remove undefined variables * 'comment' => replace undefined variables with comments * 'keep' => keep undefined variables * * @var string */ var $unknowns = 'remove'; /** * 'yes' => halt, 'report' => report error, continue, 'no' => ignore error quietly * * @var string */ var $halt_on_error = 'yes'; /** * last error message is retained here * * @var string */ var $last_error = ''; // if true change all phpGroupWare into eGroupWare in set_var var $egroupware_hack = False; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $root ='.' template directory. * @param string $unknowns ='remove' how to handle unknown variables. */ function __construct($root = '.', $unknowns = 'remove') { $this->set_root($root); $this->set_unknowns($unknowns); } /** * Set template directory * * @param string $root new template directory. */ function set_root($root) { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('set_root')) { echo "
\n"; } if (!is_dir($root)) { $this->halt("set_root: $root is not a directory."); return false; } $this->root = $root; return true; } /** * How to deal with undefined placeholders * * @param string $unknowns 'remove', 'comment', 'keep' */ function set_unknowns($unknowns = 'keep') { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('set_unknows')) { echo "Template::set_unknows('$unknowns')
\n"; } $this->unknowns = $unknowns; } /** * Set template/file to process * * @param string $handle handle for a filename, * @param string $filename ='' name of template file */ function set_file($handle, $filename = '') { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('set_file',$handle,$filename)) { echo "Template::set_file('".print_r($handle,true)."','$filename')
\n"; } if (!is_array($handle)) { if ($filename == '') { $this->halt("set_file: For handle $handle filename is empty."); return false; } $this->file[$handle] = $this->filename($filename); } else { foreach($handle as $h => $f) { $this->file[$h] = $this->filename($f); } } } /** * Extract the template $handle from $parent and place variable {$name} instead * * @param string $parent name of tempalte containing $handle * @param string $handle name of part * @param string $name name of variable/placeholder * @return boolean */ function set_block($parent, $handle, $name = '') { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('set_block',$parent,$handle,$name)) { echo "Template::set_block('$parent','$handle','$name')
\n"; } if (!$this->loadfile($parent)) { $this->halt("set_block: unable to load '$parent'."); return false; } if ($name == '') { $name = $handle; } $str = $this->get_var($parent); $qhandle = preg_quote($handle); $reg = "/(.*)\n\\s*/s"; $match = null; if (!preg_match($reg,$str,$match)) { // unfortunaly some apps set non-existing blocks, therefor I have to disable this diagnostics again for now $this->halt("set_block: unable to find block '$handle' in '$parent'=".htmlspecialchars($str)."this->root=$this->root"); // return False; } $this->set_var($handle,$match[1]); $this->set_var($parent,preg_replace($reg, '{' . "$name}",$str)); } /* public: set_var(array $values) * values: array of variable name, value pairs. * * @param string|array $varname name of a variable to be defined or array with varname => value pairs * @param string $value ='' value of that variable, if it's not an array */ function set_var($varname, $value = '') { if (!is_array($varname)) { if (empty($varname)) { return; } $varname = array( $varname => $value ); } foreach($varname as $k => $v) { if (!empty($k)) { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('set_var',$k)) { echo "
\n"; } $this->varkeys[$k] = $this->varname($k); $this->varvals[$k] = $this->egroupware_hack ? str_replace( array('phpGroupWare',''), array('eGroupWare',''),$v ) : $v; } } } /** * Substitue variables/placeholders and return result * * @param string $handle handle of template where variables are to be substituted * @return string */ function subst($handle) { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('subst',$handle)) { echo "Template::subst('$handle')
\n"; } if (!$this->loadfile($handle)) { $this->halt("subst: unable to load $handle."); return false; } $str = $this->get_var($handle); foreach($this->varkeys as $k => $v) { $str = str_replace($v, $this->varvals[$k], $str); } return $str; } /** * Substitue variables/placeholders and print result * * @param string $handle handle of template where variables are to be substituted * @return boolean false */ function psubst($handle) { print $this->subst($handle); return false; } /** * Substitue variables/placeholders, insert result into variable and return it * * @param string $target handle of variable to generate * @param string $handle handle of template where variables are to be substituted * @param boolean $append =false true: append to target handle * @return string */ function parse($target, $handle, $append = false) { if (!is_array($handle)) { $str = $this->subst($handle); if ($append) { $this->set_var($target, $this->get_var($target) . $str); } else { $this->set_var($target, $str); } } else { foreach($handle as $h) { $str = $this->subst($h); $this->set_var($target, $str); } } return $str; } /** * Substitue variables/placeholders, insert result into variable and print it * * @param string $target handle of variable to generate * @param string $handle handle of template where variables are to be substituted * @param boolean $append =false true: append to target handle * @return boolean false */ function pparse($target, $handle, $append = false) { print $this->parse($target, $handle, $append); return false; } /** * This is short for finish parse */ function fp($target, $handle, $append = False) { return $this->finish($this->parse($target, $handle, $append)); } /** * This is a short cut for print finish parse */ function pfp($target, $handle, $append = False) { echo $this->finish($this->parse($target, $handle, $append)); } /** * Return all variables as array * * @return array */ function get_vars() { foreach(array_keys($this->varkeys) as $k) { $result[$k] = $this->varvals[$k]; } return $result; } /** * Return a single or multiple variable * * @param string|array $varname variable name or array of names as key! * @return string|array value or array of values */ function get_var($varname) { if (!is_array($varname)) { return $this->varvals[$varname]; } else { foreach(array_keys($varname) as $k) { $result[$k] = $this->varvals[$k]; } return $result; } } /** * Return undefined variables/placeholders of a handle * * @param string handle handle of a template * @return array|boolean array with undefined variables as key and value, or false if none */ function get_undefined($handle) { if (!$this->loadfile($handle)) { $this->halt("get_undefined: unable to load $handle."); return false; } $matches = null; preg_match_all("/\{([^}]+)\}/", $this->get_var($handle), $matches); $m = $matches[1]; if (!is_array($m)) { return false; } foreach($m as $v) { if (!isset($this->varkeys[$v])) { $result[$v] = $v; } } if (count($result)) { return $result; } else { return false; } } /** * Finish: remove or keep unknown variables/placeholders * * @param string $str string to finish */ function finish($str) { switch ($this->unknowns) { case 'keep': break; case 'remove': $str = preg_replace('/{[a-z0-9_-]+}/i', '', $str); break; case 'comment': $str = preg_replace('/{([a-z0-9_-]+)}/i', "", $str); break; } return $str; } /** * Finish and print a given variable * * @param string $varname name of variable to print. */ function p($varname) { print $this->finish($this->get_var($varname)); } /** * Finish and return a given variable * * @param string $varname name of variable to print. */ function get($varname) { return $this->finish($this->get_var($varname)); } /** /* * @param string $filename name to be completed * @param string $root ='' default $this->root * @param int $time =1 */ protected function filename($filename,$root='',$time=1) { if($root == '') { $root = $this->root; } if(substr($filename, 0, 1) != '/') { $new_filename = $root . '/' . $filename; } else { $new_filename = $filename; } if (!file_exists($new_filename)) { if($time==2) { $this->halt("filename: file $new_filename does not exist."); } else { $new_root = dirname($root) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default'; $new_filename = $this->filename(str_replace($root.'/','',$new_filename),$new_root,2); } } return $new_filename; } /** * @param string $varname name of a replacement variable to be protected */ protected function varname($varname) { return '{'.$varname.'}'; } /** * @param string $handle load file defined by handle, if it is not loaded yet */ function loadfile($handle) { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('loadfile',$handle)) { echo "Template::loadfile('$handle') file=
\n".print_r($this->file,True)."\n"; echo "
backtrace: ".function_backtrace()."
\n"; } if (isset($this->varkeys[$handle]) && !empty($this->varvals[$handle])) { return true; } if (!isset($this->file[$handle])) { if ($this->debug && $this->check_debug('loadfile',$handle)) { echo "varkeys =".print_r($this->varkeys,True)."varvals =
".print_r($this->varvals,True)."\n"; } $this->halt("loadfile: $handle is not a valid handle."); return false; } $filename = $this->file[$handle]; $str = file_get_contents($filename); if (empty($str)) { $this->halt("loadfile: While loading $handle, $filename does not exist or is empty."); return false; } $this->set_var($handle, $str); return true; } /** * Giving a error message and halt the execution (if $this->halt_on_error == 'yes') * * @param string $msg error message to show */ function halt($msg) { $this->last_error = $msg; switch ($this->halt_on_error) { case 'no': // ignore error quitely break; case 'report': printf("Template Error: %s