* @author Karsten Fourmont * @author Joerg Lehrke * @copyright (c) The Horde Project (http://www.horde.org/) * @version $Id$ */ include_once 'Horde/SyncML/Sync.php'; include_once 'Horde/SyncML/Command/Sync/ContentSyncElement.php'; class Horde_SyncML_Sync_TwoWaySync extends Horde_SyncML_Sync { function endSync($currentCmdID, & $output) { global $registry; $state = & $_SESSION['SyncML.state']; $syncType = $this->_targetLocURI; $hordeType = $state->getHordeType($syncType); $refts = $state->getServerAnchorLast($syncType); $currentCmdID = $this->handleSync($currentCmdID, $hordeType, $syncType, $output, $refts); return $currentCmdID; } function handleSync($currentCmdID, $hordeType, $syncType, & $output, $refts) { global $registry; // array of Items which got modified, but got never send to the client before $missedAdds = array (); // array of Items which the client wanted to add, but must be deleted due to // user's sync policy $remoteDeletes = array (); $history = $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory; $state = & $_SESSION['SyncML.state']; $maxMsgSize = $state->getMaxMsgSizeClient(); $deviceInfo = $state->getClientDeviceInfo(); if (isset($deviceInfo['maxEntries'])) { $maxEntries = $deviceInfo['maxEntries']; if (!$maxMsgSize && !$maxEntries) { // fallback to default $maxEntries = MAX_ENTRIES; } } else { $maxEntries = MAX_ENTRIES; } $serverAnchorNext = $state->getServerAnchorNext($syncType); if (isset ($state->curSyncItem)) { // Finish the pending sync item $cmd = & $state->curSyncItem; unset ($state->curSyncItem); $currentCmdID = $cmd->outputCommand($currentCmdID, $output, 'Sync'); // moreData split; save in session state and end current message if ($cmd->hasMoreData()) { $state->curSyncItem = & $cmd; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $state->incNumberOfElements(); } $changes =& $state->getChangedItems($syncType); $deletes =& $state->getDeletedItems($syncType); $adds =& $state->getAddedItems($syncType); $conflicts =& $state->getConflictItems($syncType); Horde::logMessage('SyncML: ' . count($changes) . ' changed items found for ' . $syncType, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); Horde::logMessage('SyncML: ' . count($deletes) . ' deleted items found for ' . $syncType, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); Horde::logMessage('SyncML: ' . count($conflicts) . ' items to delete on client found for ' . $syncType, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); Horde::logMessage('SyncML: ' . count($adds) . ' added items found for ' . $syncType, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // handle changes if (is_array($changes)) { while ($guid = array_shift($changes)) { $currentSize = $output->getOutputSize(); // return if we have to much data if (($maxEntries && ($state->getNumberOfElements() >= $maxEntries) && isset ($contentType['mayFragment']) && $contentType['mayFragment']) || ($maxMsgSize && (($currentSize +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize))) { // put the item back in the queue $changes[] = $guid; $state->maxNumberOfElements(); $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $guid_ts = $state->getSyncTSforAction($guid, 'modify'); $sync_ts = $state->getChangeTS($syncType, $guid); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: timestamp modify $guid guid_ts: $guid_ts sync_ts: $sync_ts", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); if ($sync_ts && $sync_ts == $guid_ts) { // Change was done by us upon request of client. // Don't mirror that back to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: change: $guid ignored, came from client", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } if ($guid_ts > $serverAnchorNext) { // Change was made after we started this sync. // Don't sent this now to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: change $guid is in our future: $serverAnchorNext", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } $locid = $state->getLocID($syncType, $guid); if (!$locid) { // somehow we missed to add, lets store the uid, so we add this entry later $missedAdds[] = $guid; Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: unable to create change for $guid: locid not found in map", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_WARNING); continue; } // Create a replace request for client. $contentType = $state->getPreferedContentTypeClient($this->_sourceLocURI, $this->_targetLocURI); $c = $registry->call($hordeType . '/export', array ( 'guid' => $guid, 'contentType' => $contentType )); if (is_a($c, 'PEAR_Error')) { // Item in history but not in database. Strange, but can happen. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: change: export of guid $guid failed:\n" . print_r($c, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_WARNING); continue; } $size = strlen($c); // return if we have to much data if ($maxMsgSize && !$deviceInfo['supportLargeObjs']) { if (($size +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize) { Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: change: export of guid $guid failed due to size $size", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_ERROR); $state->log('Server-ExportFailed'); continue; } if (($currentSize + $size +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize) { // put the item back in the queue $changes[] = $guid; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: change: export guid $guid, content:\n$c", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $cmd = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Sync_ContentSyncElement(); # LK $cmd->setContent($state->convertServer2Client($c, $contentType)); $cmd->setContent($c); $cmd->setLocURI($locid); $cmd->setContentType($contentType['ContentType']); if (isset ($contentType['ContentFormat'])) { $cmd->setContentFormat($contentType['ContentFormat']); } $currentCmdID = $cmd->outputCommand($currentCmdID, $output, 'Replace'); $state->log('Server-Replace'); // moreData split; save in session state and end current message if ($cmd->hasMoreData()) { $state->curSyncItem = & $cmd; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $state->incNumberOfElements(); } } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: handling sync (changes done) " . $currentCmdID, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // handle deletes if (is_array($deletes)) { while ($guid = array_shift($deletes)) { $currentSize = $output->getOutputSize(); // return if we have to much data if (($maxEntries && ($state->getNumberOfElements() >= $maxEntries) && isset ($contentType['mayFragment']) && $contentType['mayFragment']) || ($maxMsgSize && (($currentSize +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize))) { // put the item back in the queue $deletes[] = $guid; $state->maxNumberOfElements(); $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $guid_ts = $state->getSyncTSforAction($guid, 'delete'); $sync_ts = $state->getChangeTS($syncType, $guid); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: timestamp delete guid_ts: $guid_ts sync_ts: $sync_ts", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); if ($sync_ts && $sync_ts == $guid_ts) { // Change was done by us upon request of client. // Don't mirror that back to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: delete $guid ignored, came from client", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); if ($sync_ts < $serverAnchorNext && ($locid = $state->getLocID($syncType, $guid))) { // Now we can remove the past $state->removeUID($syncType, $locid); } continue; } if ($guid_ts > $serverAnchorNext) { // Change was made after we started this sync. // Don't sent this now to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: delete $guid is in our future: $serverAnchorNext", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } $locid = $state->getLocID($syncType, $guid); if (!$locid) { Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: unable to delete $guid: locid not found in map", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_INFO); $state->log("Server-DeleteFailure"); continue; } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: delete: $guid", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // Create a Delete request for client. $cmd = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Sync_ContentSyncElement(); $cmd->setLocURI($locid); $currentCmdID = $cmd->outputCommand($currentCmdID, $output, 'Delete'); $state->log('Server-Delete'); $state->removeUID($syncType, $locid); // moreData split; save in session state and end current message if ($cmd->hasMoreData()) { $state->curSyncItem = & $cmd; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $state->incNumberOfElements(); } } // handle remote deletes due to conflicts if (count($conflicts) > 0) { while ($locid = array_shift($conflicts)) { $currentSize = $output->getOutputSize(); // return if we have to much data if (($maxEntries && ($state->getNumberOfElements() >= $maxEntries) && isset ($contentType['mayFragment']) && $contentType['mayFragment']) || ($maxMsgSize && (($currentSize +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize))) { // put the item back in the queue $conflicts[] = $locid; $state->maxNumberOfElements(); $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: delete client locid: $locid", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // Create a Delete request for client. $cmd = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Sync_ContentSyncElement(); $cmd->setLocURI($locid); $currentCmdID = $cmd->outputCommand($currentCmdID, $output, 'Delete'); $state->log('Server-DeletedConflicts'); $state->removeUID($syncType, $locid); // moreData split; save in session state and end current message if ($cmd->hasMoreData()) { $state->curSyncItem = & $cmd; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $state->incNumberOfElements(); } } #Horde::logMessage("SyncML: handling sync ".$currentCmdID, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // handle missing adds. if (count($missedAdds) > 0) { Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add missed changes as adds " . count($adds) . ' / ' . $missedAdds[0], __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $adds = array_merge($adds, $missedAdds); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: merged adds counter " . count($adds) . ' / ' . $adds[0], __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } if (is_array($adds)) { while ($guid = array_shift($adds)) { $currentSize = $output->getOutputSize(); // return if we have to much data if (($maxEntries && ($state->getNumberOfElements() >= $maxEntries) && isset ($contentType['mayFragment']) && $contentType['mayFragment']) || ($maxMsgSize && (($currentSize +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize))) { // put the item back in the queue $adds[] = $guid; $state->maxNumberOfElements(); $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } // first we try the modification timestamp then the creation ts if (!($guid_ts = $state->getSyncTSforAction($guid, 'modify'))) { $guid_ts = $state->getSyncTSforAction($guid, 'add'); } $sync_ts = $state->getChangeTS($syncType, $guid); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: timestamp add $guid guid_ts: $guid_ts sync_ts: $sync_ts", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); if ($sync_ts && $sync_ts == $guid_ts) { // Change was done by us upon request of client. // Don't mirror that back to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add: $guid ignored, came from client", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } if ($guid_ts > $serverAnchorNext && !in_array($guid, $conflicts)) { // Change was made after we started this sync. // Don't sent this now to the client. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add $guid is in our future: $serverAnchorNext", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } $locid = $state->getLocID($syncType, $guid); if ($locid && $refts == 0) { // For slow sync (ts=0): do not add data for which we // have a locid again. This is a heuristic to avoid // duplication of entries. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: skipping add of guid $guid as there already is a locid $locid", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); continue; } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add: $guid", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // Create an Add request for client. $contentType = $state->getPreferedContentTypeClient($this->_sourceLocURI, $this->_targetLocURI); $c = $registry->call($hordeType . '/export', array ( 'guid' => $guid, 'contentType' => $contentType, )); if (is_a($c, 'PEAR_Error')) { // Item in history but not in database. Strange, but can happen. Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add: export of guid $guid failed:\n" . print_r($c, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_WARNING); continue; } $size = strlen($c); // return if we have to much data if ($maxMsgSize && !$deviceInfo['supportLargeObjs']) { if (($size +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize) { Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add: export of guid $guid failed due to size $size", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_ERROR); $state->log("Server-ExportFailed"); continue; } if (($currentSize + $size +MIN_MSG_LEFT * 2) > $maxMsgSize) { // put the item back in the queue $adds[] = $guid; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } } Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: add guid $guid to client\n$c", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $cmd = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Sync_ContentSyncElement(); $cmd->setContent($c); $cmd->setContentType($contentType['ContentType']); if (isset ($contentType['ContentFormat'])) { $cmd->setContentFormat($contentType['ContentFormat']); } $cmd->setGUID($guid); $currentCmdID = $cmd->outputCommand($currentCmdID, $output, 'Add'); $state->log('Server-Add'); // moreData split; put the guid back in the list and return if ($cmd->hasMoreData()) { $state->curSyncItem = & $cmd; $state->setSyncStatus(SERVER_SYNC_DATA_PENDING); return $currentCmdID; } $state->incNumberOfElements(); } } Horde::logMessage("SyncML: All items handled for sync $syncType", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $state->removeExpiredUID($syncType, time()); $state->clearSync($syncType); return $currentCmdID; } function loadData() { global $registry; $state = & $_SESSION['SyncML.state']; $syncType = $this->_targetLocURI; $hordeType = $state->getHordeType($syncType); $state->setTargetURI($syncType); $refts = $state->getServerAnchorLast($syncType); $future = $state->getServerAnchorNext($syncType); $delta_mod = 0; $delta_add = 0; Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: reading changed items from database for $hordeType", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $delta_mod = count($registry->call($hordeType . '/listBy', array ( 'action' => 'modify', 'timestamp' => $future, 'type' => $syncType, 'filter' => $this->_filterExpression ))); $state->mergeChangedItems($syncType, $registry->call($hordeType . '/listBy', array ( 'action' => 'modify', 'timestamp' => $refts, 'type' => $syncType, 'filter' => $this->_filterExpression ))); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: reading deleted items from database for $hordeType", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $state->setDeletedItems($syncType, $registry->call($hordeType . '/listBy', array ( 'action' => 'delete', 'timestamp' => $refts, 'type' => $syncType, 'filter' => $this->_filterExpression ))); Horde :: logMessage("SyncML: reading added items from database for $hordeType", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $delta_add = count($registry->call($hordeType . '/listBy', array ( 'action' => 'add', 'timestamp' => $future, 'type' => $syncType, 'filter' => $this->_filterExpression ))); $state->mergeAddedItems($syncType, $registry->call($hordeType . '/listBy', array ( 'action' => 'add', 'timestamp' => $refts, 'type' => $syncType, 'filter' => $this->_filterExpression ))); $this->_syncDataLoaded = TRUE; return count($state->getChangedItems($syncType)) - $delta_mod + count($state->getDeletedItems($syncType)) + count($state->getAddedItems($syncType)) - $delta_add + count($state->getConflictItems($syncType)); } }