True, "nonavbar" => True, "currentapp" => "home", "noapi" => True);
include("../"); // To set the current core version
$phpgw_info["server"]["api_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/phpgwapi";
// Authorize the user to use setup app
// Does not return unless user is authorized
// $db->Halt_On_Error = "report";
$db->Halt_On_Error = "no";
if (!isset($oldversion)){
@$db->query("select app_version from applications where app_name='admin'");
$oldversion = $db->f("app_version");
* First order of business is to upgrade or install the core. *
* if $ok is set to false after this include, the setup stops here *
* otherwise, we display the app setup form. *
* This is sorta kludgy still, but until I can figure out a clean way *
* for applications to inteact with the user, this is how it is. *
* *
$ok = true;
$baseDir = $phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"];
if (!$ok) {
} else {
echo "
echo "";
echo "phpGroupWare Core Staus | ";
echo "
$db->query("select app_version from applications where app_name='admin'");
$curversion = $db->f("app_version");
echo "Core version $curversion. No updates needed. |
echo "
// Remove the appName from all users and groupws on the system
function removeAppPerms($appName) {
global $db;
* See the Developers HOWTO and the example app in phpgwapps for more *
* info on how to integrate your application with this system. *
// Called by the app setup classes to add/remove lang records
// it acts correctly according to the current action,
// for an install/upgrade it removes the old record & installes the new one
// for an uninstall it removes the record (as long is as it NOT in common)
// TODO: This mechanism is VERY TEMPORARY until jengo and blinky can figure
// out a clean way to use transy for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
function do_lang($msg_id,$app,$lang,$content) {
global $db,$currentAction;
$msg_id = strtolower($msg_id);
$act = strtolower($currentAction);
//echo "Do Lang: $act, $msg_id, $app, $lang, $content
// Remove the old one
if ($act == "uninstall" || $act == "upgrade") {
if ($app == "common") {
echo "\n";
} else {
$sql = "DELETE FROM lang WHERE message_id='" . $msg_id . "' AND app_name='". $app ."'";
// Add the new one
// By setting $content == "", it allows you to prune old messages from the system
if ($content != "" && $act == "install") {
$sql = "INSERT INTO lang(message_id,app_name,lang,content) VALUES(";
$sql .= "'".$msg_id."',";
$sql .= "'".$app."',";
$sql .= "'".$lang."',";
$sql .= "'".$content."')";
if ($content != "" && $act == "upgrade") {
$sql = "UPDATE lang SET ";
$sql .= "content='".$content."' WHERE";
$sql .= " message_id ='".$msg_id."'";
$sql .= " AND app_name = '".$app."'";
$sql .= " AND lang = '".$lang."'";
* *
* Apps should call this function to report errors if possible to *
* display them in a nice and controlled format *
function error($msg) {
global $error_count;
echo "".$msg." |
* Apps should call this function to report warnings if possible to *
* display them in a nice and controlled format *
function warn($msg) {
echo "".$msg." |
* Applications (and the core) inherit from this class which provides *
* all the hooks that setup needs to call for the app. *
* *
* Applications should call warn() or error() to communicate with *
* the user. *
// Template for the app-specific setup classes
class Setup {
// Is *ANY* version of the app currently installed ?
function is_installed() {
return false;
// Is the app installed and up to date?
function is_current() {
return true;
// Can the installed version be upgraded to the
// new one?
function can_upgrade() {
return false;
// If this application dpends on any other apps
// this shouldd return an array of the app names (the directory name)
// or return false if it can stand alone
function dependant_apps() {
return false;
// Called to actually upgrade the app
function upgrade() {
return true;
function install() {
return false;
// Called to uninstall the app
// You should remove all tables and files you created,
// and return the system to the state it was before upgrade/install was called
function uninstall() {
// Loop through all the directories looking for possible 3rd party apps
$baseDir = $phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"];
$setupFile = "/inc/"; // File to look for to identify apps
$dh = opendir($baseDir);
while ($dir = readdir($dh)) {
$fp = $baseDir . "/" . $dir;
if ($dir[0] != '.' && is_dir($fp)) {
$fp .= $setupFile;
if (is_file($fp) && $dir != "setup") {
//echo "found a setup! in $fp
$detectedApps[$dir]["path"] = $fp;
$detectedApps[$dir]["name"] = $dir;
$detectedApps[$dir]["dir"] = $baseDir."/".$dir;
while ($detectedApps && list($name,$app) = each($detectedApps)) {
$detectedApps[$name]["setup"] = new $classname($app["dir"]);
// If the user wanted to upgrade/install/remove an app, now is the time
if ((isset($submit) && $submit == "Perform Actions") &&
is_array($appAction)) {
echo "\n";
echo "
echo "";
echo "Making Application Changes | ";
echo "
$numAltered = 0;
while ($detectedApps && list($name,$a) = each($detectedApps)) {
$app = $a["setup"];
switch ($appAction[$name]) {
case "ignore":
case "upgrade":
$currentAction = "upgrade";
if ($app->upgrade()) {
echo "$name upgraded. |
} else {
echo "$name - upgrade failed! |
case "install":
$currentAction = "install";
if ($app->install()) {
echo "$name installed. |
} else {
echo "$name - install failed! |
case "uninstall":
$currentAction = "uninstall";
if ($app->uninstall()) {
echo "$name uninstalled. |
} else {
echo "$name - uninstall failed! |
if ($numAltered == 0) {
echo "No applications altered. |
echo "
echo "\n";
echo "Applications not in the table above are either part of the phpGroupWare core, or ";
echo "have not been upgraded to the new phpGroupWare application setup code.";
echo "When you are done installing and upgrading applications, you should ";
echo "continue to the Configuration Page";
echo "
or skip to Configure multi-language support.\n";