 * InfoLog - User interface
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @package infolog
 * @copyright (c) 2003-12 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$

 * This class is the UI-layer (user interface) of InfoLog
class infolog_ui
	var $public_functions = array(
		'index'       => True,
		'edit'        => True,
		'delete'      => True,
		'close'       => True,
		'admin'       => True,
		'hook_view'   => True,
		'writeLangFile' => True,
		'import_mail' => True,
	 * reference to the infolog preferences of the user
	 * @var array
	var $prefs;
	 * instance of the bo-class
	 * @var infolog_bo
	var $bo;
	 * instance of the etemplate class
	 * @var etemplate
	var $tmpl;
	 * allowed units and hours per day, can be overwritten by the projectmanager configuration, default all units, 8h
	 * @var string
	var $duration_format = ',';	// comma is necessary!

	var $icons = array(
		'type' => array(
			'task'      => 'task.gif',      'task_alt'      => 'Task',
			'phone'     => 'phone.gif',     'phone_alt'     => 'Phonecall',
			'note'      => 'note.gif',      'note_alt'      => 'Note',
			'confirm'   => 'confirm.gif',   'confirm_alt'   => 'Confirmation',
			'reject'    => 'reject.gif',    'reject_alt'    => 'Reject',
			'email'     => 'email.gif',     'email_alt'     => 'Email' ),
		'action' => array(
			'new'       => 'new.gif',       'new_alt'       => 'Add Sub',
			'view'      => 'view.gif',      'view_alt'      => 'View Subs',
			'parent'    => 'parent.gif',    'parent_alt'    => 'View other Subs',
			'edit'      => 'edit.gif',      'edit_alt'      => 'Edit',
			'addfile'   => 'addfile.gif',   'addfile_alt'   => 'Add a file',
			'delete'    => 'delete.gif',    'delete_alt'    => 'Delete',
			'close'     => 'done.gif',      'close_alt'     => 'Close' ,
			'close_all' => 'done_all.gif',  'close_all_alt' => 'Close' ),
		'status' => array(
			'billed'    => 'billed.gif',    'billed_alt'    => 'billed',
			'done'      => 'done.gif',      'done_alt'      => 'done',
			'will-call' => 'will-call.gif', 'will-call_alt' => 'will-call',
			'call'      => 'call.gif',      'call_alt'      => 'call',
			'ongoing'   => 'ongoing.gif',   'ongoing_alt'   => 'ongoing',
			'offer'     => 'offer.gif',     'offer_alt'     => 'offer' )
	var $filters;
	var $messages = array(
		'edit'    => 'InfoLog - Edit',
		'add'     => 'InfoLog - New',
		'add_sub' => 'InfoLog - New Subproject',
		'sp'      => '- Subprojects from',

	 * Constructor
	 * @return infolog_ui
	function __construct()
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'infolog') translation::add_app('infolog');
		$this->bo = new infolog_bo();

		$this->tmpl = new etemplate();

		$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];

		$this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog'];

		// read the duration format from project-manager
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['projectmanager'])
			$pm_config = config::read('projectmanager');
			$this->duration_format = str_replace(',','',$pm_config['duration_units']).','.$pm_config['hours_per_workday'];
		$this->filters =& $this->bo->filters;
		/* these are just for testing of the notifications
		for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
			$this->filters['delegated-open-enddate'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "delegated due in $i day(s)";
		for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
			$this->filters['responsible-open-enddate'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "responsible due in $i day(s)";
		for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
			$this->filters['delegated-open-date'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "delegated starting in $i day(s)";
		for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
			$this->filters['responsible-open-date'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "responsible starting in $i day(s)";
		$GLOBALS['infolog_ui'] =& $this;	// make ourself availible for ExecMethod of get_rows function

		// can be removed for next release / infolog update
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->hook_exists('calendar_set','infolog'))

	 * Sets additional fields for one infolog entry, which are not persistent in the DB
	 * @param array $info infolog entry read from the db
	 * @param array &$readonlys ACL specific settings for the buttons
	 * @param string $action
	 * @param string/int $action_id
	 * @param boolean $show_links
	 * @param int $details
	 * @return array
	function get_info($info,&$readonlys,$action='',$action_id='',$show_links=false,$details = 1)
		if (!is_array($info))
			$info = $this->bo->read($info);
		$id = $info['info_id'];
		$done = $info['info_status'] == 'done' || $info['info_status'] == 'billed' || $info['info_status'] == 'cancelled'; //cancelled is regarded as a completed status as well in bo
		// regard an infolog as done/billed/cancelled if its percentage is 100% when there is to status like the above for that type
		if (!$done && !isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['done']) && !isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['billed']) &&
			!isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['cancelled']) && (int)$info['info_percent']==100) $done = true ;
		$info['sub_class'] = $this->bo->enums['priority'][$info['info_priority']] . ($done ? '_done' : '');
		if (!$done && $info['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
			$info['end_class'] = 'overdue';
		if (!isset($info['info_anz_subs'])) $info['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($id);
		$this->bo->link_id2from($info,$action,$action_id);	// unset from for $action:$action_id
		$info['info_percent'] = (int) $info['info_percent'].'%';
		$editrights = $this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT);
		$isresposible = $this->bo->is_responsible($info);
		if (($readonlys["edit[$id]"] = !($editrights || // edit rights or more then standard responsible rights
			$isresposible && array_diff($this->bo->responsible_edit,array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted')))))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoEdit ';
		if ($info['status'] == 'deleted' && !$this->bo->check_access($info, EGW_ACL_UNDELETE))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoUndelete ';
		if (($readonlys["close[$id]"] = $done || ($readonlys["edit_status[$id]"] =
			!($editrights || $isresposible))))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoClose ';
		// this one is supressed, when you are not allowed to edit, or not responsible, or the entry is closed
		// and has no children. If you want that this one is shown if there are children regardless of the status of the current or its childs,
		// then modify ($done) to ($done && !$info['info_anz_subs'])
		if (($readonlys["close_all[$id]"] = ($done) || !$info['info_anz_subs'] || ($readonlys["edit_status[$id]"] =
			!($editrights || $isresposible))))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoCloseAll ';
		$readonlys["edit_status[$id]"] = $readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"] =
			!$editrights && !$isresposible &&
			!$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);	// undelete is handled like status edit
		if (($readonlys["delete[$id]"] = !$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_DELETE)))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoDelete ';
		if (($readonlys["sp[$id]"] = !$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_ADD)))
			$info['class'] .= 'rowNoSubs ';
		if ($info['info_id_parent']) $info['class'] .= 'rowHasParent ';
		if ($info['info_anz_subs'] > 0) $info['class'] .= 'rowHasSubs ';

		$readonlys["view[$id]"] = $info['info_anz_subs'] < 1;
		$readonlys['view[0]'] = True;	// no parent
		$readonlys["timesheet[$id]"] = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']);
		$readonlys["document[$id]"] = !$this->prefs['default_document'];

		if (!$show_links) $show_links = $this->prefs['show_links'];
		if (($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' ||
			 $this->prefs['show_times'] || isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet'])) &&
			(isset($info['links']) || ($info['links'] = egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true))))
			$timesheets = array();
			foreach ($info['links'] as $link)
				if ($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' &&
					$link['link_id'] != $info['info_link_id'] &&
				    ($link['app'] != $action || $link['id'] != $action_id) &&
					($show_links == 'all' || ($show_links == 'links') === ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)))
					$info['filelinks'][] = $link;
				if (!$info['pm_id'] && $link['app'] == 'projectmanager')
					$info['pm_id'] = $link['id'];
				if ($link['app'] == 'timesheet') $timesheets[] = $link['id'];
			if ($this->prefs['show_times'] && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']) && $timesheets)
				$sum = ExecMethod('timesheet.timesheet_bo.sum',$timesheets);
				$info['info_sum_timesheets'] = $sum['duration'];
		$info['info_type_label'] = $this->bo->enums['type'][$info['info_type']];
		$info['info_status_label'] = isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']]) ?
			$this->bo->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']] : $info['info_status'];

		if (!$this->prefs['show_percent'] || $this->prefs['show_percent'] == 2 && !$details)
			if ($info['info_status'] == 'ongoing' && $info['info_type'] != 'phone')
				$info['info_status'] = $info['info_status_label'] = $info['info_percent'];
			$readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"] = true;
		elseif($readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"])	// show percent, but button is switched off
			$info['info_percent2'] = $info['info_percent'];
		if ($this->prefs['show_id'] == 1 || $this->prefs['show_id'] == 2 && $details)
			$info['info_number'] = $info['info_id'];
		return $info;

	 * Callback for nextmatch widget
	 * @param array &$query
	 * @param array &$rows
	 * @param array &$readonlys
	 * @return int
	function get_rows(&$query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
		if (!$query['csv_export'])
			$parent_id = $query['col_filter']['parent_id'];
			egw_cache::setSession('infolog', $query['session_for'].'session_data', $query);
			$query['actions'] = $this->get_actions($query);
			$query['row_id'] = 'info_id';
			$query['row_modified'] = 'info_datemodified';
			$query['parent_id'] = 'info_id_parent';
			$query['is_parent'] = 'info_anz_subs';
			$query['action_var'] = 'multi_action';	// as 'action' is already used in infolog
		$orginal_colfilter = $query['col_filter'];
		if (isset($parent_id)) $query['col_filter']['info_id_parent'] = (int)$parent_id;
		if ($query['filter'] == 'bydate')
			$query['header_left'] = 'infolog.index.dates';

		//echo "<p>infolog_ui.get_rows(start=$query[start],search='$query[search]',filter='$query[filter]',cat_id=$query[cat_id],action='$query[action]/$query[action_id]',col_filter=".print_r($query['col_filter'],True).",sort=$query[sort],order=$query[order])</p>\n";
		if (!isset($query['start'])) $query['start'] = 0;

		if ($query['csv_export'] && $query['csv_export'] !== 'knownUids')
			$query['csv_fields'] = $this->csv_export_fields($query['col_filter']['info_type']);
		// handle linked filter (show only entries linked to a certain other entry)
		if ($query['col_filter']['linked'])
			list($app,$id) = explode(':',$query['col_filter']['linked']);
			if (!($links = egw_link::get_links($app,$id,'infolog')))
				$rows = array();	// no infologs linked to project --> no rows to return
				return 0;
			$query['col_filter']['info_id'] = array_values(array_unique($links));
			$linked = $query['col_filter']['linked'];

		// check if we have a custom, type-specific template
		if ($query['col_filter']['info_type'])
			$tpl = new etemplate;
			if ($tpl->read('infolog.index.rows.'.$query['col_filter']['info_type']))
				$query['template'] =& $tpl;
				$query['custom_fields'] = true;	// read the custom fields too
			//echo "<p align=right>template ='".'infolog.index.rows.'.$query['col_filter']['info_type']."'".(!$query['template'] ? ' not' : '')." found</p>\n";
			// If status is not valid for selected type, clear status filter
			if($query['col_filter']['info_status'] && $query['col_filter']['info_status'] != 'deleted' &&
				!in_array($query['col_filter']['info_status'], $this->bo->status[$query['col_filter']['info_type']]))
				$query['col_filter']['info_status'] = '';
		// do we need to read the custom fields, depends on the column is enabled and customfields exist, prefs are filter specific
		// so we have to check that as well
		$details = $query['filter2'] == 'all';
		$columselection = $this->prefs['nextmatch-infolog.index.rows'.($details?'-details':'')];
		if ($columselection)
			$query['selectcols'] = $columselection;
			$columselection = explode(',',$columselection);
			$columselection = $query['selectcols'] ? explode(',',$query['selectcols']) : array();
		// do we need to query the cf's
		$query['custom_fields'] = $this->bo->customfields && (!$columselection || in_array('customfields',$columselection));

		$infos = $this->bo->search($query);
		$query['col_filter'] = $orginal_colfilter;
		if (!is_array($infos))
			$infos = array( );
		$details = $query['filter2'] == 'all';
		// add a '-details' to the name of the columnselection pref
		if ($details)
			$query['columnselection_pref'] = (is_object($query['template'])?$query['template']->name:'infolog.index.rows').'-details';
			$query['default_cols'] = '!cat_id,info_used_time_info_planned_time,info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time,info_id,actions';
			$query['columnselection_pref'] = 'infolog.index.rows';
			$query['default_cols'] = '!cat_id,info_datemodified,info_used_time_info_planned_time,info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time,info_id,actions';
		// set old show_times pref, that get_info calculates the cumulated time of the timesheets (we only check used&planned to work for both time cols)
		$this->prefs['show_times'] = strpos($this->prefs['nextmatch-'.$query['columnselection_pref']],'info_used_time_info_planned_time') !== false;

		// query all links and sub counts in one go
		if ($infos && (!$query['csv_export'] || $query['csv_export'] === 'knownUids'))
			$links = egw_link::get_links_multiple('infolog',array_keys($infos),true);
			$anzSubs = $this->bo->anzSubs(array_keys($infos));
		$readonlys = $rows = array();
		$parents = $query['action'] == 'sp' && $query['action_id'] ? (array)$query['action_id'] : array();
		if (count($parents) == 1 && is_array($query['action_id']))
			$query['action_id'] = array_shift($query['action_id']);	// display single parent as app_header

		// Check to see if we need to remove description
		$et = new ReflectionClass('etemplate');
		$is_et2 = ($et->isSubclassOf(new ReflectionClass('etemplate_widget')));
		foreach($infos as $id => $info)
			if (!(strpos($info['info_addr'],',')===false) && strpos($info['info_addr'],', ')===false) $info['info_addr'] = str_replace(',',', ',$info['info_addr']);
			if (!$query['csv_export'] || $query['csv_export'] === 'knownUids')
				$info['links'] =& $links[$id];
				$info['info_anz_subs'] = (int)$anzSubs[$id];
				$info = $this->get_info($info,$readonlys,$query['action'],$query['action_id'],$query['filter2'],$details);

				if (!$query['filter2'] && $this->prefs['show_links'] == 'no_describtion' ||
					$query['filter2'] == 'no_describtion' && !$is_et2)
			// for subs view ('sp') add parent(s) in front of subs once(!)
			if ($parents && ($parent_index = array_search($info['info_id_parent'], $parents)) !== false &&
				($main = $this->bo->read($info['info_id_parent'])))
				$main = $this->get_info($main, $readonlys);
				$main['class'] .= 'th ';
				// if only certain custom-fields are to be displayed, we need to unset the not displayed ones manually
				// as read() always read them all, while search() only reads the selected ones
				if ($query['custom_fields'])
					foreach($columselection as $col)
						if ($col[0] == '#')
							foreach($main as $n => $v)
								if ($n[0] == '#' && !in_array($n, $columselection)) unset($main[$n]);
				array_splice($rows, $id, 0, array($main));
				// et2 nextmatch listens to total, and only displays that many rows
				if($is_et2) $query['total']++;
			$rows[] = $info;

		if ($query['cat_id']) $rows['no_cat_id'] = true;
		if ($query['no_actions']) $rows['no_actions'] = true;
		$rows['no_timesheet'] = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']);
		$rows['duration_format'] = ','.$this->duration_format.',,1';

		// switch cf column off, if we have no cf's
		if (!$query['custom_fields']) $rows['no_customfields'] = true;

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'none' &&
			$rows['no_info_owner_info_responsible'] = true;
			// dont show owner, responsible in the columnselection
			$query['options-selectcols']['info_owner'] = $query['options-selectcols']['info_responsible'] = false;
		//echo "<p>readonlys = "; _debug_array($readonlys);
		//echo "rows=<pre>".print_r($rows,True)."</pre>\n";

		// if filtered by type, show only the stati of the filtered type
		$rows['sel_options']['info_status'] = $this->bo->get_status($query['col_filter']['info_type']);

		if ($this->bo->history)
			$rows['sel_options']['info_status']['deleted'] = 'deleted';

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'infolog')
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Infolog');
			if ($query['filter'] != 'none')
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] .= ' - '.lang($this->filters[$query['filter']]);
			if ($query['action'] && ($title = $query['action_title'] || is_array($query['action_id']) ?
				$query['action_title'] : egw_link::title($query['action']=='sp'?'infolog':$query['action'],$query['action_id'])))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] .= ': '.$title;
		// disable filemanager icon, if user has no access to it
		$readonlys['filemanager/navbar'] = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager']);

		if (isset($linked)) $query['col_filter']['linked'] = $linked;  // add linked back to the colfilter

		return $query['total'];

	 * Hook for timesheet to set some extra data and links
	 * @param array $data
	 * @param int $data[id] info_id
	 * @return array with key => value pairs to set in new timesheet and link_app/link_id arrays
	function timesheet_set($data)
		$set = array();
		if ((int)$data['id'] && ($info = $this->bo->read($data['id'])))
			if ($info['info_cat']) $set['cat_id'] = $info['info_cat'];

			foreach(egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true) as $link)
				if ($link['app'] != 'timesheet' && $link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)
					$set['link_app'][] = $link['app'];
					$set['link_id'][]  = $link['id'];
		return $set;

	 * Hook for calendar to set some extra data and links
	 * @param array $data event-array preset by calendar plus
	 * @param int $data[entry_id] info_id
	 * @return array with key => value pairs to set in new event and link_app/link_id arrays
	function calendar_set($data)
		if (!($infolog = $this->bo->read($data['entry_id'])))
			return $data;
		$event = array_merge($data,array(
			'category'	=> $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->check_list(EGW_ACL_READ, $infolog['info_cat']),
			'priority'	=> $infolog['info_priority'] + 1,
			'public'	=> $infolog['info_access'] != 'private',
			'title'		=> $infolog['info_subject'],
			'description'	=> $infolog['info_des'],
			'location'	=> $infolog['info_location'],
			'start'		=> $infolog['info_startdate'],
			'end'		=> $infolog['info_enddate'] ? $infolog['info_enddate'] : $infolog['info_datecompleted']
		if (!$event['end']) $event['end'] = $event['start'] + (int) $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['defaultlength']*60;

		// Match categories by name
		$event['category'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->name2id(categories::id2name($infolog['info_cat']));

		// make current user the owner of the new event, not the selected calendar, if current user has rights for it
		$event['owner'] = $user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];

		// add/modify participants according to prefs
		$prefs = explode(',',$this->prefs['calendar_set'] ? $this->prefs['calendar_set'] : 'responsible,contact,user');

		// if no default participants (selected calendars) --> remove all
		if (!in_array('selected',$prefs))
			$event['participants'] = $event['participant_types'] = array();
		// Add responsible as participant
		if (in_array('responsible',$prefs))
			foreach($infolog['info_responsible'] as $responsible)
				$event['participants'][$responsible] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$responsible] =
		// Add linked contact as participant
		if (in_array('contact',$prefs) && $infolog['info_link']['app'] == 'addressbook')
			$event['participants'][calendar_so::combine_user('c',$infolog['info_link']['id'])] =
				$event['participant_types']['c'][$infolog['info_link']['id']] = calendar_so::combine_status('U');
		if (in_array('owner',$prefs))
			$event['participants'][$infolog['info_owner']] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$infolog['info_owner']] =
		// Add current user, if set or no other participants, which is not allowed
		if (in_array('user',$prefs))
			$event['participants'][$user] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$user] =

		// Add infolog link to calendar entry
		$event['link_app'][] = $infolog['info_link']['app'];
		$event['link_id'][]  = $infolog['info_link']['id'];

		// Copy infolog's links
		foreach(egw_link::get_links('infolog',$infolog['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true) as $link)
			if ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)
				$event['link_app'][] = $link['app'];
				$event['link_id'][]  = $link['id'];
		// Copy same custom fields
		foreach(config::get_customfields('calendar') as $name => $settings)
			if ($this->bo->customfields[$name]) $event['#'.$name] = $infolog['#'.$name];
		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($data).') infolog='.array2string($infolog).' returning '.array2string($event));
		return $event;

	 * Shows the infolog list
	 * @param array/string $values=null etemplate content or 'reset_action_view' if called by index.php to reset an action-view
	 * @param string $action='' if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
	 * @param string $action_id='' if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
	 * @param mixed $called_as=0 this is how we got called, for a hook eg. the call-params of that page containing the hook
	 * @param boolean $extra_app_header=false
	 * @param boolean $return_html=false
	 * @param string $own_referer='' this is our own referer
	 * @param string $action_title='' app_header for the action, if '' we try the link-title
	function index($values = null,$action='',$action_id='',$called_as=0,$extra_app_header=False,$return_html=False,$own_referer='',$action_title='')
		if (is_array($values))
			$called_as = $values['called_as'];
			$own_referer = $values['own_referer'];
		elseif ($own_referer === '')
			$own_referer = common::get_referer();
			if (strpos($own_referer,'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit') !== false)
				$own_referer = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('own_session','infolog');

		// Handle legacy buttons like actions
			foreach(array('document', 'view', 'delete') as $button)
					list($id) = @each($values['nm']['rows'][$button]);
					$values['nm']['multi_action'] = $button;
					$values['nm']['selected'] = array($id);
					break; // Only one can come per submit
		if (is_array($values) && !empty($values['nm']['multi_action']))
			if (!count($values['nm']['selected']) && !$values['nm']['select_all'])
				$msg = lang('You need to select some entries first');
				// Some processing to add values in for links and cats
				$multi_action = $values['nm']['multi_action'];
				// Action has an additional action - add / delete, etc.  Buttons named <multi-action>_action[action_name]
				if(in_array($multi_action, array('link', 'responsible')))
					// eTemplate ignores the _popup namespace, but et2 doesn't
						$popup =& $values[$multi_action.'_popup'];
						$popup =& $values;

					$values['nm']['multi_action'] .= '_' . key($popup[$multi_action . '_action']);
						$popup[$multi_action] = implode(',',$popup[$multi_action]);
					$values['nm']['multi_action'] .= '_' . $popup[$multi_action];
				if ($this->action($values['nm']['multi_action'], $values['nm']['selected'], $values['nm']['select_all'],
					$success, $failed, $action_msg, $values['nm'], $msg, $values['nm']['checkboxes']['no_notifications']))
					$msg .= lang('%1 entries %2',$success,$action_msg);
					$msg .= lang('%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!',$success,$action_msg,$failed);
					$msg .= "\n".lang('%1 entries %2, %3 failed.',$success,$action_msg,$failed);
			$values['msg'] = $msg;
		if (!$action)
			$action = is_array($values) && $values['action'] ? $values['action'] : get_var('action',array('POST','GET'));
			$action_id = is_array($values) && $values['action_id'] ? $values['action_id'] : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
			$action_title = is_array($values) && $values['action_title'] ? $values['action_title'] : get_var('action_title',array('POST','GET'));
		//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."(action='$action/$action_id',called_as='$called_as/$values[referer]',own_referer='$own_referer') values=\n"; _debug_array($values);
		if (!is_array($values))
			$nm = egw_cache::getSession('infolog', $this->called_by.'session_data');
			if ($values === 'reset_action_view')
				$nm['action'] = $action = '';
				$nm['action_id'] = $action_id = 0;
				$nm['action_title'] = $action_title = '';
				// check if action-view reset filter and restore it
				if (($filter = egw_cache::getSession('infolog', 'filter_reset_from')))
					$nm['filter'] = $filter;
					egw_cache::unsetSession('infolog', 'filter_reset_from');
			$values = array('nm' => $nm);

			if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' || !isset($values['nm']['filter']) && !$this->called_by)
				$values['nm']['filter'] = $_GET['filter'] && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' ? $_GET['filter'] :
			if (!isset($values['nm']['order']) || !$values['nm']['order'])
				$values['nm']['order'] = 'info_datemodified';
				$values['nm']['sort'] = 'DESC';

			if (!$values['nm']['session_for'] && $this->called_by) $values['nm']['session_for'] = $this->called_by;

			$values['msg'] = $_GET['msg'];
			$action_id = $values['action_id'] = $action ? $action_id : $nm['action_id'];
			$action_title = $values['action_title'] = $action ? $action_title : $nm['action_title'];
			$action = $values['action'] = $action ? $action : $nm['action'];
		if($_GET['search']) $values['nm']['search'] = $_GET['search'];

		if ($values['nm']['add'])
			$values['add'] = $values['nm']['add'];
		unset($values['nm']['rows']['checked']);	// not longer used, but hides button actions

		if ($values['add'] || $values['cancel'] || isset($values['nm']['rows']) || isset($values['main']))
			if ($values['add'])
				list($type) = each($values['add']);
				return $this->edit(0,$action,$action_id,$type,$called_as);
			elseif ($values['cancel'] && $own_referer)
				egw_cache::setSession('infolog', $values['nm']['session_for'].'session_data', $values['nm']);
				list($do,$do_id) = isset($values['main']) ? each($values['main']) : @each($values['nm']['rows']);
				list($do_id) = @each($do_id);
				//echo "<p>infolog::index: do='$do/$do_id', referer="; _debug_array($called_as);
					case 'close':
					case 'close_all':
					case 'view':
						$value = array();
						$action = 'sp';
						$action_id = $do_id;
						$value = array();
						$action = '';
						$action_id = 0;
		switch ($action)
			case 'sp':
				if ((is_array($action_id) && !$this->bo->read(current($action_id))) || !$this->bo->read($action_id))
					$action = '';
					$action_id = 0;
		$readonlys['cancel'] = $action != 'sp';

		if ($colfilter) $values['nm']['col_filter'] = $persist['col_filter'] = $colfilter;
		$values['nm']['options-filter'] = $this->filters;
		$values['nm']['get_rows'] = 'infolog.infolog_ui.get_rows';
		$values['nm']['options-filter2'] = (in_array($this->prefs['show_links'],array('all','no_describtion')) ? array() : array(
			''               => 'default',
		)) + array(
			'no_describtion' => 'no details',
			'all'            => 'details',
		if(!isset($values['nm']['filter2'])) $values['nm']['filter2'] = $this->prefs['show_links'];
		$values['nm']['filter2_onchange'] = "
if(typeof widget != 'undefined') {
	// Show / hide descriptions
	show_details(jQuery(this).val() == 'all');

	// Change preference location - widget is nextmatch
	widget.options.settings.columnselection_pref = 'infolog.index.rows'+(jQuery(this).val()=='all'?'-details':'');

	// Load new preferences
	var colData = []
	for(var i = 0; i < widget.columns.length; i++) colData[i] = {disabled: true, width: '0'};
	widget._applyUserPreferences(widget.columns, colData);
	for(var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++)
		// Wants a string
		widget.dataview.getColumnMgr().columns[i].set_width(colData[i].width + 'px');

	widget.dataview.getColumnMgr().updated = true;

	// Update page
		// disable columns for main entry as set in the pref for details or no details
		if ($action == 'sp')
			$pref = 'nextmatch-infolog.index.rows'.($values['nm']['filter2']=='all'?'-details':'');
			foreach(array('info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time','info_datemodified','info_owner_info_responsible','customfields') as $name)
				$values['main']['no_'.$name] = strpos($this->prefs[$pref],$name) === false;
			if (!$values['main']['no_customfields'])
				// set the column-header of the main table for the customfields.
				foreach($this->bo->customfields as $lname => $data)
		$values['nm']['header_right'] = 'infolog.index.header_right';
		if ($extra_app_header && $values['nm']['filter']!='bydate')
			$values['nm']['header_left'] = 'infolog.index.header_left';
		if ($values['nm']['filter']=='bydate')
			foreach (array_keys($values['nm']['col_filter']) as $colfk) if (is_int($colfk)) unset($values['nm']['col_filter']);
			$values['nm']['header_left'] = 'infolog.index.dates';
		if ($values['nm']['filter2'] == 'no_describtion')
		$values['nm']['bottom_too'] = True;
		$values['nm']['never_hide'] = isset($this->prefs['never_hide']) ?
			$this->prefs['never_hide'] : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] > 15;
		$values['action'] = $persist['action'] = $values['nm']['action'] = $action;
		$values['action_id'] = $persist['action_id'] = $values['nm']['action_id'] = $action_id;
		$values['action_title'] = $persist['action_title'] = $values['nm']['action_title'] = $action_title;
		$persist['called_as'] = $called_as;
		$persist['own_referer'] = $own_referer;
		$values['nm']['csv_fields'] = true;		// get set in get_rows to not include all custom fields

		// store whole $values[nm] in etemplate request
		$persist['nm'] = $values['nm'];

		if (!$called_as)
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologIndex');
			$values['css'] = '<style type="text/css">@import url('.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/infolog/templates/default/app.css);'."</style>";
		// add scrollbar to long description, if user choose so in his prefs
		if ($this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] > 0 || (string)$this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] == '');
			$values['css'] .= '<style type="text/css">@media screen { .infoDes {  '.
				($this->prefs['limit_des_width']?'max-width:'.$this->prefs['limit_des_width'].'em;':'').' max-height: '.
				(($this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] ? $this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] : 5) * 1.35).	// dono why em is not real lines
				'em; overflow: auto; }}</style>';

		$sel_options = array(
			'info_type'     => $this->bo->enums['type'],
			'pm_id'      => array(lang('No project')),
			'info_priority' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],

		// remove group-types user has not any rights to as filter
		// does not take implicit rights as delegated into account, so they will not be available as filters
		foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
			if (!isset($this->bo->grants[$group])) unset($sel_options['info_type'][$type]);


		return $this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.index',$values,$sel_options,$readonlys,$persist,$return_html ? -1 : 0);

	 * Get valid types
	 * @return array - array of valid types
	private function get_validtypes()
		// Types
		$types = $this->bo->enums['type'];
		if ($this->bo->group_owners)
			// remove types owned by groups the user has no edit grant
			foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
				if (!($this->bo->grants[$group] & EGW_ACL_EDIT))
		return $types;

	 * Get actions / context menu items
	 * @param array $query
	 * @return array see nextmatch_widget::get_actions()
	private function get_actions(array $query)
		for($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i += 10) $percent[$i] = $i.'%';

		// Types
		$types = $this->get_validtypes();
		$types_add = array();
		foreach($types as $type => &$data)
			$data = array(
				'caption' => $data,
				'icon' => $type,
			$types_add[$type] = $data + array(
				'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&type='.$type,
				'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),

		$statis = $this->bo->get_status($query['col_filter']['info_type'], $icons);
		foreach($statis as $type => &$data)
			$data = array(
				'caption' => $data,
				'icon' => $icons[$type],

		$actions = array(
			'open' => array(
				'caption' => 'Open',
				'default' => true,
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&info_id=$id',
				'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
				'group' => $group=1,
			'view' => array(
				'caption' => 'View subs',
				'icon' => 'egw_action/arrow_left',
				'group' => $group,
				'hint' => 'View all subs of this entry',
				'enableClass' => 'rowHasSubs',
			'parent' => array(
				'caption' => 'View parent',
				'icon' => 'egw_action/arrow_up',
				'group' => $group,
				'hideOnDisabled' => true,
				'hint' => 'View the parent of this entry and all his subs',
				'enableClass' => 'rowHasParent'
			'add' => array(
				'caption' => 'Add',
				'group' => $group,
				'children' => array(
					'new' => array(
						'caption' => 'New',
						'children' => $types_add,
						'icon' => 'task',
					'sub' => array(
						'caption' => 'Sub-entry',
						'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=sp&action_id=$id',
						'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
						'allowOnMultiple' => false,
						'hint' => 'Add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry',
						'icon' => 'new',
						'disableClass' => 'rowNoSubs',
					'copy' => array(
						'caption' => 'Copy',
						'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=copy&info_id=$id',
						'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
						'allowOnMultiple' => false,
						'icon' => 'copy',
			'select_all' => array(
				'caption' => 'Whole query',
				'checkbox' => true,
				'hint' => 'Apply the action on the whole query, NOT only the shown entries',
				'group' => ++$group,
			'no_notifications' => array(
				'caption' => 'Do not notify',
				'checkbox' => true,
				'hint' => 'Do not notify of these changes',
				'group' => $group,
			// modifying content of one or multiple infolog(s)
			'change' => array(
				'caption' => 'Change',
				'group' => ++$group,
				'icon' => 'edit',
				'disableClass' => 'rowNoEdit',
				'children' => array(
					'type' => array(
						'caption' => 'Type',
						'prefix' => 'type_',
						'children' => $types,
						'group' => $group,
						'icon' => 'task',
					'status' => array(
						'caption' => 'Status',
						'prefix' => 'status_',
						'children' => $statis,
						'group' => $group,
						'icon' => 'ongoing',
					'completion' => array(
						'caption' => 'Completed',
						'prefix' => 'completion_',
						'children' => $percent,
						'group' => $group,
						'icon' => 'completed',
					'cat' =>  nextmatch_widget::category_action(
						'infolog',$group,'Change category','cat_'
					'responsible' => array(
						'caption' => 'Delegation',
						'group' => $group,
						'icon' => 'users',
						'nm_action' => 'open_popup',
					'link' => array(
						'caption' => 'Links',
						'group' => $group,
						'nm_action' => 'open_popup',
			'close' => array(
				'caption' => 'Close',
				'icon' => 'done',
				'group' => $group,
				'disableClass' => 'rowNoClose',
			'close_all' => array(
				'caption' => 'Close all',
				'icon' => 'done_all',
				'group' => $group,
				'hint' => 'Sets the status of this entry and its subs to done',
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'disableClass' => 'rowNoCloseAll',
		++$group;	// integration with other apps
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager'])
			$actions['filemanager'] = array(
				'icon' => 'filemanager/navbar',
				'caption' => 'Filemanager',
				'url' => 'menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_ui.index&path=/apps/infolog/$id',
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'group' => $group,
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'])
			$actions['calendar'] = array(	// interactive add for a single event
				'icon' => 'calendar/navbar',
				'caption' => 'Schedule appointment',
				'group' => $group,
				'url' => 'menuaction=calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&'.
					egw_link::get_registry('calendar', 'add_app') . '[]=infolog&'.egw_link::get_registry('calendar','add_id').'[]=$id',
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('calendar', 'add_popup'),
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet'])
			$actions['timesheet'] = array(	// interactive add for a single event
				'icon' => 'timesheet/navbar',
				'caption' => 'Timesheet',
				'url' => 'menuaction=timesheet.timesheet_ui.edit&link_app[]=infolog&link_id[]=$id',
				'group' => $group,
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('timesheet', 'add_popup'),
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['tracker'])
			$actions['tracker'] = array(
				'icon' => 'tracker/navbar',
				'caption' => 'Tracker',
				'group' => $group,
				'url' => 'menuaction=tracker.tracker_ui.edit&'.
					egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_app') . '[]=infolog&'.egw_link::get_registry('tracker','add_id').'[]=$id',
				'allowOnMultiple' => false,
				'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_popup'),

		$actions['documents'] = infolog_merge::document_action(
			$this->prefs['document_dir'], ++$group, 'Insert in document', 'document_',
		$actions['ical'] = array(
			'icon' => 'calendar/navbar',
			'caption' => 'Export iCal',
			'group' => $group,
			'allowOnMultiple' => true,

		$actions['delete'] = array(
			'caption' => 'Delete',
			'group' => ++$group,
			'disableClass' => 'rowNoDelete',
			'onExecute' => 'javaScript:confirm_delete',
		if ($query['col_filter']['info_status'] == 'deleted')
			$actions['undelete'] = array(
				'caption' => 'Un-Delete',
				'group' => $group,
				'icon' => 'revert',
				'disableClass' => 'rowNoUndelete',

		//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($do_email, $tid_filter, $org_view)</p>\n"; _debug_array($actions);
		return $actions;

	 * Handles actions on multiple infologs
	 * @param action
	 * @param array $checked contact id's to use if !$use_all
	 * @param boolean $use_all if true use all entries of the current selection (in the session)
	 * @param int &$success number of succeded actions
	 * @param int &$failed number of failed actions (not enought permissions)
	 * @param string &$action_msg translated verb for the actions, to be used in a message like '%1 entries deleted'
	 * @param array $query get_rows parameter
	 * @param string &$msg on return user feedback
	 * @param boolean $skip_notifications=false true to NOT notify users about changes
	 * @return boolean true if all actions succeded, false otherwise
	function action($action, $checked, $use_all, &$success, &$failed, &$action_msg,
		array $query, &$msg, $skip_notifications = false)
		//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."('$action',".array2string($checked).','.(int)$use_all.",...)</p>\n";
		$success = $failed = 0;
		if ($use_all)
			@set_time_limit(0);                     // switch off the execution time limit, as it's for big selections to small
			$query['num_rows'] = -1;        // all
			$checked = array();
			foreach($result as $key => $info)
					$checked[] = $info['info_id'];

		// Actions with options in the selectbox
		list($action, $settings) = explode('_', $action, 2);

		// Actions that can handle a list of IDs
			case 'link':
				list($add_remove, $link) = explode('_', $settings, 2);
				list($app, $link_id) = explode(strpos($link,':') !== false ? ':' : ',', $link);
					$action_msg = 'linked';
					$msg = lang('You need to select an entry for linking.');
				$title = egw_link::title($app, $link_id);
				foreach($checked as $id)
					if(!$this->bo->check_access($id, EGW_ACL_EDIT))
					if($add_remove == 'add')
						$action_msg = lang('linked to %1', $title);
						if(egw_link::link('infolog', $id, $app, $link_id))
						$action_msg = lang('unlinked from %1', $title);
						$count = egw_link::unlink(0, 'infolog', $id, '', $app, $link_id);
						$success += $count;
				return $failed == 0;

			case 'document':
				if (!$settings) $settings = $this->prefs['default_document'];
				$document_merge = new infolog_merge();
				$msg = $document_merge->download($settings, $checked, '', $this->prefs['document_dir']);
				$failed = count($checked);
				return false;

			case 'parent':
				$parent_query = array('col_filter' => array('info_id' => $checked));
				$result = $this->bo->search($parent_query);
				$parents = array();
				foreach($result as $key => $info)
						$parents[] = $info['info_id_parent'];
				$checked = array_unique($parents);
				// Fall through

			case 'view':
				// remember filter to restore it, if infolog icon get's clicked next time
				if ($query['filter']) egw_cache::setSession('infolog', 'filter_reset_from', $query['filter']);
			case 'ical':
				// infolog_ical lets horde be auto-loaded, so it must go first
				$boical = new infolog_ical();
				echo $boical->exportvCalendar($checked);


		// Actions that need to loop
		foreach($checked as $id)
			if(!$entry = $this->bo->read($id))
				case 'close':
					$action_msg = lang('closed');
					$this->close($id, '', false, $skip_notifications);

				case 'delete':
					$action_msg = $settings == 'sub' ? lang(' (and children) deleted') : lang('deleted');
					$result = $this->bo->delete($id, $settings=='sub', false, $skip_notifications);
					if($result == true)

				case 'type':
					$action_msg = lang('changed type');
					// Dont allow to change the type, if user has no delete rights from the group-owner
					if ($id && !($this->bo->grants[$entry['info_owner']] & EGW_ACL_DELETE))
					$entry['info_type'] = $settings;
					try {
						$this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications,true); // Throw exceptions
					} catch (egw_exception_wrong_userinput $e) {
						$msg .= "\n".$e->getMessage();

				case 'completion':
					$action_msg = lang('changed completion to %1%', $settings);
					$entry['info_percent'] = $settings;
					// Done entries will get changed right back if we don't change the status too
					if($entry['info_status'] == 'done')
						$entry['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
					if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))

				case 'undelete':	// set it to valid status != 'deleted' for that type
					$settings = isset($this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']]['done']) ?
						$this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']]['done'] :
					// fall-through
				case 'status':
						$action_msg = lang('changed status to %1', lang($this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']][$settings]));
						if($settings != 'done' && $entry['info_status'] == 'done' && $entry['info_percent'] == 100)
							// Done entries will get changed right back if we don't change the completion too
							$entry['info_percent'] = 99;
						$entry['info_status'] = $settings;
						if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
						$msg .= lang('Invalid status for entry type %1.', lang($this->bo->enums['type'][$entry['info_type']]));

				case 'cat':
					$cat_name = categories::id2name($settings);
					$action_msg = lang('changed category to %1', $cat_name);
					$entry['info_cat'] = $settings;
					if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))

				case 'responsible':
					list($add_remove, $users) = explode('_', $settings, 2);
					$action_msg = ($add_remove == 'add' ? lang('added') : lang('removed')) . ' ';
					$names = array();
					$users = explode(',', $users);
					foreach($users as $account_id)
						$names[] = common::grab_owner_name($account_id);
					$action_msg .= implode(', ', $names);
					$function = $add_remove == 'add' ? 'array_merge' : 'array_diff';
					$entry['info_responsible'] = array_unique($function($entry['info_responsible'], (array)$users));
					if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
		return $failed == 0;

	 * Closes an infolog
	 * @param int|array $values=0 info_id (default _GET[info_id])
	 * @param string $referer=''
	 * @param boolean $closesingle=false
	function close($values=0,$referer='',$closesingle=false,$skip_notification = false)
		//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($values,$referer,$closeall)</p>\n";
		$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
		$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $referer;

		if ($info_id)
			$info = $this->bo->read($info_id);
			$status = $info['info_status'];
			// closed stati assumed array('done','billed','cancelled')
			if (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['done'])) {
				$status ='done';
			} elseif (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['billed'])) {
				$status ='billed';
			} elseif (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['cancelled'])) {
				$status ='cancelled';
			$values = array(
				'info_id'     => $info_id,
				'info_type'   => $info['info_type'],
				'info_status' => $status,
				'info_percent'=> 100,
				'info_datecompleted' => $this->bo->now_su,
			$this->bo->write($values, true,true,true,$skip_notification);

			$query = array('action'=>'sp','action_id'=>$info_id);
			if (!$closesingle) {
				foreach((array)$this->bo->search($query) as $info)
					if ($info['info_id_parent'] == $info_id)	// search also returns linked entries!
						$this->close($info['info_id'],$referer,$closeall,$skip_notification);	// we call ourselfs recursive to process subs from subs too
		if ($referer) $this->tmpl->location($referer);

	 * Deletes an InfoLog entry
	 * @param array|int $values=0 info_id (default _GET[info_id])
	 * @param string $referer=''
	 * @param string $called_by=''
	 * @param boolean $skip_notification Do not send notification of deletion
	function delete($values=0,$referer='',$called_by='',$skip_notification=False)
		$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
		$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $referer;

		if (!is_array($values) && $info_id > 0 && !$this->bo->anzSubs($info_id))	// entries without subs get confirmed by javascript
			$values = array('delete' => true);
		//echo "<p>infolog_ui::delete(".print_r($values,true).",'$referer','$called_by') info_id=$info_id</p>\n";

		if (is_array($values) || $info_id <= 0)
			if (($values['delete'] || $values['delete_subs']) && $info_id > 0 && $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE))
				$deleted = $this->bo->delete($info_id,$values['delete_subs'],$values['info_id_parent'], $skip_notification);
			if ($called_by)		// direct call from the same request
				return $deleted ? lang('InfoLog entry deleted') : '';
			if ($values['called_by'] == 'edit')	// we run in the edit popup => give control back to edit
					'info_id' => $info_id,
					'button'  => array('deleted' => true),	// not delete!
					'referer' => $referer,
					'msg'     => $deleted ? lang('Infolog entry deleted') : '',
			return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index();
		$readonlys = $values = array();
		$values['main'][1] = $this->get_info($info_id,$readonlys['main']);


		$values['nm'] = array(
			'action'         => 'sp',
			'action_id'      => $info_id,
			'options-filter' => $this->filters,
			'get_rows'       => 'infolog.infolog_ui.get_rows',
			'no_filter2'     => True,
			'never_hide'     => isset($this->prefs['never_hide']) ?
				$this->prefs['never_hide'] :
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] > 15,
		$values['main']['no_actions'] = $values['nm']['no_actions'] = True;

		$persist['info_id'] = $info_id;
		$persist['referer'] = $referer;
		$persist['info_id_parent'] = $values['main'][1]['info_id_parent'];
		$persist['called_by'] = $called_by;

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Delete');
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologDelete');

		$this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.delete',$values,'',$readonlys,$persist,$called_by == 'edit' ? 2 : 0);

	 * Edit/Create an InfoLog Entry
	 * @param array $content=null Content from the eTemplate Exec call or info_id on inital call
	 * @param string $action='' Name of an app of 'sp' for a infolog-sub
	 * @param int $action_id=0 Id of app-entry to which a link is created
	 * @param string $type='' Type of log-entry: note,todo,task
	 * @param string $referer='' array with param/get-vars of the refering page
	function edit($content = null,$action = '',$action_id=0,$type='',$referer='')
		if (($submit = is_array($content)))
			//echo "infolog_ui::edit: content="; _debug_array($content);
			$info_id   = $content['info_id'];
			$action    = $content['action'];    unset($content['action']);
			$action_id = $content['action_id']; unset($content['action_id']);
			$referer   = $content['referer'];   unset($content['referer']);
			$no_popup  = $content['no_popup'];  unset($content['no_popup']);
			$caller    = $content['caller'];    unset($content['caller']);
			// convert custom from to 0 or 1, it's unset if not checked, which starts the detection
			$content['info_custom_from'] = (int)$content['info_custom_from'];

			list($button) = @each($content['button']);
			if (!$button && $action) $button = $action;	// action selectbox
			if ($button)
				// Copy or schedule Infolog
				if (in_array($button,array('copy','schedule','ical')))
					$action = $button;
					if (!$info_id || $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT))
						$button = 'apply';	// need to store infolog first
				if ($button == 'print')
					$content['js'] = $this->custom_print($content,!$content['info_id'])."\n".$js;	// first open the new window and then update the view
				//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit(info_id=$info_id) '$button' button pressed, content="; _debug_array($content);
				if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && isset($content['info_subject']) && empty($content['info_subject']))
					$this->tmpl->set_validation_error('info_subject',lang('Field must not be empty !!!'));
					$button = $action = '';	// stop save or apply
				if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && $info_id)
					if (!($edit_acl = $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT)))
						$old = $this->bo->read($info_id);
						$status_only = $this->bo->is_responsible($old);
						$undelete = $this->bo->check_access($old,EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);
				if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && (!$info_id || $edit_acl || $status_only || $undelete))
					$operation = $info_id ? 'update' : 'add';
					if ($content['info_contact'])
						$old_link_id = (int)$content['info_link_id'];
						list($app,$id) = is_array($content['info_contact']) ? $content['info_contact'] : explode(':',$content['info_contact'], 2);
						if($app && $id)
								$content['link_to'] = array();
							$content['info_link_id'] = (int)($info_link_id = egw_link::link('infolog',$content['link_to']['to_id'],$app,$id));
						if ($old_link_id && $old_link_id != $content['info_link_id']) egw_link::unlink($old_link_id);
					if (is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
						$content['info_link_id'] = 0;	// as field has to be int
					$active_tab = $content['tabs'];
					if (!($info_id = $this->bo->write($content, true, true, true, $content['no_notifications'])))
						$content['msg'] = $info_id !== 0 || !$content['info_id'] ? lang('Error: saving the entry') :
							lang('Error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!').'<br />'.
							lang('Copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.','<a href="'.
									'menuaction' => 'infolog.infolog_ui.edit',
									'info_id'    => $content['info_id'],
									'no_popup'   => $no_popup,
									'referer'    => $referer,
						$button = $action = '';	// not exiting edit
						$info_id = $content['info_id'];
						$content['msg'] = lang('InfoLog entry saved');
						$content['js'] = "opener.egw_refresh('".str_replace("'","\\'",$content['msg'])."','infolog',$info_id,'$operation');";
					$content['tabs'] = $active_tab;
					if ((int) $content['pm_id'] != (int) $content['old_pm_id'])
						//echo "<p>pm_id changed: $content[old_pm_id] -> $content[pm_id]</p>\n";
						// update links accordingly, if selected project changed
						if ($content['pm_id'])
							//echo "<p>this->link->link('infolog',{$content['link_to']['to_id']},'projectmanager',{$content['pm_id']});</p>";
							// making the project the selected link, if no other link selected
							if (!$info_link_id || $info_link_id == 'projectmanager:'.$content['old_pm_id'])
								$info_link_id = 'projectmanager:'.$content['pm_id'];
						if ($content['old_pm_id'])
							//echo "<p>this->link->unlink2(0,infolog,{$content['link_to']['to_id']},0,'projectmanager',{$content['old_pm_id']});</p>\n";
							$content['old_pm_id'] = $content['pm_id'];
					// writing links for a new entry
					if ($info_id && is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
						//echo "<p>writing links for new entry $info_id</p>\n"; _debug_array($content['link_to']['to_id']);
						$content['link_to']['to_id'] = $info_id;
					if ($info_link_id && strpos($info_link_id,':') !== false)	// updating info_link_id if necessary
						list($app,$id) = explode(':',$info_link_id);
						$link = egw_link::get_link('infolog',$info_id,$app,$id);
						if ((int) $content['info_link_id'] != (int) $link['link_id'])
							$content['info_link_id'] = $link['link_id'];

							$to_write = array(
								'info_id'      => $content['info_id'],
								'info_link_id' => $content['info_link_id'],
								'info_from'    => $content['info_from'],
								'info_type'    => $content['info_type'],
								'info_owner'   => $content['info_owner'],
								'info_custom_from' => $content['info_custom_from'],
							//echo "<p>updating info_link_id: ".print_r($to_write,true)."</p>\n";
							$this->bo->write($to_write,False,true,true,true);	// last true = no notifications, as no real change
							// we need eg. the new modification date, for further updates
							$content = array_merge($content,$to_write);
				elseif ($button == 'delete' && $info_id > 0)
					if (!$referer && $action) $referer = array(
						'menuaction' => 'infolog.infolog_ui.index',
						'action' => $action,
						'action_id' => $action_id
					if (!($content['msg'] = $this->delete($info_id,$referer,'edit'))) return;	// checks ACL first

					$content['js'] = "opener.egw_refresh('".str_replace("'","\\'",$content['msg'])."','infolog',$info_id,'delete');";
				// called again after delete confirmation dialog
				elseif ($button == 'deleted'  && $content['msg'])
					$content['js'] = "opener.egw_refresh('".str_replace("'","\\'",$content['msg'])."','infolog',$info_id,'delete');";
				if ($button == 'save' || $button == 'cancel' || $button == 'delete' || $button == 'deleted')
					if ($no_popup)
						egw::redirect_link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg']));
					$content['js'] .= 'window.close();';
					echo '<html><body onload="'.$content['js'].'"></body></html>';
				if ($content['js']) $content['js'] = '<script>'.$content['js'].'</script>';
			// on a type-change, set the status to the default status of that type, if the actual status is not supported by the new type
			if (!array_key_exists($content['info_status'],$this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]))
				$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
				if ($content['info_status'] != 'done') $content['info_datecompleted'] = '';
		else	// new call via GET
			//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit: info_id=$info_id,  action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";
			$action    = $action    ? $action    : get_var('action',   array('POST','GET'));
			$action_id = $action_id ? $action_id : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
			$info_id   = $content   ? $content   : get_var('info_id',  array('POST','GET'));
			$type      = $type      ? $type      : get_var('type',     array('POST','GET'));
			$ref=$referer   = $referer !== '' ? $referer : ($_GET['referer'] ? $_GET['referer'] :
			$referer = preg_replace('/([&?]{1})msg=[^&]+&?/','\\1',$referer);	// remove previou/old msg from referer
			$no_popup  = $_GET['no_popup'];
			$print = (int) $_REQUEST['print'];
			//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit: info_id=$info_id,  action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";

			$content = $this->bo->read( $info_id || $action != 'sp' ? $info_id : $action_id );
			if (!(strpos($content['info_addr'],',')===false) && strpos($content['info_addr'],', ')===false) $content['info_addr'] = str_replace(',',', ',$content['info_addr']);
			foreach(array('info_subject', 'info_des') as $key)
				if(!isset($content[$key]) || strlen($content[$key]) < 75)
				$cont = explode(' ', $content[$key]);
				$ckarray = array();
				foreach($cont as &$word)
					// set blank behind all , and . if words are too long, apply wordwrap afterwards to make sure we get
					if (strlen($word)>75)
						$buff = html::activate_links($word);
						if (strlen($buff) == strlen($word)) // no links -> try to break overlong words
							if (!(strpos($word,',')===false) && strpos($word,', ')===false) $word = str_replace(',',', ',$word);
							if (!(strpos($word,'.')===false) && strpos($word,'. ')===false) $word = str_replace('.','. ',$word);
							$word = wordwrap($word, 75, ' ', true);
					$ckarray[] =$word;
				$content[$key] = join(' ',$ckarray);
			if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['cat_id']))
				$content['info_cat'] = (int) $_REQUEST['cat_id'];
			if (!$content)
				$content['info_cat'] = $this->prefs['cat_add_default'];
			if ($_GET['msg']) $content['msg'] = strip_tags($_GET['msg']);	// dont allow HTML!

				case 'date': default: $set_startdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('d',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('Y',$this->bo->user_time_now)); break;
				case 'datetime':      $set_startdate = $this->bo->user_time_now; break;
				case 'empty':         $set_startdate = 0; break;
			if ((int)$content['info_link_id'] > 0 && !egw_link::get_link($content['info_link_id']))
				$content['info_link_id'] = 0;	// link has been deleted
				if (!$content['info_custom_link']) $content['info_from'] = '';
			if (!$info_id && $action_id && $action == 'sp')    // new SubProject
				if (!$this->bo->check_access($action_id,EGW_ACL_ADD))
					return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index(0,$action,$action_id);
				$undelete = $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);
			$content['links'] = $content['link_to'] = array(
				'to_id' => $info_id,
				'to_app' => 'infolog',
		// new call via GET or some actions handled here, as they can happen both ways ($_GET[action] or button/action in GUI)
		if (!$submit || in_array($action,array('sp','copy','schedule','ical')))
			switch ($action)
				case 'schedule':
						'menuaction' => 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit',
						'link_app' => 'infolog',
						'link_id' => $info_id,
				case 'ical':
					$boical = new infolog_ical();
					$result = $boical->exportVTODO($content,'2.0','PUBLISH',false);
					echo $result;
				case 'sp':
				case 'copy':
					$info_id = 0;
					$this->create_copy($content, $action == 'sp');
					if ($action == 'sp')	// for sub-entries use type or category, like for new entries
						if ($type) $content['info_type'] = $type;
						if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['cat_id'])) $content['info_cat'] = (int) $_REQUEST['cat_id'];
					unset($action);	// it get stored in $content and will cause an other copy after [apply]

				case 'tracker':
					if ($action_id)
						$content['blur_title']   = egw_link::title($action,$action_id);
					$content['info_contact'] = $action.':'.$action_id;
					$t_bo = new tracker_bo();
					$tracker = $t_bo->read($action_id);
					$content['info_subject'] = $tracker['tr_summary'];
					$content['info_des'] = $tracker['tr_description'];
					foreach($this->bo->customfields as $name => $value)
						if(array_key_exists('#'.$name, $tracker)) {
							$content['#'.$name] = $tracker['#'.$name];

				case 'projectmanager':
					$pm_links = array($action_id);
				case 'addressbook':
				case 'projects':
				case 'calendar':
				default:	// to allow other apps to participate
					if (strpos($action_id,',') !== false)
						foreach (explode(',',$action_id) as $id)
						$content['blur_title']   = egw_link::title($action,'$id').",...";
						if ($action_id)
							$content['blur_title']   = egw_link::title($action,$action_id);
					$content['info_contact'] = $action.':'.$action_id;

				case '':
					if ($info_id)
						if (!isset($pm_links))
							$pm_links = egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info_id,'projectmanager');
						break;	// normal edit
				case 'new':		// new entry
					$content['info_startdate'] = (int) $_GET['startdate'] ? (int) $_GET['startdate'] : $set_startdate;
					$content['info_priority'] = 1; // normal
					$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
					if ($type != '')
						$content['info_type'] = $type;
					$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
					$content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
			if (!isset($this->bo->enums['type'][$content['info_type']]))
				$content['info_type'] = 'note';
		// group owners
		$types = $this->bo->enums['type'];
		if ($this->bo->group_owners)
			// remove types owned by groups the user has no edit grant (current type is made readonly)
			foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
				if (!($this->bo->grants[$group] & EGW_ACL_EDIT))
					if ($type == $content['info_type'])
						//echo "<p>setting type to r/o as user has no edit rights from group #$group</p>\n";
						$readonlys['info_type'] = true;
			// set group as owner if type has a group-owner set
			if (isset($this->bo->group_owners[$content['info_type']]))
				$content['info_owner'] = $this->bo->group_owners[$content['info_type']];
				// Dont allow to change the type, if user has no delete rights from the group-owner
				if ($info_id && !($this->bo->grants[$content['info_owner']] & EGW_ACL_DELETE))
					//echo "<p>setting type to r/o as user has no delete rights from group #$group</p>\n";
					$readonlys['info_type'] = true;
			elseif($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($content['info_owner']) == 'g')
				$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
		$preserv = $content;
		// for no edit rights or implizit edit of responsible user make all fields readonly, but status and percent
		if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT) && !$undelete)
			$readonlys['__ALL__'] = true;	// make all fields not explicitly set readonly
			if ($this->bo->is_responsible($content))
				foreach($this->bo->responsible_edit as $name)
					$readonlys[$name] = false;
				$readonlys['button[edit]'] = $readonlys['button[save]'] = $readonlys['button[apply]'] = $readonlys['no_notifications'] = false;
			$readonlys['action'] = $readonlys['button[cancel]'] = false;	// always allowed
		elseif (!$info_id)
			$readonlys['action'] = true;
		// ToDo: use the old status before the delete
		if ($undelete) $content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];

		$content['hide_from_css'] = $content['info_custom_from'] ? '' : 'hideFrom';

		if (!($readonlys['button[delete]'] = !$info_id || !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE)))
			$content['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($info_id);	// to determine js confirmation of delete or not
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang($this->messages[$info_id ? 'edit' : ($action == 'sp' ? 'add_sub' : 'add')]);

		// use a typ-specific template (infolog.edit.xyz), if one exists, otherwise fall back to the generic one
		if (!$this->tmpl->read('infolog.edit.'.$content['info_type']))
			$this->tmpl->read($print ? 'infolog.edit.print':'infolog.edit');
		if ($this->bo->has_customfields($content['info_type']))
			$content['customfields'] = $content['info_type'];
			$readonlys['tabs']['customfields'] = true;
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager']))
			$readonlys['tabs']['project'] = true;	// disable the project tab
		$readonlys['tabs']['delegation'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'none' &&

		$content['duration_format'] = $this->duration_format;
		if ($this->prefs['show_id']) $content['info_number'] = $info_id;

		$old_pm_id = is_array($pm_links) ? array_shift($pm_links) : $content['old_pm_id'];
		if (!isset($content['pm_id']) && $old_pm_id) $content['pm_id'] = $old_pm_id;

		if ($info_id && $this->bo->history)
			$content['history'] = array(
				'id'  => $info_id,
				'app' => 'infolog',
				'status-widgets' => array(
					'Ty' => $types,
					//'Li',	// info_link_id
					'parent' => 'link-entry:infolog',
					'Ca' => 'select-cat',
					'Pr' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
					'Ow' => 'select-account',
					//'Ac',	//	info_access: private||public
					'St' => $this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]+array('deleted' => 'deleted'),
					'Pe' => 'select-percent',
					'Co' => 'date-time',
					'st' => 'date-time',
					'Mo' => 'date-time',
					'En' => 'date',
					'Re' => 'select-account',
					// PM fields, ToDo: access control!!!
					'pT' => 'date-duration',
					'uT' => 'date-duration',
//					'pL' => 'projectmanager-pricelist',
					'pr' => 'float',
			$history_stati = array();
			$tracking = new infolog_tracking($this);
			foreach($tracking->field2history as $field => $history)
				$history_stati[$history] = $tracking->field2label[$field];
			// Modified date removed from field2history, we don't need that in the history
			$history_stati['Mo'] = $tracking->field2label['info_datemodified'];
			$readonlys['tabs']['history'] = true;
		$sel_options = array(
			'info_type'     => $types,
			'info_priority' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
			'info_confirm'  => $this->bo->enums['confirm'],
			'info_status'   => $this->bo->status[$content['info_type']],
			'status'        => $history_stati,
			'action'        => array(
				'copy'  => array('label' => 'Copy', 'title' => 'Copy this Infolog'),
				'sp'    => 'Sub-entry',
				'print' => array('label' => 'Print', 'title' => 'Print this Infolog'),
				'ical' => array('label' => 'Export iCal', 'title' => 'Export iCal'),
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'])
			$sel_options['action']['schedule'] = array('label' => 'Schedule', 'title' => 'Schedule appointment');
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.
			($content['status_only'] ? lang('Edit Status') : lang('Edit'));
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => ($info_id ? 'ManualInfologEdit' : 'ManualInfologAdd'));
		//$content['info_des'] = substr($content['info_des'],0,1793);
		//echo "<p>infolog_ui.edit(info_id='$info_id',action='$action',action_id='$action_id') readonlys="; print_r($readonlys); echo ", content = "; _debug_array($content);
		$this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.edit',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv+array(	// preserved values
			'info_id'       => $info_id,
			'action'        => $action,
			'action_id'     => $action_id,
			'referer'       => $referer,
			'no_popup'      => $no_popup,
			'old_pm_id'     => $old_pm_id,
		),$no_popup ? 0 : 2);

	 * Create copy or sub-entry from an entry currently read into $content
	 * Taking into account prefs and config about what to copy
	 * @param array &$content
	 * @param boolean $create_sub=false true: create a sub-entry instead of a copy, default false to create a copy
	private function create_copy(array &$content, $create_sub=false)
		$info_id = $content['info_id'];	// it will be unset by exclude-fields

		// empty fields configured to be excluded (also contains id, uid, ...)
		$exclude_fields = $create_sub ? $this->bo->sub_excludefields : $this->bo->copy_excludefields;
		foreach ($exclude_fields as $field)
			if ($field == 'info_from') unset($content['info_link_id']);	// both together is called contact in UI
		if ($create_sub)
			$content['info_id_parent'] = $info_id;
		// no startdate or startdate in the past --> set startdate from pref
		if (!isset($content['info_startdate']) || $content['info_startdate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
				case 'date': default: $set_startdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('d',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('Y',$this->bo->user_time_now)); break;
				case 'datetime':      $set_startdate = $this->bo->user_time_now; break;
				case 'empty':         $set_startdate = 0; break;
			$content['info_startdate'] = $set_startdate;
		// enddate in the past --> uset it
		if (isset($content['info_enddate']) || $content['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
		if (!isset($content['info_type']))
			$types = array_keys($this->get_validtypes());
			$content['info_type'] = $types[0];
		// get a consistent status, percent and date-completed
		if (!isset($content['info_status'])) $content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
		if (!isset($content['info_percent'])) $content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
		$content['info_datecompleted'] =$content['info_status'] == 'done' ? $this->bo->user_time_now : 0;

		if (!isset($content['info_cat'])) $content['info_cat'] = $this->prefs['cat_add_default'];

		if(!is_array($content['link_to'])) $content['link_to'] = array();
		$content['link_to']['to_app'] = 'infolog';
		$content['link_to']['to_id'] = 0;
		// Get links to be copied, if not excluded
		if (!in_array('link_to',$exclude_fields) || !in_array('attachments',$exclude_fields))
			foreach(egw_link::get_links($content['link_to']['to_app'], $info_id) as $link_id => $link)
				if ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME && !in_array('link_to', $exclude_fields))
					egw_link::link('infolog', $content['link_to']['to_id'], $link['app'], $link['id'], $link['remark']);
				elseif ($link['app'] == egw_link::VFS_APPNAME && !in_array('attachments', $exclude_fields))
					egw_link::link('infolog', $content['link_to']['to_id'], egw_link::VFS_APPNAME, array(
						'tmp_name' => egw_link::vfs_path($link['app2'], $link['id2']).'/'.$link['id'],
						'name' => $link['id'],
					), $link['remark']);
		$content['links'] = $content['link_to'];

		if ($content['info_link_id'])
			$info_link_id = $content['info_link_id'];
			// we need this if copy is triggered via context menu action
			if (!isset($content['info_contact']) || empty($content['info_contact']) || $content['info_contact'] === 'copy:')
				$linkinfos = egw_link::get_link($info_link_id);
				$content['info_contact'] = $linkinfos['link_app1']=='infolog'? $linkinfos['link_app2'].':'.$linkinfos['link_id2']:$linkinfos['link_app1'].':'.$linkinfos['link_id1'];
				if (stripos($content['info_contact'],'projectmanager')!==false) $content['pm_id'] = $linkinfos['link_app1']=='projectmanager'? $linkinfos['link_id1']:$linkinfos['link_id2'];
		$content['info_owner'] = !(int)$this->owner || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_ADD,0,$this->owner) ? $this->user : $this->owner;

		if (!empty($content['info_subject']))
			if ($create_sub)
				$config = config::read('infolog');
				$prefix = lang(empty($config['sub_prefix']) ? 'Re:': $config['sub_prefix']);
				$prefix = lang('Copy of:');
			$content['info_subject'] = $prefix.' '.$content['info_subject'];
		if (!$create_sub)
			$content['msg'] .= ($content['msg']?"\n":'').lang('Infolog copied - the copy can now be edited');

	function icon($cat,$id,$status='')
		if (!$status || !($icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status]))
			$icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id];
		if ($icon && !is_readable(common::get_image_dir() . '/' . $icon))
			$icon = False;
		if (!$status || !($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status.'_alt']))
			if (!($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_alt']))
				$alt = $id;
		return $icon ? html::image('infolog',$icon,lang($alt),'border=0') : lang($alt);

	 * stripping slashes from an array
	 * @static
	 * @param array $arr
	 * @return array
	function array_stripslashes($arr)
		foreach($arr as $key => $val)
			if (is_array($val))
				$arr[$key] = self::array_stripslashes($var);
				$arr[$key] = stripslashes($val);
		return $arr;

	 * Infolog's site configuration
	function admin( )
		$fields = array(
			'info_cat'      => 'Category',
			'info_from'     => 'Contact',
			'info_addr'     => 'Phone/Email',
			'info_subject'  => 'Subject',
			'info_des'      => 'Description',
			'link_to'       => 'Links',
			'info_priority' => 'Priority',
			'info_location' => 'Location',
			'info_planned_time' => 'Planned time',
			'info_used_time'    => 'Used time',
		$excludefields = array(
			'info_cat'      => 'Category',
			'info_from'     => 'Contact',
			'info_addr'     => 'Phone/Email',
			'info_subject'  => 'Subject',
			'info_des'      => 'Description',
			'link_to'       => 'Links',
			'attachments'   => 'Attachments',
			'info_priority' => 'Priority',
			'info_location' => 'Location',
			'info_planned_time' => 'Planned time',
			'info_used_time'    => 'Used time',
			'info_type' => 'Type',
			'info_owner' => 'Owner',
			'info_responsible' => 'Responsible',
			'info_access' => 'Access',
			'info_startdate' => 'Startdate',
			'info_enddate' => 'Enddate',
			'info_id_parent' => 'Parent',
			'info_status' => 'Status',
			'info_confirm' => 'Confirm',
			'pl_id' => 'pricelist',
			'info_price' => 'price',
			'info_percent' => 'completed',
			'info_datecompleted' => 'date completed',
			'info_custom_from' => 'from',
			'info_replanned_time' => 're-planned time',
			'info_cc' => 'CC',
		// add customfields to field list
		foreach(config::get_customfields('infolog') as $name => $data)
			$excludefields['#'.$name] = $data['label'];
		$sub_excludefields = $excludefields;
		unset($sub_excludefields['info_id_parent']);	// always set to parent!

		$config_data = config::read('infolog');

		if($_POST['save'] || $_POST['apply'])
			if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
				$_POST = self::array_stripslashes($_POST);
			$this->bo->responsible_edit = array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted');

			if ($_POST['responsible_edit'])
				$extra = array_intersect((array)$_POST['responsible_edit'],array_keys($fields));
				$this->bo->responsible_edit = array_merge($this->bo->responsible_edit,$extra);
			// some fields like id, uid, created, createdby, modified and modifiedby are excluded by default
			foreach(array('copy_excludefields','sub_excludefields') as $name)
				$efs = array_keys($name == 'sub_excludefields' ? $sub_excludefields : $excludefields);
				$this->bo->$name = array_unique(array_diff($this->bo->$name, $efs, 	// restore default from bo
					$name == 'sub_excludefields' ? $this->bo->default_sub_excludefields : array()));

				if ($_POST[$name])
					$this->bo->$name = array_merge($this->bo->$name, array_intersect((array)$_POST[$name], $efs));
				elseif ($name == 'sub_excludefields' && !in_array('explicit-set',$this->bo->sub_excludefields))
					$this->bo->sub_excludefields[] = 'explicit-set';	// otherwise we can NOT unset default info_des
			config::save_value('implicit_rights',$this->bo->implicit_rights = $_POST['implicit_rights'] == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'read','infolog');
			config::save_value('history',$this->bo->history = $_POST['history'],'infolog');
			config::save_value('index_load_cfs',$config_data['index_load_cfs'] = $_POST['index_load_cfs'],'infolog');
			config::save_value('sub_prefix',$config_data['sub_prefix'] = $_POST['sub_prefix'],'infolog');
		if($_POST['cancel'] || $_POST['save'])

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Site configuration');

		$GLOBALS['egw']->template->set_file(array('info_admin_t' => 'admin.tpl'));
		$GLOBALS['egw']->template->set_block('info_admin_t', 'info_admin');

			'lang_responsible_rights' => lang('Rights for the responsible'),
			'lang_implicit_rights' => lang('Which implicit ACL rights should the responsible get?'),
			'implicit_rights' => html::select('implicit_rights',$this->bo->implicit_rights,array(
				'read' => 'read rights (default)',
				'edit' => 'edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!)',
			'lang_responsible_edit' => lang('Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />Status, percent and date completed are always allowed.'),
			'responsible_edit' => html::checkbox_multiselect('responsible_edit',$this->bo->responsible_edit,$fields,false,'',6),
			'lang_copy_excludefields' => lang('Fields to exclude when copying an infolog:'),
			'copy_excludefields' => html::checkbox_multiselect('copy_excludefields',$this->bo->copy_excludefields,$excludefields,false,'',6),
			'lang_sub_excludefields' => lang('Fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry:'),
			'sub_excludefields' => html::checkbox_multiselect('sub_excludefields',$this->bo->sub_excludefields,$sub_excludefields,false,'',6),
			'text' => lang('<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients'),
			'action_url'  => html::link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'infolog.infolog_ui.admin')),
			'save_button' => html::submit_button('save','Save'),
			'apply_button' => html::submit_button('apply','Apply'),
			'cancel_button' => html::submit_button('cancel','Cancel'),
			'lang_history'=> lang('History logging'),
			'lang_history2'=> lang('History logging and deleting of items'),
			'history'     => html::select('history',$this->bo->history,array(
				'' => lang('No'),
				'history' => lang('Yes, with purging of deleted items possible'),
				'history_admin_delete' => lang('Yes, only admins can purge deleted items'),
				'history_no_delete' => lang('Yes, noone can purge deleted items'),
			'lang_other' => lang('Other configurations'),
			'lang_index_load_cfs' => lang('Load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template)'),
			'index_load_cfs' => html::checkbox_multiselect('index_load_cfs',$config_data['index_load_cfs'],$this->bo->enums['type'],true,'',5),
			'lang_sub_prefix' => lang('Prefix for sub-entries (default: Re:)'),
			'sub_prefix' => html::input('sub_prefix',$config_data['sub_prefix']),

		echo parse_navbar();

	 * imports a mail as infolog
	 * two possible calls:
	 * 1. with function args set. (we come from send mail)
	 * 2. with $_GET['uid] = someuid (we come from display mail)
	 * @author Cornelius Weiss <nelius@cwtech.de>
	 * @param string $_to_emailAddress
	 * @param string $_subject
	 * @param string $_body
	 * @param array $_attachments
	 * @param string $_date
	 * @param string $_rawMailHeader
	 * @param string $_rawMailBody
	function import_mail($_to_emailAddress=false,$_subject=false,$_body=false,$_attachments=false,$_date=false,$_rawMailHeader=null,$_rawMailBody=null)
		$uid = $_GET['uid'];
		$partid = $_GET['part'];
		$mailbox = base64_decode($_GET['mailbox']);
		if ($_date == false || empty($_date)) $_date = $this->bo->user_time_now;
		if (!empty($_to_emailAddress))
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'infolog';
			echo '<script>window.resizeTo(750,550);</script>';

			if (is_array($_attachments))
				//echo __METHOD__.'<br>';
				$bofelamimail = felamimail_bo::getInstance();
				foreach ($_attachments as $attachment)
					if ($attachment['type'] == 'MESSAGE/RFC822')

						$mailcontent = felamimail_bo::get_mailcontent($bofelamimail,$attachment['uid'],$attachment['partID'],$attachment['folder']);
						foreach($mailcontent['attachments'] as $tmpattach => $tmpval)
							$attachments[] = $tmpval;
						if (!empty($attachment['folder']))
							$is_winmail = $_GET['is_winmail'] ? $_GET['is_winmail'] : 0;
							$attachmentData = $bofelamimail->getAttachment($attachment['uid'],$attachment['partID'],$is_winmail);
							$attachment['file'] =tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']."_");
							$tmpfile = fopen($attachment['file'],'w');

						$attachments[] = array(
							'name' => $attachment['name'],
							'mimeType' => $attachment['type'],
							'tmp_name' => $attachment['file'],
							'size' => $attachment['size'],
			// this one adds the mail itself (as message/rfc822 (.eml) file) to the infolog as additional attachment
			// this is done to have a simple archive functionality (ToDo: opening .eml in email module)
			if ($_rawMailHeader && $_rawMailBody && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['saveAsOptions']==='add_raw')
				$message = ltrim(str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_rawMailHeader)).str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_rawMailBody);
				$subject = str_replace('$$','__',($_subject?$_subject:lang('(no subject)')));
				$attachment_file =tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']."_");
				$tmpfile = fopen($attachment_file,'w');
				$size = filesize($attachment_file);
				$attachments[] = array(
						'name' => trim($subject).'.eml',
						'mimeType' => 'message/rfc822',
						'tmp_name' => $attachment_file,
						'size' => $size,

			$toaddr = array();
			foreach(array('to','cc','bcc') as $x) if (is_array($_to_emailAddress[$x]) && !empty($_to_emailAddress[$x])) $toaddr = array_merge($toaddr,$_to_emailAddress[$x]);
			$_body = strip_tags(felamimail_bo::htmlspecialchars($_body)); //we need to fix broken tags (or just stuff like "<800 USD/p" )
			$_body = htmlspecialchars_decode($_body,ENT_QUOTES);
			$body = felamimail_bo::createHeaderInfoSection(array('FROM'=>$_to_emailAddress['from'],
		elseif ($uid && $mailbox)
			$bofelamimail = felamimail_bo::getInstance();

			$mailcontent = felamimail_bo::get_mailcontent($bofelamimail,$uid,$partid,$mailbox);

			// this one adds the mail itself (as message/rfc822 (.eml) file) to the infolog as additional attachment
			// this is done to have a simple archive functionality (ToDo: opening .eml in email module)
			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['saveAsOptions']==='add_raw')
				$message = $bofelamimail->getMessageRawBody($uid, $partid);
				$headers = $bofelamimail->getMessageHeader($uid, $partid,true);
				$subject = str_replace('$$','__',($headers['SUBJECT']?$headers['SUBJECT']:lang('(no subject)')));
				$attachment_file =tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']."_");
				$tmpfile = fopen($attachment_file,'w');
				$size = filesize($attachment_file);
				$mailcontent['attachments'][] = array(
						'name' => trim($subject).'.eml',
						'mimeType' => 'message/rfc822',
						'tmp_name' => $attachment_file,
						'size' => $size,
			return $this->edit($this->bo->import_mail(
		echo "<script> window.close(); alert('Error: no mail (Mailbox / UID) given!');</script>";

	 * return javascript to open compose window to print the Infolog
	 * @param array $event
	 * @param boolean $added
	 * @return string javascript window.open command
	function custom_print($content,$added)
			$vars = array(
			'menuaction'      => 'infolog.infolog_ui.edit',
			'info_id'         => $content['info_id'],
			'print'           => true,
		return "window.open('".egw::link('/index.php',$vars)."','_blank','width=700,height=700,scrollbars=yes,status=no');";

	 * shows infolog in other applications
	 * @param $args['location'] location des hooks: {addressbook|projects|calendar}_view|infolog
	 * @param $args['view']     menuaction to view, if location == 'infolog'
	 * @param $args['app']      app-name, if location == 'infolog'
	 * @param $args['view_id']  name of the id-var for location == 'infolog'
	 * @param $args[$args['view_id']] id of the entry
	 * this function can be called for any app, which should include infolog: \
	 * 	$GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array( \
	 * 		 * 'location' => 'infolog', \
	 * 		 * 'app'      => <your app>, \
	 * 		 * 'view_id'  => <id name>, \
	 * 		 * <id name>  => <id value>, \
	 * 		 * 'view'     => <menuaction to view an entry in your app> \
	 * 	));
	function hook_view($args)
		switch ($args['location'])
			case 'addressbook_view':
				$app     = 'addressbook';
				$view_id = 'ab_id';
				$view_id2 = 'contact_id';
				$view    = 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.view';
			case 'projects_view':
				$app     = 'projects';
				$view_id = 'project_id';
				$view    = 'projects.uiprojects.view';
				$app     = $args['app'];
				$view_id = $args['view_id'];
				$view    = $args['view'];
		if (!is_array($args) || $args['debug'])
			echo "<p>infolog_ui::hook_view("; print_r($args); echo "): app='$app', $view_id='$args[$view_id]', view='$view'</p>\n";
		if (!isset($app) || !isset($args[$view_id]))
			return False;
		$this->called_by = $app;	// for read/save_sessiondata, to have different sessions for the hooks


		etemplate::$hooked = true;
			'menuaction' => $view,
			isset($view_id2) ? $view_id2 : $view_id => $args[$view_id]
		etemplate::$hooked = false;

	 * Defines the fields for the csv export
	 * @param string $type=null infolog type to include only the matching custom fields if set
	 * @return array
	function csv_export_fields($type=null)
		$fields = array(
			'info_type'          => lang('Type'),
			'info_from'          => lang('Contact'),
			'info_addr'          => lang('Phone/Email'),
//			'info_link_id'       => lang('primary link'),
			'info_cat'           => array('label' => lang('Category'),'type' => 'select-cat'),
			'info_priority'      => lang('Priority'),
			'info_owner'         => array('label' => lang('Owner'),'type' => 'select-account'),
			'info_access'        => lang('Access'),
			'info_status'        => lang('Status'),
			'info_percent'       => lang('Completed'),
			'info_datecompleted' => lang('Date completed'),
			'info_datemodified'  => lang('Last modified'),
			'info_modifier'      => array('label' => lang('Modifier'),'type' => 'select-account'),
			'info_location'      => lang('Location'),
			'info_startdate'     => lang('Startdate'),
			'info_enddate'       => lang('Enddate'),
			'info_responsible'   => array('label' => lang('Responsible'),'type' => 'select-account'),
			'info_subject'       => lang('Subject'),
			'info_des'           => lang('Description'),
			'info_id'            => lang('Id'),
			// PM fields
			'info_planned_time'  => lang('planned time'),
			'info_used_time'     => lang('used time'),
			'pl_id'              => lang('pricelist'),
			'info_price'         => lang('price'),
		foreach($this->bo->timestamps as $name)
			$fields[$name] = array('label' => $fields[$name],'type' => 'date-time');
		foreach($this->bo->customfields as $name => $data)
			if ($data['type2'] && $type && !in_array($type,explode(',',$data['type2']))) continue;

			$fields['#'.$name] = array(
				'label' => $data['label'],
				'type'  => $data['type'],
		return $fields;