/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Box widget * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {css, html, LitElement} from "@lion/core"; import {Et2Widget} from "../../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import {et2_IDetachedDOM} from "../../et2_core_interfaces"; export class Et2Box extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetachedDOM { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host { display: block; } :host > div { display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: stretch; gap: 5px; height: 100%; } :host([align="right"]) > div { justify-content: flex-end; } :host([align="left"]) > div { justify-content: flex-start; } /* CSS for child elements */ ::slotted(*) { flex: 1 1 auto; } ::slotted(img),::slotted(et2-image) { /* Stop images from growing. In general we want them to stay */ flex-grow: 0; } ::slotted([align="left"]) { margin-right: auto; order: -1; } ::slotted([align="right"]) { margin-left: auto; order: 1; } `, ]; } render() { return html` <div ${this.id ? html`id="${this.id}"` : ''}> <slot></slot> </div> `; } set_label(new_label) { // Boxes don't have labels } _createNamespace() : boolean { return true; } /** * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM * * Individual widgets are detected and handled by the grid, but the interface is needed for this to happen * * @param {array} _attrs array to add further attributes to */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { _attrs.push('data'); } getDetachedNodes() { return [this.getDOMNode()]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { if(_values.data) { var pairs = _values.data.split(/,/g); for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; ++i) { var name_value = pairs[i].split(':'); jQuery(_nodes[0]).attr('data-' + name_value[0], name_value[1]); } } } } customElements.define("et2-box", Et2Box); export class Et2HBox extends Et2Box { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host > div { flex-direction: row; }` ]; } } customElements.define("et2-hbox", Et2HBox); export class Et2VBox extends Et2Box { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host > div { flex-direction: column; } /* CSS for child elements */ ::slotted(*) { /* Stop children from growing vertically. In general we want them to stay their "normal" height */ flex-grow: 0; } ` ]; } } customElements.define("et2-vbox", Et2VBox);