wrap = new $plug();"); } */ global $conn; global $currencies; global $currency; global $order; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $sav2wrapper; global $base_url; global $trans; $this->trans =& $trans; $this->base_url = $base_url; $this->conn = $conn; tep_db_connect() or die("hmmm... tep_db_connect error in wrap_osc_payment"); $this->read_settings(); $currencies = new currencies(); $currency = $currencies->get_title('EUR'); if($plug !='' and $no_order==false) { $order = new order(1); } $this->sav2wrapper = & $sav2wrapper; //$this->tplsav2 = & $sav2wrapper; parent::payment($plug); //$this->wrap = & $this->(); } function remove() { $this->wrap->remove(); return "removed"; } function install() { $this->wrap->install(); return "installed"; } function keys() { $plugin_keys = $this->wrap->keys(); return $plugin_keys; } /* function selection() { $this->db = clone($GLOBALS['egw']->db); $query = "SELECT configuration_value FROM egw_oscadmin_osc_conf WHERE configuration_key = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED'; "; $geti = $this->db->query($query); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $row = $this->db->row(); if ($row != "") { $modarray = explode(';',str_replace('.php','',$row['configuration_value'])); foreach($modarray as $key=>$mod) { $_ret[$key]['module']= $mod; $_ret[$key]['id'] = $mod; } return $_ret; } else return array(''); } } */ function getName() { return $GLOBALS[$this->selected_module]->title; } function read_settings() { // set the application parameters $configuration_query = tep_db_query('select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from ' . TABLE_CONFIGURATION); while ($configuration = tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) { define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']); } } function convert_order_to_osc() { $GLOBALS['order'] = new order(1); } function get_installedplugs() { die ('get_installedplugs in wrap_osc_payment'); return $_result; } } ?>