#!/usr/bin/php -q
* eGroupWare - API htmlarea translations (according to lang in user prefs) *
* http: //www.eGroupWare.org                                               *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>                  *
* --------------------------------------------                             *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
*  option) any later version.                                              *

/* $Id$ */

$plugin_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
$setup_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../setup');

function load_langfile($lang)
	global $setup_dir;
	$lang_file = $setup_dir.'/phpgw_'.$lang.'.lang';
	$arr = array();
	if (file_exists($lang_file))
		foreach(file($lang_file) as $line)
			@list($phrase,$app,$lang,$trans) = split("[\t\n\r]",$line);
			$arr[$phrase] = array(
				'app' => $app,
				'trans' => $trans,
	return $arr;

function save_langfile($lang,$arr)
	$content = '';
	foreach($arr as $phrase => $data)
		$content .= "$phrase\t$data[app]\t$lang\t$data[trans]\n";
	global $setup_dir;
	$lang_file = $setup_dir.'/phpgw_'.$lang.'.lang';
	if ($f = fopen($lang_file,'w'))

$d = opendir($plugin_dir);
while ($plugin = readdir($d))
	if (!is_dir($plugin) || $plugin == 'CVS' || $plugin == 'CSS' || $plugin[0] == '.') continue;
	if (!@file_exists($lang_file = $plugin_dir.'/'.$plugin.'/lang/en.js')) continue;
	$lang_file = file_get_contents($lang_file);
	if (!preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"[ \t:]+"([^"]+)"/',$lang_file,$matches)) continue;
	$token2en = array();
	foreach($matches[1] as $n => $token)
		$token2en[$token] = $matches[2][$n];
	$l = opendir($plugin_dir.'/'.$plugin.'/lang');
	while ($lang_file = readdir($l))
		if (!preg_match('/.js$/',$lang_file)) continue;
		$lang = substr($lang_file,0,2);
		$lang_file = $plugin_dir.'/'.$plugin.'/lang/'.$lang_file;
		echo "\nprocessing: $lang_file\n";

		$lang_file = file_get_contents($lang_file);
		if (preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"[ \t:]+"([^"]+)"/',$lang_file,$matches))
			$arr = load_langfile($lang);
			$needs_save = false;
			foreach($matches[1] as $n => $token)
				if (!isset($token2en[$token])) continue;

				$phrase = strtolower($token2en[$token]);
				if (!$phrase) continue;
				if (isset($arr[$phrase]))
					if ($arr[$phrase]['app'] != 'common' && $arr[$phrase]['app'] != 'htmlarea-'.$plugin)
						$arr[$phrase]['app'] = 'common';
				$arr[$phrase] = array(
					'app'	=> 'htmlarea-'.$plugin,
					'trans' => $matches[2][$n],
				echo "adding: $phrase = ".$matches[2][$n]."\n";
				$needs_save = true;
			if ($needs_save) save_langfile($lang,$arr);