elem.offset().left;
		return (ol > (_elem.outerWidth(true) - RESIZE_BORDER));

	var helper = null;
	var overlay = null;
	var didResize = false;
	var resizeWidth = 0;

	function startResize(_outerElem, _elem, _callback, _column)
		if (overlay == null || helper == null)
			// Prevent text selection
			// FireFox handles highlight prevention (text selection) different than other browsers
			if (typeof _elem[0].style.MozUserSelect !="undefined")
				_elem[0].style.MozUserSelect = "none";
				_elem[0].onselectstart = function() {
					return false;

			// Indicate resizing is in progress

			// Reset the "didResize" flag
			didResize = false;

			// Create the resize helper
			var left = _elem.offset().left;
			helper = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
				.css("top", _elem.offset().top + "px")
				.css("left", left + "px")
				.css("height", _outerElem.outerHeight(true) + "px");

			// Create the overlay which will be catching the mouse movements
			overlay = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))

				.bind("mousemove", function(e) {
					didResize = true;
					resizeWidth = Math.max(e.pageX - left + RESIZE_ADD,
						_column && _column.minWidth ? _column.minWidth : RESIZE_MIN_WIDTH
					helper.css("width", resizeWidth + "px");

				.bind("mouseup", function() {

					// Reset text selection
					_elem[0].onselectstart = null;

					// Call the callback if the user actually performed a resize
					if (didResize)

	function stopResize(_outerElem)

		if (helper != null)
			helper = null;

		if (overlay != null)
			overlay = null;

	this.et2_dataview_makeResizeable = function(_elem, _callback, _context)
		// Get the table surrounding the given element - this element is used to
		// align the helper properly
		var outerTable = _elem.closest("table");

		// Bind the "mousemove" event in the "resize" namespace
		_elem.bind("mousemove.resize", function(e) {
			var stopResize = false;
			// Stop switch to resize cursor if the mouse position
			// is more intended for scrollbar not the resize edge
			// 8pixel is an arbitary number for scrolbar area
			if (e.target.clientHeight < e.target.scrollHeight && e.target.offsetWidth - e.offsetX <= 8)
				stopResize = true;
			_elem.css("cursor", inResizeRegion(e.pageX, _elem) && !stopResize? "ew-resize" : "auto");

		// Bind the "mousedown" event in the "resize" namespace
		_elem.bind("mousedown.resize", function(e) {
			var stopResize = false;
			// Stop resize if the mouse position is more intended
			// for scrollbar not the resize edge
			// 8pixel is an arbitary number for scrolbar area
			if (e.target.clientHeight < e.target.scrollHeight && e.target.offsetWidth - e.offsetX <= 8)
				stopResize = true;
			// Do not triger startResize if clicked element is select-tag, as it may causes conflict in some browsers
			if (inResizeRegion(e.pageX, _elem) && e.target.tagName != 'SELECT' && !stopResize)
				// Start the resizing
				startResize(outerTable, _elem, function(_w) {
					_callback.call(_context, _w);
				}, _context);


		// Bind double click for auto-size
		_elem.dblclick(function(e) {
			// Just show message for relative width columns
			if(_context && _context.relativeWidth)
				return egw.message(egw.lang('You tried to automatically size a flex column, which always takes the rest of the space','info'));
			// Find column class - it's usually the first one
			var col_class = '';
			for(var i = 0; i < this.classList.length; i++)
				if(this.classList[i].indexOf('gridCont') === 0)
					col_class = this.classList[i];

			// Find widest part, including header
			var column = jQuery(this);
			var max_width = column.children().children().innerWidth();
			var padding = column.outerWidth(true) - max_width;
			var resize = jQuery(this).closest('.egwGridView_outer')
				.find('tbody td.'+col_class+'> div:first-child')
			// Set column width to auto to allow space for everything to flow
						var col = jQuery(this);
						// Find visible (text) children and force them to not wrap
						var children = col.find('span:visible, time:visible, label:visible')
							var child = jQuery(this);
							if(child.outerWidth() > max_width)
								max_width = child.outerWidth();
						if(col.innerWidth() > max_width)
							max_width = col.innerWidth();

						// Reset children
			// Reset column
			_callback.call(_context, max_width+padding);

	this.et2_dataview_resetResizeable = function(_elem)
		// Remove all events in the ".resize" namespace from the element